[HN Gopher] Archive (2022-08-31) - Page 1 ___________________________________________________________________ | |
WebKit on GitHub | |
212 points by miohtama (114 comments) | |
Cognitive loads in programming | |
149 points by ajdude (41 comments) | |
134.5 kg Concrete Bike [video] | |
184 points by zdw (121 comments) | |
Launch HN: Payload (YC S22) - Headless CMS for Developers | |
136 points by sneek_ (78 comments) | |
Things not available when someone blocks all cookies | |
418 points by 0xedb (179 comments) | |
Some ways to get better at debugging | |
40 points by mfrw (12 comments) | |
Dealing with the Perfectionism Trap as a Developer | |
23 points by jebraat (19 comments) | |
Fake musicians: a million-dollar Instagram verification scheme | |
168 points by danso (78 comments) | |
Launch HN: Lion Pose (YC W21) - Safe and effective skin care for... | |
78 points by nphatak (34 comments) | |
Lambda the Ultimate is now running in a new, more stable environ... | |
220 points by ingve (65 comments) | |
A DIY plate reverb, hacked out of IKEA parts for under $100 | |
15 points by glitcher (1 comments) | |
Saying Goodbye to My Parents' Library | |
16 points by Caiero (4 comments) | |
Want to found a startup? Work at one first | |
273 points by lawrjone (135 comments) | |
Programming Cognitive Robots | |
47 points by i_don_t_know (2 comments) | |
Final thoughts on Ubiquiti | |
443 points by todsacerdoti (191 comments) | |
Want quick answers? Ask questions well | |
163 points by KronisLV (105 comments) | |
Inter-brain sync occurs without physical copresence during onlin... | |
100 points by programd (57 comments) | |
A Simple Entity Component System | |
44 points by lordleft (22 comments) | |
DALL*E: Introducing Outpainting | |
317 points by dannyw (198 comments) | |
FDA Authorizes Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech Bivalent Covid-19 Vaccin... | |
62 points by Trouble_007 (41 comments) | |
Go to the next page | |
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