[HN Gopher] Archive (2022-12-21) - Page 1 ___________________________________________________________________ | |
Show HN: Portable Secret - How I store my secrets and communicat... | |
623 points by mprime1 (253 comments) | |
Pixelmator Pro gets a magical, AI-powered Deband feature | |
42 points by ingve (11 comments) | |
Swing Ratio | |
46 points by chesterfield (14 comments) | |
I still use Flash | |
793 points by rogual (289 comments) | |
Checked C | |
134 points by soheilpro (94 comments) | |
Using ChatGPT to make Bash palatable | |
55 points by naderkhalil (45 comments) | |
All American Five radio receivers | |
30 points by ronsor (23 comments) | |
How "See a Satellite Tonight" Works | |
33 points by modeless (1 comments) | |
Philadelphia Phreakers installing free payphone | |
189 points by DoktorDelta (94 comments) | |
We are drowning in information while starving for wisdom (2021) | |
284 points by yamrzou (149 comments) | |
Cormac McCarthy loves a good diner | |
43 points by tintinnabula (7 comments) | |
NTSC encoding/decoding in C89 using only integers and fixed poin... | |
29 points by davikr (5 comments) | |
OpenJDK Proposes Project Galahad to Merge GraalVM Native Compila... | |
95 points by mfiguiere (36 comments) | |
Show HN: Write 500 Words a Day | |
20 points by nickagliano (9 comments) | |
A non-constructive proof of the Four Colour Theorem | |
122 points by ColinWright (74 comments) | |
A swarm of robots built this tunnel [video] | |
42 points by cjg (19 comments) | |
LoRa: Field Testing Antennas | |
43 points by zdw (13 comments) | |
Ciro (YC S22) hiring a founding back end engineer to build an SM... | |
1 points (job listing) | |
WebAssembly: Docker Without Containers | |
390 points by RebootStr (254 comments) | |
Pixi3D - 3D rendering library for the web | |
13 points by nassimsoftware (0 comments) | |
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