; SHRINK.M68	-	"Shrinks" a random file
; by Dave Heyliger - AMUS Staff
; Purpose: to shrink a random file without copying block-by-block. The blocks
;	   that are "chopped off" are gone to the wind - it is up to you to
;	   make sure that these blocks are not important.
; NOTE: the program requires a DSKANA after execution - SHRINK informs you of
;	this requirement upon completion.

	AUTOEXTERN				;must "lnklit shrink"

	SEARCH	SYS				;get the normals

	VMAJOR=1				;define a version number
	VMINOR=0				;original by Dave Heyliger

	PHDR	-1,0,PH$REE!PH$REU!PH$OPR	;must be in the OPR: account

	.OFINI					;define variables
	.OFDEF	RNDDDB,D.DDB			;DDB for the random file
	.OFDEF	PPNPTR,4			;DIR block link pointer
	.OFSIZ	IMPSIZ				;IMPSIZ has total byte count

	;start of program
	GETIMP	IMPSIZ,A5			;A5 points to user memory vars

	;process the input line
	BYP					;bypass BS
	LIN					;just a CR?
	BNE	10$				;nope, get the filespec
	TYPE	<Usage: SHRINK {dev:filespec[PPN]}>
	TYPECR	< - filespec must be a random file.>

	;get the filespec
10$:	LEA	A4,RNDDDB(A5)			;point to the random DDB
	FSPEC	@A4				;filespec the input file
	INIT	@A4				;initialize the filespec	
	LOOKUP	@A4				;find it?
	BEQ	20$				;yup
	CRLF					;nope, 
	MOV	#7,D1				;get a bell
	TTY					;beep!
	TYPE	<?Cannot locate >		;error message
	EXIT					;and quit

	;see if the file is random...
20$:	CMPW	D.WRK+6(A4),#-1			;random file?
	BEQ	30$				;yup
	CRLF					;nope
	MOV	#7,D1				;get a bell
	TTY					;beep!
	PFILE	@A4				;error message
	TYPECR	< is not a random file.>
	EXIT					;and quit

	;inform user of the consequences
30$:	MOV	#7,D1				;get a bell
	TTY					;beep!	
	CRLF					;crlf
	TYPECR	<	WARNING: you are about to "chop off" some blocks.>
	TYPECR	<	These blocks will be "lost" if you continue.>
	TYPE	<	Enter "Y" to continue....  >
	KBD					;get the "Y"
	CTRLC	EXIT				;here on ^C
	CMPB	@A2,#'Y				;yes, continue???
	BEQ	CONT				;yup

	;get the original block size, ask for new size	
CONT:	MOV	D.WRK(A4),D1			;D1 holds number of blocks
	MOV	D1,D2				;D2 holds a copy
	CRLF					;crlf
	TYPE	<Original size of >		;user message...
	PFILE	@A4				;type out filespec
	TYPE	< is: >
	DCVT	0,OT$TRM			;here is original size
	CRLF					;crlf down two lines
	CRLF					;crlf
	TYPE	<New desired size: >		;ask for new size
	KBD					;wait for input
	GTDEC					;get the input
	MOV	D1,D3				;D3 holds copy
	SUB	D1,D2				;sub "larger" from "smaller"
	BPL	10$				;if positive, continue
	CRLF					;crlf
	MOV	#7,D1				;get a bell
	TTY					;beep!
	TYPECR	<?New desired size must be LESS than Original size.>

	;now find the file in the DIR
10$:	LEA	A2,PPNDDB(A5)			;point to PPNDDB
	CLR	D1				;fussy data registers
	MOVW	D.PPN(A4),D1			;D1 holds the PPN
	MOVW	D.PPN(A4),D.PPN(A2)		;move in DEV:[PPN]
	INIT	@A2				;initialize the DDB
	CALL	$FNPPN				;find the PPN
	CMP	D0,#0				;find it?
	BEQ	20$				;yup
	MOV	#7,D1				;get a bell
	TTY					;beep!
	TYPECR	<?PPN not found.>

	;now find the DIR blocks and begin to look (A1 points to MFD entry)
20$:	MOVW	2(A1),D.REC+2(A2)		;set block number
25$:	READ	@A2				;read in the block
	MOV	D.BUF(A2),A0			;A0 points to block read in
	MOVW	(A0)+,PPNPTR(A5)		;save block link

	;for each DIR block, look for the file 42. times until end of DIR
30$:	MOV	#42.,D4				;D4 counter
35$:	CMM	@A0,D.FIL(A4)			;filename match?
	BNE	40$				;nope
	CMMW	4(A0),D.EXT(A4)			;extension match?	
	BNE	40$				;nope
	BR	50$				;yup, found file, A0 pointer

	;come here on non-match
40$:	DEC	D4				;one less slot to examine
	BEQ	45$				;if done w/ block, get next
	ADD	#12.,A0				;else point to next slot
	BR	35$				;and look again

	;come here when time for next block
45$:	MOVW	PPNPTR(A5),D.REC+2(A2)		;set new block number
	BR	25$				;and scan the DIR some more

	;come here when A0 points to file entry in block
50$:	MOVW	D3,6(A0)			;"write" new block size
	WRITE	@A2				;write changes to disk
	CRLF					;crlf
	MOV	#7,D1				;get a bell
	TTY					;beep!
	TYPECR	<	SHRINKing complete...  %Run DSKANA immediately!>