; [100]  - Created
; [101]  - Added rubout to entry processing
; [102]  - Modified screen draw module to TCRT codes to prevent awkward displays

   CVTX is an assembler version of CVT.BAS.  The requests of people for a
version of the CVT program that non d/BASIC users could use spawned this.

   This program uses box drawing and reverse video and may have unpredictable 
results when used on terminals that do not support these functions.

   Some operational changes were necessary, as I am not too familiar with 
Alpha Micro function key translation ( yet ).

   Assembling the file can be done with the M68 compiler or ( for you d/SOFT 
junkies ) the MACRO compiler.  ( M68 CVTX )

   When you enter the program, it will default to DECIMAL base and ADD 
function.  (where have you heard this before? ).  ALL operational keys are 
displayed on the screen.

   To change BASE, press the TAB key.  This will bring up a light bar you 
can cursor up and down the BASE names.  The light bar will wrap around from 
top to bottom.  If you're in a hurry, you can press the first letter of the 
base you desire.

   To change function you press the mathematical operation key; '*' for 
multiplication,  '/' for divide, etc...

   Logical operations are selected by pressing CONTROL and the FIRST 
CHARACTER of the operation; ie CONTROL-A for AND,  CONTROL-X for XOR.

   Logical not is unique in that you press CONTROL-N, then enter the value
you want the NOT performed on.  Pressing return at this point will display 
the new value and return the function to ADD.

   All memory functions must be prefixed with a CONTROL-P.  { Why not 
control-M you ask?  Control-M is the exact same value that you get when you 
press RETURN, and RETURN is the key you press to display the total that has 
been accummulating in the background while you have been entering values. }

   To add to memory press CONTROL-P and '+'
   To subtract from memory press CONTROL-P and '-'
   CONTROL-P and '=' will set memory value to the currently DISPLAYED value.
   CONTROL-P 'CR' retrieves the memory value into the calculator window.

   CONTROL-Y is used to clear the calculator display and accummulated values.
   CONTROL-T is used to clear the memory value.

   program termination is accomplished by CONTROL-C or ESC.

   The only editing key available during input is the RUBOUT key.