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              +### -+ ####           Macross Pilot Wanabee 
               ###  - +##               Graphic-Designer
                #      #+

        -----  P O W E R E D   BY   S D F - 1 -----       

 [ A GopherHole of extended thoughts ]  -  I'm a student of
 GaphicDesign in Argentina discovering new grounds in other
 Internet Protocols. Free software entusiast. Fan of Shmups
 Hacking and a bunch of weeb stuff.
 Contact - Nexy@SDF.org

                 ---- A R T I C L E S ---- 
Design Thoughts
What is Touhou Project?
Metal Slader Glory
Be a Egoist
Metaphor Re:Fantazio
             ---- U S E F U L   L I N K S ----
My Mastodon
SDF GopherSpace
 --------------------------------       Powered by SDF.org