[HN Gopher] Live Feed - Page 1 ___________________________________________________________________
All-in-one embedding model for interleaved text, images, and scr...
97 points by fzliu (6 comments)
Bpftune uses BPF to auto-tune Linux systems
6 points by BSDobelix (0 comments)
Constraints in Go
38 points by gus_leonel (16 comments)
CSS gets a new logo and it uses the color `rebeccapurple`
416 points by thunderbong (84 comments)
The Bluesky firehose viewed in the style of a Windows XP screens...
301 points by consumer451 (73 comments)
James Gleick's Chaos: The Software
163 points by signa11 (12 comments)
How we made a Ruby method 200x faster
17 points by nholden (6 comments)
Show HN: I built a(nother) house optimized for LAN parties
730 points by kentonv (264 comments)
Unit Testing Numerical Routines
21 points by boscillator (1 comments)
Show HN: Zyme - An Evolvable Programming Language
6 points by almusdives (1 comments)
SICP: The only computer science book worth reading twice? (2010)
345 points by pieterr (134 comments)
Teach yourself to echolocate
157 points by Anon84 (39 comments)
Two galaxies aligned in a way where their gravity acts as a comp...
227 points by wglb (71 comments)
Effect of a giant meteorite impact on Paleoarchean environment a...
112 points by kristianp (44 comments)
Recovering from a kidney donation
25 points by shepherdjerred (16 comments)
James Webb Space Telescope finds evidence for alternate theory o...
296 points by jchanimal (125 comments)
King Arthur's ancient trail across Britain
27 points by peutetre (18 comments)
Logica - Declarative logic programming language for data
131 points by voat (49 comments)
Yggdrasil Network
275 points by BSDobelix (92 comments)
Appreciation of the mark-all-as-read button
39 points by phony-account (21 comments)
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