[HN Gopher] Archive (2022-07-31) - Page 1 ___________________________________________________________________ | |
Nuclear Energy Is Clean | |
105 points by mpweiher (16 comments) | |
EasyRPG | |
217 points by tosh (32 comments) | |
RISC-V based Single Board Computers are getting there | |
119 points by bmlw (44 comments) | |
A looming copper crunch and why recycling can't fix it | |
75 points by simonebrunozzi (125 comments) | |
If Only Borland Had Stuck with Turbo Modula-2 for CP/M (2013) | |
70 points by nope96 (31 comments) | |
Kubernetes Reinvented Virtual Machines (in a good sense) | |
68 points by paulgb (35 comments) | |
New Ghostscript PDF interpreter | |
148 points by diskmuncher (63 comments) | |
The Disintegrating Cube | |
16 points by drdee (6 comments) | |
Citroen 2cv pages | |
69 points by dayve (57 comments) | |
Patterns (YC S21) is hiring devs to build the Figma for data | |
1 points (job listing) | |
Converting from the Game Gear to the Master System | |
78 points by stevekemp (9 comments) | |
How a cable modem works (c. 2002) | |
43 points by jqcoffey (12 comments) | |
Shor, I'll do it (2007) | |
285 points by monort (43 comments) | |
Amazon's plan to "neutralize" unions with ex-inmates and "vulner... | |
147 points by hownottowrite (101 comments) | |
Put down devices, let your mind wander, study suggests | |
74 points by chazeon (34 comments) | |
TI-83 Plus One More | |
123 points by rez10191 (66 comments) | |
Inside an IBM AS/400 eSeries Factory [video] | |
32 points by grunthos (11 comments) | |
Greg can't use encrypted apps and must open his phone for police... | |
32 points by adrian_mrd (6 comments) | |
The many flavors of hashing | |
8 points by ciprian_craciun (1 comments) | |
Simple game programming through a comic | |
33 points by nassimsoftware (14 comments) | |
Go to the next page | |
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