[HN Gopher] Archive (2023-07-05) - Page 1 ___________________________________________________________________ | |
Show HN: Hacker News user blogroll | |
356 points by deathbypenguin (93 comments) | |
Why is desalination so difficult? | |
311 points by mrzool (255 comments) | |
The Overflowing Brain: Information overload and the limits of wo... | |
99 points by yamrzou (34 comments) | |
Starting design work in a spreadsheet | |
38 points by hazelnut-tree (6 comments) | |
Fast | |
421 points by valtism (158 comments) | |
Tell HN: People forget that you can stick any data at the end of... | |
106 points by BasedAnon (48 comments) | |
Ask HN: Any hardware startups here? | |
292 points by guzik (417 comments) | |
Rejected GitHub profile achievements | |
83 points by kelseyfrog (16 comments) | |
FunctionTrace: Graphical Python Profiler | |
66 points by alex_hirner (23 comments) | |
With plugins, GPT-4 posts GitHub issue without being instructed to | |
87 points by og_kalu (91 comments) | |
Regex engine internals as a library | |
301 points by kretaceous (56 comments) | |
PhD Simulator | |
649 points by Smith42 (222 comments) | |
LiteFS Cloud: Distributed SQLite with Managed Backups | |
157 points by nalgeon (62 comments) | |
Life after detonation (2012) | |
47 points by areoform (17 comments) | |
Tabby: A terminal for a more modern age | |
18 points by nateb2022 (5 comments) | |
My take on the current React and Server Components controversy | |
17 points by hyperknot (7 comments) | |
FreeBSD at 30: Its secrets to success | |
90 points by open-source-ux (70 comments) | |
The many ways that digital minds can know - A better way to thin... | |
37 points by moultano (1 comments) | |
How to foster shoshin | |
76 points by andsoitis (30 comments) | |
Ottawa pulls advertising, escalating showdown with Facebook and ... | |
101 points by bparsons (123 comments) | |
Go to the next page | |
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