# beastie, what happened out there?

## Preface

On my previous post about `beastie`, I wrote my experience with OpenBSD
on sdf.org. So far my experience is awesome. Everything works as
expected, with small glitch about sdf file server.

## The problem(s) encountered on beastie

When writing text file with `vim`, at the point when I want to save my
editing session, I got `fsync` related error. So as a workaround, I
append a line to my `~/.vimrc`
set nofsync

Another error occured: during my session on `mutt`, the email client is
not able to send emails. After some investigation, I found that this
error is caused by `tmpdir` which was set to `~/.mutt/tmp`, which is a
folder mounted inside sdf filesystem cluster. So, I removed `tmpdir`
variable and the error is gone.

## Can't enter beastie anymore

Now, the real problem begins. Currently, I am unable to log into
`beastie` since the server rejected my `ssh` key. Fortunately, sdf is
more than one host so I can use another hosts to access sdf.org

Now on rie.sdf.org which hosts my website.

      _____       mydeardiary@rie
    \-     -/     ---------------
 \_/         \    OS: NetBSD 9.1 amd64
 |        O O |   Uptime: 6 days, 22 hours, 48 mins
 |_  <   )  3 )   Shell: mksh R59 2020/05/16
 / \         /    Terminal: /dev/pts/5
    /-_____-\     CPU: Intel 686-class (8)
                  Memory: 3511MiB / 16382MiB


## beastie, it's been good time till now

Well, it's regrettable that I couldn't log into beastie. I hope things
will be fixed later.

The beastie is no more. Long life beastie!