[HN Gopher] Archive (2023-12-03) - Page 1 ___________________________________________________________________ | |
LLM Visualization | |
47 points by plibither8 (69 comments) | |
Let's learn how modern JavaScript frameworks work by building one | |
117 points by kristianp (7 comments) | |
Make JSON Greppable | |
32 points by mooreds (8 comments) | |
Steel - An embeddable and extensible scheme dialect built in Rust | |
150 points by MaximilianEmel (75 comments) | |
Learning Jai via Advent of Code | |
25 points by mooreds (2 comments) | |
Show HN: Audio plugin for circuit-bent MP3 compression sounds | |
108 points by wildergarden (33 comments) | |
Show HN: Simulate 3D Plants in the Browser | |
261 points by jimfx (20 comments) | |
The Placeholder Girlfriend | |
42 points by dynm (8 comments) | |
All the hominins made tools | |
84 points by anticorporate (17 comments) | |
GDlog: A GPU-Accelerated Deductive Engine | |
53 points by PaulHoule (3 comments) | |
Chasquid - SMTP server focused on simplicity | |
63 points by mvolfik (19 comments) | |
Build your own WebAssembly Compiler (2019) | |
94 points by davikr (19 comments) | |
Ask HN: What side projects landed you a job? | |
27 points by jessehorne (26 comments) | |
MakeMake: Generate make files from C source code | |
5 points by quelsolaar (3 comments) | |
Watsonx: IBM's code assistant for turning COBOL into Java | |
65 points by Anon84 (97 comments) | |
How are startups shaped by macro conditions at birth? | |
32 points by Bostonian (7 comments) | |
Motion (YC W20) Is Hiring Front End Engineers | |
1 points (job listing) | |
Three gaming-focused Linux operating systems beat Windows 11 in ... | |
48 points by Ardms78 (23 comments) | |
Decoding the Gun-Wielding Angels of Bolivia | |
9 points by prismatic (0 comments) | |
Concurrent Pascal and SuperPascal programming languages, and more | |
41 points by Rochus (4 comments) | |
Go to the next page | |
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