[HN Gopher] Archive (2021-11-23) - Page 1
Apple sues NSO Group to curb the abuse of state-sponsored spyware
578 points by todsacerdoti (218 comments)
The Catherine Project: A new experiment in liberal education
52 points by besmirch (55 comments)
Things I learned from building a production database
85 points by dangoldin (8 comments)
Django, HTMX and Alpine.js: Modern websites, JavaScript optional
282 points by czue (165 comments)
The Max Headroom Incident
210 points by sec400 (118 comments)
Blueboat, an open-source alternative to Cloudflare Workers
96 points by ushakov (9 comments)
Sonic: A fast JSON serializing and deserializing library
27 points by ngaut (10 comments)
Our fundraising learning post-YC
32 points by matijash (17 comments)
How We Turn Authorization Logic into SQL
87 points by gneray (26 comments)
Dover (YC S19) just raised $20m and is hiring for all roles
1 points (job listing)
89 points by amasad (19 comments)
Space colonies of the future as imagined by NASA in the 1970s
238 points by rlv-dan (174 comments)
Cocaine Paraphernalia Ads in the 70s
477 points by mrzool (426 comments)
Boards are dangerous to founder/CEOs
423 points by tosh (190 comments)
Show HN: Tamagui - React design systems optimized for native and...
39 points by nwienert (5 comments)
An engineer's observations on Web3 and its possibilities
81 points by treblig (62 comments)
Albrecht Durer: Self-publicist, tourist, entrepreneur, Renaissan...
29 points by lermontov (3 comments)
Don't bring a tree to a mesh fight
26 points by valand (6 comments)
The Next 'Lab Leak'
104 points by johncena33 (226 comments)
Use Cases: The purpose of your code
17 points by CodeItWrong (2 comments)
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