QTYPE.MAC and QTYPE.M68 written by Tom Faust
	Software Designs, PO Box 1131, Woodinville, WA 98072, 206-788-6161

	This is a sample program using QTYPE.MAC and QTYPE.M68.
	It's really easy.

; top of program
; type this in VUE and M68 it.



START:	QTYPE	<This is text _without a CRLF!!_>
	QTYPESP	<This is text _with a trailing space>
	QTYPECR	<This is text _with a CRLF!!>


	Note that QTYPE display always starts in low intensity and is
	toggled to high intensity with an underline character.  Another
	underline toggles back to low intensity again.  The terminal's
	intensity is left in the "current mode" after QTYPE text.  That
	is to say, if the last character of text in a QTYPE statement
	is dim (and there is no underline following it) then the next
	text to be display by any means, such as PFILE, DCVT, etc. will
	also be output dim.  If the last char of QTYPE text is bright
	then the next output will also be bright.  Effective highlighting
	can be done by outputting dim text followed by bright text such
	as the following example:

		QTYPESP	<The file is_>		; dim text, left bright
		DCVT	0,OT$TRM		; output number in D1
		QTYPECR	<blocks long>

	In this example, the text "The file is" and "blocks long" would
	be dim and the number output by DCVT would be bright since the
	QTYPESP statement ends with an underline, toggling to bright text.