--+-  ##++##++--                   
                       +#++++#++- #+######+--              
                       ## #+#+-+++       -+++#+++          
                      +#++++#+++++ +     +-+ # -+#+#-      
                    -#+   -  +#+#-++++-  + +  +    -+#-    
                   ##-           #+++++ +-   ---#    +#    
                 -#+              -+++ +#-    -#+ -  -+    
                +#-                   #+++    - -++  #     
               -#                     +++++     +++ #      
               #-                     #++#     -+-  #      
             +#-                      #-+      --- -#      
            #+                      --++-     -+-- #+      
            #-  ++#- --            ##-+#       --  #       
             #+#- -#--#+-++++++++  +#+-       +-- #-       
           -#+-#  +#++++++++----  --+          --++        
         -+#   +#+#              +#+          ---#         
        ##-      -             -- -  #       +--#          
      ##-                   -#+#-   +#     ----+           
      ++--                 -++--   -#   -+  -++            
         #+                ++++    +-     -+-+             
        ++              -++++#+           -  ##-           
        -+##+           #+++++  ----+#####+--- #           
         #+++          ---+++ -++####++        +#          
        -+     -+++++++-     +++++-             #-         
       -#      +#       ++#++-                  -+         
        +##+++--#  -+##++-                       +-        
              --#+#++                             #-       
               #-                                  #       
               #-                                  ++      

               ---- B E   A   E G O I S T ----

 We  must  study,  then work  and  be  a  good cog for this
 society  and  then,  have a good life.  We  must  be  good
 citizens  and  follow  all  the  laws,  so  the government
 protects us,  we have to behave well so then we can get to
 heaven. We act and we have always been taught that this is
 the  way  to  live,  to  do what others say, and then,  by
 behaving  well,  we  will  have  a reward at the end.  The
 government will eventually do justice for  you,  all  your
 work  in  the best  years of your  life will  give  you  a
 retirement when you are about to die,  or because you have
 a life full of hardships,  when you die,  you  will have a
 place in heaven insured.

 Max  Stirner  is considered a pseudo-anarchist philosopher
 who no one takes seriously, just an Edgy,  a rebel without
 a cause.  But for me he is someone who validates my way of
 thinking.  All these impositions these "causes"  the cause
 of god, the cause of the people, the cause of society, the
 family,  all causes are noble causes,  except the cause of
 oneself,  one cannot follow one's own cause.  Stirner says
 that the only cause one should follow is his own cause,  a
 cause based on nothing but your own ego.

 It was to be expected that Stirner's thoughts would end up
 affecting  so much a group  of the society in which I find
 myself, that of non-conforming genders.  I consider myself
 non-binary, I cannot see myself as a man, but neither do I
 see  myself as a woman,  something that does not fit  into
 the scheme of society at all.  But  according  to Stirner,
 all these social constructs are nothing more than "Spooks"
 inventions  that were created  only to control  people and
 separate them from their own ego. What are the laws?  What
 are  religions?  what is the  government?  What are gender
 norms? Inventions, Spooks! and we follow them because they
 promise us a prize at the end of the tunnel, but does that
 promised future exist?

 It is rumored that 80% of current jobs will cease to exist
 in the coming years due to  artificial  intelligence,  and
 imagine, I am a graphic designer! A promp made by my uncle
 Manolo  can  put  my  entire career in check,  there is no
 stable future and the only stable thing that I can be sure
 of will continue to exist is uncertainty. Nobody knows the
 future,  so following rules imposed by others for an empty
 promise is not worth it.

 Being an excluded person from society, Stirner's words are
 like a warm hug,  a voice  that  validates  what  I am and
 shows  me a path,  my path.  One  where only  my  desires,
 motivations  and interests  keep me  healthy and happy.  I
 have to move forward with what I like, and let what I love
 and what makes me happy kill me.

---------------------------------------       Nexy 8/7/2024