| Alpha Micro Users Society (AMUS) Network Library Archive |
^AAI.M68^ Universal file for Alpha Automation donations |
| ^ACACHE DO ^ 7 Turns on or off the disk cache system |
| ^ACRLF M68^ 6 Adds CRLF to files every N bytes (source for ACRLF.LIT) |
| ^ACRLF LIT^ 1 Adds CRLF to files every N bytes |
| ^ADCRLF LIT^ Adds CRLF to files every 75th character |
| ^ADDCR M68^ 5 Adds carriage returns to files that don't have any |
| ^ADCRLF M68^ 5 Adds CRLF to files that do not have them (every 75th char) |
| ^ADDLF M68^ 5 Adds Linefeeds to files that don't have any! |
| ^ADDMAP M68^ 14 Indicates record size for each record found in AlphaBASIC |
| ^AMOSFX M68^ 11 Allows a call to AMOS from within FIX |
| ^ALMTIM LIT^ Set AM-65 (or WYSE60) clock to system time |
| ^ALMTIM M68^ 28 Set AM-65 (or WYSE60) clock to system time |
| ^ARCDIR M68^ 3 Display Archival directory created by ^ARCHIV^ |
| ^ARCHIV M68^ 6 Create an archive image file of a wild card file set |
| ^ARCRES M68^ 6 Restore and archive image file to AMOS files |
| ^ARX ARC^ 39 Updated version of ^ARCHIV^ above - get .MAP file too
^ARX HLP^ Documentation for ARX |
| ^ARX MAP^ Required for ARX.ARC |
| ^ARXHIV M68^ 11 Create an archive image fiel including random files |
| ^ARXDIR M68^ 6 Display archival directory created by ^ARXHIV^ |
| ^ARXRES M68^ 11 Restore an archive image created by ^ARXHIV^ |
| ^AUTOLG LIT^ Automatic logoff of idel jobs (not TSASS compatible) |
| ^AUTOLG M68^ 12 Automatic logoff of idle jobs (not TSASS compatible) |
| ^AUXPRT HLP^ Documentation for AUXPRT |
| ^AUXPRT M68^ 16 Send a file to your auxillary port for output. See .DOC file |
| ^AUXSBR.BAS^ Print seq file from auxillay port printer-from BASIC program
^AUXSBR.HLP^ Documentation for AUXSBR
^AUXSBR.M68^ Print seq file form auxillary port printer-from BASIC program
^AWTEST M68^ 24 AlphaWRITE test printer driver |
| ^BANER2 M68^ 85 Print banner to termial or file |
| ^BANNER M68^ 17 Scrolls a banner across your screen |
| ^BASE M68^ 5 Hex, Decimal, or Octal display...see Sept '85 .LOG |
| ^BASEFX M68^ 5 AlphaFIX overlay equivalent to monitor-level BASE.LIT command |
| ^BAUD LIT^ Modified baud rate setting program |
| ^BAUD M68^ 7 Modified baud rate setting program |
| ^BENCH M68^ 19 A stopwatch utility used to help benchmark programs |
| ^BJSIZE M68^ 10 Modify the bootup memory partition of the bootup JOB |
| ^BLKACL HLP^ Documentation for BLKACL |
| ^BLKALC M68^ 44 Returns P,PN and file name for a specified disk block |
| ^BLKDSP HLP^ Documentation for BLKDSP |
| ^BLKDSP M68^ 34 Display information in a specified disk block |
| ^BLKEDT HLP^ Documentation for BLKEDT |
| ^BLKEDT LIT^ Edit information in a specified disk block |
| ^BLKEDT M68^ 54 Edit information in a specified disk block |
| ^BLKPRT HLP^ Documentation for BLKPRT |
| ^BLKPRT M68^ 22 Makes an ASCII file copy of a specified disk block |
| ^BOOTUP M68^ 6 Creates a log of system reboots |
| ^BRDCS2 M68^ 6 BRDCST with re-entrant, re-usable coding |
| ^BRDCS3 M68^ 6 BRDCST with re-entrant, re-usable coding, plus MORE! |
| ^BRDCS4 M68^ 12 BRDCST with LINE 25 status for TVI925s/TVI950s |
| ^BUS M68^ 5 Lists hardware contents of S-100 bus |
| ^BYTE HLP^ Documentation for BYTE |
| ^BYTE M68^ 57 Byte conversion utility - hex to oct to dec and more! |
| ^C M68^ 5 Clears your screen of ALL information |
| ^CB M68^ 44 CB simulator for the office or Network - need 3 files 4 this |
| ^CBCLR LIT^ Required for CB.M68 |
| ^CBSYS M68^ Required for CB.M68 |
| ^CBSYS LIT^ Required for CB.M68 |
| ^CHGMEM M68^ 10 Change size of any module in MEM: |
| ^CHR M68^ 10 Displays keyed in letter in all bases and all input modes |
| ^CLIP LIT^ "Clip" a screen into a VUEable print file |
| ^CLIP M68^ 11 "Clip" a screen into a VUEable print file! |
| ^CLOCK M68^ 5 Displays the time in a digital clock on the screen |
| ^CLR25 LIT^ Clear the 25th line of a Televideo terminal |
| ^CLR25 M68^ Clear the 25th line of a Televideo terminal |
| ^CLRAND DOC^ 5 Documentation for CLRAND.M68 |
| ^CLRAND M68^ 5 Clears a random file to all zeros (be careful!) |
| ^CLRBRK M68^ 6 Same as above but clears to ]'s |
| ^CLRBUF M68^ 3 Clear yours, anothers, or all terminal input buffers |
| ^CLRPRG LIT^ Clears out the program name that STAT displays |
| ^CLRPRG M68^ 4 Clears out the program name that STAT displays |
| ^CONCAT M68^ Concatenate files-asmbly requires SBRSYM.M68 |
| ^CONCAT SBR^ Concatenate files (XCALL) |
| ^CONTIG M68^ 6 Show largest contiguous space on a disk |
| ^CONTI2 M68^ 6 Updated version of CONTIG above - works on 400mb drives |
| ^CONTRL M68^ 3 Allows you to type on someone else's terminal-even while they are typeing |
| ^CONTXT M68^ 13 Display the contents of a disk block |
| ^CPU M68^ 9 Benchmark program for your Alpha |
| ^CPU1 M68^ 10 Fix to CPU for silent mode cmd processing (:S) |
| ^CRT M68^ 3 Terminal Function Calls |
| ^CRT611 M68^ Modified VCR tape certification (see AMOS.LOG 5/89) |
| ^CRT611 LIT^ Modified VCR tape certification (see AMOS.LOG 5/89) |
| ^CRTXEB M68^ 54 Certify XYBEC 1410 and 1410A drives |
| ^CSTAT M68^ 17 Dynamic CACHE STATUS program - neat! |
| ^CTRLC LIT^ Set CTRLC for any job |
| ^CTRLC M68^ Set CTRLC for any job |
| ^CTRLC2 M68^ 6 Enable CtrlC bit for another job-get NCTRC2.M68 |
| ^CTSOFF M68^ 8 Turn off CTS (pin 5) line for specified terminal |
| ^CTSON M68^ 8 Turn on CTS (pin 5) line for specified terminal |
| ^CVT LIT^ Convert Hex-Decimal-Octal-ASCII-Rad50 |
| ^CVT M68^ 23 Convert Hex-Decimal-Octal-ASCII-Rad50 |
| ^CVT2 M68^ Updated CVT |
| ^CVTSYM M68^ Required for CVTX |
| ^CVTX HLP^ Documentation for CVTX |
| ^CVTX LIT^ Assembler ver of CVT.BAS; full function calculator |
| ^CVTX M68^ Assembler ver of CVT.BAS; full function calculator |
| ^CVTX0 M68^ Required for CVTX |
| ^D LIT^ Directory program using WLDSCN |
| ^D M68^ 14 Directory program using ^WLDSCN^ |
| ^DATA HLP^ Documentation for DATA |
| ^DATA LIT^ Set data mode on trmdef device |
| ^DATA M68^ 6 Set data mode on trmdef device |
| ^DEF M68^ 2 Does something to define command lines (?) |
| ^DELCR M68^ 5 Deletes carriage returns from ascii files |
| ^DELLF M68^ 5 Deletes linefeeds from ascii files |
| ^DELMEM M68^ 3 Deletes any memory module in MEM: |
| ^DELPPN LIT^ Deletes PPN (even ones with files!)-be careful |
| ^DETACH LIT^ Detaches a terminal from a specified JOB |
| ^DETACH M68^ 4 Detaches a terminal from a specified JOB |
| ^DEVCHE M68^ Locks UFD's into CACHE. |
| ^DIARY HLP^ 30 Documentation for DIARY |
| ^DIARY INI^ 1 Sample INI file for DIARY |
| ^DIARY LIT^ 6 Keep log file of activity for a specified job(s) |
| ^DIARY M68^ 27 Keep log file of activity for specified jobs-get STSLST.* |
| ^DIARY NOP^ 6 Associate file for DIARY.M68 |
| ^DIRSER M68^ 14 Directory Service Utility |
| ^DOCSIZ LIT^ 2 Returns document size in characters,lines, & pages |
| ^DOCSIZ M68^ 15 Returns document size in characters,lines, & pages |
| ^DJOB HLP^ Documentation for DJOB |
| ^DJOB* M68^ 34 Dynamic JOB display (T) |
| ^DSKEDT M68^ 6 Edit the contents of a disk block |
| ^DSKLBL M68^ 6 Label a disk in STYLE |
| ^DSKTIM M68^ 54 Disk Timing program |
| ^DSKUSE M68^ 17 Show blocks in use, blocks free, and use of system disks |
| ^DSPVER M68^ Display file version information |
| ^DU M68^ 18 Report disk usage by PPN - slick! |
| ^E DO ^ ER.M68 associate file |
| ^ECHO M68^ 5 Enter any key and see all number base equivalents |
| ^ECHOIN LIT^ Echo another job's INput to your screen |
| ^ECHOIN M68^ 5 Echo another job's INput to your screen |
| ^EDIR M68^ 19 Extended DIRectory - lists comments to screen (slick) |
| ^EDITLI HLP^ Documentation for EDITLI |
| ^EDITLI M68^ 25 VUE-like edit commands at AMOS level. See EDITLI.DOC |
| ^ER DOC^ Documentation for ER.M68 |
| ^ER HLP^ Help file for ER.M68 |
| ^ER LIT^ Self extracting archive of all ER.M68 related files |
| ^ER M68^ 30 Manipulate ersatz definitions without rebooting-get ERSET.M68 |
| ^ERSET M68^ Set up free space upon boot for use with ER.M68 |
| ^ERZ M68^ 13 Display ERSATZ name on a device |
| ^EXT LIT^ Utility to display file extensions only in a PPN |
| ^EXT M68^ 7 Utility to display file extensions only in a PPN - get WLDSCN.LIB |
| ^FDUMP M68^ 24 Dumps a file NOT to the screen but to a file! |
| ^FILANA LIT^ File analysis-returns # 7-bit,8-bit char;#linefeeds,#formfeeds |
| ^FILANA M68^ File analysis-returns # 7-bit,8-bit char;#linefeeds,#formfeeds |
| ^FIND M68^ 30 A very good string search routine for files (LOOK b-4 get) |
| ^FETCH M68^ 1 Load a program from disk only if it is not in memory |
| ^FILER M68^ 20 Macros used in several system technology programs |
| ^FILMAP M68^ 17 Neat example using ^WLDSCN^ by showing directories etc. |
| ^FINDIR HLP^ Documentation for FINDIR |
| ^FINDIR LIT^ Find directory blocks |
| ^FINDIR M68^ 16 Find directory blocks |
| ^FIXDEL LIT^ UnERASE a file fast and easy |
| ^FIXDEL M68^ UnERASE a file fast and easy |
| ^FLDDIR HLP^ Documentation for FLDDIR |
| ^FLDDIR LIT^ Directory listing for Soft Machines FOLDERS |
| ^FLDDIR M68^ 78 Directory listing for Soft Machines FOLDERS |
| ^FNDSPD M68^ 6 Match either 300 or 1200 baud from terminal |
| ^FNDUFD M68^ Look for UFD block-requires AMOS 2.x (extended file system) |
| ^FNDUF2 DOC^ 5 Documentation for FNDUF2.M68 |
| ^FNDUF2 M68^ 22 Enhanced FNDUFD - may require AMOS 2.x |
| ^FNDUSR M68^ 4 Find AlphaBase user |
| ^FORMS HLP^ Documentation for FORMS |
| ^FORMS M68^ 6 Show the forms set on all system printer jobs |
| ^FORMS2 M68^ 11 "Newer" version of the original FORMS |
| ^FREE LIT^ Displays disk usage statistics |
| ^FREE M68^ 28 Displays disk usage statistics-update 12/91 |
| ^FREESP M68^ 14 Provides freespace at top of MEM: |
| ^FUNKEY LIT^ Allows modification of function key translation files |
| ^FUNKEY M68^ 18 Allows modification of function key translation files |
| ^GENMAC M68^ Collection of general miscellaneous macros |
| ^GETMEM M68^ 5 Change size of any MEM: module |
| ^GETRID LIT^ Permits user to delete files only in their logon account |
| ^GETRID M68^ Permits user to delete files only in their logon account |
| ^HANGUP M68^ 10 Flips RTS on AM300 board to hang up remote phone JOB |
| ^HASH M68^ 4 Hash any number of files |
| ^HEXCVT M68^ 9 Convert a binary file to a Intel hex file |
| ^HEXDMP M68^ 9 DUMP-like utility redirects output to a file 'filename.dmp' |
| ^HEXLOD M68^ 7 Convert a Intel hex file to a binary file |
| ^IDXCHE M68^ Locks first block of random files into CACHE. |
| ^IF M68^ 8 Conditional IF statement for .CMD files |
| ^IPL M68^ 3 Execute a command string after a .CMD file finishes execution |
| ^JMAP LIT^ Display a map of any job's memory partition (with options) |
| ^JMAP M68^ 27 Display a map of any job's memory partition (with options) |
| ^JOBLST M68^ 5 Prints all JOBs to the terminal (See DEC '85 .LOG) |
| ^JOBMAP LIT^ Similar ot MEMDMP but no as nice |
| ^JOBMAP M68^ 10 Similar to MEMDMP but not as nice |
| ^JOBMAX M68^ 9 Check to see if job # is >specified max(CMD and DO files) |
| ^JOBMON M68^ 15 Allows FORCEd program after a given number of minutes |
| ^JOBRUN M68^ 9 quick-down-and-dirty job program report for modem systat |
| ^JOBTIM M68^ 9 lists JOBs and Cum. CPU time |
| ^KBDTST M68^ 20 Keyboard test routine |
| ^LEDOFF M68^ 2 Returns a "00" on your status display (i.e., clears it out) |
| ^LCS LIT^ Converts text to lower case-excludes text in quotes |
| ^LCS M68^ Converts text to lower case-excludes text in quotes |
| ^LFCRLF M68^ 7 Convert LFs in input file to CRLFs in output file |
| ^LIST M68^ 27 Wildcard TYPE display program |
| ^LITHDR M68^ Set up assembler for a .LIT file-use copy lithdir in .M68 |
| ^LOCATE LIT^ Search the disk block by block for a text pattern |
| ^LOCATE M68^ 3 Search the disk block by block for a text pattern |
| ^LOCKUP M68^ 6 Locks CPU into single user mode |
| ^LOGMSG LIT^ 1 Allows user to submit message to system LOGGER |
| ^LOGMSG M68^ 17 Allows user to submit message to system LOGGER |
| ^LOGOPR M68^ 1 Force a .CMD file to only run from OPR: |
| ^LOGS M68^ 2 Show the PPN's each job is logged into |
| ^LOKMEM M68^ 4 Locks a memory module |
| ^LSTUSR M68^ 5 List all AlphaBase users |
| ^MACLIB M68^ 4 Macro library |
| ^MAKEAA M68^ Creates A.A files in every PPn specified. |
| ^MAKFIL M68^ 4 Create a text file |
| ^MAKGO M68^ 3 forces a CTRL Q to a terminal with no keyboard |
| ^MEMDMP LIT^ Dump another job's memory partition |
| ^MEMDMP M68^ 7 Dump another job's memory partition |
| ^MEMEDT M68^ 5 Edit memory modules |
| ^MEMPLT LIT^ Graphic display of all system memory allocations |
| ^MEMPLT M68^ 3 Graphic display of all system memory allocations |
| ^MEMTST LIT^ Test teh memory of a user's partition |
| ^MEMTST M68^ 16 Test the memory of a user's partition |
| ^MEMUSE LIT^ Displays memory usage |
| ^MEMUSE M68^ 13 Displays memory usage |
| ^MFDPRT HLP^ Documentation for MFDPRT |
| ^MFDPRT M68^ 20 Make an ASCII file copy of the MFD |
| ^MONMAP M68^ 6 Display the modules in the system monitor |
| ^MOVE LIT^ 10 Archived version of MOVE.M68 |
| ^MOVE M68^ 31 Moves a file to a different user file directory (UFD) |
| ^MSTAT M68^ 10 Graphic Memory STATus display utility |
| ^NCTRC2 M68^ 6 Turns off ^C bit of another job - get CTRLC2.M68 |
| ^NETSPY M68^ 16 System monitor for auto logoff. Exempt prg and var. JOBs |
| ^NEWTDV M68^ 3 Change terminal drivers-AMOS/L version |
| ^NEWTRM LIT^ Change terminal drivers |
| ^NEWTRM M68^ 13 Change terminal drivers |
| ^NOTIFY LIT^ Send message to any terminal - great, tells if mssg not delivered |
| ^NSTAMP HLP^ Documentation for NSTAMP |
| ^NSTAMP M68^ 52 "Stamps" a message to end of text file |
| ^NUMBER M68^ 9 Nunmber,reunmber or strip numbers from a basic file |
| ^OFF M68^ 1 Turn of the CRT screen |
| ^OPEN M68^ 5 Lists files that have been used as of lately for each JOB |
| ^OPRJMR M68^ 38 Redirect OPERATOR JOB messgs. to a specified terminal. |
| ^P LIT^ 1 Works like PRINT/PRNT; automatically figures which spooler running |
| ^P M68^ 6 Works like PRINT/PRNT; automatically figures which spooler running |
| ^PAGE M68^ 6 Prints a file page by page |
| ^PARSE M68^ 6 Parse valid options from a command line |
| ^PATCH DO ^ Patch routine for AMOS 4.6 and 5.0 |
| ^PATH M68^ 5 Displays AMOS search pattern for a command. |
| ^PFK LIT^ Determines appropriate function key transl. file for terminal |
| ^PFK M68^ Determines appropriate function key transl. file for terminal |
| ^POP M68^ 26 Pop off log locations which were PUSHed - see PUSH.M68 |
| ^PPN LIT^ Display PPN for a device |
| ^PPN M68^ Display PPN for a device |
| ^PPNS LIT^ Fancy version of AMOS PPN command |
| ^PPNS M68^ 12 Fancy version of AMOS ppn command |
| ^PPNSIZ M68^ 10 Display # of files,blocks and bytes for PPN specified |
| ^PRINTQ LIT^ Dynamic PRINT QUEUE STAT program sililar to STAT |
| ^PRINTQ M68^ 23 Dynamic PRINT QUEUE STAT program similar to STAT. |
| ^PRIO M68^ 6 Set priority level of all jobs except your own. |
| ^PUSH M68^ 24 Push log locations onto stack - see POP.M68 |
| ^QTYPE HLP^ Documentation for QTYPE |
| ^QTYPE M68^ "Quick Type" dim/bright display helper for M68 folks |
| ^QTYPE MAC^ QTYPE macros |
| ^RESREN M68^ 7 RENAME a RES: module |
| ^RESUPD M68^ 13 Update a RES: module from a disk file (no reboot needed) |
| ^RDONLY M68^ 6 Allows VUEing without modification - get RDOVUX.M68 too. |
| ^RDOVUX M68^ 6 See RDONLY.M68 directly above |
| ^RECALL LIT^ Recalls listing of commands saved with AMOS (line) EDITOR |
| ^RECALL M68^ Recalls listing of commands saved with AMOS (line) EDITOR |
| ^RECOVR LIT^ Recovers erased files |
| ^RECOVR M68^ 6 YEA!!!! Recovers erased files !!!!! |
| ^REN M68^ 1 Rename memory modules |
| ^RENSYS LIT^ Rename a system memory module |
| ^RENSYS M68^ 4 Rename a system memory module |
| ^RENUM M68^ 26 Renumber a text file |
| ^RESET LIT^ 3 "ZAPs" a blown-out job back to the dot |
| ^RESET M68^ 21 "ZAPs" a blown-out job back to the dot (thanks D. Pallmann!) |
| ^REVUE HLP^ 18 Documentation for REVUE |
| ^REVUE LIT^ 57 AlphaVUE journaling utility |
| ^REVUE M68^ 26 AlphaVUE journaling utility |
| ^REVUE RV ^ 20 Associate file for REVUE |
| ^REVUE SYS^ Required for REVUE |
| ^RSERCH LIT^ Search a random file for a string |
| ^RSERCH M68^ 8 Search a random file for a string |
| ^RV LIT^ Associate file for REVUE |
| ^RV M68^ 24 Associate file for REVUE |
| ^RVINI LIT^ Required for REVUE |
| ^RVINI M68^ Required for REVUE |
| ^SAVBBS M68^ 2 Save your BADBLK.SYS with this little utility |
| ^SAVERS CMD^ ER.M68 related file |
| ^SBAUD M68^ 13 Change job baud rates without needing a terminal on the job |
| ^SEARCH HLP^ Documentation for SEARCH |
| ^SEARCH LIT^ Search files for text patterns |
| ^SEARCH M68^ 61 Search files for text patterns - see SEARCH.HLP |
| ^SEEU M68^ Display current U.LIT settings |
| ^SELSCN M68^ 9 Select sequenital records from file & display to screen |
| ^SENDAM M68^ 8 Just like "SEND25" but works on AM62? and AM60's |
| ^SEND25 M68^ 7 Send a string to the 25th line of a TeleVideo |
| ^SENSE M68^ 2 Match bauds |
| ^SETJMP M68^ 28 Display a dip switch or jumper settings |
| ^SETTRM M68^ 7 Display or change baud rate for any terminal |
| ^SETX HLP^ Documentation for SETX |
| ^SETX M68^ 14 SET JOB name and COMMAND line |
| ^SHORT M68^ 6 Shortens ASCII files to 80 lines. |
| ^SHOW M68^ 14 Displays contents of .LOG file from the Task Manager |
| ^SHOW2 LIT^ 25 Show contents of a file (.M68 by default)
^SHOW2 LAB^ Label for SHOW2.LIT |
| ^SHRINK M68^ 9 Shrinks random files quick and dirty |
| ^SOFAR M68^ 6 Keeps track of daily LOG time with a file called DAY.LOG |
| ^SPSTAT M68^ 40 A 'Super stat' that is very similar to WATCH |
| ^SSDCHK LIT^ Continuously checks SSD chips |
| ^SSDCHK M68^ Continuously checks SSD chips |
| ^STRUCT M68^ 2 Structured programing definitions |
| ^STSLST CTL^ 1 Converts DIARY output to ASCII |
| ^STSLST LIT^ 6 Converts DIARY output to ASCII |
| ^SURFAC M68^ 1 Tells the boot surface being used (fixed/cart) |
| ^SYSLOD LIT^ Like AMOS SYSTEM command, supports wildcarding |
| ^SYSLOD M68^ 11 Like AMOS SYSTEM command, supports wildcarding |
| ^SYSMSG LIT^ Creates listing of system error messages to screen or file |
| ^SYSMSG M68^ Creates listing of system error messages to screen or file |
| ^S25LOG M68^ 8 Similar to SEND25 but allows message file |
| ^TALKAT M68^ 46 Utility front end for TALKTO telecommunications program |
| ^TEETO LIT^ Send output to a file as well as the screen |
| ^TEETO M68^ 21 Send output to a file as well as the screen |
| ^TEXT LIT^ Sends any text to any JOB, regardless of mode |
| ^TEXT M68^ 10 Sends any text to any JOB, regardless of mode |
| ^TDV M68^ 5 Change terminal driver |
| ^TIMEON M68^ Displays date, time, and connect time |
| ^TRACK M68^ 16 Track activities for daily logs or time sheets |
| ^TRACK1 M68^ 24 Updated version of ^TRACK^ |
| ^TRMNAM M68^ 2 Allows a change of a terminal name from the OPR: account |
| ^TRMOFF M68^ 16 Save those terminal screens that don't auto turn off! |
| ^TYPEB M68^ 11 Types files backwards for that "end of file" data U need. |
| ^TYPRAN LIT^ Type out RANDOM files to your terminal |
| ^TYPRAN M68^ 43 Type out RANDOM files to your terminal |
| ^UCS LIT^ Converts text to upper case-except text in quotes |
| ^UCS M68^ Converts text to upper case-except text in quotes |
| ^UFDFND HLP^ Documentation for UFDFND |
| ^UFDFND LIT^ Find UFD blocks |
| ^UFDFND M68^ 17 Find UFD blocks |
| ^ULKMEM M68^ 4 Unlocks memory module (from ^LOKMEM^) |
| ^USRNAM M68^ Display, clear, or set job user name |
| ^USRSYM M68^ 1 A David Pallman must for many other files |
| ^USTAT? M68^ XXX Source code for ^USTAT^ - get all USTAT*.* files |
| ^USYM M68^ USTAT 3.x symbolic definition file |
| ^UUENCO LIT^ File archive utility |
| ^UUENCO M68^ File archive utility |
| ^UUDECO LIT^ File un-archive utility |
| ^UUDECO M68^ File un-archive utility |
| ^VERSIO M68^ 1 Returns version of AMOSL being run |
| ^VUECOM LIT^ VUE-like file compare |
| ^VUECOM M68^ 7 VUE-like file compare |
| ^WAKE M68^ 3 Wakes another JOB that is in the sleep state |
| ^WATCH M68^ 24 Like SYSTAT but much better |
| ^WHERIZ LIT^ Display all job and terminals user attached to |
| ^WHERIZ M68^ Display all job and terminals user attached to |
| ^WILD M68^ 6 General purpose wild card utility |
| ^WLDSCN M68^ 33 David Pallmann's wildcard scanning routine |
| ^WLDSCN LIB^ 30 Associate file for EXT.M68 |
| ^WILSYM M68^ Symbol library for WLDSCN |
| ^WRAP M68^ 8 Wrap an input file at a specified column to an output file |
All files: |
| a.a |
| aai.m68 |
| acache.do |
| acrlf.lit |
| acrlf.m68 |
| adcrlf.lit |
| adcrlf.m68 |
| addcr.m68 |
| addlf.m68 |
| addmap.m68 |
| almtim.lit |
| almtim.m68 |
| amosfx.m68 |
| arcdir.m68 |
| archiv.m68 |
| arcres.m68 |
| arx.map |
| arxdir.m68 |
| arxdoc.hlp |
| arxhiv.m68 |
| arxres.m68 |
| ascii.tbl |
| autolg.lit |
| autolg.m68 |
| auxprt.hlp |
| auxprt.m68 |
| auxsbr.bas |
| auxsbr.doc |
| auxsbr.m68 |
| auxsbr.run |
| auxsbr.sbr |
| baner2.m68 |
| banner.m68 |
| base.m68 |
| basefx.m68 |
| baud.lit |
| baud.m68 |
| bench.m68 |
| bjsize.m68 |
| blkalc.hlp |
| blkalc.m68 |
| blkdsp.hlp |
| blkdsp.m68 |
| blkedt.hlp |
| blkedt.lit |
| blkedt.m68 |
| blkprt.hlp |
| blkprt.m68 |
| bootup.m68 |
| brdcs2.m68 |
| brdcs3.m68 |
| brdcs4.m68 |
| bus.m68 |
| byte.lit |
| byte.m68 |
| c.m68 |
| cb.m68 |
| cbclr.m68 |
| cbsys.lit |
| cbsys.m68 |
| cd.lit |
| cd.m68 |
| chgmem.m68 |
| chr.m68 |
| chunks.lit |
| chunks.m68 |
| clip.lit |
| clip.m68 |
| clip2.lit |
| clip2.m68 |
| clock.m68 |
| clr25.lit |
| clr25.m68 |
| clrand.doc |
| clrand.m68 |
| clrbrk.m68 |
| clrbuf.m68 |
| clrprg.lit |
| clrprg.m68 |
| compil.lit |
| concat.m68 |
| concat.sbr |
| conti2.m68 |
| contig.m68 |
| contrl.m68 |
| contxt.m68 |
| cpu.m68 |
| cpu.obj |
| cpu1.m68 |
| crt.m68 |
| crt611.lit |
| crt611.m68 |
| crt611.obj |
| crtxeb.m68 |
| cstat.m68 |
| ctrlc.lit |
| ctrlc.m68 |
| ctrlc2.m68 |
| ctsoff.m68 |
| ctson.m68 |
| cvt.m68 |
| cvtsym.m68 |
| cvtx.hlp |
| cvtx.lit |
| cvtx.m68 |
| cvtx0.m68 |
| d.lit |
| d.m68 |
| data.hlp |
| data.lit |
| data.m68 |
| def.m68 |
| delcr.m68 |
| dellf.m68 |
| delmem.m68 |
| detach.lit |
| detach.m68 |
| devche.m68 |
| diary.hlp |
| diary.ini |
| diary.lit |
| diary.m68 |
| direct.hlp |
| dirser.m68 |
| djob.hlp |
| djob.m68 |
| djob1.m68 |
| djob13.m68 |
| djob2.m68 |
| djob3.m68 |
| docsiz.lit |
| docsiz.m68 |
| dskedt.m68 |
| dskinf.cpy |
| dsklbl.m68 |
| dsktim.m68 |
| dspflk.lit |
| dspflk.m68 |
| dspmsg.lit |
| dspmsg.m68 |
| dspver.m68 |
| du.m68 |
| e.do |
| echo.m68 |
| echoin.lit |
| echoin.m68 |
| edir.m68 |
| editli.hlp |
| editli.m68 |
| er.arc |
| er.doc |
| er.hlp |
| er.lit |
| er.m68 |
| erset.m68 |
| erz.m68 |
| ext.lit |
| ext.m68 |
| fdump.m68 |
| fetch.m68 |
| filana.lit |
| filana.m68 |
| filer.m68 |
| filer.unv |
| filmap.m68 |
| find.m68 |
| findir.hlp |
| findir.lit |
| findir.m68 |
| fixdel.lit |
| fixdel.m68 |
| flddir.hlp |
| flddir.lit |
| flddir.m68 |
| fndspd.m68 |
| fnduf2.doc |
| fnduf2.m68 |
| fndufd.m68 |
| fndusr.m68 |
| forms.hlp |
| forms.m68 |
| forms2.m68 |
| free.lit |
| free.m68 |
| freesp.m68 |
| funkey.lit |
| funkey.m68 |
| g.cmd |
| genmac.m68 |
| getmem.m68 |
| getrid.lit |
| getrid.m68 |
| gg.cmd |
| ggg.cmd |
| hangup.m68 |
| hash.m68 |
| hexcvt.m68 |
| hexdmp.m68 |
| hexlod.m68 |
| ic.lit |
| ic.m68 |
| idle.lit |
| idle.m68 |
| idxche.m68 |
| if.m68 |
| ipl.m68 |
| jmap.lit |
| jmap.m68 |
| joblst.m68 |
| jobmap.lit |
| jobmap.m68 |
| jobmax.m68 |
| jobmon.m68 |
| jobrun.m68 |
| jobtim.m68 |
| jobtsk.m68 |
| jobtsk.sbr |
| join.lit |
| kbdtst.m68 |
| lcs.lit |
| lcs.m68 |
| ledoff.m68 |
| lfcrlf.m68 |
| lib.unv |
| list.m68 |
| lithdr.m68 |
| locate.lit |
| locate.m68 |
| lockup.m68 |
| logmsg.lit |
| logmsg.m68 |
| logopr.m68 |
| logs.m68 |
| lokmem.m68 |
| lstusr.m68 |
| m68.dir |
| maclib.m68 |
| maclib.unv |
| makeaa.m68 |
| makfil.m68 |
| makgo.m68 |
| memdmp.lit |
| memdmp.m68 |
| memedt.m68 |
| memplt.lit |
| memplt.m68 |
| memtst.lit |
| memtst.m68 |
| memuse.lit |
| memuse.m68 |
| mfdprt.hlp |
| mfdprt.m68 |
| monmap.m68 |
| move.lit |
| move.m68 |
| mstat.m68 |
| nctrc2.m68 |
| netspy.m68 |
| newtdv.m68 |
| newtrm.lit |
| newtrm.m68 |
| notify.hlp |
| notify.lit |
| notify.sbr |
| nstamp.hlp |
| nstamp.m68 |
| number.m68 |
| off.m68 |
| open.m68 |
| oprjmr.m68 |
| p.lit |
| p.m68 |
| page.m68 |
| parse.m68 |
| patch.do |
| path.m68 |
| pfk.lit |
| pfk.m68 |
| pop.m68 |
| ppn.lit |
| ppn.m68 |
| ppns.lit |
| ppns.m68 |
| ppnsiz.m68 |
| ppnuse.lit |
| ppnuse.m68 |
| printq.lit |
| printq.m68 |
| prio.m68 |
| push.m68 |
| qtyp.do |
| qtype.lit |
| qtype.m68 |
| qtypem.hlp |
| qtypem.m68 |
| qtypem.mac |
| rdonly.m68 |
| rdovux.m68 |
| recall.lit |
| recall.m68 |
| recovr.lit |
| recovr.m68 |
| ren.m68 |
| rensys.lit |
| rensys.m68 |
| renum.lit |
| renum.m68 |
| reset.lit |
| reset.m68 |
| resren.m68 |
| resupd.m68 |
| revue.hlp |
| revue.lit |
| revue.m68 |
| revue.rv |
| revue.sys |
| rserch.lit |
| rserch.m68 |
| rv.lit |
| rv.m68 |
| rvini.lit |
| rvini.m68 |
| s25log.m68 |
| savbbs.m68 |
| savers.cmd |
| sbaud.m68 |
| search.hlp |
| search.lit |
| search.m68 |
| seeu.m68 |
| selscn.m68 |
| send25.m68 |
| sendam.m68 |
| sense.m68 |
| setjmp.m68 |
| settrm.m68 |
| setx.hlp |
| setx.m68 |
| short.m68 |
| show.m68 |
| shrink.m68 |
| shwbit.lit |
| snitch.hlp |
| snitch.lit |
| snitch.m68 |
| snitch.on |
| sofar.m68 |
| split.lit |
| spstat.m68 |
| ssdchk.lit |
| ssdchk.m68 |
| struct.m68 |
| stslst.ctl |
| stslst.lit |
| surfac.m68 |
| syslod.lit |
| syslod.m68 |
| sysmsg.lit |
| sysmsg.m68 |
| t.spl |
| talkat.m68 |
| tdv.m68 |
| teeto.lit |
| teeto.m68 |
| text.lit |
| text.m68 |
| timeon.m68 |
| tptotp.lit |
| tptotp.m68 |
| track.m68 |
| track1.m68 |
| trmnam.m68 |
| trmoff.m68 |
| typeb.m68 |
| typran.lit |
| typran.m68 |
| ucs.lit |
| ucs.m68 |
| ufdfnd.hlp |
| ufdfnd.lit |
| ufdfnd.m68 |
| ulkmem.m68 |
| usrnam.m68 |
| usrsym.m68 |
| ustat0.m68 |
| ustat1.m68 |
| ustat2.m68 |
| ustat3.m68 |
| ustat4.m68 |
| ustat5.m68 |
| ustat6.cmd |
| ustat6.hlp |
| ustat6.lab |
| ustat6.lit |
| ustat6.m86 |
| usym.m68 |
| uudeco.lit |
| uudeco.m68 |
| uuenco.lit |
| uuenco.m68 |
| versio.m68 |
| vuecom.lit |
| vuecom.m68 |
| wake.m68 |
| wheriz.lit |
| wheriz.m68 |
| wild.lit |
| wild.m68 |
| wild.obj |
| wild.sym |
| wldscn.arc |
| wldscn.lib |
| wldscn.lit |
| wldscn.m68 |
| wldscn.obj |
| wldscn.unv |
| wldsym.m68 |
| wldsym.unv |
| wrap.m68 |
| xdir.lbl |
| xdir.lit |