TLS on gopher update
March 14th, 2020

jan [0] is working on adding TLS support to his gopher client,
ncgopher [1]. I am running gopher over tls on cosmic.voyage via
port 7070 [2]. I went to check on it this morning and saw it was
giving me a cert error.

I'm using stunnel4 to handle the TLS stuff, and then configuring
a second copy of gophernicus to serve up the goods. The whole
process is outlined in an old phlog here [3]. 

What I failed to take into account is that letsencrypt updates my
keys routinely, but stunnel doesn't reload them. It's as easy to
fix as: 

  $ sudo /etc/init.d/stunnel4 restart 

Now I need to think about how to automate that when letsencrypt
does its business. Hmmm... ahha!


  ExecStart=/usr/bin/certbot -q renew \
    --post-hook "/etc/init.d/stunnel4 restart"
[0] jan
[1] ncgopher user guide
[2] cosmic on tls
[3] gophernicus TLS howto