[HN Gopher] Home Assistant blocked from integrating with Garage ...
Home Assistant blocked from integrating with Garage Door opener API
Author : eamonnsullivan
Score  : 882 points
Date   : 2023-11-08 09:04 UTC (13 hours ago)
web link (www.home-assistant.io)
w3m dump (www.home-assistant.io)
| eamonnsullivan wrote:
| Here's the company's statement, which they've updated to accuse
| HA of, basically, DDOS:
| https://chamberlaingroup.com/press/a-message-about-our-decis...
  | Nextgrid wrote:
  | Even if we assume that's true (I very much have my doubts),
  | this is a totally self-inflicted problem as a result of bad
  | design: there's no reason a garage door opener should rely on a
  | remote server instead of local communication.
    | malermeister wrote:
    | If it's not on a remote server, then how would you know when
    | people leave/arrive at their homes? You'd miss out on so much
    | sweet, monetizable personal information. Won't anyone think
    | of corporate profits???
    | mindslight wrote:
    | You don't even have to go so far as saying they should change
    | the embedded software. Here is the problem:
    | > _The MyQ integration was introduced in Home Assistant 0.39,
    | and it 's used by 3.1% of the active installations. Its IoT
    | class is Cloud Polling._
    | "Cloud Polling", meaning they don't have a way for an API
    | client to register for state change callbacks. I'm sure this
    | is why there is so much traffic - if Home Assistant wants to
    | support triggers based on state changes (eg door opening,
    | turn on home lights), then it needs to repeatedly check the
    | status so that it becomes aware of the change in a timely
    | manner.
    | (Personally I only buy/use devices with local control, and
    | generally cut them off from Internet access. Just saying
    | though)
  | Someone1234 wrote:
  | As they themselves admit in that statement: There used to be an
  | official way to integrate locally, but they discontinued it
  | (myQ Home Bridge) and they're hard to find today (inc. huge
  | markups when available).
  | lvh wrote:
  | Perhaps they updated the statement since then, but they're not
  | accusing them of "basically" DDOS: they literally say DDOS now.
  | Which of course prompts the question: is the problem that the
  | CTO doesn't understand what DDOS is, or are they intentionally
  | painting HA as malicious somehow?
  | jsight wrote:
  | TBH, that's better, as that is a problem that could be fixed.
  | Even if we had to switch to a tilt sensor and just retain
  | control, that'd be much better than their approach.
  | IOW, this real reason is better than their dumb comment about
  | "unauthorized use".
| dathinab wrote:
| can we just make non-sens like that illegal
| no one has time for it
| you bought the device you should own it
| it's not even anything fancy where you could argue that
| continuous software updated need to be done or similar
| also pass a law that all smart home devices had to go through a
| hub, no direct internet connection allowed, uh put it under
| "reducing DDOS potential due to long term issues with internet
| connected smart home device security"
  | pjc50 wrote:
  | The problem is it's routed through a central server.
  | > all smart home devices had to go through a hub
  | I think ultimately this is the only way to get it to even work
  | properly, let alone last long enough that the next purchaser of
  | a smart home can use it reliably. But it will also slow
  | innovation and Big Tech will _hate_ it.
  | rft wrote:
  | > all smart home devices had to go through a hub
  | I fully agree, this is the reason I mostly buy Zigbee devices
  | for my smart home. The problem with this rule is that there is
  | already a device on the market that complies with it on paper,
  | but not how you intended: Amazon Echo devices act as Zigbee
  | gateways. While I never tried it, I bet it will not turn on
  | your lights without calling the mothership.
  | If this rule were to become reality, vendors would just sell
  | your their "mandatory" hubs that handle the calling home part.
  | Smaller vendors would no longer be able to offer their ESP
  | based devices, even though I can easily decloud them via
  | ESPHome etc, if even necessary.
  | From a purely idealistic PoV, I guess the only way we achieve
  | ownership as you described is if we require by law, with proper
  | enforcement, that reasonable technical people are able to
  | connect to the device on a local interface. But this has so
  | many weasel words already, it would be ineffective and/or lead
  | to regulatory capture ("implement this 600 page, 200$ ISO
  | standard based on XML, don't mind the proprietary extensions
  | ensuring no interop!").
  | For me, the way to have some degree of ownership of my smart
  | home is doing research before buying to ensure the device
  | either runs on Zigbee, has a local network interface and does
  | not rely on the cloud even for initial configuration or can be
  | flashed with Tasmota or ESPHome with minimal fuzz. I don't see
  | this changing any time soon. It is sad that you need to have
  | the knowledge and time to be able to "own" your smart home, but
  | I at least can help my "tech support circle" where possible to
  | make informed decisions.
    | darkwater wrote:
    | > If this rule were to become reality, vendors would just
    | sell your their "mandatory" hubs that handle the calling home
    | part. Smaller vendors would no longer be able to offer their
    | ESP based devices, even though I can easily decloud them via
    | ESPHome etc, if even necessary.
    | No, what should become the reality is that only HARDWARE
    | vendors that make a living off the hardware and some
    | corollary service will have the incentives to be on the
    | market, instead of the behemoths like Amazon or Google that
    | just want to harvest your data with mostly loss leader
    | products.
      | rft wrote:
      | Yeah, I agree that this is what SHOULD happen. But I am far
      | too cynical at this point to believe it WILL happen.
      | In our current system I see two ways to try to make this
      | reality: 1) economic factors and 2) regulation. 1) will not
      | happen, because the data is worth enough to big players
      | that a small competitor can not compete on the
      | hardware/software/service margins alone. You need to become
      | as big and integrated as the current players to be able to
      | offer similar features and prices. Sure, it is more choice,
      | but the option is just as bad.
      | 2) will not happen due to regulatory capture problems as I
      | already stated. A big player can shoulder the burden of
      | compliance easier than a small shop. Maybe, just maybe,
      | there is hope if anti-trust actions split up the existing
      | big players, but I am not holding my breath.
      | The third way, one small group of indomitable Gauls^Wnerds
      | still holds out against the invaders, is what we currently
      | have and what offers a little bit of hope to me. But I fear
      | this will never become the norm.
    | vidarh wrote:
    | I use (or used, I mostly have Lightwave switches instead of
    | zigbee bulbs now) one of my Echo devices as a gateway, and
    | sure it will call the mothership, but I really don't care
    | about _that_ as long as the switches and other devices
    | themselves still works if /when I decide to tear out the
    | Echos. To me they're not a problem, as long as they speak
    | open protocols.
    | I think that part is more important than demanding a hub.
    | Demanding that the device _can_ connect to a local hub (where
    | "can" means "can easily be reconfigured without going through
    | the original manufacturer or requiring expensive tools"...)
    | speaking open protocols (and specify clearly what "open
    | protocol" means, to avoid your 600 page, 200$ ISO standard)
    | is more important than requiring that they _must_ connect to
    | a local hub. Also necessary to specify that you can carry out
    | _all_ the functions of the device via open protocols, or you
    | 'll get bullshit where essentials get locked away.
    | Personally, I don't care if I have proprietary smart home
    | devices. I _do_ care that the maximum _cost and hassle_ if a
    | manufacturer goes  "rogue" like in this linked article
    | remains low. So each proprietary device in current use
    | reduces my willingness to get another one. Currently, all of
    | my devices can be controlled via open source, and though some
    | of them (some cheap Govee led strips) do call home, there are
    | open source to talk to them, and worst case I can literally
    | cut them off with a pair of scissors and replace the
    | controllers for a pittance if they ever become a nuisance,
    | and that makes them an acceptable choice (though whenever
    | there are multiple options I _will_ look for the more open
    | one).
  | vidarh wrote:
  | > also pass a law that all smart home devices had to go through
  | a hub, no direct internet connection allowed, uh put it under
  | "reducing DDOS potential due to long term issues with internet
  | connected smart home device security"
  | Assuming no authentication/encryption/intentional obfuscation
  | shenanigans (which would need to be covered), I don't really
  | care if it is _forced_ to go through a local hub if only they
  | were required to provide an easy mechanism for pointing the
  | device at a local network endpoint.
| TeMPOraL wrote:
| From company statement:
| > _Our customers rely on us to make access simple without
| sacrificing quality and reliability. Unauthorized app
| integrations, stemming from only 0.2% of myQ users, previously
| accounted for more than half of the traffic to and from the myQ
| system, and at times constituted a substantial DDOS event that
| consumed high quantities of resources._
| Yeah, that sounds plausible, because:
| - Home Assistant users are power users, thus more likely to
| _actually use_ the devices in question;
| - Official IoT software and integrations are uniformly _shit_ ,
| designed to discourage effective use (while maximizing data
| collection).
| Thus, I read this statement as: "We're not happy that some of our
| customers decided to _actually use_ the  'smart'/'connected'
| aspects of our product; our service-providing part was not ready
| to provide the service, and unlike the data collection part, it
| was never intended to."
  | api wrote:
  | The problem is that these require some kind of server. Get one
  | that just talks to HA over your local network.
  |  _Why in the hell does a garage door opener need a server?_
  | Oh, data collection. And subscriptions. Nothing for the user.
  | I avoid any home automation thing that has any cloud backing
  | that's not strictly optional. It's a strong anti-feature. In
  | home stuff cloud means it won't work when the Internet is down,
  | it spies on you, and it can become a brick or start requiring a
  | subscription at any time.
    | nijave wrote:
    | You can access the device when you're away from home if it's
    | internet connected. Of course, the server doesn't need to be
    | doing much besides proxying connections.
      | cassianoleal wrote:
      | And of course, you can easily run a
      | VPN/Tailscale/ZeroTier/whatever to achieve the same without
      | the downsides.
        | api wrote:
        | There are home assistant integrations for all of those.
        | HA can also open a port via uPnP and use Letsencrypt.
        | You don't need a cloud server to remotely access a
        | device.
        | colinmorelli wrote:
        | I'm quite confident my parents and the many people like
        | them in the world would not find running
        | VPN/Tailscale/ZeroTier to be "easy." Nor would they have
        | any idea how to troubleshoot when those services have
        | issues. Nor would they want to play intermediary between
        | Tailscale and myQ customer support to figure out which
        | one is broken and fix it.
        | Having options like this is great for powerusers, but the
        | vast majority of people are not that. They need something
        | that just works. Of course that still doesn't mean they
        | need their garage door collecting telemetry data, but
        | they need something more than a LAN-connected smart
        | device.
        | iAMkenough wrote:
        | Sounds like there's a market for intermediary tech
        | support
        | colinmorelli wrote:
        | Perhaps in general, but if the problem here is "I don't
        | want a corporation to have access to when my garage door
        | is open or closed" I can't fathom how "Give another
        | corporation access to my entire network to troubleshoot
        | my VPN and LAN configuration of my devices" is the
        | solution?
        | TeMPOraL wrote:
        | The solution is to "give my tech whiz
        | kid/neighbor/friend, or a local IT shop two blocks over,
        | the responsibility of managing my home network".
        | This is where ideas like non-shit IoT, Right to Repair,
        | Free (Libre) Software, and even "how to not fuck up
        | foreign aid 101", all converge. The point isn't to make
        | everyone their tech support. The point is to _allow local
        | communities to be more self-sufficient, able to manage
        | technology on their own - as opposed to outsourcing
        | everything to some faceless companies that have no
        | attachment to any given community.
        | Note that this doesn't preclude business - on the
        | contrary, local businesses are the fundamental part of
        | any community larger than couple dozen people; the ideas
        | converge not on everyone doing stuff pro bono, but on
        | _small, local businesses* doing things for their
        | communities, accumulating and retaining know-how.
        | I wish more people from aforementioned movements realized
        | their ultimate goal (at least in form that's possible in
        | the real world) is the same, and joined forces.
        | kube-system wrote:
        | If your mass-market commercial product needs this by
        | design, you will fail. To successfully sell a product to
        | the general public, it must work out of the box.
        | jollyllama wrote:
        | True, but there's contractors for pretty much everything
        | else that can be installed on your home. Why not home
        | automation contractors?
        | kube-system wrote:
        | They exist, but they're expensive. And the products they
        | sell are not really consumer devices, they are B2B
        | products marketed at contractors.
        | They're really two different markets, the bulk of the
        | home automation market doesn't want to spend $10K+ for a
        | contractor to check the same feature boxes that something
        | on the shelf at Home Depot can do for a 3-digit price
        | tag. Labor is really expensive, so home automation
        | contractors operate almost exclusively on the high-end of
        | the market.
        | epiecs wrote:
        | They can just pay for home assistant cloud?
        | colinmorelli wrote:
        | 1) Home Assistant is not an officially sanctioned option
        | by the devices and will run into technical issues
        | regardless whether it's cloud hosted or not (as seen by
        | the very post we're all commenting on).
        | 2) Even if the above were not true, at that point you're
        | back to an internet enabled smart home device system, and
        | now we're simply picking which vendor to trust over the
        | other. But in both cases, the option for the vendor to
        | collect telemetry data about your usage of the products
        | exists.
        | There is really no viable way for the typical consumer to
        | be able to both have a good product experience for
        | something like this, and to prevent a cloud vendor from
        | having access to their data. Unless I'm missing something
        | obvious.
        | lloeki wrote:
        | > Even if the above were not true, at that point you're
        | back to an internet enabled smart home device system
        | Home Assistant Cloud is essentially a TCP-level proxy
        | (IOW Nabu Casa sees jack squat):
        | > The remote UI encrypts all communication between your
        | browser and your local instance. Encryption is provided
        | by a Let's Encrypt certificate. Under the hood, your
        | local Home Assistant instance is connected to one of our
        | custom built UI proxy servers. Our UI proxy servers
        | operate at the TCP level and will forward all encrypted
        | data to the local instance.
        | > Routing is made possible by the Server Name Indication
        | (SNI) extension on the TLS handshake. It contains the
        | information for which hostname an incoming request is
        | destined, and we forward this information to the matching
        | local instance. To be able to route multiple simultaneous
        | requests, all data will be routed via a TCP multiplexer.
        | The local Home Assistant instance will receive the TCP
        | packets, demultiplex them, decrypt them with the SSL
        | certificate and forward them to the HTTP component.
        | > The source code is available on GitHub:
        | > SniTun - End-to-End encryption with SNI proxy on top of
        | a TCP multiplexer
        | > hass-nabucasa - Cloud integration in Home Assistant
        | https://www.nabucasa.com/config/remote/#how-it-works
        | https://www.nabucasa.com/config/remote/#security
        | colinmorelli wrote:
        | Yeah so this is why I said "no way for the typical
        | consumer to have a product experience like this" because
        | what you're saying is true, but not something an
        | individual can rely on.
        | Typical consumers have no way of ensuring their UI is, in
        | fact, encrypting the data and not farming it out. They
        | cannot verify the source code themselves, because they
        | don't have the technical skill set they'd need to do so
        | (nor, frankly, the time). They're reliant on the goodwill
        | of whoever packaged and installed the offering for them
        | not doing anything to that offering.
        | Technical power users can circumvent this because they
        | can build/install from source, verify keychains, read the
        | source, etc. Non-technical users can't do this, and need
        | someone to help them. That someone will most likely be in
        | the form of a third party organization that does this in
        | exchange for money. They're placing their trust in that
        | third party.
        | The point I'm getting at is that, eventually, a consumer
        | has to trust a third party who may have incentives that
        | don't align with their own. They're just playing a game
        | of which vendor to place that trust in. This is why
        | centralization is still the predominant architecture
        | choice for the overwhelming majority of products, even in
        | a world where myriad decentralized solutions exist for
        | almost everything. It turns out that having bespoke third
        | parties run decentralized solutions for customers is
        | often not a better product experience, and still has the
        | same root problem even if it manifests in different ways.
        | TeMPOraL wrote:
        | > _The point I 'm getting at is that, eventually, a
        | consumer has to trust a third party who may have
        | incentives that don't align with their own. They're just
        | playing a game of which vendor to place that trust in._
        | The problem is that approximately NONE of the commercial
        | vendors are in any way trustworthy. They're really
        | pushing hard the degree of abuse they inflict on the
        | customers, and social immunity takes long time to build.
        | The ultimate solution IMO is to have people trust _in
        | people they can actually trust_ - that is, make the third
        | parties local. A partner, a kid, a neighbor, a small
        | company servicing the local community and physically
        | located in it. At this scale, trust can be managed
        | through tried-and-true social techniques humans are
        | innately good at, and have successfully used for many
        | thousands of years. This is how you make most of the tech
        | industry and adjacent problems go away.
        | dthul wrote:
        | I suppose the vendor could sell a home server device,
        | which runs some kind of Tailscale-like technology to make
        | it available from the internet, and the app talks to that
        | locally hosted server.
        | MadnessASAP wrote:
        | My wife doesn't understand what I do on the computer all
        | the time and she's pretty doubtful of my claim that
        | server racks are normal household items. Nevertheless
        | setting up the HA app on her phone with a Wireguard VPN
        | was super simple and she's got a good handle on that.
        | That being said, setting up the HA and Wireguard server
        | is definitely a more demanding experience. Although once
        | setup it's pretty much a once and done sort of thing, and
        | they're are integrated ready to go solutions available.
        | It would be nice to see something like "Geek Squad"
        | offering that sort of service instead of just running AV
        | software while trawling for nudes on customer laptops. No
        | guesses on what's more profitable though.
        | nvy wrote:
        | >she's pretty doubtful of my claim that server racks are
        | normal household items.
        | Haha, she's got you there.
        | Eduard wrote:
        | > Although once setup it's pretty much a once and done
        | sort of thing
        | I guess you started using Home Assistance recently /
        | shortly... and/or you use only a few HA integrations.
        | Otherwise, you would have already run into enough
        | troubles with updates.
        | freedomben wrote:
        | I refuse to use cloud services, and I use tail scale, but
        | telling the average consumer to do this instead of using
        | whatever app came with the device is not going to work
        | for most people
        | fullspectrumdev wrote:
        | > easily
        | Not for the average consumer.
        | I actually have gotten to know a lot of folks who are
        | massive into home automation, who also know precisely
        | fuck all about computers or whatnot.
        | WirelessGigabit wrote:
        | Most VPNs need significantly extra work to get
        | notifications to pass through.
        | For example, Apple Home does not work by default over
        | WireGuard.
      | RobotToaster wrote:
      | Why would you need to access a garage door opener when away
      | from home?
        | heartbreak wrote:
        | To let in your cat sitter.
        | eknkc wrote:
        | Check if you left it open? Let someone in remotely?
        | pmontra wrote:
        | I forgot it open.
        | _ZeD_ wrote:
        | the real solution here is to make it auto close locally.
        | pmontra wrote:
        | That's a nice to have feature. However there are cases
        | when one wants to keep it open for hours or, as pointed
        | by other replies, to open it to let somebody in. An edge
        | case I just thought about: open it to let somebody
        | delivery a package inside, possibly by looking at them
        | with a camera, and then close it.
        | neodymiumphish wrote:
        | Give access to a friend or family member when you're out
        | of town.
        | Allow package deliverers to put a package in your garage
        | instead of on your step.
        | When I had MyQ, I used it almost exclusively when I was
        | on my motorcycle. I had it configured so that I could tap
        | a button on my phone that tracked my location and enabled
        | a geofence around my house so it would ping the MyQ to
        | open when I got about a quarter mile from home. I called
        | this my "riding home" mode. This saved me the trouble of
        | having to get my gloves off and open the door through the
        | app when I got to my driveway, and I didn't have to leave
        | a garage door opener on/with my bike.
        | colinmorelli wrote:
        | Putting aside the very legitimate use cases highlighted
        | in other messages, a very simple one is: you're just
        | arriving at home, but are still not (yet) connected to
        | wifi.
        | These very practical daily occurrences can make devices
        | incredibly annoying and frustrating for typical consumers
        | who want it to just work.
        | pmontra wrote:
        | That's why I have a radio remote in my car and in my
        | living room and never bothered automating the garage door
        | any further.
        | organsnyder wrote:
        | I find it handy for when I'm outside but not in my car--
        | on my bike, working around the yard, etc.
        | vel0city wrote:
        | For the "working around the yard" idea, I just got a
        | keypad mounted near the garage door. It is wireless, it
        | just acts like a remote which requires a pin before it
        | sends the toggle command.
      | tmccrary55 wrote:
      | You can also just do both.
      | I'd rather that it use the LAN, if I'm there at the time.
      | Data collection and remote access can just be their own
      | functionality.
      | tensor wrote:
      | Homekit provides this as well, and by default is local
      | only. There really is no excuse for these devices not to
      | support homekit out of the box other than a money grab.
    | ourmandave wrote:
    | In the updated fairy tale, the 3rd little piggy actually
    | perishes, because his house got _bricked_ by the Big Bad Wolf
    | IoT service.
      | kevindamm wrote:
      | It's a good thing the piggies invested in light
      | infrastructure and good logs with their previous houses,
      | the next version after brick will be even better!
        | TeMPOraL wrote:
        | I still prefer the version where the fourth pig built its
        | home from wolf bones - while it wasn't the best building
        | material, it made a point.
      | marcosdumay wrote:
      | Nah, the wolf just pays a minimal fee to the IoT provider
      | so it unlocks every door on the pig's house.
    | lexh wrote:
    | _Oh, data collection. And subscriptions._
    | This makes sense (and myQ's privacy policy is a nightmare:
    | https://www.myq.com/privacy-notice) but I've never understood
    | how this _particular_ bit of data is valuable to anyone. Any
    | ideas?
      | firtoz wrote:
      | Number of active car owners living in an area could be
      | valuable for a few industries and governments
      | ca_tech wrote:
      | I buy a garage door opener. That is the end of my
      | transaction.
      | I buy a connected garage door opener. The provider knows my
      | geolocation, my name, email address, socioeconomic status,
      | even the phone I own. Inferences can be made on activity
      | such as "they leave for work at 7am when garage door
      | opens".
      | The collection of data doesn't need to be used specifically
      | for reengaging me with Chamberlain. It is now an asset to
      | the company that can be sold to others as outlined in their
      | Information Sharing section. Which basically says "we share
      | it with everyone".
      | Partners can be anyone from insurance companies to academic
      | researchers. Remember that partners aren't limited to just
      | one data set. They have the ability to ask multiple
      | companies: "What data do you have for all occupants of
      | houses in this geographic area?"
        | TeMPOraL wrote:
        | > _Remember that partners aren 't limited to just one
        | data set. They have the ability to ask multiple
        | companies: "What data do you have for all occupants of
        | houses in this geographic area?"_
        | Yup. And to make the issue clear: there is no such thing
        | as "anonymized data", there's only "anonymized until
        | correlated with enough related data sets".
      | gosub100 wrote:
      | No direct experience, just my guesses
      | * someone who drives frequently may rank higher for
      | automotive products and services
      | * use to independently rank other statistics, i.e. someone
      | with kids probably comes and goes more than a single person
      | or non-child-rearing couple. Take the dataset where you
      | _know_ they have kids (and myQ) and see if you can detect
      | the ones with kids using _only_ myQ data (plus other
      | statistics). If it allows you to infer this property
      | accurately enough, profit.
      | * Someone who comes and goes a lot is most likely _not_
      | physically disabled, so exclude them from those specific
      | marketing materials.
      | * someone who is home a lot (hardly ever opens their garage
      | door) might like to spend money on useless gadgets, try
      | selling them IoT toasters
        | criddell wrote:
        | Plus some of their door openers have a camera and
        | microphone. From that they could get a lot more very
        | specific data.
    | kube-system wrote:
    | > Why in the hell does a garage door opener need a server?
    | Because the user is almost certainly installing the device
    | behind a NAT with a dynamically assigned public IP. These are
    | mass-market garage door openers, not devices targeted to
    | those familiar with advanced network configuration.
    | I also avoid cloud connected IoT stuff. I have the luxury of
    | doing so because I have IT skills. For those who do not,
    | accessible alternatives simply don't exist.
  | PurpleRamen wrote:
  | > - Home Assistant users are power users, thus more likely to
  | actually use the devices in question;
  | >50% traffic from 0.2% of the users is far too big of a
  | discrepancy to just explain it away with powerusers. Customers
  | too have to follow a fair level of usage.
  | > designed to discourage effective use (while maximizing data
  | collection).
  | What valuable data can they collect, if nobody is using it?
    | malermeister wrote:
    | This thing probably phones home every time you open or close
    | your door, no matter if you do it via their smart portal or
    | manually.
      | neodymiumphish wrote:
      | As a former MyQ user, I can say definitively that this is
      | accurate. There's a magnetic sensor that you put on the
      | door for it to track the state of the door, so the app is
      | always correct on whether it's open or closed.
      | PurpleRamen wrote:
      | Yes, but according to their statement, the official client
      | seems to behave better than the HA-implementation. Maybe HA
      | is brute forcing something, like pulling state every 10
      | seconds or so. And this is a legit complaint from their
      | side if this is the case.
        | bonzini wrote:
        | If pulling the state goes through the cloud app it is
        | their (self-inflicted) problem.
        | PurpleRamen wrote:
        | Sure, and because it was their problem, they made it the
        | problem of those who gave them this problem, and pulled
        | the plug.
        | But let's get real, 0.2 of customers are probably also
        | matching around 0.2% of their income with those products.
        | So it's probably not really a problem, short term.
        | Long term, they probably have damaged their brand hard,
        | and missed out on some revenue from grassroot marketing.
        | But that's a problem of future chamberlain. Today, the
        | one responsible for this has solved their problems, calls
        | it done and gets their paycheck.
        | And who knows, maybe next year they switch to Matter, get
        | some good marketing from it, raise the sales and the
        | victims from today are forgotten. That's business..
        | Eduard wrote:
        | any home IoT solution without a cloud inbetween and which
        | shall also be able to communicate with you while on the
        | go requires a lot of technical expertise (and perpetual
        | maintenance...). It is therefore not viable for the mass
        | market.
        | gog wrote:
        | Probably because the official client only checks the
        | state if you open the app, while HA probably does it
        | every so often.
        | Legit solution would be for the company to allow local
        | access to the garage door to check the state without
        | needing to go through their servers.
    | bitshiftfaced wrote:
    | I think they want you to install their app so that you have
    | to open the app everytime you press the button. From there,
    | you see ads to other products.
      | ttcbj wrote:
      | I use the myq app to open my garage door open regularly.
      | The app is slow to open and generally annoying. For
      | example, the whole interface is initially blocked, so you
      | tap to open and it doesn't register the tap, still doesn't
      | register the tap, then finally it does.
      | I was not aware of there being ads in it, but I just
      | looked, and you are absolutely right, there is an ad at the
      | top. It looks like its for their home security camera.
      | Based on my experience with the company, I would not
      | purchase additional products from them. Not based on my
      | desire to use home automation or homekit, just on the fact
      | that the app is poor.
      | The garage door openers themselves, however, which have
      | battery backup and which open quietly and with a gradual
      | slowing near the finish, are pretty decent. Mainly I wish
      | they had a better, faster app, as the garage door is the
      | smart home thing I used most (followed by maybe Rachio).
        | fullstop wrote:
        | > I use the myq app to open my garage door open
        | regularly.
        | It used to ask me to provide a rating every time I opened
        | the app. I eventually added a negative rating because it
        | kept asking even after I had answered "Do not ask me".
        | pjsg wrote:
        | Yeah -- it is certainly quicker to use the keypad that I
        | have outside the garage door than try and use their app.
        | In particular, it keeps asking me for a username and
        | password (which I can't remember because who remembers 16
        | character strings??).
        | I just want to get local access to my openers.
    | HankB99 wrote:
    | > What valuable data can they collect, if nobody is using it?
    | What permissions does the app have? If it has location data
    | so it can open/close the garage door based on proximity, it
    | can probably collect your location whenever the phone is on
    | and that can be sold to data brokers. That's just an example.
    | There is potentially a trove of information the app could
    | collect and sell and not just when the user has the app open.
    | Of course if the app is never installed it collects nothing.
    | I wonder if the vendor requires the app to be installed for
    | initial configuration.
    | And IAC, it would be preferable (to me) to have a device that
    | works entirely locally.
      | cyberax wrote:
      | > What permissions does the app have?
      | "Location" (while using App) and "Notifications". So it can
      | locate you when you trigger it, but it can't track you all
      | the time.
    | jsight wrote:
    | They do not support opening your own garage door via IFTT,
    | Alexa, or Google Assistant.
    | They do support allowing their paid partners (eg, Amazon) to
    | open your garage door for deliveries. I think this last part
    | is where they get "value".
    | PaulHoule wrote:
    | "Valuable Data" doesn't have to be valuable but can be
    | valuable anyway if investors and other partners believe it
    | is.
    | egberts1 wrote:
    | Valuable data is in the eye of the beholder: such as
    | burglars, home invaders, stalkers, panty-sniffers, voyeurs,
    | blackmailers, robbers, kidnappers, spies, squatters,
    | vagrants, wild teenagers and dumb adults that are scouting
    | for their next juicy target.
  | a254613e wrote:
  | The main reason why HA accounted for so many requests is
  | probably because it was a polling integration, requesting data
  | every 30 seconds from the server, while the official app either
  | had push events when something changes, or it updated state
  | when the app gets opened.
    | ryukoposting wrote:
    | Isn't the high road solution here to open your API to enable
    | users to make a less shitty HA integration?
    | Either way, they'll almost certainly pull the plug on this
    | service sometime before the end of the decade.
      | lhamil64 wrote:
      | Or open up a local API so Home Assistant users don't even
      | need to hit their servers in the first place, which is
      | preferable anyway...
        | epiecs wrote:
        | I was just going to comment this. The device is network
        | connected anyhow. So just open up the local api.
        | cameldrv wrote:
        | Haha this is the company that has an undocumented
        | encrypted wire protocol between the wired button and the
        | opener so you have to use their button instead of a
        | normal doorbell switch.
        | thecapybara wrote:
        | If I recall correctly, Chamberlin had an optional
        | accessory that added HomeKit support to garage door
        | openers, and that was discontinued last year. Home
        | Assistant is capable of acting as a HomeKit hub, allowing
        | it to control HomeKit compatible devices locally that
        | otherwise would've required a cloud connection.
        | ziml77 wrote:
        | I'm so glad HomeKit exists because without it I'm
        | positive the vast majority of "smart" home devices
        | wouldn't support any kind of local connectivity.
        | kortilla wrote:
        | It sucks how many iot devices skip home kit integration
        | for this very reason. :(
      | giancarlostoro wrote:
      | I would argue that letting HA define a callback URL or some
      | way to receive those events instead of relying on polling
      | would do it. But also, are they caching the responses? I
      | have a weird feeling that the vendor is not caching enough,
      | especially for data that changes insanely infrequently.
      | criddell wrote:
      | That's definitely the high road solution. The low road
      | solution would have been to start suing HA users under the
      | CFAA. So I guess they took the middle road.
    | Angostura wrote:
    | Possible answers would be for the company to create an
    | official integration, using a change state trigger rather
    | than a polling trigger - or possibly to throttle requests
    | from a particular IP to a certain number per day to
    | incentivise parsimonious usage
      | xur17 wrote:
      | Absolutely. It would also be possible for them to create a
      | local API that home assistant can call over the local
      | network. The real problem is that the company just doesn't
      | care.
      | greggsy wrote:
      | HA even claim that it's used as a test bed for many iot
      | products, so it can often have integrations before any
      | other platform. Kind of makes sense, give many cross
      | platform integrations there are in it.
    | lvh wrote:
    | A third-party hub would have a similar problem, though,
    | right?
      | mikeryan wrote:
      | MyQ has built in integrations for Apple Smart Home and
      | Alexa. I'm assuming in those situations the MyQ app passes
      | state to those services so they don't have to poll.
        | achandlerwhite wrote:
        | Not for HoneKit unfortunately. They did sell a separate
        | -$100 box that would bridge it officially but have
        | discontinued it.
    | giancarlostoro wrote:
    | Why not... just allow HA receive callback events at that
    | point when things change? I feel like this has an easy
    | resolve that doesn't piss off your power user customers, and
    | makes them encourage others to invest in your products, IE
    | power users, and they'll come back because despite being a
    | little extra engineering effort, they were glad you thought
    | of them.
      | twicetwice wrote:
      | Good suggestion, but where and how does HA receive
      | callbacks? I would guess that almost all HA instances are
      | behind residential LANs and most aren't accessible on the
      | public internet. You could use dynamic DNS and forward
      | ports, but that's flaky, you might run into CGNAT, etc. And
      | anyway, it's best if your HA instance isn't publicly
      | addressable; mine is only accessible over my personal
      | WireGuard VPN and I intend to keep it that way.
      | I'm sure this is a solvable and solved problem, but I do
      | believe it is non-trivial, and potentially a major headache
      | for a company to implement just to support a tiny niche of
      | users. I'd be delighted to find out I'm wrong though!
      | And, unfortunately, the business case isn't there, since
      | this weakens lock-in effects. I don't endorse this reason--
      | that's why I run my own HA instance and don't buy or use
      | any products that require the cloud or otherwise can't be
      | operated entirely locally (including flashing Valetudo to
      | my robot vacuum!).
        | tuckerman wrote:
        | If you pay for the home assistant cloud subscription
        | (built into HA, ~5 USD/mo) they can provision custom
        | callback URLs for you so you don't have to expose your HA
        | instance. I have this setup for certain integrations such
        | as Samsung Smart Things.
        | It's not a perfect solution since it costs money but it's
        | a nice alternative to exposing your HA instance or some
        | other front end proxy to the internet.
        | andrewaylett wrote:
        | Unfortunately it's not actually that different in effect
        | -- Nabu Casa proxy the encrypted TCP connection, rather
        | than terminating TLS and proxying HTTP, which is _great_
        | for privacy but not so much for providing an extra layer
        | of security on top of HA itself.
        | It is also much easier for those without easy access to
        | extra static IP addresses. Given the target audience I
        | think it's probably the right approach.
        | tuckerman wrote:
        | I don't think it's entirely devoid of security
        | improvements---you need to know the webhook address in
        | order to get access to talk to a HA instance which would
        | be a lot more difficult than just port scanning for an
        | open (perhaps unpatched) HA instance on the open
        | internet. I would still prefer it though if things would
        | expose a local API or speak MQTT however.
        | ndriscoll wrote:
        | Open a TCP connection from the instance to the cloud
        | service. I don't know about all consumer routers, but I
        | just checked mine and the default TCP established timeout
        | is 7440 seconds. Idle timeouts are _supposed_ to be at
        | least 2 hours.
        | If you served the entire US (130 million households) and
        | had a 1 hour keepalive, that's only 36k packets per
        | second, which is nothing.
        | You could also auto-train the idle timeout by using a
        | pair of TCP connections. One uses a known good value
        | while the other probes upwards until it finds its
        | connections start getting closed (with some optional
        | binary search fanciness), feeding new known good values
        | back to the first.
        | (Obviously the no-cloud solution is better still)
        | pjsg wrote:
        | MQTT is the solution for this. Note that the garage door
        | openers talk MQTT to the myq service (over TLS with
        | preshared keys). It should be possible to subscribe to
        | events from your garage door opener(s) and also to send
        | commands to it.
        | Eduard wrote:
        | but MQTT alone doesn't solve the challenge for some
        | Internet server to push messages to a Home Assistance
        | instance running inside a home network / behind a router
        | / behind a firewall / NAT unless a port is opened on the
        | router, or long-polling is used.
      | jacquesm wrote:
      | Why not simply allow HA to integrate _on site_ rather than
      | to have to go through some crappy service that likely will
      | not last the lifetime of the doors in the first place?
        | steamer25 wrote:
        | I'm not saying owners should be completely barred from
        | modifying their systems but there are security
        | implications to bypassing their centralized / cloud-based
        | authentication.
        | It'd be possible for a knows-enough-to-be-dangerous
        | customer to modify their system in such a way that they
        | unwittingly allow unauthenticated local access. From my
        | point of view, Chamberlain/MyQ should be totally
        | indemnified in such scenarios but I'm not sure how murky
        | the legalities would be in terms of getting judges/juries
        | to accept "caveat emptor".
        | EDIT: Maybe there's a way to ensure customers have signed
        | an indemnification agreement before unlocking local API
        | access? I guess there'd also need to be a way to
        | ensure/promote a factory reset if/when
        | ownership/rentalship changes.
        | hunter2_ wrote:
        | Deadbolt companies aren't liable for customers leaving
        | their products unlocked, right? Is this so different?
        | steamer25 wrote:
        | That makes sense to me but I'm not sure your average
        | judge/juror would see it so simply--especially given that
        | in most cases it'd be a lot easier to tell if/when a
        | deadbolt has been modified.
        | jacquesm wrote:
        | You've got that backwards. Giving a third party control
        | over your garage door is the 'security implication' you
        | want to avoid.
        | organsnyder wrote:
        | I bought MyQ's Homekit bridge to allow local integration
        | with Home Assistant. It was a bit of a pain to set up
        | initially, and it's stupid that I have a separate device
        | when the openers themselves support wifi natively, but
        | it's been rock-solid.
        | mikestew wrote:
        | You know that "bit of a pain to set up initially" you
        | mentioned? Yeah, I've had to do that repeatedly because
        | its little pea-brain forgets every few months. It's been
        | anything but rock-solid for me. I just gave up on it.
        | I initially bought the bridge because I thought a
        | wireless relay spliced into the hardwired door switch
        | would be too much trouble, so I'll spend a little and
        | save some time. Boy, was I wrong.
        | organsnyder wrote:
        | I've been lucky, I guess. After I got it set up, it's
        | just worked--even across various configuration changes
        | I've made to Home Assistant and my network
        | infrastructure.
        | rootusrootus wrote:
        | I had a version of your experience, but it resolved
        | magically. No idea why. I originally set up the
        | integration, and it worked. Then I completely rebuilt HA
        | at one point and had to redo the bridge config, and it
        | just refused. All sorts of errors, it just refused to
        | even see the doors. Frustrated, I chucked the device in
        | my closet and forgot about it for a while.
        | Then a few months later I decided to try again and be
        | very careful and deliberate, and ... it worked. Just like
        | it was supposed to. Sigh. No idea what incantation I did
        | right, but now it has been working for several years
        | without a hitch.
        | I did recently buy a ratgdo (well, ordered it at least,
        | it hasn't arrived). That's my backup plan if the Home
        | Bridge decides to go tits up.
        | giancarlostoro wrote:
        | That's also a good question, one reason I'd be okay with
        | having callbacks is if your software that handles what to
        | do is on a server somewhere else entirely, maybe you own
        | multiple homes and don't want to run several on-premise
        | servers when one could do, I'm also thinking of more than
        | just whatever HA is doing and whatever a power user might
        | do.
      | moritonal wrote:
      | I recently bought a Nuki smart-lock, purely because it
      | offered MQTT support with auto home-assistant discovery.
      | Vote with your wallets and we can have nice things.
      | https://support.nuki.io/hc/en-
      | us/articles/12947926779409-MQT...
      | bluGill wrote:
      | Because that would require them to build a callback system
      | for the 0.2%. I don't have this, but I'm guessing the app
      | only checks if your garage is open when you open the app.
      | That is if you don't have the app open and someone opens
      | the door you don't get a notification.
  | YiraldyGuber wrote:
  | Unofficial IoT software and integrations are not (much?)
  | better. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this was _partly_ due
  | to a junk integration for this device cobbled together by an
  | amateur and replicated by thousands more amateurs into their
  | own ginormous pile of other junk YAMLs.
    | lvh wrote:
    | Why did that software work mostly fine most of the time since
    | 2017? Even Chamberlain admits their blocking is deliberate.
    | Even Chamberlain's external statements suggest this is part
    | of their corporate strategy.
    | Why is Chamberlain's API so brittle it can't stand prodding
    | from what they claim is a tiny fraction of users, even if
    | those are misbehaving? Do you agree that comparing that to
    | DDoS is ludicrous, and suggests either dishonesty or a
    | fundamental misunderstanding of what "DDoS" means?
    | gregmac wrote:
    | > partly due to a junk integration for this device cobbled
    | together by an amateur
    | Judge for yourself, here's the code:
    | https://github.com/home-
    | assistant/core/tree/5523e9947d82ac14... (before it was
    | removed)
    | https://github.com/arraylabs/pymyq/tree/master/pymyq
  | jsight wrote:
  | Yeah, I always felt like the implementation wasn't that good.
  | But, tbh, rate limiting them and saying "hey don't poll quite
  | so much" would have been trivial compared to the approach they
  | ultimately took.
  | And obviously people with HA will use it more than people that
  | have to wait a ridiculous amount of time every time they open
  | that stupid myq app. It was terrible.
  | mikeryan wrote:
  | I have a MyQ door opener (and home assistant)
  | This is bullshit. Their app is bloatware that they use to try
  | to push additional services like Amazon home delivery etc. I
  | mean it's just a button, that's all it needs to do.
  | I'm going to replace it with one of the recommended devices.
  | This is such an overt money grab.
    | duxup wrote:
    | I have the MyQ app (iOS).
    | I don't mind it at all. App works, fairly fast, the stupid
    | extra stuff is just a chunk of the screen I can ignore /
    | don't have to do / interact with.
    | I don't approve of the API situation but the app itself
    | doesn't feel particularly bad.
      | BenjiWiebe wrote:
      | The iOS app sounds like it's better than the Android one.
        | duxup wrote:
        | What is the Android app like?
        | bonestamp2 wrote:
        | Ah, ya that might be it. I use the iOS version and it
        | works well.
      | atonse wrote:
      | I do agree that their app works perfectly fine. And it's as
      | responsive as HomeKit, but I don't want to have to launch
      | 20 apps for my various devices.
      | In fact, after my initial irritation, I thought "at the end
      | of the day, if they made a couple shortcuts available then
      | I could still say  Open the Garage door" - It's
      | not perfect like homekit but it'll go a long way to
      | placating many of us who don't want to keep launching a
      | separate app.
    | gotbeans wrote:
    | This. Chamberlain/homeassistant user here too.
    | In the past the app has gone the lengths of make us try to
    | use their own assistant (!).
    | Why the fuck would I ever want to use a voice assistant from
    | my garage door provider? Seems like a desperate attempt to
    | enter a market that doesn't even make sense for them as they
    | currently are.
  | kkielhofner wrote:
  | At the end of the day this is a very reasonable business
  | decision - an incredibly obvious and easy one.
  | Chamberlain/myQ makes very low cost (likely loss-leader) mass
  | manufactured devices. Like anything else if you can identify
  | 0.2% of your users leading to 50% of an issue you're having the
  | reasonable thing to do (from a business perspective) is to just
  | cut them loose. If this CTO or anyone at Chamberlain were to
  | try to champion support for HA users people with the numbers
  | would look at them like they are crazy. For 0.2% of the user
  | base it barely justifies anything more than a 10 minute
  | conversation with a foregone decision.
  | I use and love Home Assistant. While it's a "big deal" to
  | techies and power users like us the total installed base (as
  | these numbers show) is infinitesimally small when you zoom out
  | and look at the total "smart home" market. There are 275k
  | active Home Assistant installations[0]. This number is already
  | tiny compared to myQ sales. Then you can check the myQ
  | integration and see that it's only used by 3% of HA
  | installs[1]. Home Assistant is insignificant to Chamberlain and
  | Chamberlain is insignificant to Home Assistant.
  | For a device that sells for $30 8,250 HA installs is $247,500
  | of total device lifetime revenue. Chamberlain has $820m of
  | revenue per year. Even if every one of these installs bought
  | four devices that's less than $1m. They. Do. Not. Care.
  | Again, I don't love this either. It's a jerk move but when
  | viewed through the eyes of a cold and calculating business it
  | makes perfect sense. Frankly I'm surprised this decision didn't
  | come sooner. Especially when you consider all of these awful
  | commercial devices really want you to install their app so they
  | can push who-knows-what and upsell at every possible
  | opportunity. That's an entire revenue stream they will never
  | tap into with users utilizing the API and few businesses can
  | resist gobs of money they see as ripe for the taking. Sad but
  | true and standard for nearly any business. Even more so for a
  | de-facto monopoly like Chamberlain.
  | HA users and people here are outraged, and that is completely
  | fair but with these numbers Chamberlain isn't even going to
  | remotely feel this.
  | At the end of the day HA is extremely powerful and the
  | ecosystem and maker-ish community around it is incredibly
  | robust. A device with a contact sensor on door close/open and
  | relay (or something) to toggle the door is trivial. It's what
  | I've been using since before MyQ or anything like it was even
  | on the market.
  | Just avoid the commercial "IoT/smart home" junk whenever
  | possible.
  | [0] - https://analytics.home-assistant.io/
  | [1] - https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/myq/
    | deadbunny wrote:
    | > There are 275k active Home Assistant installations[0]
    | Nit: That they know of. As you say it's a techy product and I
    | would assume that techy types are the exact kind of people to
    | turn off analytics.
      | kkielhofner wrote:
      | Very fair but even if you multiply it by 10 the end result
      | turns $1m for myQ into $10m - or 1.2% of their yearly
      | revenue.
      | Order of magnitude higher, same point, same result.
  | belthesar wrote:
  | One would think a reasonably decently written HTTP client with
  | a server that responsibly responded with HTTP 429's when a
  | client was polling too hard would be able to set a standard and
  | enforce "good netizen" behavior.
| simbolit wrote:
| If you buy a device that relies on a server connection for
| functioning, you might legally own it, but it essentially is 'on
| loan' by the company.
| Well, you could always strip it for copper, I guess...
  | causi wrote:
  | Devices that rely on cloud infrastructure should be required to
  | carry an expiration date right on the box. "This item
  | guaranteed to receive support until XX/XX/XX"
    | denysvitali wrote:
    | I prefer to have an e-waste law that says that if you stop
    | maintaining the service, you have to open-source it :)
      | theK wrote:
      | Also a very good option. Ideally it should trigger
      | immediately once a regression happens and at least 12
      | months prior to service eol (give users time to migrate)
      | kubik369 wrote:
      | Unfortunately, this is just wishful thinking. Take an
      | example where a company is going under. If such a law
      | existed, it would be unenforceable as the company does not
      | have the resources and know-how how to do such a thing.
      | After they file for bankrupcy, there is no point in
      | punishing them.
        | sokoloff wrote:
        | Software escrow processes could (partially) solve this,
        | at an upfront cost for every company developing and
        | selling such a device (meaning, at a price that will
        | ultimately be paid by consumers).
        | malermeister wrote:
        | Some government agency could be doing the escrow, at no
        | charge to the company.
        | sokoloff wrote:
        | There is still a _process cost_ to participate in any
        | escrow process, both on an initial and on-going basis.
        | (That's before the blindingly obvious observation that
        | even something provided by the government at no cost _at
        | point of use_ has a cost which is ultimately borne by the
        | people.)
        | malermeister wrote:
        | I don't disagree with either statement, but I think both
        | of those are a price worth paying to avoid having
        | hardware become e-waste because software support was
        | stopped.
        | sokoloff wrote:
        | I agree with that conclusion.
        | I think we'd also need to figure out some durable and
        | stable way to reach a conclusion on "when should the
        | software be published out of escrow?" that handles a
        | bunch of the various edge cases. "What happens to devices
        | that are one-time programmable? What devices are in-
        | scope/out-of-scope? Does this apply to radio firmware as
        | well as general CPU firmware? Is the software license
        | changed alongside the release of code from escrow? Are
        | signing keys also released? Is code released from escrow
        | just because some individual use case is no longer
        | supported by the mainline firmware? [Is a disagreement
        | with a product decision enough to release the old code?]"
        | joelfried wrote:
        | I agree as well, though I don't think we need to figure
        | out all edge cases before the legislation is viable. All
        | we need to do is allow any person who purchased said
        | software a private cause of action in which they can
        | petition a court to release the code. Then a judge could
        | decide based on the merits of the person's need whether
        | the code should be released or not.
        | sokoloff wrote:
        | I think that situation exists _now_ , which is the
        | essential root of the problem.
        | It's too expensive and too unlikely to succeed, but I
        | could sue Chamberlain now arguing that they have breached
        | an implied contract and that the remedy I seek is for
        | them to open-source their code.
        | joelfried wrote:
        | I disagree; I believe any lawsuit brought against
        | Chamberlain today would be dismissed for lack of
        | standing. Further, even if it wasn't, I think you would
        | have a very hard time convincing the court that open
        | sourcing their code is a reasonable remedy.
        | Best case, I think you'd get your purchase price back.
        | I'm not sure how you'd argue that remedy is insufficient,
        | either - hence why my preference is to have the cause of
        | action written into the law we're imagining here. It'd be
        | even better if we can write in that the remedy for a
        | degradation of the service is an open mechanism by which
        | the user has sufficient level of control as to recreate
        | their desired functionality.
        | rjmunro wrote:
        | All you need is an option you can set on a private repo
        | in Github so that if you close your account or don't pay
        | your fees for 3 months it automatically becomes public
        | rather than gets deleted.
        | thereddaikon wrote:
        | Yeah open sourcing code sounds nice but that's the pipe
        | dream of the tech literate. A real workable solution
        | would be regulation defining and banning ewaste creation
        | and consumer protection from vendors rug pulling product
        | support. Penalizing deviant practices and incentivizing
        | open industry standards.
      | PurpleRamen wrote:
      | That will only work for the code the company owns herself.
      | But they can't open source code they licensed themselves,
      | which means they can easily cheat the law by outsourcing
      | their code.
        | pmontra wrote:
        | Yes, but if there is a law like that there will be demand
        | for open source components, like drivers, and if there is
        | demand there will be offer.
        | PurpleRamen wrote:
        | Because that works so well with other laws...
      | mindslight wrote:
      | I'd prefer to have antitrust regulation that stops this
      | _bundling_ of software with hardware from day 1 - ideally
      | applying to both app software, and the embedded software on
      | the device itself. When a product is going end of life, it
      | seems awkward to enforce a requirement on companies and
      | difficult to get traction for a libre development
      | community.
      | baq wrote:
      | once the company goes bankrupt there might be no one left
      | to open source the leftovers if that's even legally
      | possible due to NDAs, 3rd party licenses, etc.
        | rcMgD2BwE72F wrote:
        | Then it should be anticipated. Just like a company is
        | required to pay employees what it owes them before it
        | eventual shutdown, even in case of bankruptcy.
      | marcosdumay wrote:
      | So they publish the crypto certificate that allows opening
      | anybody's door?
        | cferry wrote:
        | Unless it's security by obscurity, releasing the source
        | code of the entire infrastructure should never result in
        | all systems becoming compromised. So, assuming the API is
        | run over HTTPS with authentication tokens, Chamberlain
        | wouldn't need to (and should under no circumstances)
        | release its SSL certificates' private keys. Instead, the
        | firmware and server infrastructure should be easily
        | modified by the user to point to their own servers (or
        | get rid of intermediate servers and directly be usable on
        | the local network, which is the only good solution
        | anyway).
        | simbolit wrote:
        | If that exists, the company should be shut down for gross
        | negligence, even before they go bankrupt.
    | j45 wrote:
    | The cloud is some one else's computers and internet.
    | That internet connection for cloud services for smart gear
    | always costs someone.
    | Smart home devices that can't be locally hosted or easily
    | made to be locally hosted should be avoided.
    | There's no reason a light switch that normally works for
    | 10-20 years will only work for 2-5 due to cloud connectivity.
    | Luckily for the time being a lot of the providers can be
    | reflashed with Tuyo based firmwares.
      | sokoloff wrote:
      | Agree with you overall, while adding a note that light
      | switches normally work for _far, far longer than 20 years_.
        | j45 wrote:
        | Extremely fair comment that light switches normally work
        | far longer than 20 :)
    | PinguTS wrote:
    | There are lots of devices these days that rely on cloud
    | infrastructure, like Apple devices, Teslas. Its becoming more
    | devices.
    | The same for software. Even Microsoft is going fully Cloud.
    | Just had problems to activate my MS Office for Mac Business
    | 2019, which I bought in physical. They now require on
    | @outlook.com email address to be able to activate. Otherwise
    | I can't use my "box" software.
      | causi wrote:
      | The same pirated copy of Office 2007 has been doing me fine
      | for well over a decade at this point.
        | theGeatZhopa wrote:
        | I updated it to version 2010. Much much better. Jack
        | Sparrow ahead:)
        | Just do it. You won't regret it. I also bought office
        | 2016 cheap at some point in time. That's even better.
        | Faster, nicer UI.. just to give you feedback xD
        | PinguTS wrote:
        | We are a small company. I don't use pirated software. I
        | like on-premise software over cloud solutions. Adobe and
        | Zoom ae the only cloud solutions we use. Zoom is
        | obviously. But I look on how to get rid of Adobe, while
        | Adobe Stock has no real competition as the bought
        | Fotolia, which we used before.
        | simbolit wrote:
        | Serious question: did you try pexels? for most of my
        | stock photo needs they are okay (not great but okay), and
        | all pictures are public domain and free of charge. They
        | don't have stock video tho. :(
        | dormento wrote:
        | Once again, the paying customer has a worse experience.
        | The Gaben has spoke: "piracy is more about convenience
        | than price"
      | vetinari wrote:
      | They require Microsoft account, not an outlook.com address;
      | though that address is an easy way to get the account. It
      | is used for activation/license management, one nice feature
      | is that you can yank a license on a dead device and use it
      | with your new one.
      | Outside of activation, it is easy to use MS Office for Mac
      | completely offline -- there's a checkbox for that in
      | preferences. You will lose some marginal functionality,
      | some of which I prefer to be disabled (like generating pdfs
      | of your documents server-side instead of client-side).
        | PinguTS wrote:
        | Nope, a Microsoft account is not enough. It must be an
        | @outlook.com address, or any registered
        | company/school/university address.
        | It took me almost 3 days to find the problem. Microsoft
        | changed that and between all "answers" there is only one
        | single thread in the Microsoft forums that had the
        | solution.
        | vetinari wrote:
        | What does "any registered company/school/university
        | address" mean?
        | Some years ago, I activated some Office licenses using my
        | company email; we never did any hosting with O365 or
        | whatever was it's predecessor, and at the time,
        | everything went fine. All I had to do was to create live
        | account using that email address.
        | PinguTS wrote:
        | The error message is along the lines: "You can't sign in
        | here with a personal account. Use your work or school
        | instead".
        | Which means, that you need to associate your existing
        | account with an @outlook.com address. It seems, that
        | Microsoft changed that requirement somewhere in
        | 2020/2021.
        | Yes, previously Microsoft account with whatever email
        | address was enough. But they changed that.
        | I stumbled upon that while upgrading to new hardware,
        | which requires new activation of the Office products.
    | rhplus wrote:
    | The date should at least match the expiration date of any
    | root CA public certificates installed on the device.
      | dormento wrote:
      | I remember reading about someone who could not brew coffee
      | anymore because the cert on their "smart coffee maker" had
      | expired and the business had gone under.. they discovered
      | that by attempting to use wireshark, of all things, to take
      | a peek. I thought "this moment right here is where people
      | will catch up to it, no way we can go even further".
      | This was like 7+ years ago.
      | https://twitter.com/internetofshit
| rft wrote:
| Parallel discussion:
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38188614
| dinckelman wrote:
| Another one on the shame list. You can use the public api, but
| only if you send your local data through our dogshit online
| channels, so we can sell it later
| lvh wrote:
| Based on my local big box store and garage installer
| availability, Chamberlain has a de facto monopoly. They also
| pulled the rug out from under customers: that behavior had been
| in Home Assistant since 2017, and it's their own recent changes
| that caused the alleged "DDoS". They say it's to promote official
| products, but the company previously had a local hub that didn't
| require their cloud service and discontinued it.
| The API breakage coincides pretty well with their brand new CTO,
| whose objective is apparently "transformation to a smart access
| software company".
| It's unclear if the CTO just doesn't understand that "DDoS"
| generally implies malice, or if they're intentionally using that
| language to blame users for using their product.
| Good news: ratgdo, an ESP-based local solution works great. I
| hope the author is making a decent profit on the kits.
  | hanklazard wrote:
  | That project looks great! Now the issue is finding a
  | Chamberlain or Liftmaster opener without myQ built-in. Or maybe
  | I just don't have to activate it.
    | lvh wrote:
    | Odds are that whatever nice Chamberlain opener you want will
    | have myQ built in because that's their business strategy. You
    | can try getting a different brand if you're voting with your
    | wallet -- but if all you care about is security: the Cloud
    | connectivity is optional and you can just not connect it to
    | WiFi.
    | The ratgdo is more trustworthy, and it just connects (really
    | easily, too, especially with the new v2.5 board) to the
    | opener via the same contacts that the dry contact button
    | does.
  | ur-whale wrote:
  | >The API breakage coincides pretty well with their brand new
  | CTO
  | You can go and engage him directly on the topic, maybe he'll
  | present a perspective we haven't seen, or maybe he'll listen to
  | your arguments and reconsider:
  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/dan-phillips-9a33831/
  | (and no, this is not doxing: his profile is public).
    | madeofpalk wrote:
    | Still, linking out to socials and encouraging brigading is
    | pretty gross.
  | XorNot wrote:
  | Huh, nice. I went with a dry contact kit from Athom but status
  | feedback is tempting (mine just uses a reed switch to detect
  | state):
  | https://www.athom.tech/blank-1/garage-door-opener-for-esphom...
    | jonwest wrote:
    | I use the Athom one also, and putting a reed switch in the
    | fully closed state, as well as in the fully open state allows
    | me to reasonably determine where the door is. Might not be
    | enough for your case, but for me it was enough to know that
    | the door is "kinda open", or "fully open", or closed.
    | rootusrootus wrote:
    | Getting status information from the door is the entire value
    | prop from something like the ratgdo. It's the only reason I
    | ordered one. Otherwise, momentary switches with HA
    | integration are readily and cheaply available.
  | pseg134 wrote:
  | Can someone post the endpoint it is trying to reach for
  | "research" purposes?
    | jacquesm wrote:
    | Tsk tsk.
  | tzs wrote:
  | > It's unclear if the CTO just doesn't understand that "DDoS"
  | generally implies malice, or if they're intentionally using
  | that language to blame users for using their product.
  | I've definitely seen "DDoS" used when there was no malice, such
  | as when a developer accidentally releases a client that
  | generates way more traffic than it was supposed to. Probably
  | because we don't seem to have a good term for "event that at
  | the server looks exactly like a malicious DDoS attack but was
  | actually due to a mistake or to the server becoming
  | unexpectedly popular" :-).
  | My favorite example of whatever we are supposed to call this
  | was John Carmack in 1997. From his 1997-12-09 .plan:
  | > Cyrix has a new processor that is significantly faster at
  | single precision floating point calculations if you don't do
  | any double precision calculations anywhere.
  | > Quake had always kept its timebase as a double precision
  | seconds value, but I agreed to change it over to an integer
  | millisecond timer to allow the global setting of single
  | precision mode.
  | > We went through and changed all the uses of it that we found,
  | but the routine that sends heartbeats to the master servers was
  | missed.
  | > So, instead of sending a packet every 300 seconds, it is
  | sending one every 300 MILLISECONDS.
  | > Oops.
  | > To a server, it won't really make a difference. A tiny extra
  | packet three times a second is a fraction of the bandwidth of a
  | player.
  | > However, if there are thousands of network games in progress,
  | that is a LOT of packets flooding idsoftware.com.
  | > So, please download the new executable if you are going to
  | run any servers (even servers started through the menus).
    | lvh wrote:
    | That's fair. Maybe my security background is shining through
    | here. I guess we used to have "slashdotting" but that doesn't
    | generalize well :)
    | I did do some napkin math to quantify how much that bad
    | traffic may have been: HA estimates between 6857-25576
    | intallations of the MyQ integration. Let's say 16k clients.
    | HA makes it really easy to detect and "add" the integration
    | (which counts as an installation even if it's not
    | configured), so, that's definitely not all clients hitting
    | the API. Let's say it's 50%, so 8k actually using it. Most
    | users just notice myQ is broken. Let's say some fraction
    | retry, which would look the same as an extra user from a
    | volume perspective. Call it an even 10k users (including
    | repeat users).
    | The most recent change is after they broke everything past
    | the OAuth dance. Let's say the OAuth request is 1kB. The
    | retry code retries up to 5 times with exponential backoff.
    | Let's say 5 requests over 10 min.
    | (5 requests / 10 minutes) * 1 request/user * 10k users = 5k
    | requests/minute, or 83 per second, amounting to 83kB/s
    | inbound.
    | There's no reason to assume those requests would synchronize,
    | but I'm sure there's something (let's say every single myQ
    | user updated at the same time).
    | If what they're saying is true, sounds like actually
    | malicious botnet wielders can ransom the living daylights out
    | of them. Given 1Tbs DDoS attacks they'd only need a tiny
    | fraction of the full bore ion cannon! ;-)
    | [1]: https://github.com/arraylabs/pymyq/blob/master/pymyq/req
    | uest...
      | smarx007 wrote:
      | 83 rps would be a challenge when hitting a Java EE app
      | written to make use of tutorial-level ORM code without any
      | caching or optimizations. An app where a request takes
      | 300ms to resolve (pulling numbers out of hat for an average
      | poorly written Java EE app; ignorantly assuming 300 ms are
      | spent with 100% CPU utilization of a single core), would
      | require a 24-core machine to keep up with 83 rps.
      | Accounting for some peaks in usage (how about 5x around
      | 7-8am?), 400 rps could make almost every morning an "all
      | hands on deck" event for the ops?
    | thereddaikon wrote:
    | A term I hear a lot for non-malicious or non-intentional DDOS
    | is the Hug of death.
    | freeplay wrote:
    | > I've definitely seen "DDoS" used when there was no malice,
    | Absolutely. Used to work on the Identity team somewhere. Dev
    | accidentally removed code that was supposed to cache a token
    | on a very chatty service. Brought auth to its knees and
    | called it DDoS.
  | jacquesm wrote:
  | I'm happy to not have one of their devices but if they did this
  | after I had installed it based on the fact that it works with
  | HA then I'd definitely sue them for breach of contract or
  | whatever else I can think of or to get a full refund.
  | What a shit move to pull on your existing customers.
    | borski wrote:
    | It was $30. I highly doubt it's worth it, unfortunately.
      | jacquesm wrote:
      | It's not about the amount, even though you are right that
      | it isn't worth it, it's about the principle of being
      | screwed after you're on-board.
  | russell_h wrote:
  | Came here to plug ratgdo as well - mine is supposed to arrive
  | today! And he should definitely charge more.
| meindnoch wrote:
| Is this "myQ ecosystem" the only way to interact with these
| garage doors? i.e. is there no way to communicate with them
| without involving the manufacturer's server?
  | HunterWare wrote:
  | You can buy little ESPHome devices that will speak it's local
  | serial protocol and control it. (And then link to them how you
  | want)
  | It's incredibly annoying and dumb and I now have to get some.
  | _grumble_
    | op00to wrote:
    | You can just use a relay to open and close the door if that's
    | all you want.
    | Edit: no you can't, if it's the fancy one. You gotta hack a
    | switch like this: LiftMaster 883LM Security+ 2.0 MyQ Door
    | Control Push Button
      | lvh wrote:
      | Sort-of: the newer ones require the physical button to
      | speak the same rolling code protocol the remotes do. So,
      | yes: but you have to modify a real door opener. ratgdo has
      | the advantage that it pretends to be said door opener.
        | op00to wrote:
        | bummer! i had no idea it wasn't just a dumb switch! also
        | super cool that they reverse engineered it. :)
        | jpitz wrote:
        | There's often a pair of pins on the internal board that
        | you can attach a relay to. Shorting the pins causes the
        | door to close.
        | lvh wrote:
        | That sounds even dicier than modifying the wall switch,
        | but sure :)
        | There is a part of me that wants to break the damn thing
        | open to hunt for a 3.3V line so I can power the ratgdo
        | without a USB PSU...
  | fideloper wrote:
  | My garage doors (purchased within the last year) have "regular"
  | buttons / car remotes to open them, myQ was 100% optional. I
  | basically use it as a way to alert me when the garage door
  | opens (someone just came home, amazon is doing that semi-weird
  | in-garage delivery thing, etc)
| zamalek wrote:
| Home Assistant should really maintain a list of actively hostile
| (and actively cooperative) manufacturers to make it easier to
| decide what to purchase.
  | HunterWare wrote:
  | And put it high and proud on the site!
  | gog wrote:
  | On each integration page there is a button that states if the
  | integration is local or remote.
    | lvh wrote:
    | That helps, but a remote integration doesn't _have_ to be
    | hostile. I get that it's different from IoT, and most of my
    | stuff is local Zigbee after learning the hard way, but my
    | Home Assistant also talks to the Norwegian meteorological
    | institute and Tailscale :)
    | One reason this is tricky to do is because up until let's say
    | the last 6 months or so, myQ _wasn't_ hostile, even if it was
    | Cloud-based. (I get that that aligns with your point! I'm not
    | arguing with you there.)
      | egberts1 wrote:
      | All remote are more potentially hostile than any local will
      | ever be.
        | lawn wrote:
        | Yes, but some can't be local. For instance an integration
        | that scrapes news from a website.
        | TeMPOraL wrote:
        | Sure it can be local - in the sense that all control and
        | scrapping lives on your machine.
        | But in general, OK - some things are better done via an
        | on-line service. But it's the minority of cases - almost
        | none of IoT devices have a legitimate reason to route
        | control and diagnostics through the cloud.
        | rjmunro wrote:
        | And a local integration can be hostile if it's not
        | publicly documented and they can update it / make it go
        | away with an over the air update.
        | What matters is that they provide proper documentation
        | for their APIs, encourage devs to use them, and don't
        | have a history of breaking old clients with new firmware
        | updates (without very good security reasons).
        | justin_oaks wrote:
        | And the company doesn't even have to be actively hostile
        | for remote to be risky.
        | The company could go out of business and shut down their
        | servers. Or shut down the servers because they're no
        | longer selling the product.
        | Sometimes incompetence is as bad or worse than malice.
        | The company could break an API accidentally. Or the API
        | only works intermittently. Or they could add poorly-
        | implemented rate limiting that unintentionally affects
        | multiple users when they share an IP via NAT.
    | emilecantin wrote:
    | Yes, but you have to open each integration page manually, you
    | can't filter by this.
    | TeMPOraL wrote:
    | Oh, that. I'm actually wondering if they are making this hard
    | _on purpose_.
    | The _obvious_ way to implement this would be to have a front-
    | and-center filter for cloud /local, so that one could use it
    | to check which brands to consider before buying new connected
    | hardware. It's a use case people have been asking for years.
    | It's the only reason one would want to access a searchable
    | list through their own page (as opposed to googling "${brand
    | name} home assistant").
    | What's the blocker here?
      | deadbunny wrote:
      | > What's the blocker here?
      | It's an open source project. Stuff generally gets worked on
      | by people who care about features. You seem to care about
      | this. https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant.io
| HunterWare wrote:
| I use Home Assistant and have this openner. My installer
| recommeneded it because he's had happy customers like me who use
| home automation. I can tell you that I a) will never recommend or
| buy the brand again, and b) have already complained to my
| installer about his recommendation of this line (and he is moving
| to another brand).
| I wish ratgdo a ton of success and have several on order.
  | travoc wrote:
  | On top of the lack of integration support, the MyQ app used to
  | open garage doors is full of advertisements. It's ridiculous. I
  | regret buying their products.
    | dspillett wrote:
    | _> the MyQ app used to open garage doors is full of
    | advertisements._
    | This will most likely be a significant factor in though,
    | though good luck getting them to admit it.
    | HA users will mostly be bypassing the app and therefore not
    | providing revenue via ad impressions.
      | toyg wrote:
      | The fact that a _garage door accessory company_ relies on
      | _showing ads_ is a triumph for MBAs programs and a tragedy
      | for the human race.
        | TeMPOraL wrote:
        | The stuff I learn in this thread is so unbelievable that
        | I don't even know what to say anymore. This feels like
        | pulled straight from _Idiocracy_.
        | LocalH wrote:
        | Ow, My Balls
        | jrockway wrote:
        | To some extent, serving ads is like owning a money
        | printer. I can't really get upset that everyone wants to
        | own a money printer. I just hope that there is a backlash
        | against ads someday, where they start having a negative
        | effect. "Oh, Toyota is constantly advertising in my
        | garage door app? I'm going to buy a Ford instead." People
        | say that the US government defaulting on its debt would
        | be the end of the world, but the real end of the world is
        | one where advertisements stop working!
        | fnordpiglet wrote:
        | As far as I can tell, fwiw, the ads are all cross sells
        | for chamberlain products so there isn't an impression
        | based revenue stream, just conversions.
    | lopis wrote:
    | And there you have it folks. That's the number one reason why
    | they are forcing you to use their app.
    | theGeatZhopa wrote:
    | Actually, some other commentator statet, that when he's about
    | to open/close his garage door, he opens the official app and
    | where there's been a "open/close" button is now a video ad
    | and to reach the button, you have to scroll the screen until
    | you reach it.
    | I would try to sue that manufacturer. I hope it we'll be
    | pulled to a court.
  | quadrifoliate wrote:
  | > have already complained to my installer about his
  | recommendation of this line (and he is moving to another
  | brand).
  | What brand is he moving to? Does it work with Home Assistant?
  | I can't recall the last time I saw a garage door that wasn't
  | Chamberlain or one of the brands they own. At least in my area
  | they seem to have a near-monopoly.
    | throw03172019 wrote:
    | Hopefully it has a native HomeKit integration.
    | HunterWare wrote:
    | Genie is what I heard. I haven't deep dived, as I'm going to
    | get along with Ratgdo. But if I needed new ones that's where
    | I'd start. =)
    | fnordpiglet wrote:
    | Genie Aladdin is supported by HA (don't have one so don't
    | know how well it works)
  | bonestamp2 wrote:
  | I don't blame your installer for recommending it. I've had a
  | myQ opener since 2015 and it's been rock solid... it has been
  | the most reliable home automation product I have ever owned,
  | until now.
    | HunterWare wrote:
    | I don't, and would happily use that installer again. =) But
    | unless you give feedback on how the choices are working out
    | how can you expect them to know and have a better choice next
    | time? (Genie, is what I heard for the future... I'll have to
    | check further when/if it becomes relevant)
  | nfriedly wrote:
  | I also just left my installer a voicemail explaining that they
  | are going out of their way to break compatibility with the
  | software I use, and I recommend that they look for another
  | brand, at least for folks who are interested in wifi
  | connectivity.
| ekianjo wrote:
| Why does a garage door need an API?
  | LeifCarrotson wrote:
  | Two reasons:
  | 1. My wife can check that we didn't forget to close it instead
  | of driving 20 minutes back home to quell her nerves.
  | 2. We can let a friend or neighbor into the garage (or into the
  | house if we use the smart lock on the door inside the garage)
  | when we're not home. Without giving permanent access to a key
  | or PIN code.
    | op00to wrote:
    | My chamberlain remote pad opener from like 2012 has "burner"
    | codes that operate a certain number of times, down to a
    | single use. I have one programmed if I need to let someone
    | in.
    | sgu999 wrote:
    | > 1. My wife can check that we didn't forget to close it
    | instead of driving 20 minutes back home to quell her nerves.
    | Seems like a bit of an ill-adaptation. I used to want a smart
    | door lock for exactly this reason, but instead I learned to
    | be mindful when I close my dumb door...
      | theshrike79 wrote:
      | You can teach yourself to be mindful, how about the other
      | people in the house? Or will you personally check it every
      | time the house is empty?
      | lvh wrote:
      | My garage was broken into. The open door warning is how I
      | found out.
      | sanex wrote:
      | Let me know how you feel after you're married.
  | PurpleRamen wrote:
  | Maybe so people will get alarmed when the garage opens, while
  | they are not at home? Or for them to open the garage remotely
  | for deliveries, workers or visitors. Does this system support
  | this?
  | hnbad wrote:
  | To allow remote control. Of course this is silly and the real
  | answer is to make you dependent on their app which shows you
  | ads.
  | Also many smaller smart home device manufacturers with an app
  | seem to be heading in the direction of wanting to expand into
  | other smart home devices and lock you into their proprietary
  | ecosystem, while the rest of the industry simultaneously seems
  | to move towards more interoperability via things like the
  | Matter protocol, presumably to make it easier to interact with
  | various voice assistants without requiring an individual
  | gateway for each one.
  | This is just another reason to distrust any smart home device
  | that doesn't support ZigBee, Matter, or a similar purpose-built
  | local protocol.
| j45 wrote:
| One extra step I've learned to follow is to verify if needed,
| could the hardware be permanently redirected to a local server,
| and worst case reflagged with a different firmware or it can be
| redirected to remain local. The latter is sometimes easier if
| it's a Tuya based device, which a lot of these unknown devices
| are.
| https://github.com/make-all/tuya-local
| One of the main things these "smart" devices do is use your
| internet connection. It's wise to create a dedicated _IoT
| suffixed wifi which can't access your network or devices, but at
| the same time your other devices can ping them.
| How?
| This is a pretty solid guide of a home network setup here. It can
| be running a $50 EdgeRouter X or translated to other devices.
| https://github.com/mjp66/Ubiquiti/blob/master/Ubiquiti%20Hom...
| Edit: comments below have additional info on Tasmota and ESPHome
  | rft wrote:
  | > https://github.com/make-all/tuya-local
  | Just a small warning: make sure to check whether your device
  | needs to be added to the Tuya cloud to get a local API key. I
  | was only able to get "my" lamp working locally after
  | registering it via the app and creating a developer account.
  | Another option can be flashing it with Tasmota:
  | https://tasmota.github.io/docs/Tuya-Convert/
    | j45 wrote:
    | Thanks for that clarification, I also couldn't remember the
    | name of Tasmota.
    | Nextgrid wrote:
    | > Another option can be flashing it with Tasmota
    | ESPHome is also a good option and makes Home Assistant
    | integration easier.
| Moldoteck wrote:
| FYI if you want smart things that are not yet limited by this bs
| decisions, afaik IKEA products are pretty neat
  | rft wrote:
  | Yepp, I have some IKEA buttons and they are just Zigbee
  | devices. They also sell lamps etc., mostly Zigbee based from
  | what I remember.
  | For the Germans (maybe other countries as well): The Lidl smart
  | home things are nearly all Zigbee based. So far no problems
  | with them and they are, IMO, reasonably priced. I somehow trust
  | Lidl more to not burn my house down than random Amazon sellers.
  | They also sell a Zigbee gateway that phones home by default,
  | but can be converted to local only, dumb mode that works fine
  | with Home Assistant [1] with a tiny bit of soldering. I use
  | these exclusively without problems, even the one I rooted for
  | my parents works without any maintenance.
  | [1] https://paulbanks.org/projects/lidl-zigbee/#overview
    | theshrike79 wrote:
    | Zigbee in general is great. If you want the more expensive
    | stuff, Philips is the leader in that.
    | And now that Matter support is slowly trickling in, they
    | should all be fully interoperable. Currently it's touch and
    | go if a Ikea bulb works well with the Hue hub for example.
      | mmcclure wrote:
      | It's not the same as MyQ here, but Philips (specifically
      | Hue) recently pulled a similar move around requiring
      | accounts. Thankfully it's not as big of a deal for the HA
      | crowd because the lights can be controlled directly via
      | zigbee, but it certainly caused a kerfuffle in their
      | ecosystem.
      | Related thread:
      | https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37594377
    | erinnh wrote:
    | I moved away from the Lidl Zigbee stuff.
    | It was just too low quality. Motion sensors would activate
    | later and/or less than other vendors etc. Stuff like that.
    | Ikea is great, Aqara and Sonoff works well as well. They
    | arent much more expensive (if at all) than the Lidl stuff
    | either.
| op00to wrote:
| I built my own HA integration with a tilt sensor and a relay to
| trigger the button. I have a camera on the door, I wonder if I
| can use that to validate the switch.
| I normally leave it disconnected from the switch because I don't
| need to open the door remotely and I am afraid that some exploit
| will have a Russian 13 year old opening and closing my door at
| 4am.
  | juahan wrote:
  | I have my Home Assistant completely local, if I need to access
  | it from outside, I open Wireguard VPN to my local network and
  | do my business in Hassio locally.
    | op00to wrote:
    | Oh my Hassio has no open ports to the internet, but I sleep
    | better knowing no one can open my garage from another
    | country.
| Yhippa wrote:
| Once they broke Google Assistant integration, I decided to
| replace them and never use any of their products again. I use a
| lot of connected devices and this is the only company that has
| gone backwards in terms of interop over time.
| ivanstegic wrote:
| The Homebridge integration is also, obviously, broken.
| ranting-moth wrote:
| > We understand that this impacts a small percentage of users,
| ...
| Wow, what a contemptuous statement.
| I have news for you, Chamberlain Group. You are not only
| alienating, being hostile and losing a "Small percentage of
| users" (most companies would prefer to call them "valued
| customers", but I get it). You are causing an enormous permanent
| damage to your own brand.
  | Tangurena2 wrote:
  | This is the own goal that Intel did with their Pentium FDIV
  | bug. They were absolutely correct that it only impacted a small
  | percentage of users. They still ended up losing their shirts
  | over the problem.
  | Spivak wrote:
  | As much as I want this to be true I kinda doubt it. People who
  | install and configure home assistant are far and away niche
  | users. Almost everyone with one of their products will just use
  | a physical clicker or pair it with their car directly.
    | ranting-moth wrote:
    | These specific niche users are the geeks that all relatives
    | and friends ask what to get.
| alistairSH wrote:
| Aren't garage door button just simple momentary switches? So use
| an aftermarket "smart" remote or button?
  | lostapathy wrote:
  | Not with newer openers - they speak a serial protocol to the
  | opener.
    | alistairSH wrote:
    | Oh wow, what a pain in the butt.
| unixhero wrote:
| Great to know which vendor I will NOT be buying from.
| tecleandor wrote:
| There's a key point on the data-mining-cloud-only route
| Chamberlain is taking: they were acquired by Blackstone a couple
| years ago [1], so not "family owned" anymore [2].
| No doubt they want to exploit that data and begin integration
| with all their shady Real State business [3].
| Their new CTO/Executive VP says in one of their PR news: "With
| Blackstone's partnership, we will capitalize on new market
| opportunities". And a Senior Management Director says "...unique
| opportunity to build on its leadership position at the center of
| housing and e-commerce megatrends (...) expansion into connected
| homes, businesses and communities" [4].
| Very alarming in times that big owners are trying also to force
| biometric data collection in their buildings (see Atlantic Plaza
| Towers) or are blindly giving information to agencies (see Amazon
| Ring cameras and the likes).
| Now, the rant:
| Of course, with one hand the CEO is donating to buy his name in
| institutions: "There is a Stephen Schwarzman building at the New
| York Public Library, a Schwarzman centre at Yale University and
| the Schwarzman College of Computing in Massachusetts. Soon, the
| University of Oxford will open the Schwarzman Centre for the
| Humanities, funded by the largest single donation it has ever
| received." [5] and the other is receiving billions from
| universities like UC to speculate in real state [6].
| One would say it's curious how Schwarzman creates a huge
| publicity stunt with "biggest single donation 'since the
| Renaissance'" (PS150m) [7], but why would be important to donate
| to Oxford, when they have almost PS8b in endowments... [8]
| 1: https://www.blackstone.com/news/press/the-duchossois-group-
| completes-saleof-chamberlain-group-to-blackstone/       2:
| https://www.wsj.com/articles/blackstone-to-buy-chamberlain-
| group-11631019601       3: https://www.theguardian.com/us-
| news/2019/mar/26/blackstone-group-accused-global-housing-crisis-
| un       4: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/chamberlain-
| group-adds-top-tech-leader-dan-phillips-as-cto-to-accelerate-
| companys-technology-transformation-301744538.html       5:
| https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/sep/29/blackstone-
| rebellion-how-one-country-worlds-biggest-commercial-landlord-
| denmark       6:
| https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-01-20/university-
| california-blackstone-real-estate-fund-housing-prices       7:
| https://www.theguardian.com/education/2019/jun/19/oxford-receive-
| biggest-single-donation-stephen-schwarzman       8: https://en.wi
| kipedia.org/wiki/List_of_universities_in_the_United_Kingdom_by_en
| dowment#Endowments_over_%C2%A31_billion
| acjohnson55 wrote:
| I own a MyQ garage door opener and this is infuriating. We would
| be so much further along in home automation if companies were
| mandated to produce interoperable devices. Every appliance should
| expose its controls, events, and state in a standardized manner.
| I don't know what such a mandate would look like. I just know
| that we're at least a decade behind where we should be because
| the market isn't getting it done.
| sarchertech wrote:
| Any IOT device that requires the cloud for functionality is a
| trap.
| I bought a Miku baby monitor specifically because of the 2
| devices that offered a feature I wanted, Miku had no subscription
| fees. And they advertised that they never would. It cost $400.
| Then they went bankrupt and during bankruptcy they sent out a
| proposal to start charging for previously free features. Then
| they retracted that proposal. Not sure if the judge shut that
| down, or what happened. But then they sold to a company
| conveniently created the day of the sale.
| Within a month the new company forced out an over the air update
| that disabled most functionality until you pay them $10 a month
| (they went bankrupt in the first place because they did a normal
| over the air firmware update that bricked every single unit and
| had to replace them all).
| Last time I checked they were still being advertised on Amazon as
| being subscription free.
| Honestly I think we need regulation to force companies to
| purchase a bond to provide basic security and support for any IOT
| devices they sell for some number of years from the purchase
| date. I don't see any sign of the market solving this anytime
| soon.
  | cogman10 wrote:
  | Sounds like bait and switch to me, which is illegal.
  | You can report this action to the ftc
  | https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/#/
    | mindslight wrote:
    | Especially that it was a new company deliberately disabling
    | the devices, it sounds like a straightforward criminal CFAA
    | violation. Of course, such laws are really only for
    | persecuting little guys doing uppity things like trying to
    | make scientific knowledge available to the public. Even if
    | you could convince any six-degrees-of-golf-buddies prosecutor
    | to take the case, I'm sure the malicious crackers have some
    | fake contract to hide behind that claims a transferable right
    | to remotely destroy your property.
      | teachrdan wrote:
      | I wonder if you could take them to small claims court.
      | That's a potentially useful remedy, although pretty much
      | everywhere, if they lose in small claims they can appeal it
      | to regular civil court and make it prohibitively expensive
      | to fight them.
  | vel0city wrote:
  | I had an internet connected baby monitor. In the end we decided
  | to just get a local RF one and it is a far better experience.
  | Pair it once, and it just works. Lower power. Very reliable.
  | Coverage throughout the house without issue. No apps to crash
  | in the background. No dropped streams. No needing to log in to
  | the app. No worries about features getting taken away. No
  | subscriptions. No having to send data out to the cloud just to
  | pull it back down. Lower latency. Far easier to just hand the
  | display unit to the baby sitter instead of trying to talk them
  | into installing an app and sharing a login.
  | These days the local RF ones are very solid. Modern DECT-based
  | systems use encryption and frequency hopping so once paired
  | you're not realistically going to get someone listening in.
  | The only benefit I see for these cloud connected cameras is if
  | you're out of the house and are going to check in on the baby
  | sitter, but in the end I'm not even a big fan of that feature.
  | There's tons of pros for the local RF ones and few negatives,
  | and mostly a bunch of unknowns and concerns with the cloud
  | ones.
    | sarchertech wrote:
    | My wife works nights and she likes to be able to check in
    | occasionally. It's also got a millimeter wave radar that
    | shows a breathing graph.
    | My wife is a pediatric ER doctor and she thinks the breath
    | tracking radar is stupid, but I like to be able to look over
    | and see the graph because I'm a crazy person and otherwise
    | I'd zoom in on the camera and stare at it until I see
    | movement.
      | vel0city wrote:
      | We went with an Owlet sock that we got pre-nerfing from the
      | FDA to track breathing/O2. The internet connected monitor
      | was actually the Owlet cam. It worked decently enough, but
      | just headaches from it being a cloud connected camera
      | pushed us to get an RF-based system when we wanted a second
      | camera.
      | If it works for you, that's great. I'm not trying to yuck
      | your yum, just sharing my own personal experiences.
        | sarchertech wrote:
        | >If it works for you
        | It used to lol! But it'll be a cold day in hell before I
        | pay to use the thing I already bought.
        | We're about to have our next baby and I have no idea what
        | solution we'll end up with. I might end up trying to hack
        | the Miku. I used to be an embedded software guy long ago.
    | TeMPOraL wrote:
    | I recently bought a baby monitor - or more specifically,
    | spent a couple hundred EUR on Ubiquity hardware - two
    | cameras, NVR/host, and a PoE switch - and made one myself,
    | because that's the _only_ way I know of (after serious
    | research and asking on HN) one can buy a wifi-enabled baby
    | cam in Europe, that doesn 't route video through some sketchy
    | cloud. Baby cam vendors, fuck you all very much.
| ajsnigrutin wrote:
| We have nutriscore labels, excessive sugar labels, "smoking
| kills" labels...
| Why not "This device does not support local cloudless control"
| and "This device does not allow 3rd party software access" labels
| too
| Garage opener is a 10+ year device, expecting the company/cloud
| service to survive for that long and still be supported is too
| optimistic, but local control will still be usable, even if some
| 'adjustments' are needed.
| hennell wrote:
| I'm not clear if people are really replacing a physical something
| here, but if you have an old smart home device which sucks, be
| sure to put it up on online marketplaces.
| List it cheep along with a warts and all discussion of it's
| problems. Means less waste as there's always someone who'll want
| it, people who are looking for the product hear about the limits
| upfront, and the company actually gets a real loss from you
| leaving (assuming it sells to someone who might have bought a new
| one).
| Plus it's fun to try to convince enquirers why they shouldn't buy
| your item
| macNchz wrote:
| Honestly smart features in large/permanent appliances is
| something I explicitly avoid these days. The majority of smart
| home products I've bought over the last ten years have been
| somewhat disappointing if not outright rage inducing. I don't
| want that in something that is difficult or expensive to replace.
| I sort of have to assume in the case of large appliances that the
| manufacturer will drop support for it well before I want to
| replace it, and that if there is any sort of functionality fully
| gated behind an app, that it will become unusable to me at some
| point when I reset my phone and discover they've unpublished the
| app from the store.
| I'd much rather buy a dumb garage door opener and bolt on that
| ratgd device mentioned in this post, than be beholden to the
| manufacturer's whims and invariably godawful garbage horrible no-
| good app.
| novakinblood wrote:
| I felt silly at first complaining to my wife I couldn't get myQ
| working again, thinking I did something wrong after adding an
| automation. We tried to open the door (remote via hass) for my
| son when he got home but it didn't work. Obviously it was
| something I did?(nope)
| Then I watched the discussion on discord and realized I'm not
| alone albeit still a small percentage.
| Then I see this as top post on hn.
| It's frustrating to have a company do this. I don't agree with
| their choice. Plus forcing you to see ads whenever you open or
| close the door is Orwellian.
| Now I need to somehow sell this device on eBay with hopes a large
| percentage still wants it.
  | bonestamp2 wrote:
  | It does suck, but can you still use it remotely via the myQ
  | app?
    | chewmieser wrote:
    | MyQ app should work fine. Just not the API integration to
    | MyQ.
      | EMIRELADERO wrote:
      | Couldn't people do some reverse-engineering to figure out
      | the first-party protocol and impersonate the official app
      | in the API integration?
        | AJayWalker wrote:
        | AFAIK yes, but to quote the article (which quotes the
        | maintainer of the MyQ integration, Lash-L [0]), "We are
        | playing a game of cat and mouse with MyQ and right now it
        | looks like the cat is winning"
        | [0] https://github.com/Lash-L
        | saagarjha wrote:
        | Yes, that's what they've done. The problem is that myQ
        | keeps trying to fingerprint the device to check if the
        | requests are coming from a real app before offering
        | service.
      | lostapathy wrote:
      | The MyQ app sucks, though. Besides the dark pattern ad-
      | forcing they do, I've also had the thing redraw while I was
      | holding the button to open a door. Which meant the wrong
      | door opened entirely - one that happens to be 20 miles from
      | where I was standing. I have had this happen multiple
      | times, it's ridiculous.
| tempaway334751 wrote:
| Chamberlain sound like dicks but to be fair, when we're talking
| about remotely opening doors that give access to people's houses,
| it seems fair enough IN PRINCIPLE for them to restrict access to
| the API to 'partners' and for them to have some sort of payment
| and maybe even approval process around who becomes a 'partner'.
| Obviously that sucks for open-source projects that can't afford
| to pay up. But it seems fair enough to put some payments or
| approval processes in the way here.
  | kzemek wrote:
  | And why does it seem fair enough? The garage door is mine, not
  | Chamberlain's (although that starts to be more and more
  | debatable the farther into enshittification we go).
| spandextwins wrote:
| +1 home assistant -1 Chamberlain
| emilecantin wrote:
| Having been impacted by something similar (company changing their
| cloud and breaking my HA integration), I think that when
| companies do this, the least they could do is offer refunds/buy-
| back to impacted customers.
| In my case, I bought a slightly-inferior product specifically for
| its HA integration; now that it's broken it's just an inferior
| product...
| chewmieser wrote:
| I use HomeBridge but have also been noticing connectivity issues
| recently. Just ordered two of those Ratgdo devices, thanks.
| Sounds like a better solution anyway.
| oskapt wrote:
| Something that I don't see people talking about here is that MyQ
| is the core/required integration component for Amazon Key in-
| garage delivery, a service used by millions of people to have
| their packages delivered to their garages instead of having them
| stolen off their porch. That's why it needs Internet access. All
| the talk about how Chamberlain will go bankrupt because a
| comparatively small number of tech people stop using the product
| is fluff. I ran into the MyQ API problem with Homebridge a couple
| weeks ago, and I bought a unit from Meross that integrates
| directly with Apple HomeKit. I still have the MyQ installed
| because I _need_ it for Amazon deliveries. Yes, all the fury
| about ads and user hostility and probable polling requiring extra
| resources with no recompense is correct and justified. But at the
| end of the day, Chamberlain doesn't care if they piss us off.
| They get all their money from the same people who think their
| phone screen is _supposed_ to be covered in ads on every page
| they visit, and they likely get TONS of money from Amazon.
  | ryukafalz wrote:
  | > Something that I don't see people talking about here is that
  | MyQ is the core/required integration component for Amazon Key
  | in-garage delivery, a service used by millions of people to
  | have their packages delivered to their garages instead of
  | having them stolen off their porch.
  | Would be nice if this functionality could work with arbitrary
  | openers via webhooks. You could even have a fancy auth flow
  | that you trigger from your smart home dashboard so users don't
  | have to know or care how it's implemented under the hood.
  | lock-the-spock wrote:
  | Somewhat off topic but it is quite stunning to me that American
  | carriers just leave the package at the door. I lived in
  | different European countries and in all of them the expectation
  | is that the mailman (official mail, or any of the services like
  | dhl, ups, etc) will ring the bell. If you don't answer they
  | will ring the neighbour and then take it back and either try
  | again another day or you can go to a pickup point. Instead the
  | U.S. has an entire category of devices to avoid package theft
  | when the solution lies in holding carriers to account. I don't
  | want to open the garage for Amazon or Bol or any other delivery
  | company...
    | BHSPitMonkey wrote:
    | This is how it used to work in the U.S., too, until the major
    | carriers recently realized they can make that into a paid
    | feature for the customer. Now you can't even request
    | something to be held at the store or distribution center for
    | pickup without a fee or subscription.
    | yborg wrote:
    | What you describe is how it worked in the US maybe 10 years
    | ago too. But Amazon's free delivery race to the bottom made
    | the cost of reattempts to deliver eliminate any margin. It's
    | cheaper for Amazon to replace stolen shipments for a few
    | people than to make multiple attempts to do re-delivery for
    | many people. And creating a problem in order to charge people
    | to solve the problem you created is a basic monopolist
    | playbook move.
    | rootusrootus wrote:
    | UPS used to do that. I hated it. If I'm not at home I have to
    | wait another day to get my package, or drive across town to
    | get it from the depot.
    | Just put it on the porch. Not everyone lives in an area with
    | a package theft problem, let those folks work out their own
    | solution but don't punish the rest of us.
    | lannisterstark wrote:
    | I dont want my neighbors to have my package. Fuck that. I'd
    | rather they leave it on my porch.
    | 0xffff2 wrote:
    | Meanwhile, it is quite stunning to me that European carriers
    | would intentionally mis-deliver (i.e. leave with a neighbor)
    | packages rather than just leaving them on the porch! Over
    | many years and many neighbors, I've had plenty who I would be
    | happy to let receive my packages and plenty I would very much
    | not. Likewise, I would be quite peeved as a permanent WFH-er
    | to be the neighborhood final delivery guy.
    | There are plenty of places in the US where packages left on
    | the porch aren't secure, but there are also plenty of places
    | where it's completely fine and saves everyone time. I've
    | never once had a package stolen off my porch anywhere from an
    | apartment in the Bay Area to a house on 10 acres in rural
    | Oregon. I really think that the places where package theft is
    | rampant are the exception, not the rule.
    | fnordpiglet wrote:
    | When I lived in NYC and like most didn't own a car this was
    | the way it worked (sans the neighbor, delivering a package to
    | the wrong recipient is a big no no, and makes some huge
    | assumptions about the neighbor, relationship to the neighbor,
    | and sensitivity of the delivery). If you weren't home you got
    | a hang tag. They attempted redelivery a few times, held it
    | for a while for pickup, then sent it back.
    | I worked, like most folks, and people are not generally home.
    | The pickup location took two hours to get to via public
    | transit. That's a four hour round trip. There was one and
    | only one pickup location in the entire NYC region for fedex.
    | It made life impossible. Amazon came along and decided to
    | take responsibility for losses directly and instructed
    | carriers to leave packages and not reattempt delivery or hold
    | them. Customers vastly preferred this, carriers too as they
    | saved tons of money. Amazon got a reputation for being much
    | more convenient to order from. Their losses as a percentage
    | were low compared to essentially owning mail order due to the
    | convenience. When I had packages stolen they immediately
    | shipped a replacement no questions asked.
    | Amazon Key is an attempt to mitigate theft but also a lot of
    | folks just feel uncomfortable with packages on their front
    | step. The idea of leaving you garage slightly open for
    | deliveries isn't a new one, but the Key product improves on
    | that by only opening for the delivery person and recording
    | their interactions to ensure they don't do something they
    | shouldn't.
    | I used it briefly but I didn't like it because I have a
    | workshop in my garage and I just didn't want people seeing
    | what I'm working on. I wasn't worried they would rob me per
    | se, just didn't like showing my work in progress to random
    | strangers. If it opened the garage slightly to allow the
    | package delivery I would have kept it but it opened 100%.
  | nfriedly wrote:
  | I just called up the folks that installed my garage door, and
  | recommended that they look for a different brand because of how
  | hostile Chamberlain is being towards their customers. I'm not
  | the only one doing that.
  | Sure, we're just a couple drops in the ocean, but eventually
  | those drops can start to add up.
  | noen wrote:
  | That was my thought as well.
  | I only have MyQ for Amazon Key. Fortunately Amazon also
  | supports the Aladdin Connect - which works with all garage
  | doors. And is fully supported in Home Assistant.
  | I have one on order and will be swapping out, bye bye
  | Chamberlain.
| WirelessGigabit wrote:
| The reason they caused that much traffic is because Home-
| Assistant has no other way of finding out the status.
| If only there was a LOCAL way. But I can't poll the device
| locally. I can't send it commands.
  | lvh wrote:
  | Good news: you can now, I just installed it and it was easy and
  | fun. https://github.com/PaulWieland/ratgdo
  | But it is external to the device, you're right :) And for some
  | crazy reason this guy is getting a lot of orders recently ;)
    | jermanoid wrote:
    | Of all the options we have, the RatGDO is the only one that
    | taps into the serial connection to the Garage Door and
    | circumvents the "security+" marketing gimmick. With it you
    | get access to all the door metrics/controls. Door State, Door
    | Position, Wireless Remote Lock/Unlock, Obstruction Status,
    | Light Status. So you don't need any extra sensors and wires
    | dangling around.
    | To each their own. The other options seem to work great for
    | most people. But RatGDO will work best for me (And they
    | arrive tomorrow. Stoked). I want to know exactly when my door
    | starts to open. Not 10 seconds later when the tilt or reed
    | sensors are triggered, because I want my exterior lights to
    | come on immediately and voice notifications to not be
    | delayed. Also I want to lock my wireless remotes out at night
    | and when I'm away because my wife uses her garage for
    | projects and parks outside with her remote in the car. Lastly
    | I want something that appears the least messy.
    | My only minor concern is Chaimberland would somehow try and
    | gimp this solution with a firmware update. My initial
    | thoughts were that they would probably break the wall buttons
    | in everyone's homes. I still don't believe they have the
    | ability to update the wall button firmware to work with any
    | changes to the software in the motor. Everyone started
    | echoing that after I made an assumption about it, but I'm not
    | 100% certain if it's the case or not. Alas it doesn't matter
    | because I'm disconnecting my doors themselves from wifi,
    | unpairing them from MyQ and deleting my account once my
    | RatGDOs are wired up.
| XorNot wrote:
| LOL. I have Chamberlain garage doors, and paid $30 for an Athom
| ESPhome preflash kit that includes a box, power supply and reed
| switches. Works great.
| If there's one thing I'm dedicated to now, it's that all of these
| custom cloud IoT things are transient user hostile junk. If it's
| not open source and in my control, then it's not mine.
| egberts1 wrote:
| That's why all of my installed IoT devices are either custom-
| firmwared or can be as well as configured to be not "dialing
| home" to some nosey data collection and aggregation center.
| tibbon wrote:
| Could there be a suit against them over this? I bought one
| explicitly for home automation, and it seems them disabling it
| turns that into some sort of false advertising
| dannytrigo wrote:
| Received my ratgdo yesterday and uninstalled the myq app. They
| won't be getting any more traffic from me
| bradyholt wrote:
| I surmise part of the reason they did this is to protect revenue
| from "authorized" partners. I'm sure these partners are not happy
| paying money to Chamberlain so their customers have access to myQ
| while other unauthorized partners get free access.
| nunez wrote:
| I wrote the below in another post on this topic:
| They never technically allowed it in the first place.
| Homebridge and Home Assistant used a popular Python library that
| reverse-engineered the MyQ API from the Android app. Many
| companies couldn't care less until abuse ramps up, but given that
| Chamberlain (Blackstone-owned) has gone into rent-seeking mode
| all of a sudden (or an incident happened that they won't disclose
| but prompted them to take a hard look at this), they decided to
| turn the Cloudflare Super Bot Fight stuff way the hell up on
| their OIDC token exchange endpoint (you can still request auth
| codes).
| I decided to abandon trying to get MyQ to work with Home
| Assistant (it would have required hours of trying to figure out
| what combination of headers would have passed the CF checkpoint)
| and ended up getting a Meross Smart Opener. It was shockingly
| easy to install (plug the relay device into the same pinouts that
| your wall door opener uses) and works even better than MyQ (in
| that you won't get a weird "close error" that prevents you from
| operating your door that not even MyQ customer service will
| clear)
| ---
| I still use and recommend MyQ, however. The Amazon Key and Tesla
| integrations work great. If they had previously allowed API
| access but then rescinded it in favor of "providing a better
| experience" like Reddit is doing, then I'd feel differently. In
| this case, however, it feels like we took advantage of a backdoor
| for a long time and the club decided to finally put a lock on it.
| Shitty, but reasonable.
| The next big one to watch out for is Ring.
| Ring does not (will not?) support HomeKit. Lots of folks (myself
| included) have resorted to using Homebridge or Home Assistant as
| an alternative.
| Both are using a library that reverse-engineered Ring's API
| (though Ring engineers supposedly contributed to it).
| While the Homebridge plugin simply exposes device statuses and
| metrics and RTSP feeds for the cameras, Koush's scrypted NVR
| platform enables HomeKit Secure Recording for the cameras, which
| allows more adventurous users to skip paying for Ring Protect
| ($10/mo)
| While I get a lot of value from Ring Protect and will continue to
| pay it, I really hope Ring doesn't decide to "improve the user
| experience" for us like Chamberlain did. I'd be really sad if
| that happens, since HomeKit is amazing and is much better than
| having a million apps on my phone that don't talk to each other.
  | nfriedly wrote:
  | > Many companies couldn't care less until abuse ramps up
  | I think "abuse" is the wrong word here. I'm just trying to
  | automate my garage door. If there was a way to do that over my
  | local network, without touching their servers, then they'd
  | never see any traffic from me.
  | rootusrootus wrote:
  | > Tesla integrations
  | I sometimes wonder if Tesla nerfed the homelink functionality
  | in the car just to encourage people to pay monthly for the MyQ
  | software solution. I gave up trying to get my Model 3 to
  | open/close the door automatically for me because the range is
  | just abysmal. Went back to using a push button remote on the
  | visor that will open the door from half a block away.
    | nunez wrote:
    | wouldn't be surprised. that said, I have the homelink
    | integration, and MyQ works much better for us because of
    | where our garage is relative to our driveway.
| aurizon wrote:
| Burglar App:- Drive up, open door, drive in, close door, load up,
| open door, drive out, close door = clean getaway. Advertise to
| burglars at top of screen....
| 404mm wrote:
| I don't understand how the MyQ app has such a high rating in the
| App Store. 4.8, 1.5M reviews. It's so bare bones, no shortcut
| support, (obviously) no HomeKit, no widget, literally nothing to
| make the use easier or more convenient.
| To make things even worse, first position above you devices is an
| ad (for their other devices) and it periodically suggests that I
| connect it to Amazon so some random people delivering packages
| have the power to enter my home.
| Genuine question, how?????
  | skywhopper wrote:
  | Fake reviews.
    | water-data-dude wrote:
    | That's my suspicion with Philips Hue's 4.6 rating on the iOS
    | App Store. They've got to have gamed the system somehow -
    | it's not a good app, and their "you need an account now...for
    | reasons" change is unpopular
  | koyote wrote:
  | It only has 3.9 on Google's store, but maybe that version is
  | even worse?
| tgtweak wrote:
| The solution seems pretty clear - buy a 3rd party opener OR use a
| different vendor that does play nice.
| I have a meross garage door opener that uses homelink (a standard
| that virtually ever garage door opener supports) to open/close
| the garage door with a sensor on the top of the door to detect
| when it's open and closed. It was $49. That's cheaper than myQ
| addons for chamberlain. It works with google home, ifttt and home
| assistant. (I have reminders set if the door is open for more
| than X minutes and if it is still open after a certain time of
| day).
| Having to have "yet another app" (myQ) installed just to use a
| garage door is pretty ridiculous - if you're a power user you
| should understand the folly of using unofficial integrations and
| as an unofficial integration provider you should know you're
| walking on ice.
| throwanem wrote:
| Wait. People bought and installed garage doors that need to talk
| to the Internet to work? People _on here_ did this?
  | achandlerwhite wrote:
  | They can still work the old fashioned way. But not the fancy
  | stuff.
    | throwanem wrote:
    | But they're just actuated by radio signaling with some
    | standard protocols, right? I mean, I don't have a garage and
    | in this city probably never will, but my car still came from
    | the factory garage-door controls built into the rear-view
    | mirror. I assume it would take a bit of configuration to work
    | with any given receiver, but I also infer it _would_ work
    | with most, otherwise they wouldn 't have built it that way.
    | Is it hard to find an "IR blaster" equivalent for this kind
    | of signaling? I'm just bewildered to understand why someone
    | with the focus on self-hosted infrastructure that Home
    | Assistant implies can still end up in a position where a
    | third-party API restriction can pose a problem in controlling
    | a locally installed device.
  | mbesto wrote:
  | You don't have a choice...all of the major garage doors are
  | supplied by one company (Chamberlin Group)
| xyst wrote:
| Chamberlain Group products now officially on my blacklist. They
| join the ranks of Rivian, Tesla, any QVC marketed product, and
| social media (IG, FB, TT, ...) marketed junk.
| davitocan wrote:
| https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/ is a home assistant
| compatible board that emulates a garage door opener. It adds
| local control and is easy to setup.
| siffland wrote:
| You would think a company would like to negotiate and be seen by
| a community as a positive company. I would not buy a product from
| them on principal after their statement. myQ could have engaged
| the home assistant maintainer and worked out, less API calls or
| something.
| On a side note, i do love my home assistant, but ANYTHING that
| has to do with entry into my house is not and will not be
| automated, garage doors, door locks, etc. However that is my
| personal paranoia talking.
| klinquist wrote:
| I've had nothing but bad experiences with Chamberlain in IoT
| integration discussions. I have since replaced all garage door
| openers I own with Genie/OHD.
| ryukafalz wrote:
| I'm in the market for a garage door opener, incidentally. This
| narrows down my options, so glad I hadn't bought one yet -
| there's a chance I might have ended up with a Chamberlain if I
| had. Out of the question now!
| codezero wrote:
| I'm recently in the market for a garage door opener I can
| automate (specifically close automatically after X time open) -
| does anyone have recommendations or is ratgdo the way to go?
| Also I understand one of the reasons this isn't a standard
| offering is because garage openers have a hard time not crushing
| things? Kind of surprised me.
| mattgreenrocks wrote:
| It's hard to emphasize how different the mindset of the late
| 2000s Internet is to nowadays.
| APIs were more readily available and open. Mashups were usually
| encouraged, so long as you didn't generate undue stress.
| Nowadays its a million tiny business silos hoarding tediously-
| obscure-but-still-sometimes-useful data. And you have to prove
| that what you want to do with the API doesn't infringe on their
| ability to capitalize on it better.
| The irony is that all the data is way more easily accessible from
| a technical POV now due to the prevalence of SPAs and REST, but
| the legal environment is significantly more dangerous.
| eddiezane wrote:
| I never bothered with the myQ bit and instead sacrificed one of
| the garage door opener remotes by wiring the button up to a relay
| (z-wave by Zooz) that I zip tied to the scaffold. It's worked
| great for the past 4 years in Home Assistant.
| ChainOfFools wrote:
| I highly recommend anyone having problems with this consider
| trying this free as in speech (and as in beer if you've got
| solderimg skills and an ESP laying around) solution: RatGDO [0]
| 40 bucks, HA, and about half an hour each (mostly fiddling with
| the ESP/shield pcb wiring inside the light cover of the opener
| from the awkward overhead-on-a-ladder position) for me to no-
| cloud smartify two chamberlain MyQ openers. Special sauce is that
| the device can MITM the "Security2.0+" signal and emulate the
| discrete functions of the wired wall remote, not just act as a
| dry contact relay on the motor.
| Result is that separate entities are created not just for the
| door open(ing)-clos(ing) states, but also for the obstruction
| sensor and a separate switch to turn the opener's light on or off
| remotely, all exposed (as MQTT topics) in HA.
| [0] https://github.com/PaulWieland/ratgdo
| ChrisArchitect wrote:
| [dupe]
| More discussion over here:
| https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38186303
| paulgerhardt wrote:
| Partially responsible for this. (Sold Lockitron to Chamberlain in
| 2017 which became the basis for Amazon Key integrations.)
| Contrary to the popular sentiment in a lot of the comments here,
| there's not much value in the analytics. As we all painfully
| found out in the 2010's, there are only two viable recurring
| revenue streams in the IoT space - charging for video storage and
| charging for commercial access. Chamberlain does both with the
| MyQ cameras and with the garage access program to partners like
| Amazon and Walmart. Both retailers have a fraud problem
| (discussed here https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38176891).
| "In garage delivery" promises dropping delivery fraud to zero -
| ie users falsely claiming package theft. That solution is worth
| millions to retailers, naturally Chamberlain would like a cut but
| only if they can successfully defend that chokepoint.
| For historical reasons having to do with the security of three or
| four generations of wireless protocols used in garage doors they
| can't (and products like ratgdo and OpenSesame exploit this.)
| Other industries such as automotive have a more secure chain of
| control over their encryption keys so one has to (for instance)
| go to the dealer to buy a replacement key fob for your Tesla for
| $300 and not eBay for $5.
| Given the turnover in leadership there I'm not surprised the new
| guy needs to put their hand on the plate to see it's hot, but
| there's a reason this wasn't implemented before and it wasn't
| because of lack of discussion. I can see the temptation in going
| for monetization given their market share but I think this
| approach was ill conceived rather than fix foundational issues
| which would allow home users to integrate with 3rd party services
| and still charge industry partners for reducing incidences of
| fraud.
  | whoopdedo wrote:
  | A stressed out underpaid and overworked delivery driver is the
  | last person I want in my garage. Verified deliveries are left
  | at the wrong house, or the driver simply takes it with them
  | after posting the porch picture. And I've seen boxes arrive
  | that were forced open and the contents pulled out. But sure,
  | it's the customers who are untrustworthy not the delivery
  | people.
    | traviswingo wrote:
    | True. Delivery drivers consistently deliver to my neighbor
    | instead of myself. The last three digits of our addresses are
    | 885 and 855, and they consistently confuse the two. They're
    | tired, overworked, underpaid, and I honestly don't blame
    | them. But I wouldn't trust anyone in my garage/home when I'm
    | not home. Not sure why these companies think that will
    | actually work.
      | dboreham wrote:
      | In US homes the garage is often a way to access the house
      | with minimal security between the two.
        | fnordpiglet wrote:
        | That's not true, the garage typically has a full outdoor
        | door with standard security (dead bolts, wired into the
        | security system) the same as any other door as the
        | interface door between the garage and the house. This is
        | a code thing for a variety of reasons but primarily
        | because the outdoor door is weatherized and provides a
        | barrier against CO, but also for the precise reason that
        | the garage door is not considered secure. The protocols
        | for opening the door wirelessly are known insecure and
        | municipalities have required outdoor doors at the
        | interface due to the number of home invasions and
        | burglaries through the garage.
        | rurp wrote:
        | At least in my experience people are a lot more likely to
        | leave the garage door unlocked than the front door,
        | either intentionally or unintentionally.
        | abustamam wrote:
        | Agreed. Our garages have always had three entries: one
        | from the house, one via garage door, and a side door.
        | Side door was always locked, garage door always closed
        | (never locked though), and the door between house and
        | garage not only almost never locked, but often flat out
        | open because that's where we put the litter box.
        | leeoniya wrote:
        | haha, our litter box is there as well. vinyl floors in
        | mudroom are easiest to clean.
        | phil21 wrote:
        | It's functionally true. Thinking off the top of my head I
        | can come up with at least a dozen examples growing up of
        | friends w/ these doors. Not a single one was ever locked.
        | Most of the time w/ school-age kids they would be left
        | purposefully unlocked so the kids could let themselves in
        | after school w/ the garage door PIN code.
        | I honestly can't think of a single person I know who
        | routinely locks those doors.
        | sib wrote:
        | I've lived in many houses in the US (eight, some new,
        | some older, in five states) and only one had a deadbolt
        | on the door from the garage to the house interior. All
        | have had normal locks and were exterior-door-quality. So,
        | definitely not a universal truth.
        | leeoniya wrote:
        | i also keep expensive things in the garage: onewheel, a
        | couple good bikes, a lot of nice tools. i assume this is
        | true for quite a few homeowners.
        | BobaFloutist wrote:
        | Sometimes garages even have cars in them!
        | Humdeee wrote:
        | Not to mention... a car, as there's a car theft crisis
        | nearly everywhere in the past 2-3 years. I consider the
        | garage just another room in my home. I consider entering
        | my garage akin to entering my house
      | Eisenstein wrote:
      | They think it will work because if you refuse to do it they
      | won't refund your stolen package unless you file a police
      | report, and convenience with huge downsides wins with
      | consumers 99% of the time over effort with no downsides.
      | This is just conjecture, btw, I have no authoritative
      | knowledge of their plans to do anything.
        | mindslight wrote:
        | As things are, missing packages are not really a police
        | matter for the recipient. Recipients don't actually know
        | that a package was stolen, since it never made it into
        | their possession. Amazon could certainly file police
        | reports, but that requires a higher bar of evidence than
        | throw-and-go delivery service provides, and either way it
        | Doesn't Scale (TM).
        | I'd guess it's more likely the opposite dynamic, where
        | they'll get a bunch of early adopter types to sign up
        | without thinking through the ramifications. And then
        | after the honeymoon period, Amazon will start demanding
        | those users file police reports for missing packages
        | since from their system it now looks much more airtight
        | that the package must have been stolen from the buyer.
        | 20after4 wrote:
        | That's assuming that the delivery driver isn't defrauding
        | both amazon and the customer.
      | seemaze wrote:
      | I've got an 80% hit rate at best across all carriers (in
      | the US). I'm constantly trading mail with my neighbors due
      | to mis-deliveries. It's a good thing we now have the option
      | to go mostly paperless for important documents at least..
        | dharmab wrote:
        | Heck, I get food misdelivered to me at times! I might as
        | well be a last mile delivery service
      | dharmab wrote:
      | I use it for expensive items. My garage door opener has an
      | integrated security camera.
      | dheera wrote:
      | Why not you and your neigbor just give your address as
      | 885 Foo St. BIG PINK HOUSE
      | or
      | 855 Foo St. BIG YELLOW HOUSE
      | or whatever colors they are? If they are the same color,
      | repaint one of them.
      | Alternatively put an apartment number on your house (there
      | will be only one apartment, of course.)
      | One of you will be
      | 855 Foo St. Apt. 1
      | The other will be
      | 885 Foo St. Apt. A
    | smt88 wrote:
    | > _A stressed out underpaid and overworked delivery driver is
    | the last person I want in my garage._
    | Same, but this is irrelevant to the point GP was making. Some
    | minority of people _do_ want Amazon Key (and similar
    | services), and those people are now unable to claim their
    | package wasn 't delivered once they sign up for the service.
    | Add those people up and you have something worth millions,
    | even if there aren't many of them.
      | cyberax wrote:
      | I live in a townhouse and I _love_ the Key deliveries into
      | my garage. I've been using it since it was a closed beta,
      | and I haven't had a problem with it.
      | It provides a convenient service for both parties.
      | 3guk wrote:
      | I fully suspect though that the people who do want Amazon
      | Key and the people who are happily defrauding Amazon are
      | not one and the same.
      | I realise that there are the porch pirates who are another
      | issue entirely!
    | cyberax wrote:
    | > A stressed out underpaid and overworked delivery driver is
    | the last person I want in my garage. Verified deliveries are
    | left at the wrong house
    | It doesn't work like this. Delivery workers use an app that
    | opens the door, so if they are at a wrong location, it will
    | be immediately apparent.
      | TeMPOraL wrote:
      | Subject to location service accuracy, which as we know, is
      | +-1m... in movies, +-10m in reality... except more often
      | it's +-50m or worse, because who knows why.
        | efitz wrote:
        | Not at all. Since the app is linked to a system that
        | opens your specific garage door, it will be obvious
        | because they push the button and the door in front of
        | them does not open.
        | cyberax wrote:
        | This can happen. A delivery person comes to a door,
        | presses the button in their app, and nothing happens. So
        | it's immediately obvious that they are at a wrong
        | location.
        | And they know that they can't just leave the package
        | there, they have to find the correct door. And there's a
        | flow in the Amazon delivery app to mark an incorrect
        | geolocation, so they won't be penalized for taking longer
        | time.
        | The app also has pictures of the location in question, to
        | minimize the confusion.
        | From the homeowner's side, the garage door will be open
        | for half a minute or so with nobody nearby. It's possible
        | for a burglar to use this time to quickly run inside. But
        | the probability of that is pretty low, and there'll be a
        | camera recording of that.
        | flutas wrote:
        | > And they know that they can't just leave the package
        | there, they have to find the correct door.
        | Except that's not true at all. Amazon had my new house
        | geolocated wrong (think robin instead of arden st in
        | their system, even though I put the address in correct
        | and it read back correct).
        | First delivery came, "delivered", not at my door...
        | Contact CS, get a refund, continue.
        | "Ok, I'll setup key so they know it's wrong and deliver
        | it in my garage."
        | Pieced together from video:
        | Second delivery arrives at wrong location, garage door
        | opens...and was never closed. "delivered"
        | Took me contacting CS 5 times, with 5 failed deliveries,
        | and doing an email bomb to get them to update my geo-
        | location. Turned out it was _literally_ across the
        | fucking city, ~8 miles away.
      | whoopdedo wrote:
      | My point is Amazon is blaming customers for fraud when it's
      | the fault of a delivery mistake such as dropping the
      | package at the wrong address. Or the drivers themselves
      | stealing the packages.
    | codeTired wrote:
    | Have you seen Walmart advertising delivery to your
    | refrigerator? Absolute insanity.
      | dharmab wrote:
      | Actually, this would be cool for say a fridge in a
      | mudroom...
        | function_seven wrote:
        | What's old is new again!
        | https://www.core77.com/posts/103681/When-Houses-Had-
        | Built-In...
        | 20after4 wrote:
        | This is infinitely more sensible than some crazy internet
        | connected garage door opener scheme. Somehow I think it's
        | far to sensible for modern culture though. Everyone's
        | lost their minds.
  | beeboobaa wrote:
  | Why would any of those monetization strategies require fucking
  | over your customers like this? How are they incompatible?
    | efitz wrote:
    | They are afraid a potential partner will use the automation
    | meant for customers.
    | This is just more enshittification in order to exploit
    | revenue channels other than direct sales.
      | Nextgrid wrote:
      | > They are afraid a potential partner will use the
      | automation meant for customers.
      | But isn't the door property of the customer? In this case
      | it is perfectly the customer's choice and right if they
      | want to use the customer-facing API to let a delivery
      | company in.
        | paledot wrote:
        | > But isn't the door property of the customer?
        | Not anymore. Now I get to pay $5/mo for IFTTT
        | integration, _after_ paying the premium for the WiFi-
        | enabled version of the same device.
    | epcoa wrote:
    | Who here claimed it was, they literally said it was "ill
    | conceived"
  | excitom wrote:
  | This is what I love hacker news, a comment from an actual
  | subject matter expert.
  | tech_ken wrote:
  | So you're saying that retailers will pay Chamberlain to act as
  | more or less a clearinghouse for package deliveries in my
  | garage, and that in order to successfully operate this model
  | Chamberlain needs to funnel all users through their proprietary
  | channels in order to fully vet the delivery transaction? Or at
  | least to prevent HA users from nibbling at Chamberlain's lunch
  | with DIY equivalents? Do you think that they will pull back
  | from this move given the pushback?
    | bluGill wrote:
    | For retailers I want someone to verify that they are
    | legitimate. I don't want random people in my garage. If
    | someone enters my garage when I'm not home they better really
    | be agents for WalMart/Amazon/target/UPS (as opposed to
    | WolMort/Amozan/targit/USP...) , and whatever company does
    | that does background checks on drivers. Probably they also
    | need to have other cameras in their vehicles so that drivers
    | trying to steal whatever valuables I have are not stolen. (as
    | already pointed out, most people have an unlocked door from
    | the garage to the house)
      | kelnos wrote:
      | > _as already pointed out, most people have an unlocked
      | door from the garage to the house_
      | Not sure where you live, but every house I've lived in
      | (USA, a few different states) during my entire life has had
      | an exterior-quality door with exterior-quality lock,
      | including deadbolt, between the house and garage.
      | In the one house I lived in that had a security system,
      | that garage-to-interior door was also wired into the system
      | and arming it would treat it like an exterior door.
      | Having said that, I still wouldn't want random delivery
      | people entering my garage without my knowledge.
        | abustamam wrote:
        | I think parent comment was saying the door exists, but
        | many people leave it unlocked. I grew up leaving that
        | garage-interior door open because that's where we put the
        | litter box, at several different houses.
        | SoftTalker wrote:
        | Yep, agree. I only lock the garage interior door when
        | I'll be gone for an extended period of time (more than a
        | few days).
        | thfuran wrote:
        | >every house I've lived in (USA, a few different states)
        | during my entire life has had an exterior-quality door
        | with exterior-quality lock, including deadbolt, between
        | the house and garage.
        | Sure, but I've probably locked it barely more than twice.
        | scottlamb wrote:
        | > Not sure where you live, but every house I've lived in
        | (USA, a few different states) during my entire life has
        | had an exterior-quality door with exterior-quality lock,
        | including deadbolt, between the house and garage.
        | Likewise, but even if it's actually locked, no lock is
        | impenetrable, and a closed garage provides a thief with
        | the privacy to pick it at leisure or even break down the
        | door. Burglary deterrence advice sometimes includes tips
        | like adjusting your landscaping so your front door is
        | visible from the street and locking gates to your back
        | yard. Letting the thief into your garage thoroughly
        | defeats the point of that...
        | Also, I keep stuff (bikes) in the garage that I don't
        | want stolen.
        | dheera wrote:
        | > Not sure where you live, but every house I've lived in
        | (USA, a few different states) during my entire life has
        | had an exterior-quality door with exterior-quality lock,
        | including deadbolt, between the house and garage.
        | I don't know if that would do much.
        | It's one thing to be sawing up a front door that is in
        | plain sight of the street -- passer-bys might call the
        | cops if they saw that.
        | But if you're doing it from inside a garage? You could
        | shut the garage door and saw away. Nobody would report
        | saw noises coming from a garage because that's super
        | normal.
        | LeifCarrotson wrote:
        | My in-laws have this, but mine, my parents, my siblings,
        | my wife's siblings, and my neighbor all have a big window
        | in that door. And none of them are ever locked.
        | sangnoir wrote:
        | How old are those houses? They probably are not compliant
        | with _current_ building codes[1], many places require
        | your garage doors (and ceilings) to have higher fire
        | resistance than the rest of the house. In my experience,
        | fire-resistance correlates to sturdiness in doors.
        | 1. I know it's a broad generalization, also location-
        | dependant
      | Nextgrid wrote:
      | But that can be achieved by giving the retailer a one-off
      | access code/secret which will be handed to the delivery
      | driver by the retailer's company?
      | At no point does "preventing random people in your garage"
      | required a greedy middleman in the path between you and
      | whoever you want to give your garage door access code.
        | SoftTalker wrote:
        | Many people already have a keypad mounted outside that
        | will open the garage door. You can set up a guest code
        | there and give to Amazon, or anyone you want. There is
        | zero need for internet-enabled smartness in the garage
        | door opener here.
        | judge2020 wrote:
        | Okay, but the adoption rate of "let me create a code for
        | my packages and give it to the Amazon person" is perhaps
        | two or three orders of magnitude lower than if Amazon
        | shows a bunch of call-to-actions for "link your myQ
        | account for secure deliveries".
        | LeifCarrotson wrote:
        | And if Chaimberlain charges Amazon $0.50 per door opened
        | to enable that feature (which steers buyers towards
        | Amazon and away from the manufacturer website,
        | Walmart/target/eBay/random competitor that doesn't have
        | that feature) that might be a bigger, recurring, higher-
        | margin revenue stream than all of Chaimberlain's
        | traditional manufacturing profits. Which would you rather
        | have - $200 revenue for a $100 cost once in 20 years, or
        | $0.50 per week for a few packets of data?
        | They could afford to give away the openers if they could
        | win that revenue stream.
        | And Amazon would dump them in a second if consumers could
        | instead click "Link your Home Assistant for secure
        | deliveries and get $0.30 digital credit". Or more likely,
        | Amazon would throw directly wired Dash buttons at
        | consumers to enable secure deliveries.
        | veleek wrote:
        | You've glossed over the most complicated part of this:
        | "give it to Amazon". There are so many things involved in
        | that portion of the process that an internet enabled
        | garage door solves, most importantly: not having a single
        | code that can be used by anybody at any point in time
        | until I manually go back and remove it.
        | CodeWriter23 wrote:
        | If only there were some kind of information processing
        | device that could automatically expire codes after a set
        | period of time.
        | NavinF wrote:
        | You still need an API for getting new codes. If you're
        | willing to generate a new one every time you order
        | something online, you likely don't order often enough to
        | be relevant to the company
        | michaelmior wrote:
        | > There is zero need for internet-enabled smartness in
        | the garage door opener here.
        | Yes and no. At the scale Amazon operates, I can see value
        | in being able to automate the process rather than
        | requiring each driver to find and operate the keypad for
        | each garage.
        | Automation, if implemented perfectly (which it obviously
        | won't be) also prevents one form of bad actor. An Amazon
        | delivery driver who uses your code in the future to gain
        | unauthorized access to your garage. Automation allows
        | this code to be limited to a single use.
        | dfxm12 wrote:
        | I gave amazon my code for a Christmas present that
        | absolutely could not have been stolen from my porch (as
        | many other recently had). As a working man, I couldn't
        | sit at home to wait for it. I was a little nervous, but I
        | have cameras at least. I then removed all reference to
        | this code from my account. Then, one driver entered while
        | I was going about my day in there and saw me waiting with
        | a hockey stick, as I was wondering who was breaking and
        | entering, and Amazon wrongfully told him what my code was
        | to get in and that it was OK to go in without my
        | permission. I quickly understood what was happening and I
        | think he did too, so I dropped the stick and he dropped
        | the package. No harm, no foul.
        | Of course, I changed my code after that, but drivers
        | still tried to get in with my code code. I opened
        | countless tickets with Amazon to get this reference to my
        | code removed from their system. They gaslit me many times
        | saying it was removed. They were incredibly rude to me
        | when told them they were lying to me, and now I sometimes
        | get delivery drivers getting pissed off at me (for some
        | reason) that the code doesn't work after they ring my
        | doorbell.
        | What I want people to get from this story is, _don 't
        | give Amazon your code. Get a separate delivery box
        | instead or even a storm door works to hide most
        | packages_.
        | zielmicha wrote:
        | Could you have instead changed your code? It's generally
        | best to assume that it's not possible to delete secrets
        | once they are shared (after all, in worst case, the
        | driver could have just remembered the code from the
        | previous visit)
        | Dylan16807 wrote:
        | The second half of the comment is what happened after
        | they changed the code...
        | PKop wrote:
        | They did, which is why the drivers are mad it doesn't
        | work.
        | fshbbdssbbgdd wrote:
        | > and now I sometimes get delivery drivers getting pissed
        | off at me (for some reason) that the code doesn't work
        | after they ring my doorbell
        | Since Amazon clearly has no idea what they are doing, I
        | would put up a note next to the keypad saying "Amazon
        | drivers: just drop the package, there is no code"
        | gambiting wrote:
        | As if amazon drivers read the notes. I once left a giant
        | note saying in capital letters "DO NOT RING DOORBELL,
        | SLEEPING BABY AT HOME" and of course the absolute
        | knobhead from Amazon had to ring the doorbell. Literally
        | never shouted at anyone in my life before this.
        | spdustin wrote:
        | If you've ever added "delivery notes" to an order,
        | they're automatically shared with every subsequent order.
        | Clear out the delivery notes on your next order.
        | rvba wrote:
        | I cannot change my delivery address on amazon.
        | I once bought a book delivered to a company (where I dont
        | work anymore) and this address cannot be deleted. Multi
        | billion company. LOL
        | On a side note, Amazon's interface is so much worse than
        | Allegro
        | dfxm12 wrote:
        | I had done this. It didn't work as you are suggesting.
      | sneak wrote:
      | Background checks don't ensure trustworthy staff, they just
      | select for only criminals who are slick enough to not get
      | caught doing crime, or criminals who haven't been caught
      | yet. Their effectiveness is overstated.
      | TylerE wrote:
      | Not just agents for, they should be bonded agents. My
      | garage has plenty of valuable items that would be easily
      | fenced. (Power tools, etc).
    | SrslyJosh wrote:
    | Bold of them to assume that I will trust a stranger with
    | access to my garage.
      | staplers wrote:
      | They'll just monopolize garage openers like smart phones
      | and you'll have 2 options both which will be hooked into
      | the surveillance grid.
    | jrockway wrote:
    | I don't think they care about HA at all, but they do care
    | about Amazon not going through them to get access, and from
    | the API server's perspective, both look identical.
    | Personally, I hope that Amazon doesn't play ball. You can TRY
    | and seek rent from the world's largest retailer, but you need
    | them, they don't need you.
    | My main takeaway is that Amazon should offer a discount to
    | deliver packages to buildings with staff to accept the
    | packages. They never go missing, so less refunds, and the
    | building staff does not charge Amazon to receive packages.
    | The business dynamics are pretty interesting, though. It
    | could be that paying this company reduces missing packages so
    | much that it actually saves Amazon money, which they pass on
    | to consumers in terms of lower prices. Or, it could be that
    | they charge $1 per access, and Amazon passes that on to the
    | customer, and then people are disincentivized from using
    | Amazon. Meanwhile, a competitor (say, Walmart?) brokers a
    | deal where they hide that fee, and take enough customers away
    | from Amazon that Amazon has to play ball (and now the price
    | is $2 per access). Costs go up for everyone.
    | The phenomenon of partnerships like my hypothetical above are
    | very interesting to me. Every so often I check what I can use
    | my credit card rewards points for, and most of the offers, to
    | me, seem like "failing retailer desperately needs a customer"
    | rather than anything I actually want. Thus, the partnerships
    | must be a pretty important tool for companies that are not in
    | first place.
    | Finally, I think about the long term effects of this sort of
    | thing. Everyone wants a % of every transaction. "Oh, you
    | turned your lights on when someone came to deliver a package?
    | Pay the manufacturer of the light bulb $1 and your electric
    | company an extra $1." This will look like "economic growth"
    | to each of those intermediaries, but in the end, they just
    | devalued the dollar. ("Inflation.") We end up with bigger
    | numbers, but actually decrease the amount of "value" floating
    | around.
  | cptcobalt wrote:
  | I know it's a distraction and orthogonal to your point, but
  | your statement of a "key fob for your Tesla for $300" is
  | fallacious and incorrect. Tesla uses Phone Key with with the
  | Tesla app as your primary method of unlocking the car, with a
  | $20 NFC card as fallback, and the limit of paired phones is
  | above any practical real-world use. If you want a keyfob as a
  | status symbol, it's $175. (Mine is a desk ornament, it doesn't
  | get used.)
  | Swap in a more traditional automaker, and your point remains
  | correct.
    | cyberax wrote:
    | > If you want a keyfob as a status symbol, it's $175. (Mine
    | is a desk ornament, it doesn't get used.)
    | The keyfob is super-useful. It fits perfectly into that small
    | jeans pocket (that was originally meant for watches), so you
    | can trigger the trunk/frunk opening without taking the fob
    | (or phone) out.
      | dburkland wrote:
      | You can also trigger those same functions via a smart watch
      | or mobile phone using Siri shortcuts (if you're an iOS
      | user).
    | doctorpangloss wrote:
    | Yes, I mean surely Chamberlain could maintain a correct and
    | official API endpoint for HomeAssistant users for the kopecks
    | it would cost. It's all a big money grab.
    | I was burned by this change. I don't know if anyone at
    | Chamberlain is reading this, but you guys have neighbors,
    | users just wanna keep their home safe. You're one TikTok away
    | from a crisis when you do stuff that is anti-consumer.
    | paulgerhardt wrote:
    | Since you noted it, it's actually very much part of my point.
    | Tesla engages in price segmentation for replacement key fobs
    | because they have key control. Perhaps even more aggressively
    | than most other automakers short of VW Group. When done well
    | it's invisible to the user. I suspect by your (polite)
    | comment that you may not be aware that's going on here.
    | Premium users pay $300 to replace the fob on their Model S /
    | Model X. Mid users pay $175 to replace the fob on the Model 3
    | / Model Y. And an entry level option exists for the cards.
    | Plus programming fee. Handling fee. Local taxes. Processing
    | fee. Etc :-)
    | Without control of their PKI anyone could self program a
    | replacement for a few dollars as is the case with the garage
    | door market.
    | As an aside, I find the fob useful for booting the car up
    | prior to getting in, rather than waiting 40 seconds before
    | the fly-by-wire shifter starts responding to commands to put
    | it in gear.
      | andykellr wrote:
      | > And an entry level option exists for the cards. Plus
      | programming fee. Handling fee. Local taxes. Processing fee.
      | Etc :-)
      | Cards are $20. No programming fee, no handling fee, no
      | processing fee. Yes, there are taxes and yes shipping
      | things generally costs money. Users program keys
      | themselves.
      | > As an aside, I find the fob useful for booting the car up
      | prior to getting in, rather than waiting 40 seconds before
      | the fly-by-wire shifter starts responding to commands to
      | put it in gear.
      | Keys are for valet and I keep mine in my glove box. The car
      | boots up almost instantly.
  | jkestner wrote:
  | Lockitron! I remember chatting with your engineer about the
  | WiFi radio we used in Twine. Good insight.
  | Ah, chokepoint capitalism. The problem with every company
  | becoming a tech company is that they all expect unsustainable
  | tech company growth. The strip mining of customers is also
  | scaling up, so efficient that industries will destroy
  | themselves. Can't wait until private equity owns the radios in
  | my home, and controls not just the output but inputs.
  | Nextgrid wrote:
  | Why should the garage door manufacturer take a cut if a third-
  | party wants to use/access _my_ garage door (which sells for
  | real money and isn 't advertised as a rental).
  | If a homeowner wants to let Amazon, Walmart, etc to open their
  | garage door, it should be up to him to provide them with an
  | access token/secret/etc to enter, just like you can put a door
  | keycode in the order notes. The interaction should be purely
  | between him and the retailer and there is absolutely no need
  | for some rent-seeking scum to be involved.
  | The disgusting business model you seem to be justifying is akin
  | to house builders/contractors being perpetually owed a cut
  | every time you invite over a guest into your house or they
  | switch on the lights.
    | amluto wrote:
    | I don't actually find this model so disgusting as long as
    | it's implemented in a non-restrictive way.
    | If a garage door manufacturer offers me a (free, local) API
    | to fully control my door _and_ allows me to check a box to
    | let Amazon in, what, exactly, is the problem? Sure, I could
    | also allow Amazon in without checking the box (assuming
    | Amazon offers the appropriate integration and I 'm willing to
    | deal with maintaining my side of it), but it also seems okay
    | for Amazon to pay the garage door opener company for the
    | first-party version. Everybody wins.
    | Forcing the actual device owner to use a crappy cloud service
    | is an entirely different story, but it's not required for the
    | Amazon business model. Similarly, many video recording
    | devices support ONVIF _and_ have an optional paid first-party
    | video storage. (And I imagine that quite a few commercial
    | users demand the former -- no one who operates a concierge
    | /security desk or a serious office building or a warehouse or
    | an industrial site has the slightest interest in using four
    | different first-party cloud offerings from four different
    | vendors of their various gizmos that contain cameras. They
    | are going to run _one_ NVR, possibly with off-site backup,
    | with _one_ integrated system for viewing and analyzing the
    | feeds. And they will pay handsomely for that, and they 're
    | paying that money to one of several established companies in
    | the space, all of whom require at least token ONVIF or RTSP
    | compliance, and they aren't about to kick any of that money
    | over to the camera makers, because there is no shortage of
    | competing camera makers.)
      | efitz wrote:
      | They are not giving me a free, local API. They are doing
      | everything possible to make the API unusable except by
      | their application, and they are throwing ads all over their
      | app and using dark patterns to hid the open/close buttons
      | until you scroll past the ads.
    | seanalltogether wrote:
    | 1. Company wants to sell an iot product.
    | 2. Through research they find user wants to interact with
    | their smart device while outside of range of wifi/bluetooth.
    | 3. Company builds device firmware and cloud infrastructure to
    | support this goal.
    | 4. Company wants to simplify business logic and doesn't
    | provide local (wifi/bluetooth/zigbee) support. Online only
    | can service both on-premise and off-premise.
    | 5. Company needs to reduce costs and justify ongoing
    | operational costs of supporting this cloud + device service.
    | 6. We arrive at the current solution.
      | jasonjayr wrote:
      | 7. insecure, opaque devices that have always-on internet
      | connections, that owners cannot upgrade/fix/defend against
      | and require external actors to protect (ISP's blackholing
      | bad traffic)
      | Remember, the S in IoT is for Security.
      | They could simplify their business logic by making sure
      | local first is reliable, and internet access can be turned
      | off, and supporting vendors making (user-controlled,
      | upgradeable, etc) gateways that handle the
      | cloud/internet/local handoff
        | seanalltogether wrote:
        | I don't disagree with you, since the company I work for
        | supports both local network access to their devices as
        | well as cloud access for when you are outside the home.
        | But supporting both does not simplify business logic, it
        | increases complexity. It introduces more states and
        | failure points that your firmware devs and app devs need
        | to account for.
        | Nextgrid wrote:
        | A solution to that is to make the cloud-based service as
        | dumb as possible, only operating as a NAT traversal
        | helper and/or TURN relay, over which the local-only
        | protocol is tunnelled.
        | jasonjayr wrote:
        | I appreciate your response, and don't want to go too far
        | off the thread here, but as a software
        | developer/architect myself, how can that possibly be
        | true?
        | The state of the environment that the IoT device is
        | sensing or controlling, has to match local reality.
        | Therefore, the state that's actually on the IoT's MCU is
        | the true state that matters. (Any state stored cloud-side
        | could be stale if the MCU is disconnected, or misses
        | updates) Ergo, if the cloud service is showing or
        | manipulating the state of the IoT device, it has to read
        | or command the IoT in near realtime, implying some kind
        | of constant/realtime connection.
        | This would be the same mechanism a local-first connection
        | would use, right? What am I missing here?
      | TheJoeMan wrote:
      | What's interesting is the "ongoing operational costs"
      | should be calculated to NPV and rolled into the cost of the
      | garage door one-time-purchase. We're talking about a $3-400
      | garage door opener not a $20 echo dot.
    | rasz wrote:
    | Because as they clearly demonstrated its not _your_ garage
    | door.
  | xxpor wrote:
  | If anything, Chamberlain should be paying Amazon for the right
  | to be included with Key. It drives sales to Chamberlain.
    | judge2020 wrote:
    | Maybe? How many people are switching out their garage door
    | specifically for Key? Every new home I've experienced has no
    | choice for which brand of garage door opener they use, the
    | builder has standardized to a specific brand and often only
    | updates the model whenever forced to.
      | kube-system wrote:
      | I suspect new homes are a only small portion of garage door
      | opener sales.
        | judge2020 wrote:
        | What would beat it? Who is buying garage door openers?
        | xxpor wrote:
        | IME, door openers only last 15-20 years, at least in the
        | northern US.
        | kube-system wrote:
        | Garage doors openers have a life of 10-20 years. There
        | are many many millions of existing homes that need new
        | openers every year.
        | Also, openers are also a common up-sale when other
        | components are serviced or replaced. For example, if you
        | get a garage door replaced, the installer will often
        | recommend a new opener at the same time.
    | internet101010 wrote:
    | Chamberlain owns like 80% of the garage door market in the
    | US. They don't need any help.
  | scrps wrote:
  | Amazon expects me to weaken my physical security posture to
  | help them defend against an activity I don't engage in and is
  | in no way my responsibility?
  | AND
  | Chamberlain expects me to weaken my digital security posture so
  | they can run some opaque crap on my network1 that I have very
  | little observability into and even less control over so they
  | can make money?
  | Money is one hell of a drug because they are high.
  | How about amazon builds (at their expense) an amazon controlled
  | box, slap a mcu on, do authentication over nfc, rfid, etc etc.
  | Offer it to customers free of charge, hell throw in a sweetener
  | to get them to adopt.
  | [1] I have a default deny in AND out isolated vlan for crap
  | like this, even if you don't have a network background try to
  | set one up if your networking equipment is capable.
    | SpicyLemonZest wrote:
    | They're building and deploying those boxes through the Amazon
    | Hub program. There's no single-family size yet though.
      | barryrandall wrote:
      | That's still an Amazon problem.
      | hughesjj wrote:
      | I think you can do it with Luxor one but similar issues
      | exist (ex oversized packages, large cost and area required)
    | NavinF wrote:
    | Are you trolling? In-garage delivery is obviously an optional
    | feature and one that usually costs extra (Eg Walmart InHome
    | is $20/mo)
  | dheera wrote:
  | I just connected my garage door opener to Home Assistant by
  | taking apart a paired remote and wiring the button to a Zigbee
  | relay. They can't stop me, no part of this is connected to
  | their cloud. In any case, smart home stuff should never rely on
  | the cloud.
  | https://i.imgur.com/lNOXdhe.jpg
  | If you have a Chamberlain garage door opener and looking to
  | connect it to HA you can do this too.
  | ajross wrote:
  | > go to the dealer to buy a replacement key fob for your Tesla
  | for $300 and not eBay for $5.
  | Off topic, but FWIW: Teslas don't in general use fobs (maybe
  | you get one with an S or X?). You can buy one for $175 if you
  | want, but in general the primary unlock mechanism is the app on
  | your phone, with the effective root of trust held in an RFID
  | wallet card (of which you can buy extras for $20 each).
| alhirzel wrote:
| I wonder if there is a device that just taps into the open/close
| wires, with a sensor that will optically detect the distance
| along the track of the highest roller of the door, and attaches
| magnetically to the track. This solution would have first-class
| home assistant support and work across all door openers.
| ratgdo[1] is close.
| [1]: https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/
  | TrisMcC wrote:
  | I use opengarage. https://opengarage.io/
| jqpabc123 wrote:
| The gnashing of teeth here reads like software people trying to
| solve a simple hardware problem.
| You don't need anyone's permission or API to control any garage
| door opener --- smart or dumb. The suggested "ratgo" device is
| one option but looks kinda overpriced to me.
| Every garage door opener has 2 sets of dry contacts. One set
| controls the open/close function and normally connects to a
| physical button on the inside wall. This is easily shared with
| any other device. The other set is a limit switch that tells the
| motor to stop once the door is open. This too can be easily
| shared and read.
| All that is required for full control is a wifi device with 1
| output and 1 input that speaks Home Assistant. Sonoff or some
| other manufacturer must have an affordable one. If not, maybe
| I'll make one. It's not that hard with readily available
| hardware.
| m4tthumphrey wrote:
| Not sure if related or not but I literally just an email
| informing me that Hive will remove their IFTT integration next
| month...
| tkems wrote:
| A gentle reminder that the Security+ and Security+ 2.0 RF
| protocols have been reverse engineered
| (https://github.com/argilo/secplus). While they are not the most
| secure thing in the world, you can build a custom RF transmitter
| (remote) that is network connected.
| Having done some research into Chamberlain's products, I don't
| recommend anyone to use them if they have the choice.
| throwaway14356 wrote:
| I had this vision long ago with household appliances (from
| different vendors) waging war in our homes. Looks like we've
| finally made it there.
| vel0city wrote:
| I had a Z-Wave garage door opener which was wired to my old
| garage door opener's button switch port. The old unit's logic
| board started having issues, so I went ahead and replaced it with
| a cheap Chamberlain. I got the most basic unit thinking the one-
| button opener would be a basic switch style like old, but alas it
| is still some kind of serial connection. The Z-Wave controller
| can't effectively signal to it, but since it has a basic tilt
| sensor it can at least open the door state.
| I'm thinking I'll just get a cheap garage door opener remote,
| solder the trigger pin to the button on the remote, and tape that
| to the ceiling next to the z-wave controller. Janky, but at least
| I'll be able to get it functional again to send the command.
| rootusrootus wrote:
| Sigh. I'm otherwise perfectly happy with my Liftmaster openers.
| As long as HomeKit continues to work (and it should; I don't
| allow the bridge access to the Internet), I'm still happy. I did
| buy a ratgdo device as a backup, however. And when I buy new
| openers at some point off in the future, Chamberlain is off the
| list.
| cdchn wrote:
| Not at all surprising to me. Recently I got 3 new LiftMaster
| garage door openers with the built in cameras. Over the course of
| a few months the HomeLink connection to the box supplied remotes
| stopped working, never worked syncing to (multiple) HomeLink
| transmitters in vehicles, and the installer cited "supply chain
| issues" when I wanted a replacement. The only thing that worked
| was the MyQ app which was less good than just pushing the button.
| And of course the video for the cameras only worked with a damn
| SUBSCRIPTION after 30 days with no way to integrate them with a
| networked DVR system.
| Just one of the most awful customer hostile products I've ever
| wasted money on.
| matthewmcg wrote:
| They can lock you out of the API, but they can't stop you from
| installing hardwired devices that simulate a press of the
| open/close button.
| I just chucked my MyQ device and replaced it with a Meross
| MSG100HK--it works perfectly and natively with HomeKit--no cloud
| service required. Incidentally, the latency is much lower too.
| The device is basically a wifi-enabled, USB powered "dry contact"
| switch. You connect the pigtail in parallel with your existing
| wired open/close button. There's also a magnetic sensor (similar
| to what old door alarms used) that goes near the door to verify
| it has closed.
  | js2 wrote:
  | That Meross opener is rock solid. I've had one for almost two
  | years now controlling two doors. Even with a marginal wifi
  | signal it always just works.
  | Homebridge + HomeKit is also an excellent middle ground between
  | Home Assistant and HomeKit alone w/o having to go with some
  | cloud-based solution.
  | For example, I wanted my garage door to automatically open and
  | close as I leave and arrive in my car. Here's how I did that.
  | I have a pair of dummy switches in Homebridge. One of those
  | tracks the state of whether my phone is in CarPlay mode or not.
  | I do this with a Siri Shortcut on my phone that toggles the
  | "CarPlay status" dummy switch when my phone enters/exits
  | CarPlay mode. The second dummy switch triggers my garage door
  | to open/close whenever the dummy switch turns on/off. This is a
  | work-around for the opener itself being a secure accessory
  | which HomeKit won't operate w/o the phone being unlocked. The
  | last piece of the puzzle is a HomeKit location-based
  | automation: if my phone leaves my home location and the
  | "CarPlay status" dummy switch is on, then set the garage door
  | dummy switch to off; if my phone enters my home location and
  | the "CarPlay status" dummy switch is on, then set the garage
  | door dummy switch to on.
  | I drew the home location as tight as possible around my home.
  | The door opens just as I'm pulling up to my home and I see it
  | close just as I'm leaving.
  | As to why I don't just use the CarPlay garage door button: I
  | mean, why automate anything? Also, if you have multiple garage
  | doors, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to which door
  | CarPlay gives you the button for.
  | As to why I don't just use the button on my rear view mirror:
  | Again, why automate anything? My mirror also has 3 buttons and
  | it's easy to accidentally press the wrong one.
| chris_wot wrote:
| The ratgdo says it work with "dry contact"... what does that
| mean?
  | scottlamb wrote:
  | "Dry contact" is what a button does--connect two leads together
  | when it's being pressed, otherwise not. Older garage doors
  | simply have a pair of wires for this that gets run to where you
  | mount the button on the wall. You can just splice into that and
  | have the microcontroller connect them when it wants to
  | open/close.
  | I thought _all_ garage doors had this, but from ratgdo 's
  | website I learned that the newer Security+ 2.0 ones don't.
  | Possibly as part of the same money grab to prevent local/third-
  | party; paulgerhardt's comment nicely explains the motivation
  | for that. [1]
  | [1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38191712
| nfriedly wrote:
| I have one of these garage door openers, and their MyQ software
| is absolute garbage. I set up Home Assistant specifically to
| avoid it and now they've gone out of their way to break that.
| I' absolutely pissed - I just called the folks who installed my
| garage door and explained the situation to them, and recommended
| that they look for a different brand for anyone that wants wi-fi
| access in the future.
| efitz wrote:
| I wish I had known about ratgdo a few months ago. I spent a month
| trying to get a Meross smart garage door opener add on to work
| with the chamberlain that was already in my home, only to realize
| that the button was using some kind of obfuscated signaling, not
| just connecting the circuit. I ended up soldering a pair of wires
| to the button on the board in the button unit, and then connected
| my smart home stuff to those wires; worked like a champ. F** you
| Chamberlain; try blocking that.
| YaBa wrote:
| I usually check up compatibility with Home Assistant and if the
| service is cloud or if it can work locally. If both check, they
| have a new customer, otherwise, there are plenty of brands and
| products out there.
| Protest with your wallet, buy from others, the sooner the
| hardware companies realize this is a stupid move (locking down),
| the sooner we'll have better integrations.
| dburkland wrote:
| This move by Chamberlain screams malice in order to squeeze more
| profits out of their platform. Either they come out with homekit
| integration for their existing hub or I'm ripping them out in
| favor of something like meross.
| snapetom wrote:
| This is rich. HA, with their own history of shutting out other
| open source projects, complains about being shut out of a
| proprietary product.
| https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/126326
| nkrisc wrote:
| Now my setup of a Wemos D1 Mini with a relay to simulate a button
| press on the dumb wall mounted opener of my Chamberlain system
| doesn't seem so bad. Even have sensors at either end of the track
| to tell the state of the door (open, closed, neither open nor
| closed but possibly anywhere).
| fennecfoxy wrote:
| Why even buy a product like this anyway? Aren't there plenty of
| "dumb" smart garage door openers?
| Aren't there plenty of great stand alone garage door openers that
| you can wire a smart relay or whatever into?
| From what I can see there are plenty of "wifi garage door
| adaptor" options and everything looks to have pretty standard
| wiring, it's only not "plug and play" cause it's bare wires
| rather than plugs but it's essentially the same.
  | rootusrootus wrote:
  | > Why even buy a product like this anyway?
  | It's more like 'why not?'. It's still a dumb opener with a
  | physical button and wireless remotes, and all the same third-
  | party tricks work the same.
  | A nice thing about tight integration is that you don't need a
  | bunch of extra wiring and a kludge to figure out door status.
  | Minor annoyance, but real.
  | In any case, I'd wager a fair number of the people complaining
  | about this don't even have the newer 'smart' openers, they have
  | the original MyQ Internet Gateway or the newer MyQ Home Bridge.
  | Liftmasters have been a very popular opener for decades.
| lowbloodsugar wrote:
| What brands are not owned by chamberlain then?
| lxe wrote:
| Why hasn't a non-crappy iot/smart hardware line and ecosystem
| emerged after years and years of "internet of shit" catastrophes
| such as this one? So many angry users are a market ripe for
| capturing, aren't they? Or maybe there aren't as many angry ones
| as it seems, and it's just a small portion of power users?
  | sedatk wrote:
  | Ubiquiti is one, but they're mostly enterprise oriented.
  | pkulak wrote:
  | ZWave. It a closed system, with hardware licensing, all that
  | stuff. But it offers local control, at all times, exclusively.
  | Zigbee is the fully-open version, but as such it's not a
  | "hardware line" like ZWave is.
  | rootusrootus wrote:
  | > just a small portion of power users?
  | It is exactly this. Average Joe just downloads the MyQ app for
  | remote control. Or uses Wyze, or Tapo, Kasa, etc, for whatever
  | they buy. The number of people trying to get everything
  | integrated into a single environment like Home Assistant is
  | low. Which makes sense, because HA is a pain in the ass if
  | you're not already technically inclined. Regular folks just
  | don't have any appetite to deal with that.
  | Forge36 wrote:
  | Some have, I'm using opengarage[1]
  | I'm not big on DIY hardware. This has made the "pre-packaged"
  | solution around an open standard nice. Integration within HA
  | was very straightforward.
  | [1]: https://opensprinkler.com/product/opengarage/
| scottlamb wrote:
| ratgdo looks really nice! I've been controlling my garage door
| via dry contact on my Elk security system [1] and monitoring the
| door status via a separate rolling door reed sensor. [2] But from
| following the ratgdo link, I learned that my "Security+ 1.0"
| garage door opener has a RS-232 interface with a protocol that
| will tell you about door status and obstructions. That's better!
| I just clicked ratgdo's buy link to support the nice, well-
| documented open-source [3] project. In truth though I have the
| right hardware sitting around here already, so I might just use
| that depending on how long the "back ordered" status lasts...
| [1] There's a Home Assistant integration for the Elk M1 Gold with
| some Python library; I also have my own WIP Rust library for
| interacting with it here: 
| [2] something like this one: https://www.amazon.com/Gebildet-
| Security-Rolling-Magnetic-Ap...
| [3] docs at  but the
| actual code is in a separate repo at
  | jaredhobbs wrote:
  | Here's a project I used to build my own ratgdo:
  | https://github.com/Kaldek/rat-ratgdo
| thedangler wrote:
| I don't understand why I can say if my garage door is open longer
| than 10 minutes between these hours close The door. If someone
| leaves it open over night. Or during the working day.
| I have about 20 schedules to close the door lol
| benced wrote:
| I installed Tailwind for my parents (it's a little module that
| plugs into the motorized unit which allows the motorized unit to
| stay dumb) and it's been flawless. Good app and good integration
| with smart services. I haven't used their Home Asssistant
| integration but I can confirm their local control API works and I
| see that a HA integration exists. Tailwind is my model for what
| all smart home stuff should be.
| mkasberg wrote:
| Most important quote:
| > Buy products that work locally and won't stop functioning when
| management wants an additional revenue stream.
| xattt wrote:
| Is the 10,000,000 user figure accurate?
| A quick Google search shows there were approximately 144 million
| homes in the US. Do wifi door openers really have 1% total home
| penetration?
| joe_blow_devops wrote:
| I have a MyQ on my door. Just use the basic app that came with it
| and like the notifications / door status.
| Reading this is the first I've learned about ads in the app (sure
| enough, I looked and they are there now). This annoys me greatly
| as if the device bought and paid for isn't enough, so now they
| get to serve up ads...
| homero wrote:
| Idk if their API is open but I replaced it with the Genie Aladdin
| that works much better
| bob1029 wrote:
| I'm in the market for a new door opener, but I can't do the
| plastic wifi crap anymore. Been looking at some options like
| this:
| https://www.grainger.com/product/LIFTMASTER-Commercial-Door-...
| happytiger wrote:
| If you don't own the API you don't own the product.
| gorkish wrote:
| I posted a comment here on HN not 60 days ago voicing concerns
| about Chamberlain MyQ's monetization push and received quite a
| bit of blowback from others explaining about how I was wrong. HN
| is quite a fickle place isn't it? Anyway as should be evident I
| was completely on the money.
| Sounds to me like it's about time to publish some 3rd party
| firmware for the hubs/embedded controllers in the openers.
| Software developers who tolerate implementing consumer-hostile
| antipatterns all day long tend to be absolute shit at embedded
| systems security. At the end of the day it's just a garage door
| opener. The hardware is based on an FN-Link WiFi IOT module with
| fairly minimal customization. The door sensor is BLE. This
| shouldn't be too hard to root.
| panki27 wrote:
| Chamberlain... Which security level do you want? 7, 8, 9, 10, or
| 11 bits? Not sure how the situation is today, but the ones I'm
| referring to can be brute-forced in a matter of minutes.
| bryanthompson wrote:
| Of all the IoT contraptions and ecosystems, I hate garage door
| openers the most. My opener came with some sort of goofy base
| unit where you can hit the "close door" button and it'll sound an
| alarm, trigger close, and then the happy little LED shows you
| that it is indeed, closed.
| My solution, after looking into every off-the-shelf option, was
| to take an esp32 running esp32home + Home Assistant and hot wire
| it to buttons and status LEDs on a remote + base unit and stick
| it on the shelf in the garage. It's not pretty, but it works
| reliably.
| SoftTalker wrote:
| Is there not an open-source alternative to this?
| A garage door opener can be activated from the inside with a
| momentary pushbutton switch. It should be trivially easy to have
| a Raspberry Pi or similar wired in parallel, and have that
| running some code to enable remote operation by an app or
| service.
  | hellotheretoday wrote:
  | https://paulwieland.github.io/ratgdo/
| gtirloni wrote:
| I bought a free smart switches and haven't implemented snything
| with them yet. Part of it is because I don't want to actually
| deploy these things and then be stuck with some crappy
| proprietary app. Home Assistant looks pretty cool in that regard.
| Are the device brand that are more adequate for Home Assistant?
| bluSCALE4 wrote:
| Just adding a comment if someone from myQ is keeping count. I'll
| buy Chamberlain if it's on sale but that's about it.
| crumpled wrote:
| I had it working with home assistant for a week before they
| pulled support.
| Honestly I was always bothered that it used a cloud API at all.
| The device is right there in my house, on my own wifi. Why should
| it even phone home if I don't need it to?
| crumpled wrote:
| Here's the solution for my hardware hacker homies. Buy a regular
| garage door remote, and wire it to an ESP8266. I'm going to do
| this for a cloud-free solution.
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