| My Dear Diary - A diary of a respected netizen
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| My Dear Diary Gopher Hole |
Who want to read gopher sites when there are sophisticated HTML5
pages served via HTTP/HTTPS everywhere?
SDF is so damn old. It's for retro geeks who doesn't care about
those new technologies.
I spend everyday on the net and I want to share my knowledge to
the world.
Here you can find some notes that I wrote on my spare time.
Since I cannot serve my files over HTTP, gopher is the only way to
serve those goodness via SDF.org
Update: My shell account has been validated - see the bottom note.
| Can you remember? |
| If you want to know my message |
| New machine on sdf.org: beastie - a review |
| What happened on beastie? |
| After several days being inaccessible, beastie is finally up! |
| SDF on your pocket? Meet Termux, the magic app that turns your phone into a development environment! |
If you want to send me a question or suggestion or even a blame,
just drop an email to
mydeardiary at sdf.org
Your feedback and suggestions are welcome.
ARPA membership is in my wishlist, in case someone out there is kind
enough for this.
Thanks for visiting my gopher space.
Update: As of 23 January 2017, my shell account has been
validated. Therefore, I have a full shell access at sdf. Thanks
for helping me getting validated.
Update: I've set up a ko-fi page to receive tips.
Your support is greatly appreciated!
| My Personal Website |
| My another tildeverse |
| Support me on Ko-Fi |
| Back to SDF gopher listings |
Gophered by Gophernicus/101 on NetBSD/amd64 9.3 |