NSTAMP.LIT			 (C) 1988 By Ami Bar-Yadin  (512) 631-2277
	STAMP file{/switches} .... {!text}

	File extension defaults to .LOG
	If the file does not exists it will be created.

Message text:
	Anything between the switches and the "!" is ignored.
	If "!" is present in the command line, anything between it and the
	end of the line or a "+" (see below) is considered text.
	Spaces after the "!" are included in the output.
	If "!text" is not on the command line, the user will be prompted
	for text by the program, allowing lower case letters to be handled.
	The text may be continued over as many line as needed by terminating
	each input line, except the last, with a "+".
	Each line will be written to the file individualy, that is followed
	by a CR/LF pair.  You may override this by terminating a line
	with "++" which will cause this line to be written WITHOUT the CR/LF.
	"+" and "++" may be used in the optional command-line text as well.
	Continuation lines are written to the file as is, that is with any
	leading/trailing spaces present.
	Anything after a "+" or "++" is ignored.

	Switches may be repeated as often as desiredeach (output)switch
	will output its associated data to the output file.

	Switches may be combined, but some care might be required as some
	letters (especially C, S and T) are a bit overworked here.

	i.e.	/SDJTTC

	means output date only stamp, job name followed by TAB, and terminal
	name followed by a comma.  Notice that two Ts are required in order
	for the second T to be properly recognized as a switch instead of an
	option.  Of course 


	is valid also, has the same meaning, and is much less confusing.

/A	Abort if output file does not exists

/E{X}	Echo output to terminal (only if output is written to file, that is
	only if there are no command line errors)
	If "/EX" is used no file output will be performed.  Usefull for debugs

/C	Output a CR/LF pair

/G[ w | An | C | S | T ]
	Set global padding default for output switches
	The padding parameter can be one of the following:

	   w	is a decimal number specifying field width (1..50)
		(Note: scan is stopped on the first invalid character)

		i.e.	/G10

		Data will be padded on the right with spaces to the width
		specified.  If the text is too long it will be truncated.

		/G by itself is same as /G0.

		A padding default of 0 (i.e. /G0) is special.  The default
		field width of the particular output switch will be used.
		This is the usual behavior of the program.
		(See main description of P switch belowand also the
		 descriptions of the output switches J,T,D,L,P,U,V,I,F.)

	   An	Add n to default field width
		n is a decimal number
		This is the same as w, except that the width used is the
		default width for a field plus n
		The resulting width must be 1..50if it is larger than 50
		a width of 50 will be used

		i.e.	/GA2

		NOTE:	/GAn is IGNORED by /F

	   C	Comma padding
		Output data without trailing spaces, followed by a comma

		i.e.	/GC

	   S	Space padding
		Output data followed by one space

		i.e.	/GS

	   T	TAB padding
		Output data without trailing spaces, followed by a TAB

		i.e.	/GT

	Switches J,T,D,L,P,U,V,I,F (see below) all take an optional padding
	parameter.  The syntax is always identical to the P switch syntax.

	i.e. /JT	will output the job name followed by a TAB

	The default of all output switches is to output data in a fixed
	field whose width is equal to the maximum length the data can have.
	For example 6 characters for job name, 30 characters for AlphaBASE
	user name, etc.

	I.e. /J		will output the job name as a 6 character field

	The G switch allows this default to be changed.  The default, whether
	from a G switch or the program's natural defualt, can always be over-
	ridden for any switch individualy.  If a fixed width default is given
	(i.e. /G10) any data that is longer will be truncated unless there
	is a different padding parameter in that particular switch.

	I.e. /IG10TL15J

	means:	output AlphaBASE user ID (fixed width of 6)
		set the default padding to a fixed width of 10
		output terminal name (fixed width 10)
		output logged in device/drive/PPN (fixed width 15)
		output job name (fixed width of 10).

	This switch is the only way to alter the padding of date/time stamps 
	from the usual TAB.

/S[n | ^s  | m]
	Output date/time stamp with optional output mode ($ODTIM flag bits).

<<<	Default	mode is Whole which gives "Wed 02-Apr-86 16:28:47"
<<<		i.e.	/S by itself is same as /SW
<<<	(NOT IMPLEMENTED)	/SJ will think J is a stamp mode option
<<<				and give an error message
<<<				/S/J will also result in an error message

	Mode can be given in the following formats:
		m is a mode character and can be ONE of the following:
			D		DATE ONLY	(02-APR-86)
				width: 9			
			T		TIME ONLY	(16:23:54)
				width: 8
			W		WHOLE		(Wed 02-Apr-86 16:24:42)
				width: 22
			N		NORMAL		(Wednesday, September 21, 1988 02:34:32 PM
				would you believe: 42
			B		BRIEF		(02-APR-86 16:28:47)
				width: 18
			i.e.	/SD		output date only stamp
				/SB		output brief stamp

		n is a number in the current radix (HEX or OCTAL)
		(Note: scan is stopped on the first invalid character)
		NOTE:	a leading digit is required
		i.e.	/S3395  in OCTAL mode
			/S0D43  in HEX mode, note leading zero

		s is a string of bits (0 or 1N or Y)
		(Note: scan is stopped on the first invalid character,
		       and spaces are skipped)
		i.e.	/S^100100011110110
			/S^ 100 1000 1111 0110  is also ok

	The padding used for date stamp depends on the type of stamp used:
	If a binary format (n or ^s) is used the stamp is written followed
	by one space.
	If one of the specific (mode character) stamp types is used, it will
	be treated as a fixed length field whose width equals the maximum
	possible length for that stamp type.
	This can be overridden using the /G switch.

/J[ n | An | C | S | T ]
	Output Job name (first column in STAT.LIT display)
		/J	output job name padded to 6 characters with spaces
			6 characters is the default width for job name				
		/J10	output job name padded to 10 characters with spaces
			If n is smaller than length of name, name will be
		/JA2	output job name padded to 8 characters with spaces
			6 (the default width) + additional 2 = width of 8
		/JC	output job name followed by a comma
		/JS	output job name followed by one space
		/JT	output job name followed by a TAB

NOTE:  The /J syntax can also be used for the following switches:
	 (Each switch has its own default width)

/T		Output terminal name (second column in STAT.LIT display)
		Default width: 6 characters

/D		Output terminal driver name (sixth column in TRMDEF.LIT display)
		Default width: 6 characters

/L		Output login location (third column in STAT.LIT display)
		Default width: 15 (decimal)

/P		Output program name (fourth column IN STAT.LIT display)
		Default width: 6

/U		Output user name (AMOS 1.3 or latter only)
		(Displayed by Dave Pallmann's USTAT (3.0) eighth column
		 if the U command is used to enable user names display.
		 USTAT.LIT is available on the AMUS network in [100,125])
		Default width: 20 (decimal)

/V		Output AlphaBase user name (if GINDTA.SV is in MEM:)
		Default width: 30 (decimal)

/I		Output AlphaBase user ID (if GINDTA.SV is in MEM:)
		Default width: 6

/Ffile	Output file name and version
		The full file spec will be written followed by a space,
		if the file has an AMOS program header, the version will
		be written followed by a space.

		The spaces may be overriden thru a /G in which case the file
		name and the file version are treated as two field written
		to the file seperately each with its own padding.


		The defualt pad for this switch is a space (i.e. /GS)
			If a /GAn is used it will be IGNORED.

		All commercial rights reserved, etc.

		If you want to include STAMP with a commercial package,
		go right ahead so long as you include the UNCHANGED
		source (.m68) with it.

		No warranties and/or guarranties of any kind, etc.

		Not responsible for damages resulting from the use of this
		program, etc.

		My employer (United Fashions) has nothing to do with this
		program and should not be blamed for it.

		I can be reached at:
			United Fashions of Texas, Inc.
			200 Ash Ave.
			McAllen, TX  78501
			(512) 631-2277/2276