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Dances with Gophers
Welcome to my gopher hole. When I was living in California,
I took the opportunity to learn how to skydive. One of the
places I used to jump regularly was at Hollister, way
south-east of San Jose, beyond the home of Garlic
(apparently). That DZ had a landing area a fair way from the
airport: a field, shared largely with gophers and a handful
of cows.
Landing in that field was a tricky business. It's quite easy
to get your foot stuck in a gopher hole and faceplant upon
contact. Sometimes you could see them running for cover as
you came in.
Not that I ever did, but if you were to hook turn in for a
fast landing the way to slow down on contact is to drag one
foot behind you, toe outstretched so your ankle doesn't have
to do any dangerous muscle work. Like a dance, if you will.
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I fired up a new gopherhole on a spare computer at home,
and have started putting some stuff from the past there.
I'm hoping to grow it, and it may supercede this one, though
if I move the phlog there I'll try to get it into the
gopher.club listings too. It depends, I'm not sure I want
to loosen the SDF connection...