tnew auth - plan9port - [fork] Plan 9 from user space
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commit 6e527fbc4d8f404a7eec934e5c9efaaaa92ffdff
parent 0f8ec41b0ae522b73085fa1662461e6351ba7e54
Author: rsc 
Date:   Sun, 13 Feb 2005 05:59:29 +0000

new auth

  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/apop.c        |     350 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/attr.c        |     231 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/chap.c        |     426 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/confirm.c     |     139 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/conv.c        |     254 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/cpu.c         |    1117 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/ctl.c         |     158 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/dat.h         |     226 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/dsa.c         |     140 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/fs.c          |     531 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/key.c         |     217 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/log.c         |     121 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/main.c        |     185 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/mkfile        |      36 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/p9any.c       |     272 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/p9cr.c        |     545 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/p9sk1.c       |     353 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/pass.c        |     100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/pkcs1.c       |     154 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/plan9.c       |      45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/proto.c       |      34 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/rpc.c         |     315 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/rsa.c         |     191 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/secstore.c    |     644 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/std.h         |      10 ++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/test.c        |     121 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/util.c        |      54 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/x.c           |      15 +++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/factotum/xio.c         |     165 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/secstore/SConn.c       |     213 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/secstore/SConn.h       |      26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/secstore/aescbc.c      |     156 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/secstore/dirls.c       |      87 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/secstore/mkfile        |      27 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/secstore/pak.c         |     344 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/secstore/password.c    |     136 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/secstore/secacct.c     |      35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/secstore/secchk.c      |      28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/secstore/secstore.c    |     585 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/secstore/secstore.h    |      31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/secstore/secstored.c   |     420 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/secstore/secureidchec… |     446 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/secstore/secuser.c     |     244 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  A src/cmd/auth/secstore/util.c        |      28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

44 files changed, 9955 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/apop.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/apop.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+ * APOP, CRAM - MD5 challenge/response authentication
+ *
+ * The client does not authenticate the server, hence no CAI.
+ *
+ * Protocol:
+ *
+ *        S -> C:        random@domain
+ *        C -> S:        hex-response
+ *        S -> C:        ok
+ *
+ * Note that this is the protocol between factotum and the local
+ * program, not between the two factotums.  The information 
+ * exchanged here is wrapped in the APOP protocol by the local
+ * programs.
+ *
+ * If S sends "bad [msg]" instead of "ok", that is a hint that the key is bad.
+ * The protocol goes back to "C -> S: user".
+ */
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+extern Proto apop, cram;
+static int
+apopcheck(Key *k)
+        if(!strfindattr(k->attr, "user") || !strfindattr(k->privattr, "!password")){
+                werrstr("need user and !password attributes");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        return 0;
+static int
+apopclient(Conv *c)
+        char *chal, *pw, *res;
+        int astype, nchal, npw, ntry, ret;
+        uchar resp[MD5dlen];
+        Attr *attr;
+        DigestState *ds;
+        Key *k;
+        chal = nil;
+        k = nil;
+        res = nil;
+        ret = -1;
+        attr = c->attr;
+        if(c->proto == &apop)
+                astype = AuthApop;
+        else if(c->proto == &cram)
+                astype = AuthCram;
+        else{
+                werrstr("bad proto");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        c->state = "find key";
+        k = keyfetch(c, "%A %s", attr, c->proto->keyprompt);
+        if(k == nil)
+                goto out;
+        c->state = "read challenge";
+        if((nchal = convreadm(c, &chal)) < 0)
+                goto out;
+          for(ntry=1;; ntry++){
+                if(c->attr != attr)
+                        freeattr(c->attr);
+                c->attr = addattrs(copyattr(attr), k->attr);
+                if((pw = strfindattr(k->privattr, "!password")) == nil){
+                        werrstr("key has no password (cannot happen?)");
+                        goto out;
+                }
+                npw = strlen(pw);
+                switch(astype){
+                case AuthApop:
+                        ds = md5((uchar*)chal, nchal, nil, nil);
+                        md5((uchar*)pw, npw, resp, ds);
+                        break;
+                case AuthCram:
+                        hmac_md5((uchar*)chal, nchal, (uchar*)pw, npw, resp, nil);
+                        break;
+                }
+                /* C->S: APOP user hex-response\n */
+                if(ntry == 1)
+                        c->state = "write user";
+                else{
+                        sprint(c->statebuf, "write user (auth attempt #%d)", ntry);
+                        c->state = c->statebuf;
+                }
+                if(convprint(c, "%s", strfindattr(k->attr, "user")) < 0)
+                        goto out;
+                c->state = "write response";
+                if(convprint(c, "%.*H", sizeof resp, resp) < 0)
+                        goto out;
+                c->state = "read result";
+                if(convreadm(c, &res) < 0)
+                        goto out;
+                if(strcmp(res, "ok") == 0)
+                        break;
+                if(strncmp(res, "bad ", 4) != 0){
+                        werrstr("bad result: %s", res);
+                        goto out;
+                }
+                c->state = "replace key";
+                if((k = keyreplace(c, k, "%s", res+4)) == nil){
+                        c->state = "auth failed";
+                        werrstr("%s", res+4);
+                        goto out;
+                }
+                free(res);
+                res = nil;
+        }
+        werrstr("succeeded");
+        ret = 0;
+        keyclose(k);
+        free(chal);
+        if(c->attr != attr)
+                freeattr(attr);
+        return ret;
+/* shared with auth dialing routines */
+typedef struct ServerState ServerState;
+struct ServerState
+        int asfd;
+        Key *k;
+        Ticketreq tr;
+        Ticket t;
+        char *dom;
+        char *hostid;
+        APOPCHALLEN = 128,
+static int apopchal(ServerState*, int, char[APOPCHALLEN]);
+static int apopresp(ServerState*, char*, char*);
+static int
+apopserver(Conv *c)
+        char chal[APOPCHALLEN], *user, *resp;
+        ServerState s;
+        int astype, ret;
+        Attr *a;
+        ret = -1;
+        user = nil;
+        resp = nil;
+        memset(&s, 0, sizeof s);
+        s.asfd = -1;
+        if(c->proto == &apop)
+                astype = AuthApop;
+        else if(c->proto == &cram)
+                astype = AuthCram;
+        else{
+                werrstr("bad proto");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        c->state = "find key";
+        if((s.k = plan9authkey(c->attr)) == nil)
+                goto out;
+        a = copyattr(s.k->attr);
+        a = delattr(a, "proto");
+        c->attr = addattrs(c->attr, a);
+        freeattr(a);
+        c->state = "authdial";
+        s.hostid = strfindattr(s.k->attr, "user");
+        s.dom = strfindattr(s.k->attr, "dom");
+        if((s.asfd = xioauthdial(nil, s.dom)) < 0){
+                werrstr("authdial %s: %r", s.dom);
+                goto out;
+        }
+        c->state = "authchal";
+        if(apopchal(&s, astype, chal) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        c->state = "write challenge";
+        if(convprint(c, "%s", chal) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        for(;;){
+                c->state = "read user";
+                if(convreadm(c, &user) < 0)
+                        goto out;
+                c->state = "read response";
+                if(convreadm(c, &resp) < 0)
+                        goto out;
+                c->state = "authwrite";
+                switch(apopresp(&s, user, resp)){
+                case -1:
+                        goto out;
+                case 0:
+                        c->state = "write status";
+                        if(convprint(c, "bad authentication failed") < 0)
+                                goto out;
+                        break;
+                case 1:
+                        c->state = "write status";
+                        if(convprint(c, "ok") < 0)
+                                goto out;
+                        goto ok;
+                }
+                free(user);
+                free(resp);
+                user = nil;
+                resp = nil;
+        }
+        ret = 0;
+        c->attr = addcap(c->attr, c->sysuser, &s.t);
+        keyclose(s.k);
+        free(user);
+        free(resp);
+//        xioclose(s.asfd);
+        return ret;
+static int
+apopchal(ServerState *s, int astype, char chal[APOPCHALLEN])
+        char trbuf[TICKREQLEN];
+        Ticketreq tr;
+        memset(&tr, 0, sizeof tr);
+        tr.type = astype;
+        if(strlen(s->hostid) >= sizeof tr.hostid){
+                werrstr("hostid too long");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        strcpy(tr.hostid, s->hostid);
+        if(strlen(s->dom) >= sizeof tr.authdom){
+                werrstr("domain too long");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        strcpy(tr.authdom, s->dom);
+        convTR2M(&tr, trbuf);
+        if(xiowrite(s->asfd, trbuf, TICKREQLEN) != TICKREQLEN)
+                return -1;
+        if(xioasrdresp(s->asfd, chal, APOPCHALLEN) <= 5)
+                return -1;
+        s->tr = tr;
+        return 0;
+static int
+apopresp(ServerState *s, char *user, char *resp)
+        char tabuf[TICKETLEN+AUTHENTLEN];
+        char trbuf[TICKREQLEN];
+        int len;
+        Authenticator a;
+        Ticket t;
+        Ticketreq tr;
+        tr = s->tr;
+        if(memrandom(tr.chal, CHALLEN) < 0)
+                return -1;
+        if(strlen(user) >= sizeof tr.uid){
+                werrstr("uid too long");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        strcpy(tr.uid, user);
+        convTR2M(&tr, trbuf);
+        if(xiowrite(s->asfd, trbuf, TICKREQLEN) != TICKREQLEN)
+                return -1;
+        len = strlen(resp);
+        if(xiowrite(s->asfd, resp, len) != len)
+                return -1;
+        if(xioasrdresp(s->asfd, tabuf, TICKETLEN+AUTHENTLEN) != TICKETLEN+AUTHENTLEN)
+                return 0;
+        convM2T(tabuf, &t, s->k->priv);
+        if(t.num != AuthTs
+        || memcmp(t.chal, tr.chal, sizeof tr.chal) != 0){
+                werrstr("key mismatch with auth server");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        convM2A(tabuf+TICKETLEN, &a, t.key);
+        if(a.num != AuthAc
+        || memcmp(a.chal, tr.chal, sizeof a.chal) != 0
+        || != 0){
+                werrstr("key2 mismatch with auth server");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        s->t = t;
+        return 1;
+static Role
+apoproles[] = 
+        "client",        apopclient,
+        "server",        apopserver,
+        0
+Proto apop = {                "apop",
+.roles=                apoproles,
+.checkkey=        apopcheck,
+.keyprompt=        "user? !password?",
+Proto cram = {                "cram",
+.roles=                apoproles,
+.checkkey=        apopcheck,
+.keyprompt=        "user? !password?",
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/attr.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/attr.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+addattr(Attr *a, char *fmt, ...)
+        char buf[8192];
+        va_list arg;
+        Attr *b;
+        va_start(arg, fmt);
+        vseprint(buf, buf+sizeof buf, fmt, arg);
+        va_end(arg);
+        b = _parseattr(buf);
+        a = addattrs(a, b);
+        setmalloctag(a, getcallerpc(&a));
+        _freeattr(b);
+        return a;
+ *  add attributes in list b to list a.  If any attributes are in
+ *  both lists, replace those in a by those in b.
+ */
+addattrs(Attr *a, Attr *b)
+        int found;
+        Attr **l, *aa;
+        for(; b; b=b->next){
+                switch(b->type){
+                case AttrNameval:
+                        for(l=&a; *l; ){
+                                if(strcmp((*l)->name, b->name) != 0){
+                                        l=&(*l)->next;
+                                        continue;
+                                }
+                                aa = *l;
+                                *l = aa->next;
+                                aa->next = nil;
+                                freeattr(aa);
+                        }
+                        *l = mkattr(AttrNameval, b->name, b->val, nil);
+                        break;
+                case AttrQuery:
+                        found = 0;
+                        for(l=&a; *l; l=&(*l)->next)
+                                if((*l)->type==AttrNameval && strcmp((*l)->name, b->name) == 0)
+                                        found++;
+                        if(!found)
+                                *l = mkattr(AttrQuery, b->name, b->val, nil);
+                        break;
+                }
+        }
+        return a;                
+setmalloctaghere(void *v)
+        setmalloctag(v, getcallerpc(&v));
+sortattr(Attr *a)
+        int i;
+        Attr *anext, *a0, *a1, **l;
+        if(a == nil || a->next == nil)
+                return a;
+        /* cut list in halves */
+        a0 = nil;
+        a1 = nil;
+        i = 0;
+        for(; a; a=anext){
+                anext = a->next;
+                if(i++%2){
+                        a->next = a0;
+                        a0 = a;
+                }else{
+                        a->next = a1;
+                        a1 = a;
+                }
+        }
+        /* sort */
+        a0 = sortattr(a0);
+        a1 = sortattr(a1);
+        /* merge */
+        l = &a;
+        while(a0 || a1){
+                if(a1==nil){
+                        anext = a0;
+                        a0 = a0->next;
+                }else if(a0==nil){
+                        anext = a1;
+                        a1 = a1->next;
+                }else if(strcmp(a0->name, a1->name) < 0){
+                        anext = a0;
+                        a0 = a0->next;
+                }else{
+                        anext = a1;
+                        a1 = a1->next;
+                }
+                *l = anext;
+                l = &(*l)->next;
+        }
+        *l = nil;
+        return a;
+attrnamefmt(Fmt *fmt)
+        char *b, buf[8192], *ebuf;
+        Attr *a;
+        ebuf = buf+sizeof buf;
+        b = buf;
+        strcpy(buf, " ");
+        for(a=va_arg(fmt->args, Attr*); a; a=a->next){
+                if(a->name == nil)
+                        continue;
+                b = seprint(b, ebuf, " %q?", a->name);
+        }
+        return fmtstrcpy(fmt, buf+1);
+static int
+hasqueries(Attr *a)
+        for(; a; a=a->next)
+                if(a->type == AttrQuery)
+                        return 1;
+        return 0;
+char *ignored[] = {
+        "role",
+        "disabled",
+static int
+ignoreattr(char *s)
+        int i;
+        for(i=0; inext, name))
+                if(strcmp(a->val, val) == 0)
+                        return 1;
+        for(a=_findattr(a1, name); a; a=_findattr(a->next, name))
+                if(strcmp(a->val, val) == 0)
+                        return 1;
+        return 0;
+matchattr(Attr *pat, Attr *a0, Attr *a1)
+        int type;
+        for(; pat; pat=pat->next){
+                type = pat->type;
+                if(ignoreattr(pat->name))
+                        type = AttrDefault;
+                switch(type){
+                case AttrQuery:                /* name=something be present */
+                        if(!hasname(a0, a1, pat->name))
+                                return 0;
+                        break;
+                case AttrNameval:        /* name=val must be present */
+                        if(!hasnameval(a0, a1, pat->name, pat->val))
+                                return 0;
+                        break;
+                case AttrDefault:        /* name=val must be present if name=anything is present */
+                        if(hasname(a0, a1, pat->name) && !hasnameval(a0, a1, pat->name, pat->val))
+                                return 0;
+                        break;
+                }
+        }
+        return 1;                
+parseattrfmtv(char *fmt, va_list arg)
+        char *s;
+        Attr *a;
+        s = vsmprint(fmt, arg);
+        if(s == nil)
+                sysfatal("vsmprint: out of memory");
+        a = parseattr(s);
+        free(s);
+        return a;
+parseattrfmt(char *fmt, ...)
+        va_list arg;
+        Attr *a;
+        va_start(arg, fmt);
+        a = parseattrfmtv(fmt, arg);
+        va_end(arg);
+        return a;
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/chap.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/chap.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+ * 
+ * The client does not authenticate the server, hence no CAI
+ *
+ * Protocol:
+ *
+ *        S -> C: random 8-byte challenge
+ *        C -> S: user in UTF-8
+ *        C -> S: Chapreply or MSchapreply structure
+ *        S -> C: ok or 'bad why'
+ *
+ * The chap protocol requires the client to give it id=%d, the id of
+ * the PPP message containing the challenge, which is used
+ * as part of the response.  Because the client protocol is message-id
+ * specific, there is no point in looping to try multiple keys.
+ *
+ * The MS chap protocol actually uses two different hashes, an
+ * older insecure one called the LM (Lan Manager) hash, and a newer
+ * more secure one called the NT hash.  By default we send back only
+ * the NT hash, because the LM hash can help an eavesdropper run
+ * a brute force attack.  If the key has an lm attribute, then we send only the
+ * LM hash.
+ */
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+extern Proto chap, mschap;
+enum {
+        ChapChallen = 8,
+        MShashlen = 16,
+        MSchallen = 8,
+        MSresplen = 24,
+static int
+chapcheck(Key *k)
+        if(!strfindattr(k->attr, "user") || !strfindattr(k->privattr, "!password")){
+                werrstr("need user and !password attributes");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        return 0;
+static void
+nthash(uchar hash[MShashlen], char *passwd)
+        uchar buf[512];
+        int i;
+        for(i=0; *passwd && i= 'a' && buf[i] <= 'z')
+                        buf[i] += 'A' - 'a';
+        memset(hash, 0, 16);
+        memcpy(hash, stdtext, 8);
+        memcpy(hash+8, stdtext, 8);
+        desencrypt(hash, buf);
+        desencrypt(hash+8, buf+7);
+static void
+mschalresp(uchar resp[MSresplen], uchar hash[MShashlen], uchar chal[MSchallen])
+        int i;
+        uchar buf[21];
+        memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+        memcpy(buf, hash, MShashlen);
+        for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
+                memmove(resp+i*MSchallen, chal, MSchallen);
+                desencrypt(resp+i*MSchallen, buf+i*7);
+        }
+static int
+chapclient(Conv *c)
+        int id, astype, nchal, npw, ret;
+        uchar *chal;
+        char *s, *pw, *user, *res;
+        Attr *attr;
+        Key *k;
+        Chapreply cr;
+        MSchapreply mscr;
+        DigestState *ds;
+        ret = -1;
+        chal = nil;
+        k = nil;
+        attr = c->attr;
+        if(c->proto == &chap){
+                astype = AuthChap;
+                s = strfindattr(attr, "id");
+                if(s == nil || *s == 0){
+                        werrstr("need id=n attr in start message");
+                        goto out;
+                }
+                id = strtol(s, &s, 10);
+                if(*s != 0 || id < 0 || id >= 256){
+                        werrstr("bad id=n attr in start message");
+                        goto out;
+                }
+       = id;
+        }else if(c->proto == &mschap)
+                astype = AuthMSchap;
+        else{
+                werrstr("bad proto");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        c->state = "find key";
+        k = keyfetch(c, "%A %s", attr, c->proto->keyprompt);
+        if(k == nil)
+                goto out;
+        c->attr = addattrs(copyattr(attr), k->attr);
+        c->state = "read challenge";
+        if((nchal = convreadm(c, (char**)(void*)&chal)) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        if(astype == AuthMSchap && nchal != MSchallen)
+        c->state = "write user";
+        if((user = strfindattr(k->attr, "user")) == nil){
+                werrstr("key has no user (cannot happen?)");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        if(convprint(c, "%s", user) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        c->state = "write response";
+        if((pw = strfindattr(k->privattr, "!password")) == nil){
+                werrstr("key has no password (cannot happen?)");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        npw = strlen(pw);
+        if(astype == AuthChap){
+                ds = md5(&, 1, 0, 0);
+                md5((uchar*)pw, npw, 0, ds);
+                md5(chal, nchal, (uchar*)cr.resp, ds);
+                if(convwrite(c, &cr, sizeof cr) < 0)
+                        goto out;
+        }else{
+                uchar hash[MShashlen];
+                memset(&mscr, 0, sizeof mscr);
+                if(strfindattr(k->attr, "lm")){
+                        lmhash(hash, pw);
+                        mschalresp((uchar*)mscr.LMresp, hash, chal);
+                }else{
+                        nthash(hash, pw);
+                        mschalresp((uchar*)mscr.NTresp, hash, chal);
+                }
+                if(convwrite(c, &mscr, sizeof mscr) < 0)
+                        goto out;
+        }
+        c->state = "read result";
+        if(convreadm(c, &res) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        if(strcmp(res, "ok") == 0){
+                ret = 0;
+                werrstr("succeeded");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        if(strncmp(res, "bad ", 4) != 0){
+                werrstr("bad result: %s", res);
+                goto out;
+        }
+        c->state = "replace key";
+        keyevict(c, k, "%s", res+4);
+        werrstr("%s", res+4);
+        free(res);
+        keyclose(k);
+        free(chal);
+        if(c->attr != attr)
+                freeattr(attr);
+        return ret;
+/* shared with auth dialing routines */
+typedef struct ServerState ServerState;
+struct ServerState
+        int asfd;
+        Key *k;
+        Ticketreq tr;
+        Ticket t;
+        char *dom;
+        char *hostid;
+static int chapchal(ServerState*, int, char[ChapChallen]);
+static int chapresp(ServerState*, char*, char*);
+static int
+chapserver(Conv *c)
+        char chal[ChapChallen], *user, *resp;
+        ServerState s;
+        int astype, ret;
+        Attr *a;
+        ret = -1;
+        user = nil;
+        resp = nil;
+        memset(&s, 0, sizeof s);
+        s.asfd = -1;
+        if(c->proto == &chap)
+                astype = AuthChap;
+        else if(c->proto == &mschap)
+                astype = AuthMSchap;
+        else{
+                werrstr("bad proto");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        c->state = "find key";
+        if((s.k = plan9authkey(c->attr)) == nil)
+                goto out;
+        a = copyattr(s.k->attr);
+        a = delattr(a, "proto");
+        c->attr = addattrs(c->attr, a);
+        freeattr(a);
+        c->state = "authdial";
+        s.hostid = strfindattr(s.k->attr, "user");
+        s.dom = strfindattr(s.k->attr, "dom");
+        if((s.asfd = xioauthdial(nil, s.dom)) < 0){
+                werrstr("authdial %s: %r", s.dom);
+                goto out;
+        }
+        c->state = "authchal";
+        if(chapchal(&s, astype, chal) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        c->state = "write challenge";
+        if(convprint(c, "%s", chal) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        c->state = "read user";
+        if(convreadm(c, &user) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        c->state = "read response";
+        if(convreadm(c, &resp) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        c->state = "authwrite";
+        switch(chapresp(&s, user, resp)){
+        default:
+                fprint(2, "factotum: bad result from chapresp\n");
+                goto out;
+        case -1:
+                goto out;
+        case 0:
+                c->state = "write status";
+                if(convprint(c, "bad authentication failed") < 0)
+                        goto out;
+                goto out;
+        case 1:
+                c->state = "write status";
+                if(convprint(c, "ok") < 0)
+                        goto out;
+                goto ok;
+        }
+        ret = 0;
+        c->attr = addcap(c->attr, c->sysuser, &s.t);
+        keyclose(s.k);
+        free(user);
+        free(resp);
+//        xioclose(s.asfd);
+        return ret;
+static int
+chapchal(ServerState *s, int astype, char chal[ChapChallen])
+        char trbuf[TICKREQLEN];
+        Ticketreq tr;
+        memset(&tr, 0, sizeof tr);
+        tr.type = astype;
+        if(strlen(s->hostid) >= sizeof tr.hostid){
+                werrstr("hostid too long");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        strcpy(tr.hostid, s->hostid);
+        if(strlen(s->dom) >= sizeof tr.authdom){
+                werrstr("domain too long");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        strcpy(tr.authdom, s->dom);
+        convTR2M(&tr, trbuf);
+        if(xiowrite(s->asfd, trbuf, TICKREQLEN) != TICKREQLEN)
+                return -1;
+        if(xioasrdresp(s->asfd, chal, ChapChallen) <= 5)
+                return -1;
+        s->tr = tr;
+        return 0;
+static int
+chapresp(ServerState *s, char *user, char *resp)
+        char tabuf[TICKETLEN+AUTHENTLEN];
+        char trbuf[TICKREQLEN];
+        int len;
+        Authenticator a;
+        Ticket t;
+        Ticketreq tr;
+        tr = s->tr;
+        if(memrandom(tr.chal, CHALLEN) < 0)
+                return -1;
+        if(strlen(user) >= sizeof tr.uid){
+                werrstr("uid too long");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        strcpy(tr.uid, user);
+        convTR2M(&tr, trbuf);
+        if(xiowrite(s->asfd, trbuf, TICKREQLEN) != TICKREQLEN)
+                return -1;
+        len = strlen(resp);
+        if(xiowrite(s->asfd, resp, len) != len)
+                return -1;
+        if(xioasrdresp(s->asfd, tabuf, TICKETLEN+AUTHENTLEN) != TICKETLEN+AUTHENTLEN)
+                return 0;
+        convM2T(tabuf, &t, s->k->priv);
+        if(t.num != AuthTs
+        || memcmp(t.chal, tr.chal, sizeof tr.chal) != 0){
+                werrstr("key mismatch with auth server");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        convM2A(tabuf+TICKETLEN, &a, t.key);
+        if(a.num != AuthAc
+        || memcmp(a.chal, tr.chal, sizeof a.chal) != 0
+        || != 0){
+                werrstr("key2 mismatch with auth server");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        s->t = t;
+        return 1;
+static Role
+chaproles[] = 
+        "client",        chapclient,
+        "server",        chapserver,
+        0
+Proto chap = {                "chap",
+.roles=                chaproles,
+.checkkey=        chapcheck,
+.keyprompt=        "user? !password?",
+Proto mschap = {                "mschap",
+.roles=                chaproles,
+.checkkey=        chapcheck,
+.keyprompt=        "user? !password?",
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/confirm.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/confirm.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+Logbuf confbuf;
+confirmread(Req *r)
+        lbread(&confbuf, r);
+confirmflush(Req *r)
+        lbflush(&confbuf, r);
+confirmwrite(char *s)
+        char *t, *ans;
+        int allow;
+        ulong tag;
+        Attr *a;
+        Conv *c;
+        a = _parseattr(s);
+        if(a == nil){
+                werrstr("bad attr");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        if((t = _strfindattr(a, "tag")) == nil){
+                werrstr("no tag");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        tag = strtoul(t, 0, 0);
+        if((ans = _strfindattr(a, "answer")) == nil){
+                werrstr("no answer");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        if(strcmp(ans, "yes") == 0)
+                allow = 1;
+        else if(strcmp(ans, "no") == 0)
+                allow = 0;
+        else{
+                werrstr("bad answer");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        for(c=conv; c; c=c->next){
+                if(tag == c->tag){
+                        nbsendul(c->keywait, allow);
+                        break;
+                }
+        }
+        if(c == nil){
+                werrstr("tag not found");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        return 0;
+confirmkey(Conv *c, Key *k)
+        if(*confirminuse == 0)
+                return -1;
+        lbappend(&confbuf, "confirm tag=%lud %A %N", c->tag, k->attr, k->privattr);
+        c->state = "keyconfirm";
+        return recvul(c->keywait);
+Logbuf needkeybuf;
+needkeyread(Req *r)
+        lbread(&needkeybuf, r);
+needkeyflush(Req *r)
+        lbflush(&needkeybuf, r);
+needkeywrite(char *s)
+        char *t;
+        ulong tag;
+        Attr *a;
+        Conv *c;
+        a = _parseattr(s);
+        if(a == nil){
+                werrstr("empty write");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        if((t = _strfindattr(a, "tag")) == nil){
+                werrstr("no tag");
+                freeattr(a);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        tag = strtoul(t, 0, 0);
+        for(c=conv; c; c=c->next)
+                if(c->tag == tag){
+                        nbsendul(c->keywait, 0);
+                        break;
+                }
+        if(c == nil){
+                werrstr("tag not found");
+                freeattr(a);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        freeattr(a);
+        return 0;
+needkey(Conv *c, Attr *a)
+        if(c == nil || *needkeyinuse == 0)
+                return -1;
+        lbappend(&needkeybuf, "needkey tag=%lud %A", c->tag, a);
+        return nbrecvul(c->keywait);
+badkey(Conv *c, Key *k, char *msg, Attr *a)
+        if(c == nil || *needkeyinuse == 0)
+                return -1;
+        lbappend(&needkeybuf, "badkey tag=%lud %A %N\n%s\n%A",
+                c->tag, k->attr, k->privattr, msg, a);
+        return nbrecvul(c->keywait);
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/conv.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/conv.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+Conv *conv;
+ulong taggen = 1;
+convalloc(char *sysuser)
+        Conv *c;
+        c = mallocz(sizeof(Conv), 1);
+        if(c == nil)
+                return nil;
+        c->ref = 1;
+        c->tag = taggen++;
+        c->next = conv;
+        c->sysuser = estrdup(sysuser);
+        c->state = "nascent";
+        c->rpcwait = chancreate(sizeof(void*), 0);
+        c->keywait = chancreate(sizeof(void*), 0);
+        strcpy(c->err, "protocol has not started");
+        conv = c;
+        convreset(c);
+        return c;
+convreset(Conv *c)
+        if(c->ref != 1){
+                c->hangup = 1;
+                nbsendp(c->rpcwait, 0);
+                while(c->ref > 1)
+                        yield();
+                c->hangup = 0;
+        }
+        c->state = "nascent";
+        c->err[0] = '\0';
+        freeattr(c->attr);
+        c->attr = nil;
+        c->proto = nil;
+        c->rpc.op = 0;
+        c->active = 0;
+        c->done = 0;
+        c->hangup = 0;
+convhangup(Conv *c)
+        c->hangup = 1;
+        c->rpc.op = 0;
+        (*c->kickreply)(c);
+        nbsendp(c->rpcwait, 0);
+convclose(Conv *c)
+        Conv *p;
+        if(c == nil)
+                return;
+        if(--c->ref > 0)
+                return;
+        if(c == conv){
+                conv = c->next;
+                goto free;
+        }
+        for(p=conv; p && p->next!=c; p=p->next)
+                ;
+        if(p == nil){
+                print("cannot find conv in list\n");
+                return;
+        }
+        p->next = c->next;
+        c->next = nil;
+        free(c);
+static Rpc*
+convgetrpc(Conv *c, int want)
+        for(;;){
+                if(c->hangup){
+                        werrstr("hangup");
+                        return nil;
+                }
+                if(c->rpc.op == RpcUnknown){
+                        recvp(c->rpcwait);
+                        if(c->hangup){
+                                werrstr("hangup");
+                                return nil;
+                        }
+                        if(c->rpc.op == RpcUnknown)
+                                continue;
+                }
+                if(want < 0 || c->rpc.op == want)
+                        return &c->rpc;
+                rpcrespond(c, "phase in state '%s' want '%s'", c->state, rpcname[want]);
+        }
+        return nil;        /* not reached */
+/* read until the done function tells us that's enough */
+convreadfn(Conv *c, int (*done)(void*, int), char **ps)
+        int n;
+        Rpc *r;
+        char *s;
+        for(;;){
+                r = convgetrpc(c, RpcWrite);
+                if(r == nil)
+                        return -1;
+                n = (*done)(r->data, r->count);
+                if(n == r->count)
+                        break;
+                rpcrespond(c, "toosmall %d", n);
+        }
+        s = emalloc(r->count+1);
+        memmove(s, r->data, r->count);
+        s[r->count] = 0;
+        *ps = s;
+        rpcrespond(c, "ok");
+        return r->count;
+ * read until we get a non-zero write.  assumes remote side
+ * knows something about the protocol (is not auth_proxy).
+ * the remote side typically won't bother with the zero-length
+ * write to find out the length -- the loop is there only so the
+ * test program can call auth_proxy on both sides of a pipe
+ * to play a conversation.
+ */
+convreadm(Conv *c, char **ps)
+        char *s;
+        Rpc *r;
+        for(;;){
+                r = convgetrpc(c, RpcWrite);
+                if(r == nil)
+                        return -1;
+                if(r->count > 0)
+                        break;
+                rpcrespond(c, "toosmall %d", AuthRpcMax);
+        }
+        s = emalloc(r->count+1);
+        memmove(s, r->data, r->count);
+        s[r->count] = 0;
+        *ps = s;
+        rpcrespond(c, "ok");
+        return r->count;
+/* read exactly count bytes */
+convread(Conv *c, void *data, int count)
+        Rpc *r;
+        for(;;){
+                r = convgetrpc(c, RpcWrite);
+                if(r == nil)
+                        return -1;
+                if(r->count == count)
+                        break;
+                if(r->count < count)
+                        rpcrespond(c, "toosmall %d", count);
+                else
+                        rpcrespond(c, "error too much data; want %d got %d", count, r->count);
+        }
+        memmove(data, r->data, count);
+        rpcrespond(c, "ok");
+        return 0;
+/* write exactly count bytes */
+convwrite(Conv *c, void *data, int count)
+        Rpc *r;
+        for(;;){
+                r = convgetrpc(c, RpcRead);
+                if(r == nil)
+                        return -1;
+                break;
+        }
+        rpcrespondn(c, "ok", data, count);
+        return 0;
+/* print to the conversation */
+convprint(Conv *c, char *fmt, ...)
+        char *s;
+        va_list arg;
+        int ret;
+        va_start(arg, fmt);
+        s = vsmprint(fmt, arg);
+        va_end(arg);
+        if(s == nil)
+                return -1;
+        ret = convwrite(c, s, strlen(s));
+        free(s);
+        return ret;
+/* ask for a key */
+convneedkey(Conv *c, Attr *a)
+        /*
+         * Piggyback key requests in the usual RPC channel.
+         * Wait for the next RPC and then send a key request
+         * in response.  The keys get added out-of-band (via the
+         * ctl file), so assume the key has been added when the
+         * next request comes in.
+         */
+        if(convgetrpc(c, -1) == nil)
+                return -1;
+        rpcrespond(c, "needkey %A", a);
+        if(convgetrpc(c, -1) == nil)
+                return -1;
+        return 0;
+/* ask for a replacement for a bad key*/
+convbadkey(Conv *c, Key *k, char *msg, Attr *a)
+        if(convgetrpc(c, -1) == nil)
+                return -1;
+        rpcrespond(c, "badkey %A %N\n%s\n%A",
+                k->attr, k->privattr, msg, a);
+        if(convgetrpc(c, -1) == nil)
+                return -1;
+        return 0;
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/cpu.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/cpu.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,1117 @@
+ * cpu.c - Make a connection to a cpu server
+ *
+ *           Invoked by listen as 'cpu -R | -N service net netdir'
+ *                       by users  as 'cpu [-h system] [-c cmd args ...]'
+ */
+#define        Maxfdata 8192
+void        remoteside(int);
+void        fatal(int, char*, ...);
+void        lclnoteproc(int);
+void        rmtnoteproc(void);
+void        catcher(void*, char*);
+void        usage(void);
+void        writestr(int, char*, char*, int);
+int        readstr(int, char*, int);
+char        *rexcall(int*, char*, char*);
+int        setamalg(char*);
+int         notechan;
+char        system[32];
+int        cflag;
+int        hflag;
+int        dbg;
+char        *user;
+char        *srvname = "ncpu";
+char        *exportfs = "/bin/exportfs";
+char        *ealgs = "rc4_256 sha1";
+/* message size for exportfs; may be larger so we can do big graphics in CPU window */
+int        msgsize = 8192+IOHDRSZ;
+/* authentication mechanisms */
+static int        netkeyauth(int);
+static int        netkeysrvauth(int, char*);
+static int        p9auth(int);
+static int        srvp9auth(int, char*);
+static int        noauth(int);
+static int        srvnoauth(int, char*);
+typedef struct AuthMethod AuthMethod;
+struct AuthMethod {
+        char        *name;                        /* name of method */
+        int        (*cf)(int);                /* client side authentication */
+        int        (*sf)(int, char*);        /* server side authentication */
+} authmethod[] =
+        { "p9",                p9auth,                srvp9auth,},
+        { "netkey",        netkeyauth,        netkeysrvauth,},
+//        { "none",        noauth,                srvnoauth,},
+        { nil,        nil}
+AuthMethod *am = authmethod;        /* default is p9 */
+char *p9authproto = "p9any";
+int setam(char*);
+        fprint(2, "usage: cpu [-h system] [-a authmethod] [-e 'crypt hash'] [-c cmd args ...]\n");
+        exits("usage");
+int fdd;
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+        char dat[128], buf[128], cmd[128], *p, *err;
+        int fd, ms, kms, data;
+        /* see if we should use a larger message size */
+        fd = open("/dev/draw", OREAD);
+        if(fd > 0){
+                ms = iounit(fd);
+                if(ms != 0 && ms < ms+IOHDRSZ)
+                        msgsize = ms+IOHDRSZ;
+                close(fd);
+        }
+        kms = kiounit();
+        if(msgsize > kms-IOHDRSZ-100)        /* 100 for network packets, etc. */
+                msgsize = kms-IOHDRSZ-100;
+        user = getuser();
+        if(user == nil)
+                fatal(1, "can't read user name");
+        ARGBEGIN{
+        case 'a':
+                p = EARGF(usage());
+                if(setam(p) < 0)
+                        fatal(0, "unknown auth method %s", p);
+                break;
+        case 'e':
+                ealgs = EARGF(usage());
+                if(*ealgs == 0 || strcmp(ealgs, "clear") == 0)
+                        ealgs = nil;
+                break;
+        case 'd':
+                dbg++;
+                break;
+        case 'f':
+                /* ignored but accepted for compatibility */
+                break;
+        case 'O':
+                p9authproto = "p9sk2";
+                remoteside(1);                                /* From listen */
+                break;
+        case 'R':                                /* From listen */
+                remoteside(0);
+                break;
+        case 'h':
+                hflag++;
+                p = EARGF(usage());
+                strcpy(system, p);
+                break;
+        case 'c':
+                cflag++;
+                cmd[0] = '!';
+                cmd[1] = '\0';
+                while(p = ARGF()) {
+                        strcat(cmd, " ");
+                        strcat(cmd, p);
+                }
+                break;
+        case 'o':
+                p9authproto = "p9sk2";
+                srvname = "cpu";
+                break;
+        case 'u':
+                user = EARGF(usage());
+                break;
+        default:
+                usage();
+        }ARGEND;
+        if(argc != 0)
+                usage();
+        if(hflag == 0) {
+                p = getenv("cpu");
+                if(p == 0)
+                        fatal(0, "set $cpu");
+                strcpy(system, p);
+        }
+        if(err = rexcall(&data, system, srvname))
+                fatal(1, "%s: %s", err, system);
+        /* Tell the remote side the command to execute and where our working directory is */
+        if(cflag)
+                writestr(data, cmd, "command", 0);
+        if(getwd(dat, sizeof(dat)) == 0)
+                writestr(data, "NO", "dir", 0);
+        else
+                writestr(data, dat, "dir", 0);
+        /* start up a process to pass along notes */
+        lclnoteproc(data);
+        /* 
+         *  Wait for the other end to execute and start our file service
+         *  of /mnt/term
+         */
+        if(readstr(data, buf, sizeof(buf)) < 0)
+                fatal(1, "waiting for FS");
+        if(strncmp("FS", buf, 2) != 0) {
+                print("remote cpu: %s", buf);
+                exits(buf);
+        }
+        /* Begin serving the gnot namespace */
+        close(0);
+        dup(data, 0);
+        close(data);
+        sprint(buf, "%d", msgsize);
+        if(dbg)
+                execl(exportfs, exportfs, "-dm", buf, 0);
+        else
+                execl(exportfs, exportfs, "-m", buf, 0);
+        fatal(1, "starting exportfs");
+fatal(int syserr, char *fmt, ...)
+        char buf[ERRMAX];
+        va_list arg;
+        va_start(arg, fmt);
+        doprint(buf, buf+sizeof(buf), fmt, arg);
+        va_end(arg);
+        if(syserr)
+                fprint(2, "cpu: %s: %r\n", buf);
+        else
+                fprint(2, "cpu: %s\n", buf);
+        exits(buf);
+char *negstr = "negotiating authentication method";
+char bug[256];
+old9p(int fd)
+        int p[2];
+        if(pipe(p) < 0)
+                fatal(1, "pipe");
+        switch(rfork(RFPROC|RFFDG|RFNAMEG)) {
+        case -1:
+                fatal(1, "rfork srvold9p");
+        case 0:
+                if(fd != 1){
+                        dup(fd, 1);
+                        close(fd);
+                }
+                if(p[0] != 0){
+                        dup(p[0], 0);
+                        close(p[0]);
+                }
+                close(p[1]);
+                if(0){
+                        fd = open("/sys/log/cpu", OWRITE);
+                        if(fd != 2){
+                                dup(fd, 2);
+                                close(fd);
+                        }
+                        execl("/bin/srvold9p", "srvold9p", "-ds", 0);
+                } else
+                        execl("/bin/srvold9p", "srvold9p", "-s", 0);
+                fatal(1, "exec srvold9p");
+        default:
+                close(fd);
+                close(p[0]);
+        }
+        return p[1];        
+/* Invoked with stdin, stdout and stderr connected to the network connection */
+remoteside(int old)
+        char user[128], home[128], buf[128], xdir[128], cmd[128];
+        int i, n, fd, badchdir, gotcmd;
+        fd = 0;
+        /* negotiate authentication mechanism */
+        n = readstr(fd, cmd, sizeof(cmd));
+        if(n < 0)
+                fatal(1, "authenticating");
+        if(setamalg(cmd) < 0){
+                writestr(fd, "unsupported auth method", nil, 0);
+                fatal(1, "bad auth method %s", cmd);
+        } else
+                writestr(fd, "", "", 1);
+        fd = (*am->sf)(fd, user);
+        if(fd < 0)
+                fatal(1, "srvauth");
+        /* Set environment values for the user */
+        putenv("user", user);
+        sprint(home, "/usr/%s", user);
+        putenv("home", home);
+        /* Now collect invoking cpu's current directory or possibly a command */
+        gotcmd = 0;
+        if(readstr(fd, xdir, sizeof(xdir)) < 0)
+                fatal(1, "dir/cmd");
+        if(xdir[0] == '!') {
+                strcpy(cmd, &xdir[1]);
+                gotcmd = 1;
+                if(readstr(fd, xdir, sizeof(xdir)) < 0)
+                        fatal(1, "dir");
+        }
+        /* Establish the new process at the current working directory of the
+         * gnot */
+        badchdir = 0;
+        if(strcmp(xdir, "NO") == 0)
+                chdir(home);
+        else if(chdir(xdir) < 0) {
+                badchdir = 1;
+                chdir(home);
+        }
+        /* Start the gnot serving its namespace */
+        writestr(fd, "FS", "FS", 0);
+        writestr(fd, "/", "exportfs dir", 0);
+        n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
+        if(n != 2 || buf[0] != 'O' || buf[1] != 'K')
+                exits("remote tree");
+        if(old)
+                fd = old9p(fd);
+        /* make sure buffers are big by doing fversion explicitly; pick a huge number; other side will trim */
+        strcpy(buf, VERSION9P);
+        if(fversion(fd, 64*1024, buf, sizeof buf) < 0)
+                exits("fversion failed");
+        if(mount(fd, -1, "/mnt/term", MCREATE|MREPL, "") < 0)
+                exits("mount failed");
+        close(fd);
+        /* the remote noteproc uses the mount so it must follow it */
+        rmtnoteproc();
+        for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+                close(i);
+        if(open("/mnt/term/dev/cons", OREAD) != 0)
+                exits("open stdin");
+        if(open("/mnt/term/dev/cons", OWRITE) != 1)
+                exits("open stdout");
+        dup(1, 2);
+        if(badchdir)
+                print("cpu: failed to chdir to '%s'\n", xdir);
+        if(gotcmd)
+                execl("/bin/rc", "rc", "-lc", cmd, 0);
+        else
+                execl("/bin/rc", "rc", "-li", 0);
+        fatal(1, "exec shell");
+rexcall(int *fd, char *host, char *service)
+        char *na;
+        char dir[128];
+        char err[ERRMAX];
+        char msg[128];
+        int n;
+        na = netmkaddr(host, 0, service);
+        if((*fd = dial(na, 0, dir, 0)) < 0)
+                return "can't dial";
+        /* negotiate authentication mechanism */
+        if(ealgs != nil)
+                snprint(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s %s", am->name, ealgs);
+        else
+                snprint(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s", am->name);
+        writestr(*fd, msg, negstr, 0);
+        n = readstr(*fd, err, sizeof err);
+        if(n < 0)
+                return negstr;
+        if(*err){
+                werrstr(err);
+                return negstr;
+        }
+        /* authenticate */
+        *fd = (*am->cf)(*fd);
+        if(*fd < 0)
+                return "can't authenticate";
+        return 0;
+writestr(int fd, char *str, char *thing, int ignore)
+        int l, n;
+        l = strlen(str);
+        n = write(fd, str, l+1);
+        if(!ignore && n < 0)
+                fatal(1, "writing network: %s", thing);
+readstr(int fd, char *str, int len)
+        int n;
+        while(len) {
+                n = read(fd, str, 1);
+                if(n < 0) 
+                        return -1;
+                if(*str == '\0')
+                        return 0;
+                str++;
+                len--;
+        }
+        return -1;
+static int
+readln(char *buf, int n)
+        char *p = buf;
+        n--;
+        while(n > 0){
+                if(read(0, p, 1) != 1)
+                        break;
+                if(*p == '\n' || *p == '\r'){
+                        *p = 0;
+                        return p-buf;
+                }
+                p++;
+        }
+        *p = 0;
+        return p-buf;
+ *  user level challenge/response
+ */
+static int
+netkeyauth(int fd)
+        char chall[32];
+        char resp[32];
+        strcpy(chall, getuser());
+        print("user[%s]: ", chall);
+        if(readln(resp, sizeof(resp)) < 0)
+                return -1;
+        if(*resp != 0)
+                strcpy(chall, resp);
+        writestr(fd, chall, "challenge/response", 1);
+        for(;;){
+                if(readstr(fd, chall, sizeof chall) < 0)
+                        break;
+                if(*chall == 0)
+                        return fd;
+                print("challenge: %s\nresponse: ", chall);
+                if(readln(resp, sizeof(resp)) < 0)
+                        break;
+                writestr(fd, resp, "challenge/response", 1);
+        }
+        return -1;
+static int
+netkeysrvauth(int fd, char *user)
+        char response[32];
+        Chalstate *ch;
+        int tries;
+        AuthInfo *ai;
+        if(readstr(fd, user, 32) < 0)
+                return -1;
+        ai = nil;
+        ch = nil;
+        for(tries = 0; tries < 10; tries++){
+                if((ch = auth_challenge("p9cr", user, nil)) == nil)
+                        return -1;
+                writestr(fd, ch->chal, "challenge", 1);
+                if(readstr(fd, response, sizeof response) < 0)
+                        return -1;
+                ch->resp = response;
+                ch->nresp = strlen(response);
+                if((ai = auth_response(ch)) != nil)
+                        break;
+        }
+        auth_freechal(ch);
+        if(ai == nil)
+                return -1;
+        writestr(fd, "", "challenge", 1);
+        if(auth_chuid(ai, 0) < 0)
+                fatal(1, "newns");
+        auth_freeAI(ai);
+        return fd;
+static void
+mksecret(char *t, uchar *f)
+        sprint(t, "%2.2ux%2.2ux%2.2ux%2.2ux%2.2ux%2.2ux%2.2ux%2.2ux%2.2ux%2.2ux",
+                f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5], f[6], f[7], f[8], f[9]);
+ *  plan9 authentication followed by rc4 encryption
+ */
+static int
+p9auth(int fd)
+        uchar key[16];
+        uchar digest[SHA1dlen];
+        char fromclientsecret[21];
+        char fromserversecret[21];
+        int i;
+        AuthInfo *ai;
+        ai = auth_proxy(fd, auth_getkey, "proto=%q user=%q role=client", p9authproto, user);
+        if(ai == nil)
+                return -1;
+        memmove(key+4, ai->secret, ai->nsecret);
+        if(ealgs == nil)
+                return fd;
+        /* exchange random numbers */
+        srand(truerand());
+        for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+                key[i] = rand();
+        if(write(fd, key, 4) != 4)
+                return -1;
+        if(readn(fd, key+12, 4) != 4)
+                return -1;
+        /* scramble into two secrets */
+        sha1(key, sizeof(key), digest, nil);
+        mksecret(fromclientsecret, digest);
+        mksecret(fromserversecret, digest+10);
+        /* set up encryption */
+        i = pushssl(fd, ealgs, fromclientsecret, fromserversecret, nil);
+        if(i < 0)
+                werrstr("can't establish ssl connection: %r");
+        return i;
+static int
+noauth(int fd)
+        ealgs = nil;
+        return fd;
+static int
+srvnoauth(int fd, char *user)
+        strcpy(user, getuser());
+        ealgs = nil;
+        return fd;
+loghex(uchar *p, int n)
+        char buf[100];
+        int i;
+        for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+                sprint(buf+2*i, "%2.2ux", p[i]);
+        syslog(0, "cpu", buf);
+static int
+srvp9auth(int fd, char *user)
+        uchar key[16];
+        uchar digest[SHA1dlen];
+        char fromclientsecret[21];
+        char fromserversecret[21];
+        int i;
+        AuthInfo *ai;
+        ai = auth_proxy(0, nil, "proto=%q role=server", p9authproto);
+        if(ai == nil)
+                return -1;
+        if(auth_chuid(ai, nil) < 0)
+                return -1;
+        strcpy(user, ai->cuid);
+        memmove(key+4, ai->secret, ai->nsecret);
+        if(ealgs == nil)
+                return fd;
+        /* exchange random numbers */
+        srand(truerand());
+        for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+                key[i+12] = rand();
+        if(readn(fd, key, 4) != 4)
+                return -1;
+        if(write(fd, key+12, 4) != 4)
+                return -1;
+        /* scramble into two secrets */
+        sha1(key, sizeof(key), digest, nil);
+        mksecret(fromclientsecret, digest);
+        mksecret(fromserversecret, digest+10);
+        /* set up encryption */
+        i = pushssl(fd, ealgs, fromserversecret, fromclientsecret, nil);
+        if(i < 0)
+                werrstr("can't establish ssl connection: %r");
+        return i;
+ *  set authentication mechanism
+ */
+setam(char *name)
+        for(am = authmethod; am->name != nil; am++)
+                if(strcmp(am->name, name) == 0)
+                        return 0;
+        am = authmethod;
+        return -1;
+ *  set authentication mechanism and encryption/hash algs
+ */
+setamalg(char *s)
+        ealgs = strchr(s, ' ');
+        if(ealgs != nil)
+                *ealgs++ = 0;
+        return setam(s);
+char *rmtnotefile = "/mnt/term/dev/cpunote";
+ *  loop reading /mnt/term/dev/note looking for notes.
+ *  The child returns to start the shell.
+ */
+        int n, fd, pid, notepid;
+        char buf[256];
+        /* new proc returns to start shell */
+        switch(pid){
+        case -1:
+                syslog(0, "cpu", "cpu -R: can't start noteproc: %r");
+                return;
+        case 0:
+                return;
+        }
+        /* new proc reads notes from other side and posts them to shell */
+        switch(notepid = rfork(RFPROC|RFFDG|RFMEM)){
+        case -1:
+                syslog(0, "cpu", "cpu -R: can't start wait proc: %r");
+                _exits(0);
+        case 0:
+                fd = open(rmtnotefile, OREAD);
+                if(fd < 0){
+                        syslog(0, "cpu", "cpu -R: can't open %s", rmtnotefile);
+                        _exits(0);
+                }
+                for(;;){
+                        n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)-1);
+                        if(n <= 0){
+                                postnote(PNGROUP, pid, "hangup");
+                                _exits(0);
+                        }
+                        buf[n] = 0;
+                        postnote(PNGROUP, pid, buf);
+                }
+                break;
+        }
+        /* original proc waits for shell proc to die and kills note proc */
+        for(;;){
+                n = waitpid();
+                if(n < 0 || n == pid)
+                        break;
+        }
+        postnote(PNPROC, notepid, "kill");
+        _exits(0);
+        Qdir,
+        Qcpunote,
+        Nfid = 32,
+struct {
+        char        *name;
+        Qid        qid;
+        ulong        perm;
+} fstab[] =
+        [Qdir]                { ".",                {Qdir, 0, QTDIR},        DMDIR|0555        },
+        [Qcpunote]        { "cpunote",        {Qcpunote, 0},                0444                },
+typedef struct Note Note;
+struct Note
+        Note *next;
+        char msg[ERRMAX];
+typedef struct Request Request;
+struct Request
+        Request *next;
+        Fcall f;
+typedef struct Fid Fid;
+struct Fid
+        int        fid;
+        int        file;
+Fid fids[Nfid];
+struct {
+        Lock;
+        Note *nfirst, *nlast;
+        Request *rfirst, *rlast;
+} nfs;
+fsreply(int fd, Fcall *f)
+        uchar buf[IOHDRSZ+Maxfdata];
+        int n;
+        if(dbg)
+                fprint(2, "<-%F\n", f);
+        n = convS2M(f, buf, sizeof buf);
+        if(n > 0){
+                if(write(fd, buf, n) != n){
+                        close(fd);
+                        return -1;
+                }
+        }
+        return 0;
+/* match a note read request with a note, reply to the request */
+kick(int fd)
+        Request *rp;
+        Note *np;
+        int rv;
+        for(;;){
+                lock(&nfs);
+                rp = nfs.rfirst;
+                np = nfs.nfirst;
+                if(rp == nil || np == nil){
+                        unlock(&nfs);
+                        break;
+                }
+                nfs.rfirst = rp->next;
+                nfs.nfirst = np->next;
+                unlock(&nfs);
+                rp->f.type = Rread;
+                rp->f.count = strlen(np->msg);
+                rp-> = np->msg;
+                rv = fsreply(fd, &rp->f);
+                free(rp);
+                free(np);
+                if(rv < 0)
+                        return -1;
+        }
+        return 0;
+flushreq(int tag)
+        Request **l, *rp;
+        lock(&nfs);
+        for(l = &nfs.rfirst; *l != nil; l = &(*l)->next){
+                rp = *l;
+                if(rp->f.tag == tag){
+                        *l = rp->next;
+                        unlock(&nfs);
+                        free(rp);
+                        return;
+                }
+        }
+        unlock(&nfs);
+getfid(int fid)
+        int i, freefid;
+        freefid = -1;
+        for(i = 0; i < Nfid; i++){
+                if(freefid < 0 && fids[i].file < 0)
+                        freefid = i;
+                if(fids[i].fid == fid)
+                        return &fids[i];
+        }
+        if(freefid >= 0){
+                fids[freefid].fid = fid;
+                return &fids[freefid];
+        }
+        return nil;
+fsstat(int fd, Fid *fid, Fcall *f)
+        Dir d;
+        uchar statbuf[256];
+        memset(&d, 0, sizeof(d));
+ = fstab[fid->file].name;
+        d.uid = user;
+        d.gid = user;
+        d.muid = user;
+        d.qid = fstab[fid->file].qid;
+        d.mode = fstab[fid->file].perm;
+        d.atime = d.mtime = time(0);
+        f->stat = statbuf;
+        f->nstat = convD2M(&d, statbuf, sizeof statbuf);
+        return fsreply(fd, f);
+fsread(int fd, Fid *fid, Fcall *f)
+        Dir d;
+        uchar buf[256];
+        Request *rp;
+        switch(fid->file){
+        default:
+                return -1;
+        case Qdir:
+                if(f->offset == 0 && f->count >0){
+                        memset(&d, 0, sizeof(d));
+               = fstab[Qcpunote].name;
+                        d.uid = user;
+                        d.gid = user;
+                        d.muid = user;
+                        d.qid = fstab[Qcpunote].qid;
+                        d.mode = fstab[Qcpunote].perm;
+                        d.atime = d.mtime = time(0);
+                        f->count = convD2M(&d, buf, sizeof buf);
+                        f->data = (char*)buf;
+                } else
+                        f->count = 0;
+                return fsreply(fd, f);
+        case Qcpunote:
+                rp = mallocz(sizeof(*rp), 1);
+                if(rp == nil)
+                        return -1;
+                rp->f = *f;
+                lock(&nfs);
+                if(nfs.rfirst == nil)
+                        nfs.rfirst = rp;
+                else
+                        nfs.rlast->next = rp;
+                nfs.rlast = rp;
+                unlock(&nfs);
+                return kick(fd);;
+        }
+char Eperm[] = "permission denied";
+char Enofile[] = "out of files";
+char Enotdir[] = "not a directory";
+notefs(int fd)
+        uchar buf[IOHDRSZ+Maxfdata];
+        int i, j, n;
+        char err[ERRMAX];
+        Fcall f;
+        Fid *fid, *nfid;
+        int doreply;
+        rfork(RFNOTEG);
+        fmtinstall('F', fcallconv);
+        for(n = 0; n < Nfid; n++)
+                fids[n].file = -1;
+        for(;;){
+                n = read9pmsg(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
+                if(n <= 0){
+                        if(dbg)
+                                fprint(2, "read9pmsg(%d) returns %d: %r\n", fd, n);
+                        break;
+                }
+                if(convM2S(buf, n, &f) < 0)
+                        break;
+                if(dbg)
+                        fprint(2, "->%F\n", &f);
+                doreply = 1;
+                fid = getfid(f.fid);
+                if(fid == nil){
+                        f.type = Rerror;
+                        f.ename = Enofile;
+                        fsreply(fd, &f);
+                        continue;
+                }
+                switch(f.type++){
+                default:
+                        f.type = Rerror;
+                        f.ename = "unknown type";
+                        break;
+                case Tflush:
+                        flushreq(f.oldtag);
+                        break;
+                case Tversion:
+                        if(f.msize > IOHDRSZ+Maxfdata)
+                                f.msize = IOHDRSZ+Maxfdata;
+                        break;
+                case Tauth:
+                        f.type = Rerror;
+                        f.ename = "cpu: authentication not required";
+                        break;
+                case Tattach:
+                        f.qid = fstab[Qdir].qid;
+                        fid->file = Qdir;
+                        break;
+                case Twalk:
+                        nfid = nil;
+                        if(f.newfid != f.fid){
+                                nfid = getfid(f.newfid);
+                                if(nfid == nil)
+                                        goto nofids;
+                                nfid->file = fid->file;
+                                fid = nfid;
+                        }
+                        f.ename = nil;
+                        for(i=0; i MAXWELEM){
+                                        f.type = Rerror;
+                                        f.ename = "too many name elements";
+                                        break;
+                                }
+                                if(fid->file != Qdir){
+                                        f.type = Rerror;
+                                        f.ename = Enotdir;
+                                        break;
+                                }
+                                if(strcmp(f.wname[i], "cpunote") == 0){
+                                        fid->file = Qcpunote;
+                                        f.wqid[i] = fstab[Qcpunote].qid;
+                                        continue;
+                                }
+                                f.type = Rerror;
+                                f.ename = err;
+                                strcpy(err, "cpu: file \"");
+                                for(j=0; j<=i; j++){
+                                        if(strlen(err)+1+strlen(f.wname[j])+32 > sizeof err)
+                                                break;
+                                        if(j != 0)
+                                                strcat(err, "/");
+                                        strcat(err, f.wname[j]);
+                                }
+                                strcat(err, "\" does not exist");
+                                break;
+                        }
+                        if(nfid != nil && (f.ename != nil || i < f.nwname))
+                                nfid ->file = -1;
+                        if(f.type != Rerror)
+                                f.nwqid = i;
+                        break;
+                case Topen:
+                        if(f.mode != OREAD){
+                                f.type = Rerror;
+                                f.ename = Eperm;
+                        }
+                        f.qid = fstab[fid->file].qid;
+                        break;
+                case Tcreate:
+                        f.type = Rerror;
+                        f.ename = Eperm;
+                        break;
+                case Tread:
+                        if(fsread(fd, fid, &f) < 0)
+                                goto err;
+                        doreply = 0;
+                        break;
+                case Twrite:
+                        f.type = Rerror;
+                        f.ename = Eperm;
+                        break;
+                case Tclunk:
+                        fid->file = -1;
+                        break;
+                case Tremove:
+                        f.type = Rerror;
+                        f.ename = Eperm;
+                        break;
+                case Tstat:
+                        if(fsstat(fd, fid, &f) < 0)
+                                goto err;
+                        doreply = 0;
+                        break;
+                case Twstat:
+                        f.type = Rerror;
+                        f.ename = Eperm;
+                        break;
+                }
+                if(doreply)
+                        if(fsreply(fd, &f) < 0)
+                                break;
+        }
+        if(dbg)
+                fprint(2, "notefs exiting: %r\n");
+        close(fd);
+char         notebuf[ERRMAX];
+catcher(void*, char *text)
+        int n;
+        n = strlen(text);
+        if(n >= sizeof(notebuf))
+                n = sizeof(notebuf)-1;
+        memmove(notebuf, text, n);
+        notebuf[n] = '\0';
+        noted(NCONT);
+ *  mount in /dev a note file for the remote side to read.
+ */
+lclnoteproc(int netfd)
+        int exportfspid;
+        Waitmsg *w;
+        Note *np;
+        int pfd[2];
+        if(pipe(pfd) < 0){
+                fprint(2, "cpu: can't start note proc: pipe: %r\n");
+                return;
+        }
+        /* new proc mounts and returns to start exportfs */
+        switch(exportfspid = rfork(RFPROC|RFNAMEG|RFFDG|RFMEM)){
+        case -1:
+                fprint(2, "cpu: can't start note proc: rfork: %r\n");
+                return;
+        case 0:
+                close(pfd[0]);
+                if(mount(pfd[1], -1, "/dev", MBEFORE, "") < 0)
+                        fprint(2, "cpu: can't mount note proc: %r\n");
+                close(pfd[1]);
+                return;
+        }
+        close(netfd);
+        close(pfd[1]);
+        /* new proc listens for note file system rpc's */
+        switch(rfork(RFPROC|RFNAMEG|RFMEM)){
+        case -1:
+                fprint(2, "cpu: can't start note proc: rfork1: %r\n");
+                _exits(0);
+        case 0:
+                notefs(pfd[0]);
+                _exits(0);
+        }
+        /* original proc waits for notes */
+        notify(catcher);
+        w = nil;
+        for(;;) {
+                *notebuf = 0;
+                free(w);
+                w = wait();
+                if(w == nil) {
+                        if(*notebuf == 0)
+                                break;
+                        np = mallocz(sizeof(Note), 1);
+                        if(np != nil){
+                                strcpy(np->msg, notebuf);
+                                lock(&nfs);
+                                if(nfs.nfirst == nil)
+                                        nfs.nfirst = np;
+                                else
+                                        nfs.nlast->next = np;
+                                nfs.nlast = np;
+                                unlock(&nfs);
+                                kick(pfd[0]);
+                        }
+                        unlock(&nfs);
+                } else if(w->pid == exportfspid)
+                        break;
+        }
+        if(w == nil)
+                exits(nil);
+        exits(w->msg);
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/ctl.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/ctl.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+ *        key attr=val... - add a key
+ *                the attr=val pairs are protocol-specific.
+ *                for example, both of these are valid:
+ *                        key p9sk1 gre mysecret
+ *                        key p9sk1 gre 11223344556677 fmt=des7hex
+ *        delkey ... - delete a key
+ *                if given, the attr=val pairs are used to narrow the search
+ *                [maybe should require a password?]
+ *
+ *        debug - toggle debugging
+ */
+static char *msg[] = {
+        "key",
+        "delkey",
+        "debug",
+static int
+classify(char *s)
+        int i;
+        for(i=0; i/mnt/factotum/ctl"
+         * and writes that (incorrectly) contain multiple key lines.
+         */
+        if(p = strchr(a, '\n')){
+                if(p[1] != '\0'){
+                        werrstr("multiline write not allowed");
+                        return -1;
+                }
+                *p = '\0';
+        }
+        if((p = strchr(a, ' ')) == nil)
+                p = "";
+        else
+                *p++ = '\0';
+        switch(classify(a)){
+        default:
+                werrstr("unknown verb");
+                return -1;
+        case 0:        /* key */
+                attr = parseattr(p);
+                /* separate out proto= attributes */
+                lprotos = &protos;
+                for(l=&attr; (*l); ){
+                        if(strcmp((*l)->name, "proto") == 0){
+                                *lprotos = *l;
+                                lprotos = &(*l)->next;
+                                *l = (*l)->next;
+                        }else
+                                l = &(*l)->next;
+                }
+                *lprotos = nil;
+                if(protos == nil){
+                        werrstr("key without protos");
+                        freeattr(attr);
+                        return -1;
+                }
+                /* separate out private attributes */
+                lpriv = &priv;
+                for(l=&attr; (*l); ){
+                        if((*l)->name[0] == '!'){
+                                *lpriv = *l;
+                                lpriv = &(*l)->next;
+                                *l = (*l)->next;
+                        }else
+                                l = &(*l)->next;
+                }
+                *lpriv = nil;
+                /* add keys */
+                ret = 0;
+                for(pa=protos; pa; pa=pa->next){
+                        if((proto = protolookup(pa->val)) == nil){
+                                werrstr("unknown proto %s", pa->val);
+                                ret = -1;
+                                continue;
+                        }
+                        if(proto->checkkey == nil){
+                                werrstr("proto %s does not accept keys", proto->name);
+                                ret = -1;
+                                continue;
+                        }
+                        k = emalloc(sizeof(Key));
+                        k->attr = mkattr(AttrNameval, "proto", proto->name, copyattr(attr));
+                        k->privattr = copyattr(priv);
+                        k->ref = 1;
+                        k->proto = proto;
+                        if((*proto->checkkey)(k) < 0){
+                                ret = -1;
+                                keyclose(k);
+                                continue;
+                        }
+                        keyadd(k);
+                        keyclose(k);
+                }
+                freeattr(attr);
+                freeattr(priv);
+                freeattr(protos);
+                return ret;
+        case 1:        /* delkey */
+                nmatch = 0;
+                attr = parseattr(p);
+                for(pa=attr; pa; pa=pa->next){
+                        if(pa->type != AttrQuery && pa->name[0]=='!'){
+                                werrstr("only !private? patterns are allowed for private fields");
+                                freeattr(attr);
+                                return -1;
+                        }
+                }
+                for(i=0; iattr, ring.key[i]->privattr)){
+                                nmatch++;
+                                keyclose(ring.key[i]);
+                                ring.nkey--;
+                                memmove(&ring.key[i], &ring.key[i+1], (ring.nkey-i)*sizeof(ring.key[0]));
+                        }else
+                                i++;
+                }
+                freeattr(attr);
+                if(nmatch == 0){
+                        werrstr("found no keys to delete");
+                        return -1;
+                }
+                return 0;
+        case 2:        /* debug */
+                debug ^= 1;
+                return 0;
+        }
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/dat.h b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/dat.h
t@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+        MaxRpc = 2048,        /* max size of any protocol message */
+        /* keep in sync with rpc.c:/rpcname */
+        RpcUnknown = 0,                /* Rpc.op */
+        RpcAuthinfo,
+        RpcAttr,
+        RpcRead,
+        RpcStart,
+        RpcWrite,
+        /* thread stack size - big buffers for printing */
+        STACK = 65536,
+typedef struct Conv Conv;
+typedef struct Key Key;
+typedef struct Logbuf Logbuf;
+typedef struct Proto Proto;
+typedef struct Ring Ring;
+typedef struct Role Role;
+typedef struct Rpc Rpc;
+struct Rpc
+        int op;
+        void *data;
+        int count;
+struct Conv
+        int ref;                        /* ref count */
+        int hangup;                /* flag: please hang up */
+        int active;                        /* flag: there is an active thread */
+        int done;                        /* flag: conversation finished successfully */
+        ulong tag;                        /* identifying tag */
+        Conv *next;                /* in linked list */
+        char *sysuser;                /* system name for user speaking to us */
+        char *state;                /* for debugging */
+        char statebuf[128];        /* for formatted states */
+        char err[ERRMAX];        /* last error */
+        Attr *attr;                        /* current attributes */
+        Proto *proto;                /* protocol */
+        Channel *rpcwait;                /* wait here for an rpc */
+        Rpc rpc;                                /* current rpc. op==RpcUnknown means none */
+        char rpcbuf[MaxRpc];        /* buffer for rpc */
+        char reply[MaxRpc];                /* buffer for response */
+        int nreply;                                /* count of response */
+        void (*kickreply)(Conv*);        /* call to send response */
+        Req *req;                                /* 9P call to read response */
+        Channel *keywait;        /* wait here for key confirmation */
+struct Key
+        int ref;                        /* ref count */
+        ulong tag;                        /* identifying tag: sequence number */
+        Attr *attr;                        /* public attributes */
+        Attr *privattr;                /* private attributes, like !password */
+        Proto *proto;                /* protocol owner of key */
+        void *priv;                /* protocol-specific storage */
+struct Logbuf
+        Req *wait;
+        Req **waitlast;
+        int rp;
+        int wp;
+        char *msg[128];
+struct Ring
+        Key **key;
+        int nkey;
+struct Proto
+        char *name;                /* name of protocol */
+        Role *roles;                /* list of roles and service functions */
+        char *keyprompt;        /* required attributes for key proto=name */
+        int (*checkkey)(Key*);        /* initialize k->priv or reject key */
+        void (*closekey)(Key*);        /* free k->priv */
+struct Role
+        char *name;                /* name of role */
+        int (*fn)(Conv*);        /* service function */
+extern char        *authaddr;        /* plan9.c */
+extern int                *confirminuse;        /* fs.c */
+extern Conv*        conv;                /* conv.c */
+extern int                debug;                /* main.c */
+extern char        *factname;        /* main.c */
+extern Srv                fs;                        /* fs.c */
+extern int                *needkeyinuse;        /* fs.c */
+extern char        *owner;                /* main.c */
+extern Proto        *prototab[];        /* main.c */
+extern Ring        ring;                        /* key.c */
+extern char        *rpcname[];        /* rpc.c */
+extern char        Easproto[];        /* err.c */
+/* provided by lib9p */
+#define emalloc        emalloc9p
+#define erealloc        erealloc9p
+#define estrdup        estrdup9p
+/* hidden in libauth */
+#define attrfmt                _attrfmt
+#define copyattr        _copyattr
+#define delattr                _delattr
+#define findattr                _findattr
+#define freeattr                _freeattr
+#define mkattr                _mkattr
+#define parseattr        _parseattr
+#define strfindattr        _strfindattr
+extern Attr*        addattr(Attr*, char*, ...);
+/* #pragma varargck argpos addattr 2 */
+extern Attr*        addattrs(Attr*, Attr*);
+extern Attr*        sortattr(Attr*);
+extern int                attrnamefmt(Fmt*);
+/* #pragma varargck type "N" Attr* */
+extern int                matchattr(Attr*, Attr*, Attr*);
+extern Attr*        parseattrfmt(char*, ...);
+/* #pragma varargck argpos parseattrfmt 1 */
+extern Attr*        parseattrfmtv(char*, va_list);
+extern void        confirmflush(Req*);
+extern void        confirmread(Req*);
+extern int                confirmwrite(char*);
+extern int                needkey(Conv*, Attr*);
+extern int                badkey(Conv*, Key*, char*, Attr*);
+extern int                confirmkey(Conv*, Key*);
+extern Conv*        convalloc(char*);
+extern void        convclose(Conv*);
+extern void        convhangup(Conv*);
+extern int                convneedkey(Conv*, Attr*);
+extern int                convbadkey(Conv*, Key*, char*, Attr*);
+extern int                convread(Conv*, void*, int);
+extern int                convreadm(Conv*, char**);
+extern int                convprint(Conv*, char*, ...);
+/* #pragma varargck argpos convprint 2 */
+extern int                convreadfn(Conv*, int(*)(void*, int), char**);
+extern void        convreset(Conv*);
+extern int                convwrite(Conv*, void*, int);
+extern int                ctlwrite(char*);
+extern char*        estrappend(char*, char*, ...);
+/* #pragma varargck argpos estrappend 2 */
+extern int                hexparse(char*, uchar*, int);
+extern void        keyadd(Key*);
+extern Key*        keylookup(char*, ...);
+extern Key*        keyiterate(int, char*, ...);
+/* #pragma varargck argpos keylookup 1 */
+extern Key*        keyfetch(Conv*, char*, ...);
+/* #pragma varargck argpos keyfetch 2 */
+extern void        keyclose(Key*);
+extern void        keyevict(Conv*, Key*, char*, ...);
+/* #pragma varargck argpos keyevict 3 */
+extern Key*        keyreplace(Conv*, Key*, char*, ...);
+/* #pragma varargck argpos keyreplace 3 */
+extern void        lbkick(Logbuf*);
+extern void        lbappend(Logbuf*, char*, ...);
+extern void        lbvappend(Logbuf*, char*, va_list);
+/* #pragma varargck argpos lbappend 2 */
+extern void        lbread(Logbuf*, Req*);
+extern void        lbflush(Logbuf*, Req*);
+extern void        flog(char*, ...);
+/* #pragma varargck argpos flog 1 */
+extern void        logflush(Req*);
+extern void        logread(Req*);
+extern void        logwrite(Req*);
+extern void        needkeyread(Req*);
+extern void        needkeyflush(Req*);
+extern int                needkeywrite(char*);
+extern int                needkeyqueue(void);
+extern Attr*        addcap(Attr*, char*, Ticket*);
+extern Key*        plan9authkey(Attr*);
+extern int                _authdial(char*, char*);
+extern int                memrandom(void*, int);
+extern Proto*        protolookup(char*);
+extern int                rpcwrite(Conv*, void*, int);
+extern void        rpcrespond(Conv*, char*, ...);
+/* #pragma varargck argpos rpcrespond 2 */
+extern void        rpcrespondn(Conv*, char*, void*, int);
+extern void        rpcexec(Conv*);
+extern int                xioauthdial(char*, char*);
+extern void        xioclose(int);
+extern int                xiodial(char*, char*, char*, int*);
+extern int                xiowrite(int, void*, int);
+extern int                xioasrdresp(int, void*, int);
+extern int                xioasgetticket(int, char*, char*);
+/* pkcs1.c */
+typedef DigestState *DigestAlg(uchar*, ulong, uchar*, DigestState*);
+int        rsasign(RSApriv*, DigestAlg*, uchar*, uint, uchar*, uint);
+void        mptoberjust(mpint*, uchar*, uint);
+extern int                extrafactotumdir;
+int                havesecstore(void);
+int                secstorefetch(void);
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/dsa.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/dsa.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+ * DSA signing and verification
+ * 
+ * Sign:
+ *        start p=xxx q=xxx alpha=xxx key=xxx
+ *        write msg
+ *        read signature(msg)
+ *
+ * Verify: (not implemented)
+ *        start p=xxx q=xxx alpha=xxx key=xxx
+ *        write msg
+ *        write signature(msg)
+ *        read ok or fail
+ * 
+ * all numbers are hexadecimal bigints parsable with strtomp.
+ */
+static int
+xdsasign(Conv *c)
+        int n;
+        mpint *m;
+        uchar digest[SHA1dlen];
+        DSAsig *sig;
+        Key *k;
+        k = keylookup("%A", c->attr);
+        if(k == nil)
+                return -1;
+        c->state = "read data";
+        if((n=convread(c, digest, SHA1dlen)) < 0){
+                keyclose(k);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        m = betomp(digest, SHA1dlen, nil);
+        if(m == nil){
+                keyclose(k);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        sig = dsasign(k->priv, m);
+        keyclose(k);
+        mpfree(m);
+        if(sig == nil)
+                return -1;
+        convprint(c, "%B %B", sig->r, sig->s);
+        dsasigfree(sig);
+        return 0;
+ * convert to canonical form (lower case) 
+ * for use in attribute matches.
+ */
+static void
+strlwr(char *a)
+        for(; *a; a++){
+                if('A' <= *a && *a <= 'Z')
+                        *a += 'a' - 'A';
+        }
+static DSApriv*
+readdsapriv(Key *k)
+        char *a;
+        DSApriv *priv;
+        priv = dsaprivalloc();
+        if((a=strfindattr(k->attr, "p"))==nil 
+        || (priv->pub.p=strtomp(a, nil, 16, nil))==nil)
+                goto Error;
+        strlwr(a);
+        if((a=strfindattr(k->attr, "q"))==nil 
+        || (priv->pub.q=strtomp(a, nil, 16, nil))==nil)
+                goto Error;
+        strlwr(a);
+        if((a=strfindattr(k->privattr, "alpha"))==nil 
+        || (priv->pub.alpha=strtomp(a, nil, 16, nil))==nil)
+                goto Error;
+        strlwr(a);
+        if((a=strfindattr(k->privattr, "key"))==nil 
+        || (priv->pub.key=strtomp(a, nil, 16, nil))==nil)
+                goto Error;
+        strlwr(a);
+        if((a=strfindattr(k->privattr, "!secret"))==nil 
+        || (priv->secret=strtomp(a, nil, 16, nil))==nil)
+                goto Error;
+        strlwr(a);
+        return priv;
+        dsaprivfree(priv);
+        return nil;
+static int
+dsacheck(Key *k)
+        static int first = 1;
+        if(first){
+                fmtinstall('B', mpfmt);
+                first = 0;
+        }
+        if((k->priv = readdsapriv(k)) == nil){
+                werrstr("malformed key data");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        return 0;
+static void
+dsaclose(Key *k)
+        dsaprivfree(k->priv);
+        k->priv = nil;
+static Role
+dsaroles[] = 
+        "sign",        xdsasign,
+        0
+Proto dsa = {
+        "dsa",
+        dsaroles,
+        nil,
+        dsacheck,
+        dsaclose
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/fs.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/fs.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+        Qroot,
+        Qfactotum,
+        Qrpc,
+        Qkeylist,
+        Qprotolist,
+        Qconfirm,
+        Qlog,
+        Qctl,
+        Qneedkey,
+        Qconv,
+static int qtop;
+mkqid(int type, int path)
+        Qid q;
+        q.type = type;
+        q.path = path;
+        q.vers = 0;
+        return q;
+static struct
+        char *name;
+        int qidpath;
+        ulong perm;
+} dirtab[] = {
+        /* positions of confirm and needkey known below */
+        "confirm",                Qconfirm,                0600|DMEXCL,
+        "needkey",        Qneedkey,        0600|DMEXCL,
+        "ctl",                        Qctl,                        0600,
+        "rpc",                Qrpc,                0666,
+        "proto",                Qprotolist,        0444,
+        "log",                Qlog,                0600|DMEXCL,
+        "conv",                Qconv,                0400,
+static void
+fillstat(Dir *dir, char *name, int type, int path, ulong perm)
+        dir->name = estrdup(name);
+        dir->uid = estrdup(owner);
+        dir->gid = estrdup(owner);
+        dir->mode = perm;
+        dir->length = 0;
+        dir->qid = mkqid(type, path);
+        dir->atime = time(0);
+        dir->mtime = time(0);
+        dir->muid = estrdup("");
+static int
+rootdirgen(int n, Dir *dir, void *v)
+        USED(v);
+        if(n > 0)
+                return -1;
+        fillstat(dir, factname, QTDIR, Qfactotum, DMDIR|0555);
+        return 0;
+static int
+fsdirgen(int n, Dir *dir, void *v)
+        USED(v);
+        if(n >= nelem(dirtab))
+                return -1;
+        fillstat(dir, dirtab[n].name, 0, dirtab[n].qidpath, dirtab[n].perm);
+        return 0;
+static char*
+fswalk1(Fid *fid, char *name, Qid *qid)
+        int i;
+        switch((int)fid->qid.path){
+        default:
+                return "fswalk1: cannot happen";
+        case Qroot:
+                if(strcmp(name, factname) == 0){
+                        *qid = mkqid(QTDIR, Qfactotum);
+                        fid->qid = *qid;
+                        return nil;
+                }
+                if(strcmp(name, "..") == 0){
+                        *qid = fid->qid;
+                        return nil;
+                }
+                return "not found";
+        case Qfactotum:
+                for(i=0; iqid = *qid;
+                                return nil;
+                        }
+                if(strcmp(name, "..") == 0){
+                        *qid = mkqid(QTDIR, qtop);
+                        fid->qid = *qid;
+                        return nil;
+                }
+                return "not found";
+        }
+static void
+fsstat(Req *r)
+        int i, path;
+        path = r->fid->qid.path;
+        switch(path){
+        case Qroot:
+                fillstat(&r->d, "/", QTDIR, Qroot, 0555|DMDIR);
+                break;
+        case Qfactotum:
+                fillstat(&r->d, "factotum", QTDIR, Qfactotum, 0555|DMDIR);
+                break;
+        default:
+                for(i=0; id, dirtab[i].name, 0, dirtab[i].qidpath, dirtab[i].perm);
+                                goto Break2;
+                        }
+                respond(r, "file not found");
+                break;
+        }
+    Break2:
+        respond(r, nil);
+static int
+readlist(int off, int (*gen)(int, char*, uint), Req *r)
+        char *a, *ea;
+        int n;
+        a = r->;
+        ea = a+r->ifcall.count;
+        for(;;){
+                n = (*gen)(off, a, ea-a);
+                if(n == 0){
+                        r->ofcall.count = a - (char*)r->;
+                        return off;
+                }
+                a += n;
+                off++;
+        }
+        return -1;                /* not reached */
+static int
+keylist(int i, char *a, uint nn)
+        int n;
+        char buf[512];
+        Key *k;
+        if(i >= ring.nkey)
+                return 0;
+        k = ring.key[i];
+        k->attr = sortattr(k->attr);
+        n = snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "key %A %N\n", k->attr, k->privattr);
+        if(n >= sizeof(buf)-5)
+                strcpy(buf+sizeof(buf)-5, "...\n");
+        n = strlen(buf);
+        if(n > nn)
+                return 0;
+        memmove(a, buf, n);
+        return n;
+static int
+protolist(int i, char *a, uint n)
+        if(prototab[i] == nil)
+                return 0;
+        if(strlen(prototab[i]->name)+1 > n)
+                return 0;
+        n = strlen(prototab[i]->name)+1;
+        memmove(a, prototab[i]->name, n-1);
+        a[n-1] = '\n';
+        return n;
+/* BUG this is O(n^2) to fill in the list */
+static int
+convlist(int i, char *a, uint nn)
+        Conv *c;
+        char buf[512];
+        int n;
+        for(c=conv; c && i-- > 0; c=c->next)
+                ;
+        if(c == nil)
+                return 0;
+        if(c->state)
+                n = snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "conv state=%q %A\n", c->state, c->attr);
+        else
+                n = snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "conv state=closed err=%q\n", c->err);
+        if(n >= sizeof(buf)-5)
+                strcpy(buf+sizeof(buf)-5, "...\n");
+        n = strlen(buf);
+        if(n > nn)
+                return 0;
+        memmove(a, buf, n);
+        return n;
+static void
+fskickreply(Conv *c)
+        Req *r;
+        if(c->hangup){
+                if(c->req){
+                        respond(c->req, "hangup");
+                        c->req = nil;
+                }
+                return;
+        }
+        if(!c->req || !c->nreply)
+                return;
+        r = c->req;
+        r->ofcall.count = c->nreply;
+        r-> = c->reply;
+        if(r->ofcall.count > r->ifcall.count)
+                r->ofcall.count = r->ifcall.count;
+        respond(r, nil);
+        c->req = nil;
+        c->nreply = 0;
+ * Some of the file system work happens in the fs proc, but
+ * fsopen, fsread, fswrite, fsdestroyfid, and fsflush happen in
+ * the main proc so that they can access the various shared
+ * data structures without worrying about locking.
+ */
+static int inuse[nelem(dirtab)];
+int *confirminuse = &inuse[0];
+int *needkeyinuse = &inuse[1];
+static void
+fsopen(Req *r)
+        int i, *inusep, perm;
+        static int need[4] = { 4, 2, 6, 1 };
+        Conv *c;
+        inusep = nil;
+        perm = 5;        /* directory */
+        for(i=0; ifid->qid.path){
+                        if(dirtab[i].perm & DMEXCL)
+                                inusep = &inuse[i];
+                        if(strcmp(r->fid->uid, owner) == 0)
+                                perm = dirtab[i].perm>>6;
+                        else
+                                perm = dirtab[i].perm;
+                        break;
+                }
+        if((r->ifcall.mode&~(OMASK|OTRUNC))
+        || (need[r->ifcall.mode&3] & ~perm)){
+                respond(r, "permission denied");
+                return;
+        }
+        if(inusep){
+                if(*inusep){
+                        respond(r, "file in use");
+                        return;
+                }
+                *inusep = 1;
+        }
+        if(r->fid->qid.path == Qrpc){
+                if((c = convalloc(r->fid->uid)) == nil){
+                        char e[ERRMAX];
+                        rerrstr(e, sizeof e);
+                        respond(r, e);
+                        return;
+                }
+                c->kickreply = fskickreply;
+                r->fid->aux = c;
+        }
+        respond(r, nil);
+static void
+fsread(Req *r)
+        Conv *c;
+        switch((int)r->fid->qid.path){
+        default:
+                respond(r, "fsread: cannot happen");
+                break;
+        case Qroot:
+                dirread9p(r, rootdirgen, nil);
+                respond(r, nil);
+                break;
+        case Qfactotum:
+                dirread9p(r, fsdirgen, nil);
+                respond(r, nil);
+                break;
+        case Qrpc:
+                c = r->fid->aux;
+                if(c->rpc.op == RpcUnknown){
+                        respond(r, "no rpc pending");
+                        break;
+                }
+                if(c->req){
+                        respond(r, "read already pending");
+                        break;
+                }
+                c->req = r;
+                if(c->nreply)
+                        (*c->kickreply)(c);
+                else
+                        rpcexec(c);
+                break;
+        case Qconfirm:
+                confirmread(r);
+                break;
+        case Qlog:
+                logread(r);
+                break;
+        case Qctl:
+                r->fid->aux = (void*)readlist((int)r->fid->aux, keylist, r);
+                respond(r, nil);
+                break;
+        case Qneedkey:
+                needkeyread(r);
+                break;
+        case Qprotolist:
+                r->fid->aux = (void*)readlist((int)r->fid->aux, protolist, r);
+                respond(r, nil);
+                break;
+        case Qconv:
+                r->fid->aux = (void*)readlist((int)r->fid->aux, convlist, r);
+                respond(r, nil);
+                break;
+        }
+static void
+fswrite(Req *r)
+        int ret;
+        char err[ERRMAX], *s;
+        int (*strfn)(char*);
+        switch((int)r->fid->qid.path){
+        default:
+                respond(r, "fswrite: cannot happen");
+                break;
+        case Qrpc:
+                if(rpcwrite(r->fid->aux, r->, r->ifcall.count) < 0){
+                        rerrstr(err, sizeof err);
+                        respond(r, err);
+                }else{
+                        r->ofcall.count = r->ifcall.count;
+                        respond(r, nil);
+                }
+                break;
+        case Qneedkey:
+                strfn = needkeywrite;
+                goto string;
+        case Qctl:
+                strfn = ctlwrite;
+                goto string;
+        case Qconfirm:
+                strfn = confirmwrite;
+        string:
+                s = emalloc(r->ifcall.count+1);
+                memmove(s, r->, r->ifcall.count);
+                s[r->ifcall.count] = '\0';
+                ret = (*strfn)(s);
+                free(s);
+                if(ret < 0){
+                        rerrstr(err, sizeof err);
+                        respond(r, err);
+                }else{
+                        r->ofcall.count = r->ifcall.count;
+                        respond(r, nil);
+                }
+                break;
+        }
+static void
+fsflush(Req *r)
+        confirmflush(r);
+        logflush(r);
+static void
+fsdestroyfid(Fid *fid)
+        if(fid->qid.path == Qrpc && fid->aux){
+                convhangup(fid->aux);
+                convclose(fid->aux);
+        }
+static Channel *creq;
+static Channel *cfid, *cfidr;
+static void
+fsreqthread(void *v)
+        Req *r;
+        USED(v);
+        while((r = recvp(creq)) != nil){
+                switch(r->ifcall.type){
+                default:
+                        respond(r, "bug in fsreqthread");
+                        break;
+                case Topen:
+                        fsopen(r);
+                        break;
+                case Tread:
+                        fsread(r);
+                        break;
+                case Twrite:
+                        fswrite(r);
+                        break;
+                case Tflush:
+                        fsflush(r);
+                        break;
+                }
+        }
+static void
+fsclunkthread(void *v)
+        Fid *f;
+        USED(v);
+        while((f = recvp(cfid)) != nil){
+                fsdestroyfid(f);
+                sendp(cfidr, 0);
+        }
+static void
+fsproc(void *v)
+        USED(v);
+        threadcreate(fsreqthread, nil, STACK);
+        threadcreate(fsclunkthread, nil, STACK);
+        threadexits(nil);
+static void
+fsattach(Req *r)
+        r->fid->qid = mkqid(QTDIR, qtop);
+        r->ofcall.qid = r->fid->qid;
+        respond(r, nil);
+static void
+fssend(Req *r)
+        sendp(creq, r);
+static void
+fssendclunk(Fid *f)
+        sendp(cfid, f);
+        recvp(cfidr);
+fsstart(Srv *s)
+        USED(s);
+        if(extrafactotumdir)
+                qtop = Qroot;
+        else
+                qtop = Qfactotum;
+        creq = chancreate(sizeof(Req*), 0);
+        cfid = chancreate(sizeof(Fid*), 0);
+        cfidr = chancreate(sizeof(Fid*), 0);
+        proccreate(fsproc, nil, STACK);
+Srv fs = {
+.attach=        fsattach,
+.walk1=        fswalk1,        fssend,        fssend,
+.write=        fssend,
+.stat=        fsstat,
+.flush=        fssend,
+.destroyfid=        fssendclunk,
+.start=        fsstart,
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/key.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/key.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+Ring ring;
+keyiterate(int skip, char *fmt, ...)
+        int i;
+        Attr *a;
+        Key *k;
+        va_list arg;
+        va_start(arg, fmt);
+        a = parseattrfmtv(fmt, arg);
+        va_end(arg);
+        for(i=0; iattr, k->privattr)){
+                        if(skip-- > 0)
+                                continue;
+                        k->ref++;
+                        freeattr(a);
+                        return k;
+                }
+        }
+        freeattr(a);
+        werrstr("no key found");
+        return nil;
+keylookup(char *fmt, ...)
+        int i;
+        Attr *a;
+        Key *k;
+        va_list arg;
+        va_start(arg, fmt);
+        a = parseattrfmtv(fmt, arg);
+        va_end(arg);
+        for(i=0; iattr, k->privattr)){
+                        k->ref++;
+                        freeattr(a);
+                        return k;
+                }
+        }
+        freeattr(a);
+        werrstr("no key found");
+        return nil;
+keyfetch(Conv *c, char *fmt, ...)
+        int i, tag;
+        Attr *a;
+        Key *k;
+        va_list arg;
+        va_start(arg, fmt);
+        a = parseattrfmtv(fmt, arg);
+        va_end(arg);
+        tag = 0;
+        for(i=0; itag)
+                        tag = k->tag;
+                if(matchattr(a, k->attr, k->privattr)){
+                        k->ref++;
+                        if(strfindattr(k->attr, "confirm") && confirmkey(c, k) != 1){
+                                k->ref--;
+                                continue;
+                        }
+                        freeattr(a);
+                        return k;
+                }
+        }
+        if(needkey(c, a) < 0)
+                convneedkey(c, a);
+        for(i=0; itag <= tag)
+                        continue;
+                if(matchattr(a, k->attr, k->privattr)){
+                        k->ref++;
+                        if(strfindattr(k->attr, "confirm") && confirmkey(c, k) != 1){
+                                k->ref--;
+                                continue;
+                        }
+                        freeattr(a);
+                        return k;
+                }
+        }
+        freeattr(a);
+        werrstr("no key found");
+        return nil;
+static int taggen;
+keyadd(Key *k)
+        int i;
+        k->ref++;
+        k->tag = ++taggen;
+        for(i=0; iattr, ring.key[i]->attr, nil)
+                && matchattr(ring.key[i]->attr, k->attr, nil)){
+                        keyclose(ring.key[i]);
+                        ring.key[i] = k;
+                        return;
+                }
+        }
+        ring.key = erealloc(ring.key, (ring.nkey+1)*sizeof(ring.key[0]));
+        ring.key[ring.nkey++] = k;
+keyclose(Key *k)
+        if(k == nil)
+                return;
+        if(--k->ref > 0)
+                return;
+        if(k->proto->closekey)
+                (*k->proto->closekey)(k);
+        freeattr(k->attr);
+        freeattr(k->privattr);
+        free(k);
+keyreplace(Conv *c, Key *k, char *fmt, ...)
+        Key *kk;
+        char *msg;
+        Attr *a, *b, *bp;
+        va_list arg;
+        va_start(arg, fmt);
+        msg = vsmprint(fmt, arg);
+        if(msg == nil)
+                sysfatal("out of memory");
+        va_end(arg);
+        /* replace prompted values with prompts */        
+        a = copyattr(k->attr);
+        bp = parseattr(k->proto->keyprompt);
+        for(b=bp; b; b=b->next){
+                a = delattr(a, b->name);
+                a = addattr(a, "%q?", b->name);
+        }
+        freeattr(bp);
+        if(badkey(c, k, msg, a) < 0)
+                convbadkey(c, k, msg, a);
+        kk = keylookup("%A", a);
+        freeattr(a);
+        keyclose(k);
+        if(kk == k){
+                keyclose(kk);
+                werrstr("%s", msg);
+                return nil;
+        }
+        if(strfindattr(kk->attr, "confirm")){
+                if(confirmkey(c, kk) != 1){
+                        werrstr("key use not confirmed");
+                        keyclose(kk);
+                        return nil;
+                }
+        }
+        return kk;
+keyevict(Conv *c, Key *k, char *fmt, ...)
+        char *msg;
+        Attr *a, *b, *bp;
+        va_list arg;
+        va_start(arg, fmt);
+        msg = vsmprint(fmt, arg);
+        if(msg == nil)
+                sysfatal("out of memory");
+        va_end(arg);
+        /* replace prompted values with prompts */        
+        a = copyattr(k->attr);
+        bp = parseattr(k->proto->keyprompt);
+        for(b=bp; b; b=b->next){
+                a = delattr(a, b->name);
+                a = addattr(a, "%q?", b->name);
+        }
+        freeattr(bp);
+        if(badkey(c, k, msg, nil) < 0)
+                convbadkey(c, k, msg, nil);
+        keyclose(k);
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/log.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/log.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+lbkick(Logbuf *lb)
+        char *s;
+        int n;
+        Req *r;
+        while(lb->wait && lb->rp != lb->wp){
+                r = lb->wait;
+                lb->wait = r->aux;
+                if(lb->wait == nil)
+                        lb->waitlast = &lb->wait;
+                r->aux = nil;
+                if(r->ifcall.count < 5){
+                        respond(r, "factotum: read request count too short");
+                        continue;
+                }
+                s = lb->msg[lb->rp];
+                lb->msg[lb->rp] = nil;
+                if(++lb->rp == nelem(lb->msg))
+                        lb->rp = 0;
+                n = r->ifcall.count;
+                if(n < strlen(s)+1+1){
+                        memmove(r->, s, n-5);
+                        n -= 5;
+                        r->[n] = '\0';
+                        /* look for first byte of UTF-8 sequence by skipping continuation bytes */
+                        while(n>0 && (r->[--n]&0xC0)==0x80)
+                                ;
+                        strcpy(r->, "...\n");
+                }else{
+                        strcpy(r->, s);
+                        strcat(r->, "\n");
+                }
+                r->ofcall.count = strlen(r->;
+                free(s);
+                respond(r, nil);
+        }
+lbread(Logbuf *lb, Req *r)
+        if(lb->waitlast == nil)
+                lb->waitlast = &lb->wait;
+        *(lb->waitlast) = r;
+        lb->waitlast = (Req**)&r->aux;
+        r->aux = nil;
+        lbkick(lb);
+lbflush(Logbuf *lb, Req *r)
+        Req **l;
+        for(l=&lb->wait; *l; l=(Req**)&(*l)->aux){
+                if(*l == r){
+                        *l = r->aux;
+                        r->aux = nil;
+                        if(*l == nil)
+                                lb->waitlast = l;
+                        closereq(r);
+                        break;
+                }
+        }
+lbappend(Logbuf *lb, char *fmt, ...)
+        va_list arg;
+        va_start(arg, fmt);
+        lbvappend(lb, fmt, arg);
+        va_end(arg);
+lbvappend(Logbuf *lb, char *fmt, va_list arg)
+        char *s;
+        s = smprint(fmt, arg);
+        if(s == nil)
+                sysfatal("out of memory");
+        if(lb->msg[lb->wp])
+                free(lb->msg[lb->wp]);
+        lb->msg[lb->wp] = s;
+        if(++lb->wp == nelem(lb->msg))
+                lb->wp = 0;
+        lbkick(lb);
+Logbuf logbuf;
+logread(Req *r)
+        lbread(&logbuf, r);
+logflush(Req *r)
+        lbflush(&logbuf, r);
+flog(char *fmt, ...)
+        va_list arg;
+        va_start(arg, fmt);
+        lbvappend(&logbuf, fmt, arg);
+        va_end(arg);
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/main.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/main.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+#include <9pclient.h>
+int extrafactotumdir;
+int debug;
+int trysecstore = 1;
+char *factname = "factotum";
+char *service = "factotum";
+char *owner;
+char *authaddr;
+void gflag(char*);
+        fprint(2, "usage: factotum [-Dd] [-a authaddr] [-m mtpt] [-s service]\n");
+        fprint(2, " or   factotum -g keypattern\n");
+        fprint(2, " or   factotum -g 'badkeyattr\\nmsg\\nkeypattern'\n");
+        threadexitsall("usage");
+threadmain(int argc, char *argv[])
+        char *mtpt;
+        char err[ERRMAX];
+//        mtpt = "/mnt";
+        mtpt = nil;
+        owner = getuser();
+        quotefmtinstall();
+        fmtinstall('A', attrfmt);
+        fmtinstall('H', encodefmt);
+        fmtinstall('N', attrnamefmt);
+        if(argc == 3 && strcmp(argv[1], "-g") == 0){
+                gflag(argv[2]);
+                threadexitsall(nil);
+        }
+        ARGBEGIN{
+        default:
+                usage();
+        case 'D':
+                chatty9p++;
+                break;
+        case 'a':
+                authaddr = EARGF(usage());
+                break;
+        case 'g':
+                usage();
+        case 'm':
+                mtpt = EARGF(usage());
+                break;
+        case 's':
+                service = EARGF(usage());
+                break;
+        case 'n':
+                trysecstore = 0;
+                break;
+        case 'x':
+                extrafactotumdir = 1;
+                break;
+        }ARGEND
+        if(argc != 0)
+                usage();
+        if(trysecstore && havesecstore()){
+                while(secstorefetch() < 0){
+                        rerrstr(err, sizeof err);
+                        if(strcmp(err, "cancel") == 0)
+                                break;
+                        fprint(2, "secstorefetch: %r\n");
+                        fprint(2, "Enter an empty password to quit.\n");
+                }
+        }
+        threadpostmountsrv(&fs, service, mtpt, MBEFORE);
+        threadexits(nil);
+ *  prompt user for a key.  don't care about memory leaks, runs standalone
+ */
+static Attr*
+promptforkey(int fd, char *params)
+        char *v;
+        Attr *a, *attr;
+        char *def;
+        attr = _parseattr(params);
+        fprint(fd, "!adding key:");
+        for(a=attr; a; a=a->next)
+                if(a->type != AttrQuery && a->name[0] != '!')
+                        fprint(fd, " %q=%q", a->name, a->val);
+        fprint(fd, "\n");
+        for(a=attr; a; a=a->next){
+                v = a->name;
+                if(a->type != AttrQuery || v[0]=='!')
+                        continue;
+                def = nil;
+                if(strcmp(v, "user") == 0)
+                        def = getuser();
+                a->val = readcons(v, def, 0);
+                if(a->val == nil)
+                        sysfatal("user terminated key input");
+                a->type = AttrNameval;
+        }
+        for(a=attr; a; a=a->next){
+                v = a->name;
+                if(a->type != AttrQuery || v[0]!='!')
+                        continue;
+                def = nil;
+                if(strcmp(v+1, "user") == 0)
+                        def = getuser();
+                a->val = readcons(v+1, def, 1);
+                if(a->val == nil)
+                        sysfatal("user terminated key input");
+                a->type = AttrNameval;
+        }
+        fprint(fd, "!\n");
+        close(fd);
+        return attr;
+ *  send a key to the mounted factotum
+ */
+static int
+sendkey(Attr *attr)
+        int rv;
+        char buf[8192];
+        CFid *fid;
+        fid = nsopen("factotum", nil, "ctl", OWRITE);
+        if(fid == nil)
+                sysfatal("opening factotum/ctl: %r");
+        snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "key %A\n", attr);
+        rv = fswrite(fid, buf, strlen(buf));
+        fsclose(fid);
+        return rv;
+static void
+askuser(int fd, char *params)
+        Attr *attr;
+        attr = promptforkey(fd, params);
+        if(attr == nil)
+                sysfatal("no key supplied");
+        if(sendkey(attr) < 0)
+                sysfatal("sending key to factotum: %r");
+gflag(char *s)
+        char *f[4];
+        int nf;
+        int fd;
+        if((fd = open("/dev/tty", ORDWR)) < 0)
+                sysfatal("open /dev/tty: %r");
+        nf = getfields(s, f, nelem(f), 0, "\n");
+        if(nf == 1){        /* needkey or old badkey */
+                fprint(fd, "\n");
+                askuser(fd, s);
+                threadexitsall(nil);
+        }
+        if(nf == 3){        /* new badkey */
+                fprint(fd, "\n");
+                fprint(fd, "!replace: %s\n", f[0]);
+                fprint(fd, "!because: %s\n", f[1]);
+                askuser(fd, f[2]);
+                threadexitsall(nil);
+        }
+        usage();
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/mkfile b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/mkfile
t@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+        apop.$O\
+        chap.$O\
+        p9any.$O\
+        p9sk1.$O\
+        rsa.$O\
+        $PROTO\
+        attr.$O\
+        confirm.$O\
+        conv.$O\
+        ctl.$O\
+        dsa.$O\
+        fs.$O\
+        key.$O\
+        log.$O\
+        main.$O\
+        plan9.$O\
+        pkcs1.$O\
+        proto.$O\
+        rpc.$O\
+        util.$O\
+        xio.$O\
+        secstore.$O\
+$O.test: test.$O
+        $LD -o $target $prereq
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/p9any.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/p9any.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+ * p9any - protocol negotiator
+ *
+ * Protocol:
+ *        S->C: v.2 proto@dom proto@dom proto@dom... NUL
+ *        C->S: proto dom NUL
+ *        [negotiated proto continues]
+ */
+extern Proto p9sk1, p9sk2, p9cr;
+static Proto* okproto[] =
+        &p9sk1,
+        nil,
+static int
+rolecall(Role *r, char *name, Conv *c)
+        for(; r->name; r++)
+                if(strcmp(r->name, name) == 0)
+                        return (*r->fn)(c);
+        werrstr("unknown role");
+        return -1;
+static int
+hasnul(void *v, int n)
+        char *c;
+        c = v;
+        if(n > 0 && c[n-1] == '\0')
+                return n;
+        else
+                return AuthRpcMax;
+static int
+p9anyserver(Conv *c)
+        char *s, *dom;
+        int i, j, n, m, ret;
+        char *tok[3];
+        Attr *attr;
+        Key *k;
+        ret = -1;
+        s = estrdup("v.2");
+        n = 0;
+        attr = delattr(copyattr(c->attr), "proto");
+        for(i=0; iproto == okproto[j]
+                        && (dom = strfindattr(k->attr, "dom")) != nil
+                        && matchattr(attr, k->attr, k->privattr)){
+                                s = estrappend(s, " %s@%s", k->proto->name, dom);
+                                n++;
+                        }
+        }
+        if(n == 0){
+                werrstr("no valid keys");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        c->state = "write offer";
+        if(convwrite(c, s, strlen(s)+1) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        free(s);
+        s = nil;
+        c->state = "read choice";
+        if(convreadfn(c, hasnul, &s) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        m = tokenize(s, tok, nelem(tok));
+        if(m != 2){
+                werrstr("bad protocol message");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        for(i=0; okproto[i]; i++)
+                if(strcmp(okproto[i]->name, tok[0]) == 0)
+                        break;
+        if(!okproto[i]){
+                werrstr("bad chosen protocol %q", tok[0]);
+                goto out;
+        }
+        c->state = "write ok";
+        if(convwrite(c, "OK\0", 3) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        c->state = "start choice";
+        attr = addattr(attr, "proto=%q dom=%q", tok[0], tok[1]);
+        free(c->attr);
+        c->attr = attr;
+        attr = nil;
+        c->proto = okproto[i];
+        if(rolecall(c->proto->roles, "server", c) < 0){
+                werrstr("%s: %r", tok[0]);
+                goto out;
+        }
+        ret = 0;
+        free(s);
+        freeattr(attr);
+        return ret;
+static int
+p9anyclient(Conv *c)
+        char *s, **f, *tok[20], ok[3], *q, *user, *dom, *choice;
+        int i, n, ret, version;
+        Key *k;
+        Attr *attr;
+        Proto *p;
+        ret = -1;
+        s = nil;
+        k = nil;
+        user = strfindattr(c->attr, "user");
+        dom = strfindattr(c->attr, "dom");
+        /*
+         * if the user is the factotum owner, any key will do.
+         * if not, then if we have a speakfor key,
+         * we will only vouch for the user's local identity.
+         *
+         * this logic is duplicated in p9sk1.c
+         */
+        attr = delattr(copyattr(c->attr), "role");
+        attr = delattr(attr, "proto");
+        if(strcmp(c->sysuser, owner) == 0)
+                attr = addattr(attr, "role=client");
+        else if(user==nil || strcmp(c->sysuser, user)==0){
+                attr = delattr(attr, "user");
+                attr = addattr(attr, "role=speakfor");
+        }else{
+                werrstr("will not authenticate for %q as %q", c->sysuser, user);
+                goto out;
+        }
+        c->state = "read offer";
+        if(convreadfn(c, hasnul, &s) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        c->state = "look for keys";
+        n = tokenize(s, tok, nelem(tok));
+        f = tok;
+        version = 1;
+        if(n > 0 && memcmp(f[0], "v.", 2) == 0){
+                version = atoi(f[0]+2);
+                if(version != 2){
+                        werrstr("unknown p9any version: %s", f[0]);
+                        goto out;
+                }
+                f++;
+                n--;
+        }
+        /* look for keys that don't need confirmation */
+        for(i=0; iattr, "confirm") == nil)
+                        goto found;
+                *--q = '@';
+        }
+        /* look for any keys at all */
+        for(i=0; istate = "ask for keys";
+        for(i=0; ikeyprompt == nil){
+                        *--q = '@';
+                        continue;
+                }
+                if(k = keyfetch(c, "%A proto=%q dom=%q %s", attr, f[i], q, p->keyprompt))
+                        goto found;
+                *--q = '@';
+        }
+        /* nothing worked */
+        werrstr("unable to find common key");
+        goto out;
+        /* f[i] is the chosen protocol, q the chosen domain */
+        attr = addattr(attr, "proto=%q dom=%q", f[i], q);
+        c->state = "write choice";
+        /* have a key: go for it */
+        choice = estrappend(nil, "%q %q", f[i], q);
+        if(convwrite(c, choice, strlen(choice)+1) < 0){
+                free(choice);
+                goto out;
+        }
+        free(choice);
+        if(version == 2){
+                c->state = "read ok";
+                if(convread(c, ok, 3) < 0 || memcmp(ok, "OK\0", 3) != 0)
+                        goto out;
+        }
+        c->state = "start choice";
+        c->proto = protolookup(f[i]);
+        freeattr(c->attr);
+        c->attr = attr;
+        attr = nil;
+        if(rolecall(c->proto->roles, "client", c) < 0){
+                werrstr("%s: %r", c->proto->name);
+                goto out;
+        }
+        ret = 0;
+        keyclose(k);
+        freeattr(attr);
+        free(s);
+        return ret;
+static Role
+p9anyroles[] = 
+        "client",        p9anyclient,
+        "server",        p9anyserver,
+        0
+Proto p9any = {                "p9any",
+.roles=                p9anyroles,
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/p9cr.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/p9cr.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,545 @@
+ * p9cr, vnc - one-sided challenge/response authentication
+ *
+ * Protocol:
+ *
+ *        C -> S: user
+ *        S -> C: challenge
+ *        C -> S: response
+ *        S -> C: ok or bad
+ *
+ * Note that this is the protocol between factotum and the local
+ * program, not between the two factotums.  The information 
+ * exchanged here is wrapped in other protocols by the local
+ * programs.
+ */
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+static int
+p9crcheck(Key *k)
+        if(!strfindattr(k->attr, "user") || !strfindattr(k->privattr, "!password")){
+                werrstr("need user and !password attributes");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        return 0;
+static int
+p9crclient(Conv *c)
+        char *chal, *pw, *res, *user;
+        int astype, nchal, npw, ntry, ret;
+        uchar resp[MD5dlen];
+        Attr *attr;
+        DigestState *ds;
+        Key *k;
+        chal = nil;
+        k = nil;
+        res = nil;
+        ret = -1;
+        attr = c->attr;
+        if(c->proto == &p9cr){
+                astype = AuthChal;
+                challen = NETCHLEN;
+        }else if(c->proto == &vnc){
+                astype = AuthVnc;
+                challen = MAXCHAL;
+        }else{
+                werrstr("bad proto");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        c->state = "find key";
+        k = keyfetch(c, "%A %s", attr, c->proto->keyprompt);
+        if(k == nil)
+                goto out;
+        for(ntry=1;; ntry++){
+                if(c->attr != attr)
+                        freeattr(c->attr);
+                c->attr = addattrs(copyattr(attr), k->attr);
+                if((pw = strfindattr(k->privattr, "!password")) == nil){
+                        werrstr("key has no !password (cannot happen)");
+                        goto out;
+                }
+                npw = strlen(pw);
+                if((user = strfindattr(k->attr, "user")) == nil){
+                        werrstr("key has no user (cannot happen)");
+                        goto out;
+                }
+                if(convprint(c, "%s", user) < 0)
+                        goto out;
+                if(convreadm(c, &chal) < 0)
+                        goto out;
+                if((nresp = (*response)(chal, resp)) < 0)
+                        goto out;
+                if(convwrite(c, resp, nresp) < 0)
+                        goto out;
+                if(convreadm(c, &res) < 0)
+                        goto out;
+                if(strcmp(res, "ok") == 0)
+                        break;
+                if((k = keyreplace(c, k, "%s", res)) == nil){
+                        c->state = "auth failed";
+                        werrstr("%s", res);
+                        goto out;
+                }
+        }
+        werrstr("succeeded");
+        ret = 0;
+        keyclose(k);
+        free(chal);
+        if(c->attr != attr)
+                freeattr(attr);
+        return ret;
+static int
+p9crserver(Conv *c)
+        char chal[APOPCHALLEN], *user, *resp;
+        ServerState s;
+        int astype, ret;
+        Attr *a;
+        ret = -1;
+        user = nil;
+        resp = nil;
+        memset(&s, 0, sizeof s);
+        s.asfd = -1;
+        if(c->proto == &apop)
+                astype = AuthApop;
+        else if(c->proto == &cram)
+                astype = AuthCram;
+        else{
+                werrstr("bad proto");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        c->state = "find key";
+        if((s.k = plan9authkey(c->attr)) == nil)
+                goto out;
+        a = copyattr(s.k->attr);
+        a = delattr(a, "proto");
+        c->attr = addattrs(c->attr, a);
+        freeattr(a);
+        c->state = "authdial";
+        s.hostid = strfindattr(s.k->attr, "user");
+        s.dom = strfindattr(s.k->attr, "dom");
+        if((s.asfd = xioauthdial(nil, s.dom)) < 0){
+                werrstr("authdial %s: %r", s.dom);
+                goto out;
+        }
+        c->state = "authchal";
+        if(p9crchal(&s, astype, chal) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        c->state = "write challenge";
+        if(convprint(c, "%s", chal) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        for(;;){
+                c->state = "read user";
+                if(convreadm(c, &user) < 0)
+                        goto out;
+                c->state = "read response";
+                if(convreadm(c, &resp) < 0)
+                        goto out;
+                c->state = "authwrite";
+                switch(apopresp(&s, user, resp)){
+                case -1:
+                        goto out;
+                case 0:
+                        c->state = "write status";
+                        if(convprint(c, "bad authentication failed") < 0)
+                                goto out;
+                        break;
+                case 1:
+                        c->state = "write status";
+                        if(convprint(c, "ok") < 0)
+                                goto out;
+                        goto ok;
+                }
+                free(user);
+                free(resp);
+                user = nil;
+                resp = nil;
+        }
+        ret = 0;
+        c->attr = addcap(c->attr, c->sysuser, &s.t);
+        keyclose(s.k);
+        free(user);
+        free(resp);
+//        xioclose(s.asfd);
+        return ret;
+        MAXCHAL = 64,
+typedef struct State State;
+struct State
+        Key        *key;
+        int        astype;
+        int        asfd;
+        Ticket        t;
+        Ticketreq tr;
+        char        chal[MAXCHAL];
+        int        challen;
+        char        resp[MAXCHAL];
+        int        resplen;
+        CNeedChal,
+        CHaveResp,
+        SHaveChal,
+        SNeedResp,
+        Maxphase,
+static char *phasenames[Maxphase] =
+[CNeedChal]        "CNeedChal",
+[CHaveResp]        "CHaveResp",
+[SHaveChal]        "SHaveChal",
+[SNeedResp]        "SNeedResp",
+static void
+p9crclose(Fsstate *fss)
+        State *s;
+        s = fss->ps;
+        if(s->asfd >= 0){
+                close(s->asfd);
+                s->asfd = -1;
+        }
+        free(s);
+static int getchal(State*, Fsstate*);
+static int
+p9crinit(Proto *p, Fsstate *fss)
+        int iscli, ret;
+        char *user;
+        State *s;
+        Attr *attr;
+        if((iscli = isclient(_str_findattr(fss->attr, "role"))) < 0)
+                return failure(fss, nil);
+        s = emalloc(sizeof(*s));
+        s->asfd = -1;
+        if(p == &p9cr){
+                s->astype = AuthChal;
+                s->challen = NETCHLEN;
+        }else if(p == &vnc){
+                s->astype = AuthVNC;
+                s->challen = Maxchal;
+        }else
+                abort();
+        if(iscli){
+                fss->phase = CNeedChal;
+                if(p == &p9cr)
+                        attr = setattr(_copyattr(fss->attr), "proto=p9sk1");
+                else
+                        attr = nil;
+                ret = findkey(&s->key, fss, Kuser, 0, attr ? attr : fss->attr,
+                        "role=client %s", p->keyprompt);
+                _freeattr(attr);
+                if(ret != RpcOk){
+                        free(s);
+                        return ret;
+                }
+                fss->ps = s;
+        }else{
+                if((ret = findp9authkey(&s->key, fss)) != RpcOk){
+                        free(s);
+                        return ret;
+                }
+                if((user = _str_findattr(fss->attr, "user")) == nil){
+                        free(s);
+                        return failure(fss, "no user name specified in start msg");
+                }
+                if(strlen(user) >= sizeof s->tr.uid){
+                        free(s);
+                        return failure(fss, "user name too long");
+                }
+                fss->ps = s;
+                strcpy(s->tr.uid, user);
+                ret = getchal(s, fss);
+                if(ret != RpcOk){
+                        p9crclose(fss);        /* frees s */
+                        fss->ps = nil;
+                }
+        }
+        fss->phasename = phasenames;
+        fss->maxphase = Maxphase;
+        return ret;
+static int
+p9crread(Fsstate *fss, void *va, uint *n)
+        int m;
+        State *s;
+        s = fss->ps;
+        switch(fss->phase){
+        default:
+                return phaseerror(fss, "read");
+        case CHaveResp:
+                if(s->resplen < *n)
+                        *n = s->resplen;
+                memmove(va, s->resp, *n);
+                fss->phase = Established;
+                return RpcOk;
+        case SHaveChal:
+                if(s->astype == AuthChal)
+                        m = strlen(s->chal);        /* ascii string */
+                else
+                        m = s->challen;                /* fixed length binary */
+                if(m > *n)
+                        return toosmall(fss, m);
+                *n = m;
+                memmove(va, s->chal, m);
+                fss->phase = SNeedResp;
+                return RpcOk;
+        }
+static int
+p9response(Fsstate *fss, State *s)
+        char key[DESKEYLEN];
+        uchar buf[8];
+        ulong chal;
+        char *pw;
+        pw = _str_findattr(s->key->privattr, "!password");
+        if(pw == nil)
+                return failure(fss, "vncresponse cannot happen");
+        passtokey(key, pw);
+        memset(buf, 0, 8);
+        sprint((char*)buf, "%d", atoi(s->chal));
+        if(encrypt(key, buf, 8) < 0)
+                return failure(fss, "can't encrypt response");
+        chal = (buf[0]<<24)+(buf[1]<<16)+(buf[2]<<8)+buf[3];
+        s->resplen = snprint(s->resp, sizeof s->resp, "%.8lux", chal);
+        return RpcOk;
+static uchar tab[256];
+/* VNC reverses the bits of each byte before using as a des key */
+static void
+        int i, j, k;
+        static int once;
+        if(once)
+                return;
+        once = 1;
+        for(i=0; i<256; i++) {
+                j=i;
+                tab[i] = 0;
+                for(k=0; k<8; k++) {
+                        tab[i] = (tab[i]<<1) | (j&1);
+                        j >>= 1;
+                }
+        }
+static int
+vncaddkey(Key *k)
+        uchar *p;
+        char *s;
+        k->priv = emalloc(8+1);
+        if(s = _str_findattr(k->privattr, "!password")){
+                mktab();
+                memset(k->priv, 0, 8+1);
+                strncpy((char*)k->priv, s, 8);
+                for(p=k->priv; *p; p++)
+                        *p = tab[*p];
+        }else{
+                werrstr("no key data");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        return replacekey(k);
+static void
+vncclosekey(Key *k)
+        free(k->priv);
+static int
+vncresponse(Fsstate*, State *s)
+        DESstate des;
+        memmove(s->resp, s->chal, sizeof s->chal);
+        setupDESstate(&des, s->key->priv, nil);
+        desECBencrypt((uchar*)s->resp, s->challen, &des);
+        s->resplen = s->challen;
+        return RpcOk;
+static int
+p9crwrite(Fsstate *fss, void *va, uint n)
+        char tbuf[TICKETLEN+AUTHENTLEN];
+        State *s;
+        char *data = va;
+        Authenticator a;
+        char resp[Maxchal];
+        int ret;
+        s = fss->ps;
+        switch(fss->phase){
+        default:
+                return phaseerror(fss, "write");
+        case CNeedChal:
+                if(n >= sizeof(s->chal))
+                        return failure(fss, Ebadarg);
+                memset(s->chal, 0, sizeof s->chal);
+                memmove(s->chal, data, n);
+                s->challen = n;
+                if(s->astype == AuthChal)
+                        ret = p9response(fss, s);
+                else
+                        ret = vncresponse(fss, s);
+                if(ret != RpcOk)
+                        return ret;
+                fss->phase = CHaveResp;
+                return RpcOk;
+        case SNeedResp:
+                /* send response to auth server and get ticket */
+                if(n > sizeof(resp))
+                        return failure(fss, Ebadarg);
+                memset(resp, 0, sizeof resp);
+                memmove(resp, data, n);
+                if(write(s->asfd, resp, s->challen) != s->challen)
+                        return failure(fss, Easproto);
+                /* get ticket plus authenticator from auth server */
+                if(_asrdresp(s->asfd, tbuf, TICKETLEN+AUTHENTLEN) < 0)
+                        return failure(fss, nil);
+                /* check ticket */
+                convM2T(tbuf, &s->t, s->key->priv);
+                if(s->t.num != AuthTs
+                || memcmp(s->t.chal, s->tr.chal, sizeof(s->t.chal)) != 0)
+                        return failure(fss, Easproto);
+                convM2A(tbuf+TICKETLEN, &a, s->t.key);
+                if(a.num != AuthAc
+                || memcmp(a.chal, s->tr.chal, sizeof(a.chal)) != 0
+                || != 0)
+                        return failure(fss, Easproto);
+                fss->haveai = 1;
+                fss->ai.cuid = s->t.cuid;
+                fss->ai.suid = s->t.suid;
+                fss->ai.nsecret = 0;
+                fss->ai.secret = nil;
+                fss->phase = Established;
+                return RpcOk;
+        }
+static int
+getchal(State *s, Fsstate *fss)
+        char trbuf[TICKREQLEN];
+        int n;
+        safecpy(s->tr.hostid, _str_findattr(s->key->attr, "user"), sizeof(s->tr.hostid));
+        safecpy(s->tr.authdom, _str_findattr(s->key->attr, "dom"), sizeof(s->tr.authdom));
+        s->tr.type = s->astype;
+        convTR2M(&s->tr, trbuf);
+        /* get challenge from auth server */
+        s->asfd = _authdial(nil, _str_findattr(s->key->attr, "dom"));
+        if(s->asfd < 0)
+                return failure(fss, Easproto);
+        if(write(s->asfd, trbuf, TICKREQLEN) != TICKREQLEN)
+                return failure(fss, Easproto);
+        n = _asrdresp(s->asfd, s->chal, s->challen);
+        if(n <= 0){
+                if(n == 0)
+                        werrstr("_asrdresp short read");
+                return failure(fss, nil);
+        }
+        s->challen = n;
+        fss->phase = SHaveChal;
+        return RpcOk;
+Proto p9cr =
+{                "p9cr",
+.init=                p9crinit,
+.write=                p9crwrite,                p9crread,
+.close=                p9crclose,
+.keyprompt=        "user? !password?",
+Proto vnc =
+{                "vnc",
+.init=                p9crinit,
+.write=                p9crwrite,                p9crread,
+.close=                p9crclose,
+.keyprompt=        "!password?",
+.addkey=        vncaddkey,
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/p9sk1.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/p9sk1.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+ * p9sk1, p9sk2 - Plan 9 secret (private) key authentication.
+ * p9sk2 is an incomplete flawed variant of p9sk1.
+ *
+ * Client protocol:
+ *        write challenge[challen]        (p9sk1 only)
+ *        read tickreq[tickreqlen]
+ *        write ticket[ticketlen]
+ *        read authenticator[authentlen]
+ *
+ * Server protocol:
+ *         read challenge[challen]        (p9sk1 only)
+ *        write tickreq[tickreqlen]
+ *        read ticket[ticketlen]
+ *        write authenticator[authentlen]
+ */
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+extern Proto p9sk1, p9sk2;
+static int gettickets(Ticketreq*, char*, Key*);
+#define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+static int
+p9skclient(Conv *c)
+        char *user;
+        char cchal[CHALLEN];
+        uchar secret[8];
+        char buf[MAXAUTH];
+        int speakfor, ret;
+        Attr *a;
+        Authenticator au;
+        Key *k;
+        Ticket t;
+        Ticketreq tr;
+        ret = -1;
+        a = nil;
+        k = nil;
+        /* p9sk1: send client challenge */
+        if(c->proto == &p9sk1){
+                c->state = "write challenge";
+                memrandom(cchal, CHALLEN);
+                if(convwrite(c, cchal, CHALLEN) < 0)
+                        goto out;
+        }
+        /* read ticket request */
+        c->state = "read tickreq";
+        if(convread(c, buf, TICKREQLEN) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        convM2TR(buf, &tr);
+        /* p9sk2: use server challenge as client challenge */
+        if(c->proto == &p9sk2)
+                memmove(cchal, tr.chal, CHALLEN);
+        /*
+         * find a key.
+         *
+         * if the user is the factotum owner, any key will do.
+         * if not, then if we have a speakfor key,
+         * we will only vouch for the user's local identity.
+         *
+         * this logic is duplicated in p9any.c
+         */
+        user = strfindattr(c->attr, "user");
+        a = delattr(copyattr(c->attr), "role");
+        a = addattr(a, "proto=p9sk1");
+        if(strcmp(c->sysuser, owner) == 0){
+                speakfor = 0;
+                a = addattr(a, "proto=p9sk1 user? dom=%q", tr.authdom);
+        }else if(user==nil || strcmp(c->sysuser, user)==0){
+                speakfor = 1;
+                a = delattr(a, "user");
+                a = addattr(a, "proto=p9sk1 user? dom=%q role=speakfor", tr.authdom);
+        }else{
+                werrstr("will not authenticate for %q as %q", c->sysuser, user);
+                goto out;
+        }
+        for(;;){
+                c->state = "find key";
+                k = keyfetch(c, "%A", a);
+                if(k == nil)
+                        goto out;
+                /* relay ticket request to auth server, get tickets */
+                strcpy(tr.hostid, strfindattr(k->attr, "user"));
+                if(speakfor)
+                        strcpy(tr.uid, c->sysuser);
+                else
+                        strcpy(tr.uid, tr.hostid);
+                c->state = "get tickets";
+                if(gettickets(&tr, buf, k) < 0)
+                        goto out;
+                convM2T(buf, &t, k->priv);
+                if(t.num == AuthTc)
+                        break;
+                /* we don't agree with the auth server about the key; try again */
+                c->state = "replace key";
+                if((k = keyreplace(c, k, "key mismatch with auth server")) == nil){
+                        werrstr("key mismatch with auth server");
+                        goto out;
+                }
+        }
+        /* send second ticket and authenticator to server */
+        c->state = "write ticket+auth";
+        memmove(buf, buf+TICKETLEN, TICKETLEN);
+        au.num = AuthAc;
+        memmove(au.chal, tr.chal, CHALLEN);
+ = 0;
+        convA2M(&au, buf+TICKETLEN, t.key);
+        if(convwrite(c, buf, TICKETLEN+AUTHENTLEN) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        /* read authenticator from server */
+        c->state = "read auth";
+        if(convread(c, buf, AUTHENTLEN) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        convM2A(buf, &au, t.key);
+        if(au.num != AuthAs || memcmp(au.chal, cchal, CHALLEN) != 0 || != 0){
+                werrstr("server lies through his teeth");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        /* success */
+        c->attr = addcap(c->attr, c->sysuser, &t);
+        des56to64((uchar*)t.key, secret);
+        c->attr = addattr(c->attr, "secret=%.8H", secret);
+        ret = 0;
+        freeattr(a);
+        keyclose(k);
+        return ret;
+static int
+p9skserver(Conv *c)
+        char cchal[CHALLEN], buf[MAXAUTH];
+        uchar secret[8];
+        int ret;
+        Attr *a;
+        Authenticator au;
+        Key *k;
+        Ticketreq tr;
+        Ticket t;
+        ret = -1;
+        a = addattr(copyattr(c->attr), "user? dom?");
+        a = addattr(a, "user? dom? proto=p9sk1");
+        if((k = keyfetch(c, "%A", a)) == nil)
+                goto out;
+        /* p9sk1: read client challenge */
+        if(c->proto == &p9sk1){
+                if(convread(c, cchal, CHALLEN) < 0)
+                        goto out;
+        }
+        /* send ticket request */
+        memset(&tr, 0, sizeof tr);
+        tr.type = AuthTreq;
+        strcpy(tr.authid, strfindattr(k->attr, "user"));
+        strcpy(tr.authdom, strfindattr(k->attr, "dom"));
+        memrandom(tr.chal, sizeof tr.chal);
+        convTR2M(&tr, buf);
+        if(convwrite(c, buf, TICKREQLEN) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        /* p9sk2: use server challenge as client challenge */
+        if(c->proto == &p9sk2)
+                memmove(cchal, tr.chal, sizeof tr.chal);
+        /* read ticket+authenticator */
+        if(convread(c, buf, TICKETLEN+AUTHENTLEN) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        convM2T(buf, &t, k->priv);
+        if(t.num != AuthTs || memcmp(t.chal, tr.chal, CHALLEN) != 0){
+                /* BUG badkey */
+                werrstr("key mismatch with auth server");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        convM2A(buf+TICKETLEN, &au, t.key);
+        if(au.num != AuthAc || memcmp(au.chal, tr.chal, CHALLEN) != 0 || != 0){
+                werrstr("client lies through his teeth");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        /* send authenticator */
+        au.num = AuthAs;
+        memmove(au.chal, cchal, CHALLEN);
+        convA2M(&au, buf, t.key);
+        if(convwrite(c, buf, AUTHENTLEN) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        /* success */
+        c->attr = addcap(c->attr, c->sysuser, &t);
+        des56to64((uchar*)t.key, secret);
+        c->attr = addattr(c->attr, "secret=%.8H", secret);
+        ret = 0;
+        freeattr(a);
+        keyclose(k);
+        return ret;
+_asgetticket(int fd, char *trbuf, char *tbuf)
+        if(write(fd, trbuf, TICKREQLEN) < 0){
+                close(fd);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        return _asrdresp(fd, tbuf, 2*TICKETLEN);
+static int
+getastickets(Ticketreq *tr, char *buf)
+        int asfd;
+        int ret;
+        if((asfd = xioauthdial(nil, tr->authdom)) < 0)
+                return -1;
+        convTR2M(tr, buf);
+        ret = xioasgetticket(asfd, buf, buf);
+        xioclose(asfd);
+        return ret;
+static int
+mktickets(Ticketreq *tr, char *buf, Key *k)
+        Ticket t;
+        if(strcmp(tr->authid, tr->hostid) != 0)
+                return -1;
+        memset(&t, 0, sizeof t);
+        memmove(t.chal, tr->chal, CHALLEN);
+        strcpy(t.cuid, tr->uid);
+        strcpy(t.suid, tr->uid);
+        memrandom(t.key, DESKEYLEN);
+        t.num = AuthTc;
+        convT2M(&t, buf, k->priv);
+        t.num = AuthTs;
+        convT2M(&t, buf+TICKETLEN, k->priv);
+        return 0;
+static int
+gettickets(Ticketreq *tr, char *buf, Key *k)
+        if(getastickets(tr, buf) == 0)
+                return 0;
+        if(mktickets(tr, buf, k) == 0)
+                return 0;
+        werrstr("gettickets: %r");
+        return -1;
+static int
+p9sk1check(Key *k)
+        char *user, *dom, *pass;
+        Ticketreq tr;
+        user = strfindattr(k->attr, "user");
+        dom = strfindattr(k->attr, "dom");
+        if(user==nil || dom==nil){
+                werrstr("need user and dom attributes");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        if(strlen(user) >= sizeof tr.authid){
+                werrstr("user name too long");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        if(strlen(dom) >= sizeof tr.authdom){
+                werrstr("auth dom name too long");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        k->priv = emalloc(DESKEYLEN);
+        if(pass = strfindattr(k->privattr, "!password"))
+                passtokey(k->priv, pass);
+        else if(pass = strfindattr(k->privattr, "!hex")){
+                if(hexparse(pass, k->priv, 7) < 0){
+                        werrstr("malformed !hex key data");
+                        return -1;
+                }
+        }else{
+                werrstr("need !password or !hex attribute");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        return 0;
+static void
+p9sk1close(Key *k)
+        free(k->priv);
+        k->priv = nil;
+static Role
+p9sk1roles[] = 
+        "client",        p9skclient,
+        "server",        p9skserver,
+        0
+static Role
+p9sk2roles[] = 
+        "client",        p9skclient,
+        "server",        p9skserver,
+        0
+Proto p9sk1 = {                "p9sk1",
+.roles=                p9sk1roles,
+.checkkey=        p9sk1check,
+.closekey=        p9sk1close,
+.keyprompt=        "user? dom? !password?",
+Proto p9sk2 = {                "p9sk2",
+.roles=                p9sk2roles,
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/pass.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/pass.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ * This is just a repository for a password.
+ * We don't want to encourage this, there's
+ * no server side.
+ */
+#include "dat.h"
+typedef struct State State;
+struct State 
+        Key *key;
+        HavePass,
+        Maxphase,
+static char *phasenames[Maxphase] =
+[HavePass]        "HavePass",
+static int
+passinit(Proto *p, Fsstate *fss)
+        int ask;
+        Key *k;
+        State *s;
+        k = findkey(fss, Kuser, &ask, 0, fss->attr, "%s", p->keyprompt);
+        if(k == nil){
+                if(ask)
+                        return RpcNeedkey;
+                return failure(fss, nil);
+        }
+        setattrs(fss->attr, k->attr);
+        s = emalloc(sizeof(*s));
+        s->key = k;
+        fss->ps = s;
+        return RpcOk;
+static void
+passclose(Fsstate *fss)
+        State *s;
+        s = fss->ps;
+        if(s->key)
+                closekey(s->key);
+        free(s);
+static int
+passread(Fsstate *fss, void *va, uint *n)
+        int m;
+        char buf[500];
+        char *pass, *user;
+        State *s;
+        s = fss->ps;
+        switch(fss->phase){
+        default:
+                return phaseerror(fss, "read");
+        case HavePass:
+                user = strfindattr(s->key->attr, "user");
+                pass = strfindattr(s->key->privattr, "!password");
+                if(user==nil || pass==nil)
+                        return failure(fss, "passread cannot happen");
+                snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%q %q", user, pass);
+                m = strlen(buf);
+                if(m > *n)
+                        return toosmall(fss, m);
+                *n = m;
+                memmove(va, buf, m);
+                return RpcOk;
+        }
+static int
+passwrite(Fsstate *fss, void*, uint)
+        return phaseerror(fss, "write");
+Proto pass =
+{                "pass",
+.init=                passinit,
+.write=                passwrite,                passread,
+.close=                passclose,
+.addkey=                replacekey,
+.keyprompt=        "user? !password?",
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/pkcs1.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/pkcs1.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+ * PKCS #1 v2.0 signatures (aka RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5)
+ *
+ * You don't want to read the spec.
+ * Here is what you need to know.
+ *
+ * RSA sign (aka RSASP1) is just an RSA encryption.
+ * RSA verify (aka RSAVP1) is just an RSA decryption.
+ *
+ * We sign hashes of messages instead of the messages
+ * themselves.
+ * 
+ * The hashes are encoded in ASN.1 DER to identify
+ * the signature type, and then prefixed with 0x01 PAD 0x00
+ * where PAD is as many 0xFF bytes as desired.
+ */
+static int mkasn1(uchar *asn1, DigestAlg *alg, uchar *d, uint dlen);
+rsasign(RSApriv *key, DigestAlg *hash, uchar *digest, uint dlen,
+        uchar *sig, uint siglen)
+        uchar asn1[64], *buf;
+        int n, len, pad;
+        mpint *m, *s;
+        /*
+         * Create ASN.1
+         */
+        n = mkasn1(asn1, hash, digest, dlen);
+        /*
+         * Create number to sign.
+         */
+        len = (mpsignif(key->pub.n)+7)/8;
+        if(len < n+2){
+                werrstr("rsa key too short");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        pad = len - (n+2);
+        if(siglen < len){
+                werrstr("signature buffer too short");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        buf = malloc(len);
+        if(buf == nil)
+                return -1;
+        buf[0] = 0x01;
+        memset(buf+1, 0xFF, pad);
+        buf[1+pad] = 0x00;
+        memmove(buf+1+pad+1, asn1, n);
+        m = betomp(buf, len, nil);
+        free(buf);
+        if(m == nil)
+                return -1;
+        /*
+         * Sign it.
+         */
+        s = rsadecrypt(key, m, nil);
+        mpfree(m);
+        if(s == nil)
+                return -1;
+        mptoberjust(s, sig, len);
+        mpfree(s);
+        return len;
+ * Mptobe but shift right to fill buffer.
+ */
+mptoberjust(mpint *b, uchar *buf, uint len)
+        int n;
+        n = mptobe(b, buf, len, nil);
+        assert(n >= 0);
+        if(n < len){
+                len -= n;
+                memmove(buf+len, buf, n);
+                memset(buf, 0, len);
+        }
+ * Simple ASN.1 encodings.
+ * Lengths < 128 are encoded as 1-bytes constants,
+ * making our life easy.
+ */
+ * Hash OIDs
+ *
+ * SHA1 =
+ * MDx = 1.2.840.113549.2.x
+ */
+#define O0(a,b)        ((a)*40+(b))
+#define O2(x)        \
+        (((x)>>7)&0x7F)|0x80, \
+        ((x)&0x7F)
+#define O3(x)        \
+        (((x)>>14)&0x7F)|0x80, \
+        (((x)>>7)&0x7F)|0x80, \
+        ((x)&0x7F)        
+uchar oidsha1[] = { O0(1, 3), 14, 3, 2, 26 };
+uchar oidmd2[] = { O0(1, 2), O2(840), O3(113549), 2, 2 };
+uchar oidmd5[] = { O0(1, 2), O2(840), O3(113549), 2, 5 };
+ *        DigestInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
+ *                digestAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
+ *                digest OCTET STRING
+ *        }
+ */
+static int
+mkasn1(uchar *asn1, DigestAlg *alg, uchar *d, uint dlen)
+        uchar *obj, *p;
+        uint olen;
+        if(alg == sha1){
+                obj = oidsha1;
+                olen = sizeof(oidsha1);
+        }else if(alg == md5){
+                obj = oidmd5;
+                olen = sizeof(oidmd5);
+        }else{
+                sysfatal("bad alg in mkasn1");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        p = asn1;
+        *p++ = 0x30;        /* sequence */
+        p++;
+        *p++ = 0x06;        /* object id */
+        *p++ = olen;
+        memmove(p, obj, olen);
+        p += olen;
+        *p++ = 0x04;        /* octet string */
+        *p++ = dlen;
+        memmove(p, d, dlen);
+        p += dlen;
+        asn1[1] = p - (asn1+2);
+        return p-asn1;
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/plan9.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/plan9.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+memrandom(void *p, int n)
+        uchar *cp;
+        for(cp = (uchar*)p; n > 0; n--)
+                *cp++ = fastrand();
+        return 0;
+addcap(Attr *a, char *from, Ticket *t)
+        return addattr(a, "cuid=%q suid=%q cap=''", t->cuid, t->suid);
+_authdial(char *net, char *authdom)
+        return authdial(net, authdom);
+plan9authkey(Attr *a)
+        char *dom;
+        Key *k;
+        /*
+         * The only important part of a is dom.
+         * We don't care, for example, about user name.
+         */
+        dom = strfindattr(a, "dom");
+        if(dom)
+                k = keylookup("proto=p9sk1 role=server user? dom=%q", dom);
+        else
+                k = keylookup("proto=p9sk1 role=server user? dom?");
+        if(k == nil)
+                werrstr("could not find plan 9 auth key dom %q", dom);
+        return k;
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/proto.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/proto.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+extern Proto        apop;                /* apop.c */
+extern Proto        chap;                /* chap.c */
+extern Proto        cram;                /* apop.c */
+extern Proto        dsa;                        /* dsa.c */
+extern Proto        mschap;                /* chap.c */
+extern Proto        p9any;                /* p9any.c */
+extern Proto        p9sk1;                /* p9sk1.c */
+extern Proto        p9sk2;                /* p9sk2.c */
+extern Proto        rsa;                        /* rsa.c */
+Proto *prototab[] = {
+        &apop,
+        &cram,
+        &dsa,
+        &p9any,
+        &p9sk1,
+        &p9sk2,
+        &rsa,
+        nil,
+protolookup(char *name)
+        int i;
+        for(i=0; prototab[i]; i++)
+                if(strcmp(prototab[i]->name, name) == 0)
+                        return prototab[i];
+        return nil;
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/rpc.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/rpc.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+ * Factotum RPC
+ *
+ * Must be paired write/read cycles on /mnt/factotum/rpc.
+ * The format of a request is verb, single space, data.
+ * Data format is verb-dependent; in particular, it can be binary.
+ * The format of a response is the same.  The write only sets up
+ * the RPC.  The read tries to execute it.  If the /mnt/factotum/key
+ * file is open, we ask for new keys using that instead of returning
+ * an error in the RPC.  This means the read blocks.
+ * Textual arguments are parsed with tokenize, so rc-style quoting
+ * rules apply.
+ *
+ * Only authentication protocol messages go here.  Configuration
+ * is still via ctl (below).
+ *
+ * Request RPCs are:
+ *        start attrs - initializes protocol for authentication, can fail.
+ *                returns "ok read" or "ok write" on success.
+ *        read - execute protocol read
+ *        write - execute protocol write
+ *        authinfo - if the protocol is finished, return the AI if any
+ *        attr - return protocol information
+ * Return values are:
+ *        error message - an error happened.
+ *        ok [data] - success, possible data is request dependent.
+ *        needkey attrs - request aborted, get me this key and try again
+ *        badkey attrs - request aborted, this key might be bad
+ *        done [haveai] - authentication is done [haveai: you can get an ai with authinfo]
+ */
+char *rpcname[] = 
+        "unknown",
+        "authinfo",
+        "attr",
+        "read",
+        "start",
+        "write",
+static int
+classify(char *s)
+        int i;
+        for(i=1; i= MaxRpc){
+                werrstr("rpc too large");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        /* cancel any current rpc */
+        c->rpc.op = RpcUnknown;
+        c->nreply = 0;
+        /* parse new rpc */
+        memmove(c->rpcbuf, data, count);
+        c->rpcbuf[count] = 0;
+        if(p = (uchar*)strchr((char*)c->rpcbuf, ' ')){
+                *p++ = '\0';
+                c-> = p;
+                c->rpc.count = count - (p - (uchar*)c->rpcbuf);
+        }else{
+                c-> = "";
+                c->rpc.count = 0;
+        }
+        op = classify(c->rpcbuf);
+        if(op == RpcUnknown){
+                werrstr("bad rpc verb: %s", c->rpcbuf);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        c->rpc.op = op;
+        return 0;
+convthread(void *v)
+        Conv *c;
+        Attr *a;
+        char *role, *proto;
+        Proto *p;
+        Role *r;
+        c = v;
+        a = parseattr(c->;
+        if(a == nil){
+                werrstr("empty attr");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        c->attr = a;
+        proto = strfindattr(a, "proto");
+        role = strfindattr(a, "role");
+        if(proto == nil){
+                werrstr("no proto in attrs");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        if(role == nil){
+                werrstr("no role in attrs");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        p = protolookup(proto);
+        if(p == nil){
+                werrstr("unknown proto %s", proto);
+                goto out;
+        }
+        c->proto = p;
+        for(r=p->roles; r->name; r++){
+                if(strcmp(r->name, role) != 0)
+                        continue;
+                rpcrespond(c, "ok");
+                c->active = 1;
+                if((*r->fn)(c) == 0){
+                        c->done = 1;
+                        werrstr("protocol finished");
+                }else
+                        werrstr("%s %s %s: %r", p->name, r->name, c->state);
+                goto out;
+        }
+        werrstr("unknown role");
+        c->active = 0;
+        c->state = 0;
+        rerrstr(c->err, sizeof c->err);
+        rpcrespond(c, "error %r");
+        convclose(c);
+static uchar* convAI2M(uchar *p, int n, char *cuid, char *suid, char *cap, char *hex);
+rpcexec(Conv *c)
+        uchar *p;
+        switch(c->rpc.op){
+        case RpcRead:
+                if(c->rpc.count > 0){
+                        rpcrespond(c, "error read takes no parameters");
+                        break;
+                }
+                /* fall through */
+        default:
+                if(!c->active){
+                        if(c->done)
+                                rpcrespond(c, "done");
+                        else
+                                rpcrespond(c, "error %s", c->err);
+                        break;
+                }
+                nbsendp(c->rpcwait, 0);
+                break;
+        case RpcUnknown:
+                break;
+        case RpcAuthinfo:
+                /* deprecated */
+                if(c->active)
+                        rpcrespond(c, "error conversation still active");
+                else if(!c->done)
+                        rpcrespond(c, "error conversation not successful");
+                else{
+                        /* make up an auth info using the attr */
+                        p = convAI2M((uchar*)c->reply+3, sizeof c->reply-3, 
+                                strfindattr(c->attr, "cuid"),
+                                strfindattr(c->attr, "suid"),
+                                strfindattr(c->attr, "cap"),
+                                strfindattr(c->attr, "secret"));
+                        if(p == nil)
+                                rpcrespond(c, "error %r");
+                        else
+                                rpcrespondn(c, "ok", c->reply+3, p-(uchar*)(c->reply+3));
+                }
+                break;
+        case RpcAttr:
+                rpcrespond(c, "ok %A", c->attr);
+                break;
+        case RpcStart:
+                convreset(c);
+                c->ref++;
+                threadcreate(convthread, c, STACK);
+                break;
+        }
+rpcrespond(Conv *c, char *fmt, ...)
+        va_list arg;
+        if(c->hangup)
+                return;
+        if(fmt == nil)
+                fmt = "";
+        va_start(arg, fmt);
+        c->nreply = vsnprint(c->reply, sizeof c->reply, fmt, arg);
+        va_end(arg);
+        (*c->kickreply)(c);
+        c->rpc.op = RpcUnknown;
+rpcrespondn(Conv *c, char *verb, void *data, int count)
+        char *p;
+        if(c->hangup)
+                return;
+        if(strlen(verb)+1+count > sizeof c->reply){
+                print("RPC response too large; caller %#lux", getcallerpc(&c));
+                return;
+        }
+        strcpy(c->reply, verb);
+        p = c->reply + strlen(c->reply);
+        *p++ = ' ';
+        memmove(p, data, count);
+        c->nreply = count + (p - c->reply);
+        (*c->kickreply)(c);
+        c->rpc.op = RpcUnknown;
+/* deprecated */
+static uchar*
+pstring(uchar *p, uchar *e, char *s)
+        uint n;
+        if(p == nil)
+                return nil;
+        if(s == nil)
+                s = "";
+        n = strlen(s);
+        if(p+n+BIT16SZ >= e)
+                return nil;
+        PBIT16(p, n);
+        p += BIT16SZ;
+        memmove(p, s, n);
+        p += n;
+        return p;
+static uchar*
+pcarray(uchar *p, uchar *e, uchar *s, uint n)
+        if(p == nil)
+                return nil;
+        if(s == nil){
+                if(n > 0)
+                        sysfatal("pcarray");
+                s = (uchar*)"";
+        }
+        if(p+n+BIT16SZ >= e)
+                return nil;
+        PBIT16(p, n);
+        p += BIT16SZ;
+        memmove(p, s, n);
+        p += n;
+        return p;
+static uchar*
+convAI2M(uchar *p, int n, char *cuid, char *suid, char *cap, char *hex)
+        uchar *e = p+n;
+        uchar *secret;
+        int nsecret;
+        if(cuid == nil)
+                cuid = "";
+        if(suid == nil)
+                suid = "";
+        if(cap == nil)
+                cap = "";
+        if(hex == nil)
+                hex = "";
+        nsecret = strlen(hex)/2;
+        secret = emalloc(nsecret);
+        if(hexparse(hex, secret, nsecret) < 0){
+                werrstr("hexparse %s failed", hex);        /* can't happen */
+                free(secret);
+                return nil;
+        }
+        p = pstring(p, e, cuid);
+        p = pstring(p, e, suid);
+        p = pstring(p, e, cap);
+        p = pcarray(p, e, secret, nsecret);
+        free(secret);
+        if(p == nil)
+                werrstr("authinfo too big");
+        return p;
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/rsa.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/rsa.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+ * RSA authentication.
+ * 
+ * Client:
+ *        start n=xxx ek=xxx
+ *        write msg
+ *        read decrypt(msg)
+ *
+ * Sign (PKCS #1 using hash=sha1 or hash=md5)
+ *        start n=xxx ek=xxx
+ *        write hash(msg)
+ *        read signature(hash(msg))
+ * 
+ * all numbers are hexadecimal biginits parsable with strtomp.
+ * must be lower case for attribute matching in start.
+ */
+static int
+rsaclient(Conv *c)
+        char *chal;
+        mpint *m;
+        Key *k;
+        k = keylookup("%A", c->attr);
+        if(k == nil)
+                return -1;
+        c->state = "read challenge";
+        if(convreadm(c, &chal) < 0){
+                keyclose(k);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        if(strlen(chal) < 32){
+        badchal:
+                free(chal);
+                convprint(c, "bad challenge");
+                keyclose(k);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        m = strtomp(chal, nil, 16, nil);
+        if(m == nil)
+                goto badchal;
+        free(chal);
+        m = rsadecrypt(k->priv, m, m);
+        convprint(c, "%B", m);
+        mpfree(m);
+        keyclose(k);
+        return 0;
+static int
+xrsasign(Conv *c)
+        char *hash;
+        int dlen, n;
+        DigestAlg *hashfn;
+        Key *k;
+        uchar sig[1024], digest[64];
+        k = keylookup("%A", c->attr);
+        if(k == nil)
+                return -1;
+        hash = strfindattr(k->attr, "hash");
+        if(hash == nil)
+                hash = "sha1";
+        if(strcmp(hash, "sha1") == 0){
+                hashfn = sha1;
+                dlen = SHA1dlen;
+        }else if(strcmp(hash, "md5") == 0){
+                hashfn = md5;
+                dlen = MD5dlen;
+        }else{
+                werrstr("unknown hash function %s", hash);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        c->state = "read data";
+        if((n=convread(c, digest, dlen)) < 0){
+                keyclose(k);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        memset(sig, 0xAA, sizeof sig);
+        n = rsasign(k->priv, hashfn, digest, dlen, sig, sizeof sig);
+        keyclose(k);
+        if(n < 0)
+                return -1;        
+        convwrite(c, sig, n);
+        return 0;
+ * convert to canonical form (lower case) 
+ * for use in attribute matches.
+ */
+static void
+strlwr(char *a)
+        for(; *a; a++){
+                if('A' <= *a && *a <= 'Z')
+                        *a += 'a' - 'A';
+        }
+static RSApriv*
+readrsapriv(Key *k)
+        char *a;
+        RSApriv *priv;
+        priv = rsaprivalloc();
+        if((a=strfindattr(k->attr, "ek"))==nil 
+        || (priv->pub.ek=strtomp(a, nil, 16, nil))==nil)
+                goto Error;
+        strlwr(a);
+        if((a=strfindattr(k->attr, "n"))==nil 
+        || (priv->pub.n=strtomp(a, nil, 16, nil))==nil)
+                goto Error;
+        strlwr(a);
+        if((a=strfindattr(k->privattr, "!p"))==nil 
+        || (priv->p=strtomp(a, nil, 16, nil))==nil)
+                goto Error;
+        strlwr(a);
+        if((a=strfindattr(k->privattr, "!q"))==nil 
+        || (priv->q=strtomp(a, nil, 16, nil))==nil)
+                goto Error;
+        strlwr(a);
+        if((a=strfindattr(k->privattr, "!kp"))==nil 
+        || (priv->kp=strtomp(a, nil, 16, nil))==nil)
+                goto Error;
+        strlwr(a);
+        if((a=strfindattr(k->privattr, "!kq"))==nil 
+        || (priv->kq=strtomp(a, nil, 16, nil))==nil)
+                goto Error;
+        strlwr(a);
+        if((a=strfindattr(k->privattr, "!c2"))==nil 
+        || (priv->c2=strtomp(a, nil, 16, nil))==nil)
+                goto Error;
+        strlwr(a);
+        if((a=strfindattr(k->privattr, "!dk"))==nil 
+        || (priv->dk=strtomp(a, nil, 16, nil))==nil)
+                goto Error;
+        strlwr(a);
+        return priv;
+        rsaprivfree(priv);
+        return nil;
+static int
+rsacheck(Key *k)
+        static int first = 1;
+        if(first){
+                fmtinstall('B', mpfmt);
+                first = 0;
+        }
+        if((k->priv = readrsapriv(k)) == nil){
+                werrstr("malformed key data");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        return 0;
+static void
+rsaclose(Key *k)
+        rsaprivfree(k->priv);
+        k->priv = nil;
+static Role
+rsaroles[] = 
+        "client",        rsaclient,
+        "sign",        xrsasign,
+        0
+Proto rsa = {
+        "rsa",
+        rsaroles,
+        nil,
+        rsacheck,
+        rsaclose
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/secstore.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/secstore.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,644 @@
+ * Various files from /sys/src/cmd/auth/secstore, just enough
+ * to download a file at boot time.
+ */
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+enum{ CHK = 16};
+enum{ MAXFILESIZE = 10*1024*1024 };
+enum{// PW status bits
+        Enabled         = (1<<0),
+        STA                 = (1<<1),        // extra SecurID step
+static char testmess[] = "__secstore\tPAK\nC=%s\nm=0\n";
+char *secstore;
+        char *p;
+        p = secstore;
+        if(p == nil)          /* else use the authserver */
+                p = getenv("secstore");
+        if(p == nil)
+                p = getenv("auth");
+        if(p == nil)
+                p = "secstore";
+        return dial(netmkaddr(p, "net", "secstore"), 0, 0, 0);
+        int m, n, fd;
+        uchar buf[500];
+        n = snprint((char*)buf, sizeof buf, testmess, owner);
+        hnputs(buf, 0x8000+n-2);
+        fd = secdial();
+        if(fd < 0)
+                return 0;
+        if(write(fd, buf, n) != n || readn(fd, buf, 2) != 2){
+                close(fd);
+                return 0;
+        }
+        n = ((buf[0]&0x7f)<<8) + buf[1];
+        if(n+1 > sizeof buf){
+                werrstr("implausibly large count %d", n);
+                close(fd);
+                return 0;
+        }
+        m = readn(fd, buf, n);
+        close(fd);
+        if(m != n){
+                if(m >= 0)
+                        werrstr("short read from secstore");
+                return 0;
+        }
+        buf[n] = 0;
+        if(strcmp((char*)buf, "!account expired") == 0){
+                werrstr("account expired");
+                return 0;
+        }
+        return strcmp((char*)buf, "!account exists") == 0;
+// delimited, authenticated, encrypted connection
+enum{ Maxmsg=4096 };        // messages > Maxmsg bytes are truncated
+typedef struct SConn SConn;
+extern SConn* newSConn(int);        // arg is open file descriptor
+struct SConn{
+        void *chan;
+        int secretlen;
+        int (*secret)(SConn*, uchar*, int);// 
+        int (*read)(SConn*, uchar*, int); // <0 if error;  errmess in buffer
+        int (*write)(SConn*, uchar*, int);
+        void (*free)(SConn*);                // also closes file descriptor
+// secret(s,b,dir) sets secret for digest, encrypt, using the secretlen
+//                bytes in b to form keys         for the two directions;
+//          set dir=0 in client, dir=1 in server
+// error convention: write !message in-band
+#define readstr secstore_readstr
+static void writerr(SConn*, char*);
+static int readstr(SConn*, char*);  // call with buf of size Maxmsg+1
+        // returns -1 upon error, with error message in buf
+typedef struct ConnState {
+        uchar secret[SHA1dlen];
+        ulong seqno;
+        RC4state rc4;
+} ConnState;
+typedef struct SS{
+        int fd;                // file descriptor for read/write of encrypted data
+        int alg;        // if nonzero, "alg sha rc4_128"
+        ConnState in, out;
+} SS;
+static int
+SC_secret(SConn *conn, uchar *sigma, int direction)
+        SS *ss = (SS*)(conn->chan);
+        int nsigma = conn->secretlen;
+        if(direction != 0){
+                hmac_sha1(sigma, nsigma, (uchar*)"one", 3, ss->out.secret, nil);
+                hmac_sha1(sigma, nsigma, (uchar*)"two", 3, ss->in.secret, nil);
+        }else{
+                hmac_sha1(sigma, nsigma, (uchar*)"two", 3, ss->out.secret, nil);
+                hmac_sha1(sigma, nsigma, (uchar*)"one", 3, ss->in.secret, nil);
+        }
+        setupRC4state(&ss->in.rc4, ss->in.secret, 16); // restrict to 128 bits
+        setupRC4state(&ss->out.rc4, ss->out.secret, 16);
+        ss->alg = 1;
+        return 0;
+static void
+hash(uchar secret[SHA1dlen], uchar *data, int len, int seqno, uchar d[SHA1dlen])
+        DigestState sha;
+        uchar seq[4];
+        seq[0] = seqno>>24;
+        seq[1] = seqno>>16;
+        seq[2] = seqno>>8;
+        seq[3] = seqno;
+        memset(&sha, 0, sizeof sha);
+        sha1(secret, SHA1dlen, nil, &sha);
+        sha1(data, len, nil, &sha);
+        sha1(seq, 4, d, &sha);
+static int
+verify(uchar secret[SHA1dlen], uchar *data, int len, int seqno, uchar d[SHA1dlen])
+        DigestState sha;
+        uchar seq[4];
+        uchar digest[SHA1dlen];
+        seq[0] = seqno>>24;
+        seq[1] = seqno>>16;
+        seq[2] = seqno>>8;
+        seq[3] = seqno;
+        memset(&sha, 0, sizeof sha);
+        sha1(secret, SHA1dlen, nil, &sha);
+        sha1(data, len, nil, &sha);
+        sha1(seq, 4, digest, &sha);
+        return memcmp(d, digest, SHA1dlen);
+static int
+SC_read(SConn *conn, uchar *buf, int n)
+        SS *ss = (SS*)(conn->chan);
+        uchar count[2], digest[SHA1dlen];
+        int len, nr;
+        if(read(ss->fd, count, 2) != 2 || count[0]&0x80 == 0){
+                werrstr("!SC_read invalid count");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        len = (count[0]&0x7f)<<8 | count[1];        // SSL-style count; no pad
+        if(ss->alg){
+                len -= SHA1dlen;
+                if(len <= 0 || readn(ss->fd, digest, SHA1dlen) != SHA1dlen){
+                        werrstr("!SC_read missing sha1");
+                        return -1;
+                }
+                if(len > n || readn(ss->fd, buf, len) != len){
+                        werrstr("!SC_read missing data");
+                        return -1;
+                }
+                rc4(&ss->in.rc4, digest, SHA1dlen);
+                rc4(&ss->in.rc4, buf, len);
+                if(verify(ss->in.secret, buf, len, ss->in.seqno, digest) != 0){
+                        werrstr("!SC_read integrity check failed");
+                        return -1;
+                }
+        }else{
+                if(len <= 0 || len > n){
+                        werrstr("!SC_read implausible record length");
+                        return -1;
+                }
+                if( (nr = readn(ss->fd, buf, len)) != len){
+                        werrstr("!SC_read expected %d bytes, but got %d", len, nr);
+                        return -1;
+                }
+        }
+        ss->in.seqno++;
+        return len;
+static int
+SC_write(SConn *conn, uchar *buf, int n)
+        SS *ss = (SS*)(conn->chan);
+        uchar count[2], digest[SHA1dlen], enc[Maxmsg+1];
+        int len;
+        if(n <= 0 || n > Maxmsg+1){
+                werrstr("!SC_write invalid n %d", n);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        len = n;
+        if(ss->alg)
+                len += SHA1dlen;
+        count[0] = 0x80 | len>>8;
+        count[1] = len;
+        if(write(ss->fd, count, 2) != 2){
+                werrstr("!SC_write invalid count");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        if(ss->alg){
+                hash(ss->out.secret, buf, n, ss->out.seqno, digest);
+                rc4(&ss->out.rc4, digest, SHA1dlen);
+                memcpy(enc, buf, n);
+                rc4(&ss->out.rc4, enc, n);
+                if(write(ss->fd, digest, SHA1dlen) != SHA1dlen ||
+                                write(ss->fd, enc, n) != n){
+                        werrstr("!SC_write error on send");
+                        return -1;
+                }
+        }else{
+                if(write(ss->fd, buf, n) != n){
+                        werrstr("!SC_write error on send");
+                        return -1;
+                }
+        }
+        ss->out.seqno++;
+        return n;
+static void
+SC_free(SConn *conn)
+        SS *ss = (SS*)(conn->chan);
+        close(ss->fd);
+        free(ss);
+        free(conn);
+newSConn(int fd)
+        SS *ss;
+        SConn *conn;
+        if(fd < 0)
+                return nil;
+        ss = (SS*)emalloc(sizeof(*ss));
+        conn = (SConn*)emalloc(sizeof(*conn));
+        ss->fd  = fd;
+        ss->alg = 0;
+        conn->chan = (void*)ss;
+        conn->secretlen = SHA1dlen;
+        conn->free = SC_free;
+        conn->secret = SC_secret;
+        conn->read = SC_read;
+        conn->write = SC_write;
+        return conn;
+static void
+writerr(SConn *conn, char *s)
+        char buf[Maxmsg];
+        snprint(buf, Maxmsg, "!%s", s);
+        conn->write(conn, (uchar*)buf, strlen(buf));
+static int
+readstr(SConn *conn, char *s)
+        int n;
+        n = conn->read(conn, (uchar*)s, Maxmsg);
+        if(n >= 0){
+                s[n] = 0;
+                if(s[0] == '!'){
+                        memmove(s, s+1, n);
+                        n = -1;
+                }
+        }else{
+                strcpy(s, "read error");
+        }
+        return n;
+static int
+getfile(SConn *conn, uchar *key, int nkey)
+        char *buf;
+        int nbuf, n, nr, len;
+        char s[Maxmsg+1], *gf, *p, *q;
+        uchar skey[SHA1dlen], ib[Maxmsg+CHK], *ibr, *ibw;
+        AESstate aes;
+        DigestState *sha;
+        gf = "factotum";
+        memset(&aes, 0, sizeof aes);
+        snprint(s, Maxmsg, "GET %s\n", gf);
+        conn->write(conn, (uchar*)s, strlen(s));
+        /* get file size */
+        s[0] = '\0';
+        if(readstr(conn, s) < 0){
+                werrstr("secstore: %r");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        if((len = atoi(s)) < 0){
+                werrstr("secstore: remote file %s does not exist", gf);
+                return -1;
+        }else if(len > MAXFILESIZE){//assert
+                werrstr("secstore: implausible file size %d for %s", len, gf);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        ibr = ibw = ib;
+        buf = nil;
+        nbuf = 0;
+        for(nr=0; nr < len;){
+                if((n = conn->read(conn, ibw, Maxmsg)) <= 0){
+                        werrstr("secstore: empty file chunk n=%d nr=%d len=%d: %r", n, nr, len);
+                        return -1;
+                }
+                nr += n;
+                ibw += n;
+                if(!aes.setup){ /* first time, read 16 byte IV */
+                        if(n < 16){
+                                werrstr("secstore: no IV in file");
+                                return -1;
+                        }
+                        sha = sha1((uchar*)"aescbc file", 11, nil, nil);
+                        sha1(key, nkey, skey, sha);
+                        setupAESstate(&aes, skey, AESbsize, ibr);
+                        memset(skey, 0, sizeof skey);
+                        ibr += AESbsize;
+                        n -= AESbsize;
+                }
+                aesCBCdecrypt(ibw-n, n, &aes);
+                n = ibw-ibr-CHK;
+                if(n > 0){
+                        buf = erealloc(buf, nbuf+n+1);
+                        memmove(buf+nbuf, ibr, n);
+                        nbuf += n;
+                        ibr += n;
+                }
+                memmove(ib, ibr, ibw-ibr);
+                ibw = ib + (ibw-ibr);
+                ibr = ib;
+        }
+        n = ibw-ibr;
+        if((n != CHK) || (memcmp(ib, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", CHK) != 0)){
+                werrstr("secstore: decrypted file failed to authenticate!");
+                free(buf);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        if(nbuf == 0){
+                werrstr("secstore got empty file");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        buf[nbuf] = '\0';
+        p = buf;
+        n = 0;
+        while(p){
+                if(q = strchr(p, '\n'))
+                        *q++ = '\0';
+                n++;
+                if(ctlwrite(p) < 0)
+                        fprint(2, "secstore(%s) line %d: %r\n", gf, n);
+                p = q;
+        }
+        free(buf);
+        return 0;
+static char VERSION[] = "secstore";
+typedef struct PAKparams{
+        mpint *q, *p, *r, *g;
+} PAKparams;
+static PAKparams *pak;
+// This group was generated by the seed EB7B6E35F7CD37B511D96C67D6688CC4DD440E1E.
+static void
+        if(pak)
+                return;
+        pak = (PAKparams*)emalloc(sizeof(*pak));
+        pak->q = strtomp("E0F0EF284E10796C5A2A511E94748BA03C795C13", nil, 16, nil);
+        pak->p = strtomp("C41CFBE4D4846F67A3DF7DE9921A49D3B42DC33728427AB159CEC8CBBD"
+                "B12B5F0C244F1A734AEB9840804EA3C25036AD1B61AFF3ABBC247CD4B384224567A86"
+                "3A6F020E7EE9795554BCD08ABAD7321AF27E1E92E3DB1C6E7E94FAAE590AE9C48F96D9"
+                "3D178E809401ABE8A534A1EC44359733475A36A70C7B425125062B1142D", nil, 16, nil);
+        pak->r = strtomp("DF310F4E54A5FEC5D86D3E14863921E834113E060F90052AD332B3241CEF"
+                "2497EFA0303D6344F7C819691A0F9C4A773815AF8EAECFB7EC1D98F039F17A32A7E887"
+                "D97251A927D093F44A55577F4D70444AEBD06B9B45695EC23962B175F266895C67D21"
+                "C4656848614D888A4", nil, 16, nil);
+        pak->g = strtomp("2F1C308DC46B9A44B52DF7DACCE1208CCEF72F69C743ADD4D2327173444"
+                "ED6E65E074694246E07F9FD4AE26E0FDDD9F54F813C40CB9BCD4338EA6F242AB94CD41"
+                "0E676C290368A16B1A3594877437E516C53A6EEE5493A038A017E955E218E7819734E3E"
+                "2A6E0BAE08B14258F8C03CC1B30E0DDADFCF7CEDF0727684D3D255F1", nil, 16, nil);
+// H = (sha(ver,C,sha(passphrase)))^r mod p,
+// a hash function expensive to attack by brute force.
+static void
+longhash(char *ver, char *C, uchar *passwd, mpint *H)
+        uchar *Cp;
+        int i, n, nver, nC;
+        uchar buf[140], key[1];
+        nver = strlen(ver);
+        nC = strlen(C);
+        n = nver + nC + SHA1dlen;
+        Cp = (uchar*)emalloc(n);
+        memmove(Cp, ver, nver);
+        memmove(Cp+nver, C, nC);
+        memmove(Cp+nver+nC, passwd, SHA1dlen);
+        for(i = 0; i < 7; i++){
+                key[0] = 'A'+i;
+                hmac_sha1(Cp, n, key, sizeof key, buf+i*SHA1dlen, nil);
+        }
+        memset(Cp, 0, n);
+        free(Cp);
+        betomp(buf, sizeof buf, H);
+        mpmod(H, pak->p, H);
+        mpexp(H, pak->r, pak->p, H);
+// Hi = H^-1 mod p
+static char *
+PAK_Hi(char *C, char *passphrase, mpint *H, mpint *Hi)
+        uchar passhash[SHA1dlen];
+        sha1((uchar *)passphrase, strlen(passphrase), passhash, nil);
+        initPAKparams();
+        longhash(VERSION, C, passhash, H);
+        mpinvert(H, pak->p, Hi);
+        return mptoa(Hi, 64, nil, 0);
+// another, faster, hash function for each party to
+// confirm that the other has the right secrets.
+static void
+shorthash(char *mess, char *C, char *S, char *m, char *mu, char *sigma, char *Hi, uchar *digest)
+        SHA1state *state;
+        state = sha1((uchar*)mess, strlen(mess), 0, 0);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)C, strlen(C), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)S, strlen(S), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)m, strlen(m), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)mu, strlen(mu), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)sigma, strlen(sigma), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)Hi, strlen(Hi), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)mess, strlen(mess), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)C, strlen(C), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)S, strlen(S), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)m, strlen(m), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)mu, strlen(mu), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)sigma, strlen(sigma), 0, state);
+        sha1((uchar*)Hi, strlen(Hi), digest, state);
+// On input, conn provides an open channel to the server;
+//        C is the name this client calls itself;
+//        pass is the user's passphrase
+// On output, session secret has been set in conn
+//        (unless return code is negative, which means failure).
+//    If pS is not nil, it is set to the (alloc'd) name the server calls itself.
+static int
+PAKclient(SConn *conn, char *C, char *pass, char **pS)
+        char *mess, *mess2, *eol, *S, *hexmu, *ks, *hexm, *hexsigma = nil, *hexHi;
+        char kc[2*SHA1dlen+1];
+        uchar digest[SHA1dlen];
+        int rc = -1, n;
+        mpint *x, *m = mpnew(0), *mu = mpnew(0), *sigma = mpnew(0);
+        mpint *H = mpnew(0), *Hi = mpnew(0);
+        hexHi = PAK_Hi(C, pass, H, Hi);
+        // random 1<=x<=q-1; send C, m=g**x H
+        x = mprand(164, genrandom, nil);
+        mpmod(x, pak->q, x);
+        if(mpcmp(x, mpzero) == 0)
+                mpassign(mpone, x);
+        mpexp(pak->g, x, pak->p, m);
+        mpmul(m, H, m);
+        mpmod(m, pak->p, m);
+        hexm = mptoa(m, 64, nil, 0);
+        mess = (char*)emalloc(2*Maxmsg+2);
+        mess2 = mess+Maxmsg+1;
+        snprint(mess, Maxmsg, "%s\tPAK\nC=%s\nm=%s\n", VERSION, C, hexm);
+        conn->write(conn, (uchar*)mess, strlen(mess));
+        // recv g**y, S, check hash1(g**xy)
+        if(readstr(conn, mess) < 0){
+                fprint(2, "error: %s\n", mess);
+                writerr(conn, "couldn't read g**y");
+                goto done;
+        }
+        eol = strchr(mess, '\n');
+        if(strncmp("mu=", mess, 3) != 0 || !eol || strncmp("\nk=", eol, 3) != 0){
+                writerr(conn, "verifier syntax error");
+                goto done;
+        }
+        hexmu = mess+3;
+        *eol = 0;
+        ks = eol+3;
+        eol = strchr(ks, '\n');
+        if(!eol || strncmp("\nS=", eol, 3) != 0){
+                writerr(conn, "verifier syntax error for secstore 1.0");
+                goto done;
+        }
+        *eol = 0;
+        S = eol+3;
+        eol = strchr(S, '\n');
+        if(!eol){
+                writerr(conn, "verifier syntax error for secstore 1.0");
+                goto done;
+        }
+        *eol = 0;
+        if(pS)
+                *pS = estrdup(S);
+        strtomp(hexmu, nil, 64, mu);
+        mpexp(mu, x, pak->p, sigma);
+        hexsigma = mptoa(sigma, 64, nil, 0);
+        shorthash("server", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
+        enc64(kc, sizeof kc, digest, SHA1dlen);
+        if(strcmp(ks, kc) != 0){
+                writerr(conn, "verifier didn't match");
+                goto done;
+        }
+        // send hash2(g**xy)
+        shorthash("client", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
+        enc64(kc, sizeof kc, digest, SHA1dlen);
+        snprint(mess2, Maxmsg, "k'=%s\n", kc);
+        conn->write(conn, (uchar*)mess2, strlen(mess2));
+        // set session key
+        shorthash("session", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
+        memset(hexsigma, 0, strlen(hexsigma));
+        n = conn->secret(conn, digest, 0);
+        memset(digest, 0, SHA1dlen);
+        if(n < 0){//assert
+                writerr(conn, "can't set secret");
+                goto done;
+        }
+        rc = 0;
+        mpfree(x);
+        mpfree(sigma);
+        mpfree(mu);
+        mpfree(m);
+        mpfree(Hi);
+        mpfree(H);
+        free(hexsigma);
+        free(hexHi);
+        free(hexm);
+        free(mess);
+        return rc;
+        int rv = -1, fd;
+        char s[Maxmsg+1];
+        SConn *conn;
+        char *pass, *sta;
+        sta = nil;
+        conn = nil;
+        pass = readcons("secstore password", nil, 1);
+        if(pass==nil || strlen(pass)==0){
+                werrstr("cancel");
+                goto Out;
+        }
+        if((fd = secdial()) < 0)
+                goto Out;
+        if((conn = newSConn(fd)) == nil)
+                goto Out;
+        if(PAKclient(conn, owner, pass, nil) < 0){
+                werrstr("password mistyped?");
+                goto Out;
+        }
+        if(readstr(conn, s) < 0)
+                goto Out;
+        if(strcmp(s, "STA") == 0){
+                sta = readcons("STA PIN+SecureID", nil, 1);
+                if(sta==nil || strlen(sta)==0){
+                        werrstr("cancel");
+                        goto Out;
+                }
+                if(strlen(sta) >= sizeof s - 3){
+                        werrstr("STA response too long");
+                        goto Out;
+                }
+                strcpy(s+3, sta);
+                conn->write(conn, (uchar*)s, strlen(s));
+                readstr(conn, s);
+        }
+        if(strcmp(s, "OK") !=0){
+                werrstr("%s", s);
+                goto Out;
+        }
+        if(getfile(conn, (uchar*)pass, strlen(pass)) < 0)
+                goto Out;
+        conn->write(conn, (uchar*)"BYE", 3);
+        rv = 0;
+        if(conn)
+                conn->free(conn);
+        if(pass)
+                free(pass);
+        if(sta)
+                free(sta);
+        return rv;
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/std.h b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/std.h
t@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#include <9p.h>
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/test.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/test.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+typedef struct Test Test;
+struct Test
+        char *name;
+        int (*server)(Test*, AuthRpc*, int);
+        int (*client)(Test*, int);
+ai2status(AuthInfo *ai)
+        if(ai == nil)
+                return -1;
+        auth_freeAI(ai);
+        return 0;
+proxyserver(Test *t, AuthRpc *rpc, int fd)
+        char buf[1024];
+        sprint(buf, "proto=%q role=server", t->name);
+        return ai2status(fauth_proxy(fd, rpc, nil, buf));
+proxyclient(Test *t, int fd)
+        return ai2status(auth_proxy(fd, auth_getkey, "proto=%q role=client", t->name));
+Test test[] =
+        "apop",                proxyserver,                proxyclient,
+        "cram",                proxyserver,                proxyclient,
+        "p9sk1",                proxyserver,                proxyclient,
+        "p9sk2",                proxyserver,                proxyclient,
+        "p9any",                proxyserver,                proxyclient,
+        fprint(2, "usage: test [name]...\n");
+        exits("usage");
+runtest(AuthRpc *srpc, Test *t)
+        int p[2], bad;
+        Waitmsg *w;
+        if(pipe(p) < 0)
+                sysfatal("pipe: %r");
+        print("%s...", t->name);
+        switch(fork()){
+        case -1:
+                sysfatal("fork: %r");
+        case 0:
+                close(p[0]);
+                if((*t->server)(t, srpc, p[1]) < 0){
+                        print("\n\tserver: %r");
+                        _exits("oops");
+                }
+                close(p[1]);
+                _exits(nil);
+        default:
+                close(p[1]);
+                if((*t->client)(t, p[0]) < 0){
+                        print("\n\tclient: %r");
+                        bad = 1;
+                }
+                close(p[0]);
+                break;
+        }
+        w = wait();
+        if(w->msg[0])
+                bad = 1;
+        print("\n");
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+        int i, j;
+        int afd;
+        AuthRpc *srpc;
+        ARGBEGIN{
+        default:
+                usage();
+        }ARGEND
+        quotefmtinstall();
+        afd = open("/n/kremvax/factotum/rpc", ORDWR);
+        if(afd < 0)
+                sysfatal("open /n/kremvax/factotum/rpc: %r");
+        srpc = auth_allocrpc(afd);
+        if(srpc == nil)
+                sysfatal("auth_allocrpc: %r");
+        if(argc == 0)
+                for(i=0; i
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/util.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/util.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+static int
+unhex(char c)
+        if('0' <= c && c <= '9')
+                return c-'0';
+        if('a' <= c && c <= 'f')
+                return c-'a'+10;
+        if('A' <= c && c <= 'F')
+                return c-'A'+10;
+        abort();
+        return -1;
+hexparse(char *hex, uchar *dat, int ndat)
+        int i, n;
+        n = strlen(hex);
+        if(n%2)
+                return -1;
+        n /= 2;
+        if(n > ndat)
+                return -1;
+        if(hex[strspn(hex, "0123456789abcdefABCDEF")] != '\0')
+                return -1;
+        for(i=0; i
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/x.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/x.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+        f(auth_challenge);
+        f(auth_response);
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/factotum/xio.c b/src/cmd/auth/factotum/xio.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+#include "std.h"
+#include "dat.h"
+static Ioproc *cache[5];
+static int ncache;
+static Ioproc*
+        Ioproc *c;
+        int i;
+        for(i=0; i
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/secstore/SConn.c b/src/cmd/auth/secstore/SConn.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+#include "SConn.h"
+extern int verbose;
+typedef struct ConnState {
+        uchar secret[SHA1dlen];
+        ulong seqno;
+        RC4state rc4;
+} ConnState;
+typedef struct SS{
+        int fd;                // file descriptor for read/write of encrypted data
+        int alg;        // if nonzero, "alg sha rc4_128"
+        ConnState in, out;
+} SS;
+static int
+SC_secret(SConn *conn, uchar *sigma, int direction)
+        SS *ss = (SS*)(conn->chan);
+        int nsigma = conn->secretlen;
+        if(direction != 0){
+                hmac_sha1(sigma, nsigma, (uchar*)"one", 3, ss->out.secret, nil);
+                hmac_sha1(sigma, nsigma, (uchar*)"two", 3, ss->in.secret, nil);
+        }else{
+                hmac_sha1(sigma, nsigma, (uchar*)"two", 3, ss->out.secret, nil);
+                hmac_sha1(sigma, nsigma, (uchar*)"one", 3, ss->in.secret, nil);
+        }
+        setupRC4state(&ss->in.rc4, ss->in.secret, 16); // restrict to 128 bits
+        setupRC4state(&ss->out.rc4, ss->out.secret, 16);
+        ss->alg = 1;
+        return 0;
+static void
+hash(uchar secret[SHA1dlen], uchar *data, int len, int seqno, uchar d[SHA1dlen])
+        DigestState sha;
+        uchar seq[4];
+        seq[0] = seqno>>24;
+        seq[1] = seqno>>16;
+        seq[2] = seqno>>8;
+        seq[3] = seqno;
+        memset(&sha, 0, sizeof sha);
+        sha1(secret, SHA1dlen, nil, &sha);
+        sha1(data, len, nil, &sha);
+        sha1(seq, 4, d, &sha);
+static int
+verify(uchar secret[SHA1dlen], uchar *data, int len, int seqno, uchar d[SHA1dlen])
+        DigestState sha;
+        uchar seq[4];
+        uchar digest[SHA1dlen];
+        seq[0] = seqno>>24;
+        seq[1] = seqno>>16;
+        seq[2] = seqno>>8;
+        seq[3] = seqno;
+        memset(&sha, 0, sizeof sha);
+        sha1(secret, SHA1dlen, nil, &sha);
+        sha1(data, len, nil, &sha);
+        sha1(seq, 4, digest, &sha);
+        return memcmp(d, digest, SHA1dlen);
+static int
+SC_read(SConn *conn, uchar *buf, int n)
+        SS *ss = (SS*)(conn->chan);
+        uchar count[2], digest[SHA1dlen];
+        int len, nr;
+        if(read(ss->fd, count, 2) != 2 || (count[0]&0x80) == 0){
+                snprint((char*)buf,n,"!SC_read invalid count");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        len = (count[0]&0x7f)<<8 | count[1];        // SSL-style count; no pad
+        if(ss->alg){
+                len -= SHA1dlen;
+                if(len <= 0 || readn(ss->fd, digest, SHA1dlen) != SHA1dlen){
+                        snprint((char*)buf,n,"!SC_read missing sha1");
+                        return -1;
+                }
+                if(len > n || readn(ss->fd, buf, len) != len){
+                        snprint((char*)buf,n,"!SC_read missing data");
+                        return -1;
+                }
+                rc4(&ss->in.rc4, digest, SHA1dlen);
+                rc4(&ss->in.rc4, buf, len);
+                if(verify(ss->in.secret, buf, len, ss->in.seqno, digest) != 0){
+                        snprint((char*)buf,n,"!SC_read integrity check failed");
+                        return -1;
+                }
+        }else{
+                if(len <= 0 || len > n){
+                        snprint((char*)buf,n,"!SC_read implausible record length");
+                        return -1;
+                }
+                if( (nr = readn(ss->fd, buf, len)) != len){
+                        snprint((char*)buf,n,"!SC_read expected %d bytes, but got %d", len, nr);
+                        return -1;
+                }
+        }
+        ss->in.seqno++;
+        return len;
+static int
+SC_write(SConn *conn, uchar *buf, int n)
+        SS *ss = (SS*)(conn->chan);
+        uchar count[2], digest[SHA1dlen], enc[Maxmsg+1];
+        int len;
+        if(n <= 0 || n > Maxmsg+1){
+                werrstr("!SC_write invalid n %d", n);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        len = n;
+        if(ss->alg)
+                len += SHA1dlen;
+        count[0] = 0x80 | len>>8;
+        count[1] = len;
+        if(write(ss->fd, count, 2) != 2){
+                werrstr("!SC_write invalid count");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        if(ss->alg){
+                hash(ss->out.secret, buf, n, ss->out.seqno, digest);
+                rc4(&ss->out.rc4, digest, SHA1dlen);
+                memcpy(enc, buf, n);
+                rc4(&ss->out.rc4, enc, n);
+                if(write(ss->fd, digest, SHA1dlen) != SHA1dlen ||
+                                write(ss->fd, enc, n) != n){
+                        werrstr("!SC_write error on send");
+                        return -1;
+                }
+        }else{
+                if(write(ss->fd, buf, n) != n){
+                        werrstr("!SC_write error on send");
+                        return -1;
+                }
+        }
+        ss->out.seqno++;
+        return n;
+static void
+SC_free(SConn *conn)
+        SS *ss = (SS*)(conn->chan);
+        close(ss->fd);
+        free(ss);
+        free(conn);
+newSConn(int fd)
+        SS *ss;
+        SConn *conn;
+        if(fd < 0)
+                return nil;
+        ss = (SS*)emalloc(sizeof(*ss));
+        conn = (SConn*)emalloc(sizeof(*conn));
+        ss->fd  = fd;
+        ss->alg = 0;
+        conn->chan = (void*)ss;
+        conn->secretlen = SHA1dlen;
+        conn->free = SC_free;
+        conn->secret = SC_secret;
+        conn->read = SC_read;
+        conn->write = SC_write;
+        return conn;
+writerr(SConn *conn, char *s)
+        char buf[Maxmsg];
+        snprint(buf, Maxmsg, "!%s", s);
+        conn->write(conn, (uchar*)buf, strlen(buf));
+readstr(SConn *conn, char *s)
+        int n;
+        n = conn->read(conn, (uchar*)s, Maxmsg);
+        if(n >= 0){
+                s[n] = 0;
+                if(s[0] == '!'){
+                        memmove(s, s+1, n);
+                        n = -1;
+                }
+        }else{
+                strcpy(s, "read error");
+        }
+        return n;
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/secstore/SConn.h b/src/cmd/auth/secstore/SConn.h
t@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// delimited, authenticated, encrypted connection
+enum{ Maxmsg=4096 };        // messages > Maxmsg bytes are truncated
+typedef struct SConn SConn;
+extern SConn* newSConn(int);        // arg is open file descriptor
+struct SConn{
+        void *chan;
+        int secretlen;
+        int (*secret)(SConn*, uchar*, int);// 
+        int (*read)(SConn*, uchar*, int); // <0 if error;  errmess in buffer
+        int (*write)(SConn*, uchar*, int);
+        void (*free)(SConn*);                // also closes file descriptor
+// secret(s,b,dir) sets secret for digest, encrypt, using the secretlen
+//                bytes in b to form keys         for the two directions;
+//          set dir=0 in client, dir=1 in server
+// error convention: write !message in-band
+extern void writerr(SConn*, char*);
+extern int readstr(SConn*, char*);  // call with buf of size Maxmsg+1
+        // returns -1 upon error, with error message in buf
+extern void *emalloc(ulong); /* dies on failure; clears memory */
+extern void *erealloc(void *, ulong);
+extern char *estrdup(char *);
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/secstore/aescbc.c b/src/cmd/auth/secstore/aescbc.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+/* encrypt file by writing
+        v2hdr,
+        16byte initialization vector,
+        AES-CBC(key, random | file),
+    HMAC_SHA1(md5(key), AES-CBC(random | file))
+extern char* getpassm(char*);
+enum{ CHK = 16, BUF = 4096 };
+uchar v2hdr[AESbsize+1] = "AES CBC SHA1  2\n";
+Biobuf bin;
+Biobuf bout;
+safewrite(uchar *buf, int n)
+        int i = Bwrite(&bout, buf, n);
+        if(i == n)
+                return;
+        fprint(2, "write error\n");
+        exits("write error");
+saferead(uchar *buf, int n)
+        int i = Bread(&bin, buf, n);
+        if(i == n)
+                return;
+        fprint(2, "read error\n");
+        exits("read error");
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+        int encrypt = 0;  /* 0=decrypt, 1=encrypt */
+        int n, nkey, pass_stdin = 0;
+        char *pass;
+        uchar key[AESmaxkey], key2[SHA1dlen];
+        uchar buf[BUF+SHA1dlen];    /* assumption: CHK <= SHA1dlen */
+        AESstate aes;
+        DigestState *dstate;
+        ARGBEGIN{
+        case 'e':
+                encrypt = 1;
+                break;
+        case 'i':
+                pass_stdin = 1;
+                break;
+        }ARGEND;
+        if(argc!=0){
+                fprint(2,"usage: %s -d < cipher.aes > clear.txt\n", argv0);
+                fprint(2,"   or: %s -e < clear.txt > cipher.aes\n", argv0);
+                exits("usage");
+        }
+        Binit(&bin, 0, OREAD);
+        Binit(&bout, 1, OWRITE);
+        if(pass_stdin){
+                n = readn(3, buf, (sizeof buf)-1);
+                if(n < 1)
+                        exits("usage: echo password |[3=1] auth/aescbc -i ...");
+                buf[n] = 0;
+                while(buf[n-1] == '\n')
+                        buf[--n] = 0;
+        }else{
+                pass = readcons("aescbc key", nil, 1);
+                n = strlen(pass);
+                if(n >= BUF)
+                        exits("key too long");
+                strcpy((char*)buf, pass);
+                memset(pass, 0, n);
+                free(pass);
+        }
+        if(n <= 0){
+                fprint(2,"no key\n");
+                exits("key");
+        }
+        dstate = sha1((uchar*)"aescbc file", 11, nil, nil);
+        sha1(buf, n, key2, dstate);
+        memcpy(key, key2, 16);
+        nkey = 16;
+        md5(key, nkey, key2, 0);  /* so even if HMAC_SHA1 is broken, encryption key is protected */
+        if(encrypt){
+                safewrite(v2hdr, AESbsize);
+                genrandom(buf,2*AESbsize); /* CBC is semantically secure if IV is unpredictable. */
+                setupAESstate(&aes, key, nkey, buf);  /* use first AESbsize bytes as IV */
+                aesCBCencrypt(buf+AESbsize, AESbsize, &aes);  /* use second AESbsize bytes as initial plaintext */
+                safewrite(buf, 2*AESbsize);
+                dstate = hmac_sha1(buf+AESbsize, AESbsize, key2, MD5dlen, 0, 0);
+                while(1){
+                        n = Bread(&bin, buf, BUF);
+                        if(n < 0){
+                                fprint(2,"read error\n");
+                                exits("read error");
+                        }
+                        aesCBCencrypt(buf, n, &aes);
+                        safewrite(buf, n);
+                        dstate = hmac_sha1(buf, n, key2, MD5dlen, 0, dstate);
+                        if(n < BUF)
+                                break; /* EOF */
+                }
+                hmac_sha1(0, 0, key2, MD5dlen, buf, dstate);
+                safewrite(buf, SHA1dlen);
+        }else{ /* decrypt */
+                saferead(buf, AESbsize);
+                if(memcmp(buf, v2hdr, AESbsize) == 0){
+                        saferead(buf, 2*AESbsize);  /* read IV and random initial plaintext */
+                        setupAESstate(&aes, key, nkey, buf);
+                        dstate = hmac_sha1(buf+AESbsize, AESbsize, key2, MD5dlen, 0, 0);
+                        aesCBCdecrypt(buf+AESbsize, AESbsize, &aes);
+                        saferead(buf, SHA1dlen);
+                        while((n = Bread(&bin, buf+SHA1dlen, BUF)) > 0){
+                                dstate = hmac_sha1(buf, n, key2, MD5dlen, 0, dstate);
+                                aesCBCdecrypt(buf, n, &aes);
+                                safewrite(buf, n);
+                                memmove(buf, buf+n, SHA1dlen);  /* these bytes are not yet decrypted */
+                        }
+                        hmac_sha1(0, 0, key2, MD5dlen, buf+SHA1dlen, dstate);
+                        if(memcmp(buf, buf+SHA1dlen, SHA1dlen) != 0){
+                                fprint(2,"decrypted file failed to authenticate\n");
+                                exits("decrypted file failed to authenticate");
+                        }
+                }else{ /* compatibility with past mistake */
+                        // if file was encrypted with bad aescbc use this:
+                        //         memset(key, 0, AESmaxkey);
+                        //    else assume we're decrypting secstore files
+                        setupAESstate(&aes, key, AESbsize, buf);
+                        saferead(buf, CHK);
+                        aesCBCdecrypt(buf, CHK, &aes);
+                        while((n = Bread(&bin, buf+CHK, BUF)) > 0){
+                                aesCBCdecrypt(buf+CHK, n, &aes);
+                                safewrite(buf, n);
+                                memmove(buf, buf+n, CHK);
+                        }
+                        if(memcmp(buf, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", CHK) != 0){
+                                fprint(2,"decrypted file failed to authenticate\n");
+                                exits("decrypted file failed to authenticate");
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        exits("");
+        return 1;        /* gcc */
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/secstore/dirls.c b/src/cmd/auth/secstore/dirls.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#include "SConn.h"
+static long
+ls(char *p, Dir **dirbuf)
+        int fd;
+        long n;
+        Dir *db;
+        if((db = dirstat(p)) == nil ||
+                !(db->qid.type & QTDIR) ||
+                (fd = open(p, OREAD)) < 0 )
+                return -1;
+        free(db);
+        n = dirreadall(fd, dirbuf);
+        close(fd);
+        return n;
+static uchar*
+sha1file(char *pfx, char *nm)
+        int n, fd, len;
+        char *tmp;
+        uchar buf[8192];
+        static uchar digest[SHA1dlen];
+        DigestState *s;
+        len = strlen(pfx)+1+strlen(nm)+1;
+        tmp = emalloc(len);
+        snprint(tmp, len, "%s/%s", pfx, nm);
+        if((fd = open(tmp, OREAD)) < 0){
+                free(tmp);
+                return nil;
+        }
+        free(tmp);
+        s = nil;
+        while((n = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0)
+                s = sha1(buf, n, nil, s);
+        close(fd);
+        sha1(nil, 0, digest, s);
+        return digest;
+static int
+compare(Dir *a, Dir *b)
+        return strcmp(a->name, b->name);
+/* list the (name mtime size sum) of regular, readable files in path */
+char *
+dirls(char *path)
+        char *list, *date, dig[30], buf[128];
+        int m, nmwid, lenwid;
+        long i, n, ndir, len;
+        Dir *dirbuf;
+        if(path==nil || (ndir = ls(path, &dirbuf)) < 0)
+                return nil;
+        qsort(dirbuf, ndir, sizeof dirbuf[0], (int (*)(const void *, const void *))compare);
+        for(nmwid=lenwid=i=0; i nmwid)
+                        nmwid = m;
+                snprint(buf, sizeof(buf), "%ulld", dirbuf[i].length);
+                if((m = strlen(buf)) > lenwid)
+                        lenwid = m;
+        }
+        for(list=nil, len=0, i=0; i
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/secstore/mkfile b/src/cmd/auth/secstore/mkfile
t@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+        SConn.h\
+        secstore.h\
+        pak.$O\
+        password.$O\
+        SConn.$O\
+        util.$O\
+TARG=aescbc secstore secstored secuser
+$O.aescbc:        aescbc.$O util.$O
+        $LD -o $target $prereq $LDFLAGS
+$O.secstored: secstored.$O dirls.$O secureidcheck.$O $OFILES
+        $LD -o $target $prereq
+$O.secuser: secuser.$O $OFILES
+        $LD -o $target $prereq
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/secstore/pak.c b/src/cmd/auth/secstore/pak.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+// PAK is an encrypted key exchange protocol designed by Philip MacKenzie et al.
+// It is patented and use outside Plan 9 requires you get a license.
+// (All other EKE protocols are patented as well, by Lucent or others.)
+#include "SConn.h"
+#include "secstore.h"
+extern int verbose;
+char VERSION[] = "secstore";
+static char *feedback[] = {"alpha","bravo","charlie","delta","echo","foxtrot","golf","hotel"};
+typedef struct PAKparams{
+        mpint *q, *p, *r, *g;
+} PAKparams;
+static PAKparams *pak;
+// from seed EB7B6E35F7CD37B511D96C67D6688CC4DD440E1E
+static void
+        if(pak)
+                return;
+        pak = (PAKparams*)emalloc(sizeof(*pak));
+        pak->q = strtomp("E0F0EF284E10796C5A2A511E94748BA03C795C13", nil, 16, nil);
+        pak->p = strtomp("C41CFBE4D4846F67A3DF7DE9921A49D3B42DC33728427AB159CEC8CBB"
+                "DB12B5F0C244F1A734AEB9840804EA3C25036AD1B61AFF3ABBC247CD4B384224567A86"
+                "3A6F020E7EE9795554BCD08ABAD7321AF27E1E92E3DB1C6E7E94FAAE590AE9C48F96D9"
+                "3D178E809401ABE8A534A1EC44359733475A36A70C7B425125062B1142D",
+                nil, 16, nil);
+        pak->r = strtomp("DF310F4E54A5FEC5D86D3E14863921E834113E060F90052AD332B3241"
+                "CEF2497EFA0303D6344F7C819691A0F9C4A773815AF8EAECFB7EC1D98F039F17A32A7E"
+                "887D97251A927D093F44A55577F4D70444AEBD06B9B45695EC23962B175F266895C67D"
+                "21C4656848614D888A4", nil, 16, nil);
+        pak->g = strtomp("2F1C308DC46B9A44B52DF7DACCE1208CCEF72F69C743ADD4D23271734"
+                "44ED6E65E074694246E07F9FD4AE26E0FDDD9F54F813C40CB9BCD4338EA6F242AB94CD"
+                "410E676C290368A16B1A3594877437E516C53A6EEE5493A038A017E955E218E7819734"
+                "E3E2A6E0BAE08B14258F8C03CC1B30E0DDADFCF7CEDF0727684D3D255F1",
+                nil, 16, nil);
+// H = (sha(ver,C,sha(passphrase)))^r mod p,
+// a hash function expensive to attack by brute force.
+static void
+longhash(char *ver, char *C, uchar *passwd, mpint *H)
+        uchar *Cp;
+        int i, n, nver, nC;
+        uchar buf[140], key[1];
+        nver = strlen(ver);
+        nC = strlen(C);
+        n = nver + nC + SHA1dlen;
+        Cp = (uchar*)emalloc(n);
+        memmove(Cp, ver, nver);
+        memmove(Cp+nver, C, nC);
+        memmove(Cp+nver+nC, passwd, SHA1dlen);
+        for(i = 0; i < 7; i++){
+                key[0] = 'A'+i;
+                hmac_sha1(Cp, n, key, sizeof key, buf+i*SHA1dlen, nil);
+        }
+        memset(Cp, 0, n);
+        free(Cp);
+        betomp(buf, sizeof buf, H);
+        mpmod(H, pak->p, H);
+        mpexp(H, pak->r, pak->p, H);
+// Hi = H^-1 mod p
+char *
+PAK_Hi(char *C, char *passphrase, mpint *H, mpint *Hi)
+        uchar passhash[SHA1dlen];
+        sha1((uchar *)passphrase, strlen(passphrase), passhash, nil);
+        initPAKparams();
+        longhash(VERSION, C, passhash, H);
+        mpinvert(H, pak->p, Hi);
+        return mptoa(Hi, 64, nil, 0);
+// another, faster, hash function for each party to
+// confirm that the other has the right secrets.
+static void
+shorthash(char *mess, char *C, char *S, char *m, char *mu, char *sigma, char *Hi, uchar *digest)
+        SHA1state *state;
+        state = sha1((uchar*)mess, strlen(mess), 0, 0);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)C, strlen(C), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)S, strlen(S), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)m, strlen(m), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)mu, strlen(mu), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)sigma, strlen(sigma), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)Hi, strlen(Hi), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)mess, strlen(mess), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)C, strlen(C), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)S, strlen(S), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)m, strlen(m), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)mu, strlen(mu), 0, state);
+        state = sha1((uchar*)sigma, strlen(sigma), 0, state);
+        sha1((uchar*)Hi, strlen(Hi), digest, state);
+// On input, conn provides an open channel to the server;
+//        C is the name this client calls itself;
+//        pass is the user's passphrase
+// On output, session secret has been set in conn
+//        (unless return code is negative, which means failure).
+//    If pS is not nil, it is set to the (alloc'd) name the server calls itself.
+PAKclient(SConn *conn, char *C, char *pass, char **pS)
+        char *mess, *mess2, *eol, *S, *hexmu, *ks, *hexm, *hexsigma = nil, *hexHi;
+        char kc[2*SHA1dlen+1];
+        uchar digest[SHA1dlen];
+        int rc = -1, n;
+        mpint *x, *m = mpnew(0), *mu = mpnew(0), *sigma = mpnew(0);
+        mpint *H = mpnew(0), *Hi = mpnew(0);
+        hexHi = PAK_Hi(C, pass, H, Hi);
+        if(verbose)
+                fprint(2,"%s\n", feedback[H->p[0]&0x7]);  // provide a clue to catch typos
+        // random 1<=x<=q-1; send C, m=g**x H
+        x = mprand(240, genrandom, nil);
+        mpmod(x, pak->q, x);
+        if(mpcmp(x, mpzero) == 0)
+                mpassign(mpone, x);
+        mpexp(pak->g, x, pak->p, m);
+        mpmul(m, H, m);
+        mpmod(m, pak->p, m);
+        hexm = mptoa(m, 64, nil, 0);
+        mess = (char*)emalloc(2*Maxmsg+2);
+        mess2 = mess+Maxmsg+1;
+        snprint(mess, Maxmsg, "%s\tPAK\nC=%s\nm=%s\n", VERSION, C, hexm);
+        conn->write(conn, (uchar*)mess, strlen(mess));
+        // recv g**y, S, check hash1(g**xy)
+        if(readstr(conn, mess) < 0){
+                fprint(2, "error: %s\n", mess);
+                writerr(conn, "couldn't read g**y");
+                goto done;
+        }
+        eol = strchr(mess, '\n');
+        if(strncmp("mu=", mess, 3) != 0 || !eol || strncmp("\nk=", eol, 3) != 0){
+                writerr(conn, "verifier syntax error");
+                goto done;
+        }
+        hexmu = mess+3;
+        *eol = 0;
+        ks = eol+3;
+        eol = strchr(ks, '\n');
+        if(!eol || strncmp("\nS=", eol, 3) != 0){
+                writerr(conn, "verifier syntax error for secstore 1.0");
+                goto done;
+        }
+        *eol = 0;
+        S = eol+3;
+        eol = strchr(S, '\n');
+        if(!eol){
+                writerr(conn, "verifier syntax error for secstore 1.0");
+                goto done;
+        }
+        *eol = 0;
+        if(pS)
+                *pS = estrdup(S);
+        strtomp(hexmu, nil, 64, mu);
+        mpexp(mu, x, pak->p, sigma);
+        hexsigma = mptoa(sigma, 64, nil, 0);
+        shorthash("server", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
+        enc64(kc, sizeof kc, digest, SHA1dlen);
+        if(strcmp(ks, kc) != 0){
+                writerr(conn, "verifier didn't match");
+                goto done;
+        }
+        // send hash2(g**xy)
+        shorthash("client", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
+        enc64(kc, sizeof kc, digest, SHA1dlen);
+        snprint(mess2, Maxmsg, "k'=%s\n", kc);
+        conn->write(conn, (uchar*)mess2, strlen(mess2));
+        // set session key
+        shorthash("session", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
+        memset(hexsigma, 0, strlen(hexsigma));
+        n = conn->secret(conn, digest, 0);
+        memset(digest, 0, SHA1dlen);
+        if(n < 0){
+                writerr(conn, "can't set secret");
+                goto done;
+        }
+        rc = 0;
+        mpfree(x);
+        mpfree(sigma);
+        mpfree(mu);
+        mpfree(m);
+        mpfree(Hi);
+        mpfree(H);
+        free(hexsigma);
+        free(hexHi);
+        free(hexm);
+        free(mess);
+        return rc;
+// On input,
+//        mess contains first message;
+//        name is name this server should call itself.
+// On output, session secret has been set in conn;
+//        if pw!=nil, then *pw points to PW struct for authenticated user.
+//        returns -1 if error
+PAKserver(SConn *conn, char *S, char *mess, PW **pwp)
+        int rc = -1, n;
+        char mess2[Maxmsg+1], *eol;
+        char *C, ks[41], *kc, *hexm, *hexmu = nil, *hexsigma = nil, *hexHi = nil;
+        uchar digest[SHA1dlen];
+        mpint *H = mpnew(0), *Hi = mpnew(0);
+        mpint *y = nil, *m = mpnew(0), *mu = mpnew(0), *sigma = mpnew(0);
+        PW *pw = nil;
+        // secstore version and algorithm
+        snprint(mess2,Maxmsg,"%s\tPAK\n", VERSION);
+        n = strlen(mess2);
+        if(strncmp(mess,mess2,n) != 0){
+                writerr(conn, "protocol should start with ver alg");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        mess += n;
+        initPAKparams();
+        // parse first message into C, m
+        eol = strchr(mess, '\n');
+        if(strncmp("C=", mess, 2) != 0 || !eol){
+                fprint(2,"mess[1]=%s\n", mess);
+                writerr(conn, "PAK version mismatch");
+                goto done;
+        }
+        C = mess+2;
+        *eol = 0;
+        hexm = eol+3;
+        eol = strchr(hexm, '\n');
+        if(strncmp("m=", hexm-2, 2) != 0 || !eol){
+                writerr(conn, "PAK version mismatch");
+                goto done;
+        }
+        *eol = 0;
+        strtomp(hexm, nil, 64, m);
+        mpmod(m, pak->p, m);
+        // lookup client
+        if((pw = getPW(C,0)) == nil) {
+                snprint(mess2, sizeof mess2, "%r");
+                writerr(conn, mess2);
+                goto done;
+        }
+        if(mpcmp(m, mpzero) == 0) {
+                writerr(conn, "account exists");
+                freePW(pw);
+                pw = nil;
+                goto done;
+        }
+        hexHi = mptoa(pw->Hi, 64, nil, 0);
+        // random y, mu=g**y, sigma=g**xy
+        y = mprand(240, genrandom, nil);
+        mpmod(y, pak->q, y);
+        if(mpcmp(y, mpzero) == 0){
+                mpassign(mpone, y);
+        }
+        mpexp(pak->g, y, pak->p, mu);
+        mpmul(m, pw->Hi, m);
+        mpmod(m, pak->p, m);
+        mpexp(m, y, pak->p, sigma);
+        // send g**y, hash1(g**xy)
+        hexmu = mptoa(mu, 64, nil, 0);
+        hexsigma = mptoa(sigma, 64, nil, 0);
+        shorthash("server", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
+        enc64(ks, sizeof ks, digest, SHA1dlen);
+        snprint(mess2, sizeof mess2, "mu=%s\nk=%s\nS=%s\n", hexmu, ks, S);
+        conn->write(conn, (uchar*)mess2, strlen(mess2));
+        // recv hash2(g**xy)
+        if(readstr(conn, mess2) < 0){
+                writerr(conn, "couldn't read verifier");
+                goto done;
+        }
+        eol = strchr(mess2, '\n');
+        if(strncmp("k'=", mess2, 3) != 0 || !eol){
+                writerr(conn, "verifier syntax error");
+                goto done;
+        }
+        kc = mess2+3;
+        *eol = 0;
+        shorthash("client", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
+        enc64(ks, sizeof ks, digest, SHA1dlen);
+        if(strcmp(ks, kc) != 0) {
+                rc = -2;
+                goto done;
+        }
+        // set session key
+        shorthash("session", C, S, hexm, hexmu, hexsigma, hexHi, digest);
+        n = conn->secret(conn, digest, 1);
+        if(n < 0){
+                writerr(conn, "can't set secret");
+                goto done;
+        }
+        rc = 0;
+        if(rc<0 && pw){
+                pw->failed++;
+                putPW(pw);
+        }
+        if(rc==0 && pw && pw->failed>0){
+                pw->failed = 0;
+                putPW(pw);
+        }
+        if(pwp)
+                *pwp = pw;
+        else
+                freePW(pw);
+        free(hexsigma);
+        free(hexHi);
+        free(hexmu);
+        mpfree(y);
+        mpfree(sigma);
+        mpfree(mu);
+        mpfree(m);
+        mpfree(Hi);
+        mpfree(H);
+        return rc;
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/secstore/password.c b/src/cmd/auth/secstore/password.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+/* password.c */
+#include "SConn.h"
+#include "secstore.h"
+static Biobuf*
+openPW(char *id, int mode)
+        Biobuf *b;
+        int nfn = strlen(SECSTORE_DIR)+strlen(id)+20;
+        char *fn = emalloc(nfn);
+        snprint(fn, nfn, "%s/who/%s", SECSTORE_DIR, id);
+        b = Bopen(fn, mode);
+        free(fn);
+        return b;
+static ulong
+mtimePW(char *id)
+        Dir *d;
+        int nfn = strlen(SECSTORE_DIR)+strlen(id)+20;
+        char *fn = emalloc(nfn);
+        ulong mt;
+        snprint(fn, nfn, "%s/who/%s", SECSTORE_DIR, id);
+        d = dirstat(fn);
+        free(fn);
+        mt = d->mtime;
+        free(d);
+        return mt;
+PW *
+getPW(char *id, int dead_or_alive)
+        uint now = time(0);
+        Biobuf *bin;
+        PW *pw;
+        char *f1, *f2; // fields 1, 2 = attribute, value
+        if((bin = openPW(id, OREAD)) == 0){
+                id = "FICTITIOUS";
+                if((bin = openPW(id, OREAD)) == 0){
+                        werrstr("account does not exist");
+                        return nil;
+                }
+        }
+        pw = emalloc(sizeof(*pw));
+        pw->id = estrdup(id);
+        pw->status |= Enabled;
+        while( (f1 = Brdline(bin, '\n')) != 0){
+                f1[Blinelen(bin)-1] = 0;
+                for(f2 = f1; *f2 && (*f2!=' ') && (*f2!='\t'); f2++){}
+                if(*f2)
+                        for(*f2++ = 0; *f2 && (*f2==' ' || *f2=='\t'); f2++){}
+                if(strcmp(f1, "exp") == 0){
+                        pw->expire = strtoul(f2, 0, 10);
+                }else if(strcmp(f1, "DISABLED") == 0){
+                        pw->status &= ~Enabled;
+                }else if(strcmp(f1, "STA") == 0){
+                        pw->status |= STA;
+                }else if(strcmp(f1, "failed") == 0){
+                        pw->failed = strtoul(f2, 0, 10);
+                }else if(strcmp(f1, "other") == 0){
+                        pw->other = estrdup(f2);
+                }else if(strcmp(f1, "PAK-Hi") == 0){
+                        pw->Hi = strtomp(f2, nil, 64, nil);
+                }
+        }
+        Bterm(bin);
+        if(dead_or_alive)
+                return pw;  // return PW entry for editing, whether currently valid or not
+        if(pw->expire <= now){
+                werrstr("account expired");
+                freePW(pw);
+                return nil;
+        }
+        if((pw->status & Enabled) == 0){
+                werrstr("account disabled");
+                freePW(pw);
+                return nil;
+        }
+        if(pw->failed < 10)
+                return pw;  // success
+        if(now < mtimePW(id)+300){
+                werrstr("too many failures; try again in five minutes");
+                freePW(pw);
+                return nil;
+        }
+        pw->failed = 0;
+        putPW(pw);  // reset failed-login-counter after five minutes
+        return pw;
+putPW(PW *pw)
+        Biobuf *bout;
+        char *hexHi;
+        if((bout = openPW(pw->id, OWRITE|OTRUNC)) ==0){
+                werrstr("can't open PW file");
+                return -1;
+        }
+        Bprint(bout, "exp        %lud\n", pw->expire);
+        if(!(pw->status & Enabled))
+                Bprint(bout, "DISABLED\n");
+        if(pw->status & STA)
+                Bprint(bout, "STA\n");
+        if(pw->failed)
+                Bprint(bout, "failed\t%d\n", pw->failed);
+        if(pw->other)
+                Bprint(bout,"other\t%s\n", pw->other);
+        hexHi = mptoa(pw->Hi, 64, nil, 0);
+        Bprint(bout, "PAK-Hi\t%s\n", hexHi);
+        free(hexHi);
+        return 0;
+freePW(PW *pw)
+        if(pw == nil)
+                return;
+        free(pw->id);
+        free(pw->other);
+        mpfree(pw->Hi);
+        free(pw);
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/secstore/secacct.c b/src/cmd/auth/secstore/secacct.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+int verbose = 1;
+static char testmess[] = "__secstore\tPAK\nC=%s\nm=0\n";
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+        int n, m, fd;
+        uchar buf[500];
+        if(argc != 2)
+                exits("usage: secacct userid");
+        n = snprint((char*)buf, sizeof buf, testmess, argv[1]);
+        hnputs(buf, 0x8000+n-2);
+        fd = dial("tcp!!5356", 0, 0, 0);
+        if(fd < 0)
+                exits("cannot dial ruble");
+        if(write(fd, buf, n) != n || readn(fd, buf, 2) != 2)
+                exits("cannot exchange first round");
+        n = ((buf[0]&0x7f)<<8) + buf[1];
+        if(n+1 > sizeof buf)
+                exits("implausibly large count");
+        m = readn(fd, buf, n);
+        close(fd);
+        if(m != n)
+                fprint(2,"short read from secstore\n");
+        buf[m] = 0;
+        print("%s\n", (char*)buf);
+        exits(0);
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/secstore/secchk.c b/src/cmd/auth/secstore/secchk.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+extern char* secureidcheck(char *user, char *response);
+Ndb *db;
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+        Ndb *db2;
+        if(argc!=2){
+                fprint(2,"usage %s pinsecurid\n", argv[0]);
+                exits("usage");
+        }
+        db = ndbopen("/lib/ndb/auth");
+        if(db == 0)
+                syslog(0, "secstore", "no /lib/ndb/auth");
+        db2 = ndbopen(0);
+        if(db2 == 0)
+                syslog(0, "secstore", "no /lib/ndb/local");
+        db = ndbcat(db, db2);
+        print("user=%s\n", getenv("user"));
+        print("%s\n", secureidcheck(getenv("user"), argv[1]));
+        exits(0);
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/secstore/secstore.c b/src/cmd/auth/secstore/secstore.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+/* network login client */
+#include "SConn.h"
+#include "secstore.h"
+enum{ CHK = 16, MAXFILES = 100 };
+typedef struct AuthConn{
+        SConn *conn;
+        char pass[64];
+        int passlen;
+} AuthConn;
+int verbose;
+Nvrsafe nvr;
+        fprint(2, "usage: secstore [-cin] [-g getfile] [-p putfile] [-r rmfile] [-s tcp!server!5356] [-u user] [-v]\n");
+        exits("usage");
+static int
+getfile(SConn *conn, char *gf, uchar **buf, ulong *buflen, uchar *key, int nkey)
+        int fd = -1;
+        int i, n, nr, nw, len;
+        char s[Maxmsg+1];
+        uchar skey[SHA1dlen], ib[Maxmsg+CHK], *ibr, *ibw, *bufw, *bufe;
+        AESstate aes;
+        DigestState *sha;
+        if(strchr(gf, '/')){
+                fprint(2, "simple filenames, not paths like %s\n", gf);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        memset(&aes, 0, sizeof aes);
+        snprint(s, Maxmsg, "GET %s\n", gf);
+        conn->write(conn, (uchar*)s, strlen(s));
+        /* get file size */
+        s[0] = '\0';
+        bufw = bufe = nil;
+        if(readstr(conn, s) < 0){
+                fprint(2, "remote: %s\n", s);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        len = atoi(s);
+        if(len == -1){
+                fprint(2, "remote file %s does not exist\n", gf);
+                return -1;
+        }else if(len == -3){
+                fprint(2, "implausible filesize for %s\n", gf);
+                return -1;
+        }else if(len < 0){
+                fprint(2, "GET refused for %s\n", gf);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        if(buf != nil){
+                *buflen = len - AESbsize - CHK;
+                *buf = bufw = emalloc(len);
+                bufe = bufw + len;
+        }
+        /* directory listing */
+        if(strcmp(gf,".")==0){
+                if(buf != nil)
+                        *buflen = len;
+                for(i=0; i < len; i += n){
+                        if((n = conn->read(conn, (uchar*)s, Maxmsg)) <= 0){
+                                fprint(2, "empty file chunk\n");
+                                return -1;
+                        }
+                        if(buf == nil)
+                                write(1, s, n);
+                        else
+                                memmove((*buf)+i, s, n);
+                }
+                return 0;
+        }
+        /* conn is already encrypted against wiretappers, 
+                but gf is also encrypted against server breakin. */
+        if(buf == nil && (fd =create(gf, OWRITE, 0600)) < 0){
+                fprint(2, "can't open %s: %r\n", gf);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        ibr = ibw = ib;
+        for(nr=0; nr < len;){
+                if((n = conn->read(conn, ibw, Maxmsg)) <= 0){
+                        fprint(2, "empty file chunk n=%d nr=%d len=%d: %r\n", n, nr, len);
+                        return -1;
+                }
+                nr += n;
+                ibw += n;
+                if(!aes.setup){ /* first time, read 16 byte IV */
+                        if(n < AESbsize){
+                                fprint(2, "no IV in file\n");
+                                return -1;
+                        }
+                        sha = sha1((uchar*)"aescbc file", 11, nil, nil);
+                        sha1(key, nkey, skey, sha);
+                        setupAESstate(&aes, skey, AESbsize, ibr);
+                        memset(skey, 0, sizeof skey);
+                        ibr += AESbsize;
+                        n -= AESbsize;
+                }
+                aesCBCdecrypt(ibw-n, n, &aes);
+                n = ibw-ibr-CHK;
+                if(n > 0){
+                        if(buf == nil){
+                                nw = write(fd, ibr, n);
+                                if(nw != n){
+                                        fprint(2, "write error on %s", gf);
+                                        return -1;
+                                }
+                        }else{
+                                assert(bufw+n <= bufe);
+                                memmove(bufw, ibr, n);
+                                bufw += n;
+                        }
+                        ibr += n;
+                }
+                memmove(ib, ibr, ibw-ibr);
+                ibw = ib + (ibw-ibr);
+                ibr = ib;
+        }
+        if(buf == nil)
+                close(fd);
+        n = ibw-ibr;
+        if((n != CHK) || (memcmp(ib, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", CHK) != 0)){
+                        fprint(2,"decrypted file failed to authenticate!\n");
+                        return -1;
+        }
+        return 0;
+// This sends a file to the secstore disk that can, in an emergency, be
+// decrypted by the program aescbc.c.
+static int
+putfile(SConn *conn, char *pf, uchar *buf, ulong len, uchar *key, int nkey)
+        int i, n, fd, ivo, bufi, done;
+        char s[Maxmsg];
+        uchar  skey[SHA1dlen], b[CHK+Maxmsg], IV[AESbsize];
+        AESstate aes;
+        DigestState *sha;
+        /* create initialization vector */
+        srand(time(0));  /* doesn't need to be unpredictable */
+        for(i=0; iwrite(conn, (uchar*)s, strlen(s));
+        if(buf == nil){
+                /* get file size */
+                if((fd = open(pf, OREAD)) < 0){
+                        fprint(2, "can't open %s: %r\n", pf);
+                        return -1;
+                }
+                len = seek(fd, 0, 2);
+                seek(fd, 0, 0);
+        } else {
+                fd = -1;
+        }
+        if(len > MAXFILESIZE){
+                fprint(2, "implausible filesize %ld for %s\n", len, pf);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        /* send file size */
+        snprint(s, Maxmsg, "%ld", len+AESbsize+CHK);
+        conn->write(conn, (uchar*)s, strlen(s));
+        /* send IV and file+XXXXX in Maxmsg chunks */
+        ivo = AESbsize;
+        bufi = 0;
+        memcpy(b, IV, ivo);
+        for(done = 0; !done; ){
+                if(buf == nil){
+                        n = read(fd, b+ivo, Maxmsg-ivo);
+                        if(n < 0){
+                                fprint(2, "read error on %s: %r\n", pf);
+                                return -1;
+                        }
+                }else{
+                        if((n = len - bufi) > Maxmsg-ivo)        
+                                n = Maxmsg-ivo;
+                        memcpy(b+ivo, buf+bufi, n);
+                        bufi += n;
+                }
+                n += ivo;
+                ivo = 0;
+                if(n < Maxmsg){ /* EOF on input; append XX... */
+                        memset(b+n, 'X', CHK);
+                        n += CHK; // might push n>Maxmsg
+                        done = 1;
+                }
+                aesCBCencrypt(b, n, &aes);
+                if(n > Maxmsg){
+                        assert(done==1);
+                        conn->write(conn, b, Maxmsg);
+                        n -= Maxmsg;
+                        memmove(b, b+Maxmsg, n);
+                }
+                conn->write(conn, b, n);
+        }
+        if(buf == nil)
+                close(fd);
+        fprint(2, "saved %ld bytes\n", len);
+        return 0;
+static int
+removefile(SConn *conn, char *rf)
+        char buf[Maxmsg];
+        if(strchr(rf, '/')){
+                fprint(2, "simple filenames, not paths like %s\n", rf);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        snprint(buf, Maxmsg, "RM %s\n", rf);
+        conn->write(conn, (uchar*)buf, strlen(buf));
+        return 0;
+static int
+cmd(AuthConn *c, char **gf, int *Gflag, char **pf, char **rf)
+        ulong len;
+        int rv = -1;
+        uchar *memfile, *memcur, *memnext;
+        while(*gf != nil){
+                if(verbose)
+                        fprint(2, "get %s\n", *gf);
+                if(getfile(c->conn, *gf, *Gflag ? &memfile : nil, &len, (uchar*)c->pass, c->passlen) < 0)
+                        goto Out;
+                if(*Gflag){
+                        // write one line at a time, as required by /mnt/factotum/ctl
+                        memcur = memfile;
+                        while(len>0){
+                                memnext = (uchar*)strchr((char*)memcur, '\n');
+                                if(memnext){
+                                        write(1, memcur, memnext-memcur+1);
+                                        len -= memnext-memcur+1;
+                                        memcur = memnext+1;
+                                }else{
+                                        write(1, memcur, len);
+                                        break;
+                                }
+                        }
+                        free(memfile);
+                }
+                gf++;
+                Gflag++;
+        }
+        while(*pf != nil){
+                if(verbose)
+                        fprint(2, "put %s\n", *pf);
+                if(putfile(c->conn, *pf, nil, 0, (uchar*)c->pass, c->passlen) < 0)
+                        goto Out;
+                pf++;
+        }
+        while(*rf != nil){
+                if(verbose)
+                        fprint(2, "rm  %s\n", *rf);
+                if(removefile(c->conn, *rf) < 0)
+                        goto Out;
+                rf++;
+        }
+        c->conn->write(c->conn, (uchar*)"BYE", 3);
+        rv = 0;
+        c->conn->free(c->conn);
+        return rv;
+static int
+chpasswd(AuthConn *c, char *id)
+        ulong len;
+        int rv = -1, newpasslen = 0;
+        mpint *H, *Hi;
+        uchar *memfile;
+        char *newpass, *passck;
+        char *list, *cur, *next, *hexHi;
+        char *f[8], prompt[128];
+        H = mpnew(0);
+        Hi = mpnew(0);
+        // changing our password is vulnerable to connection failure
+        for(;;){
+                snprint(prompt, sizeof(prompt), "new password for %s: ", id);
+                newpass = readcons(prompt, nil, 1);
+                if(newpass == nil)
+                        goto Out;
+                if(strlen(newpass) >= 7)
+                        break;
+                else if(strlen(newpass) == 0){
+                        fprint(2, "!password change aborted\n");
+                        goto Out;
+                }
+                print("!password must be at least 7 characters\n");
+        }
+        newpasslen = strlen(newpass);
+        snprint(prompt, sizeof(prompt), "retype password: ");
+        passck = readcons(prompt, nil, 1);
+        if(passck == nil){
+                fprint(2, "readcons failed\n");
+                goto Out;
+        }
+        if(strcmp(passck, newpass) != 0){
+                fprint(2, "passwords didn't match\n");
+                goto Out;
+        }
+        c->conn->write(c->conn, (uchar*)"CHPASS", strlen("CHPASS"));
+        hexHi = PAK_Hi(id, newpass, H, Hi);
+        c->conn->write(c->conn, (uchar*)hexHi, strlen(hexHi));
+        free(hexHi);
+        mpfree(H);
+        mpfree(Hi);
+        if(getfile(c->conn, ".", (uchar **)(void*)&list, &len, nil, 0) < 0){
+                fprint(2, "directory listing failed.\n");
+                goto Out;
+        }
+        /* Loop over files and reencrypt them; try to keep going after error */
+        for(cur=list; (next=strchr(cur, '\n')) != nil; cur=next+1){
+                *next = '\0';
+                if(tokenize(cur, f, nelem(f))< 1)
+                        break;
+                fprint(2, "reencrypting '%s'\n", f[0]);
+                if(getfile(c->conn, f[0], &memfile, &len, (uchar*)c->pass, c->passlen) < 0){
+                        fprint(2, "getfile of '%s' failed\n", f[0]);
+                        continue;
+                }
+                if(putfile(c->conn, f[0], memfile, len, (uchar*)newpass, newpasslen) < 0)
+                        fprint(2, "putfile of '%s' failed\n", f[0]);
+                free(memfile);
+        }
+        free(list);
+        c->conn->write(c->conn, (uchar*)"BYE", 3);
+        rv = 0;
+        if(newpass != nil){
+                memset(newpass, 0, newpasslen);
+                free(newpass);
+        }
+        c->conn->free(c->conn);
+        return rv;
+static AuthConn*
+login(char *id, char *dest, int pass_stdin, int pass_nvram)
+        AuthConn *c;
+        int fd, n, ntry = 0;
+        char *S, *PINSTA = nil, *nl, s[Maxmsg+1], *pass;
+        if(dest == nil){
+                fprint(2, "tried to login with nil dest\n");
+                exits("nil dest");
+        }
+        c = emalloc(sizeof(*c));
+        if(pass_nvram){
+                /* if(readnvram(&nvr, 0) < 0) */
+                        exits("readnvram: %r");
+                strecpy(c->pass, c->pass+sizeof c->pass, nvr.config);
+        }
+        if(pass_stdin){
+                n = readn(0, s, Maxmsg-2);  // so len(PINSTA)pass, c->pass+sizeof c->pass, s);
+        }
+        while(1){
+                if(verbose)
+                        fprint(2, "dialing %s\n", dest);
+                if((fd = dial(dest, nil, nil, nil)) < 0){
+                        fprint(2, "can't dial %s\n", dest);
+                        free(c);
+                        return nil;
+                }
+                if((c->conn = newSConn(fd)) == nil){
+                        free(c);
+                        return nil;
+                }
+                ntry++;
+                if(!pass_stdin && !pass_nvram){
+                        pass = readcons("secstore password", nil, 1);
+                        if(pass == nil)
+                                pass = estrdup("");
+                        if(strlen(pass) >= sizeof c->pass){
+                                fprint(2, "password too long, skipping secstore login\n");
+                                exits("password too long");
+                        }
+                        strcpy(c->pass, pass);
+                        memset(pass, 0, strlen(pass));
+                        free(pass);
+                }
+                if(c->pass[0]==0){
+                        fprint(2, "null password, skipping secstore login\n");
+                        exits("no password");
+                }
+                if(PAKclient(c->conn, id, c->pass, &S) >= 0)
+                        break;
+                c->conn->free(c->conn);
+                if(pass_stdin)
+                        exits("invalid password on standard input");
+                if(pass_nvram)
+                        exits("invalid password in nvram");
+                // and let user try retyping the password
+                if(ntry==3)
+                        fprint(2, "Enter an empty password to quit.\n");
+        }
+        c->passlen = strlen(c->pass);
+        fprint(2, "server: %s\n", S);
+        free(S);
+        if(readstr(c->conn, s) < 0){
+                c->conn->free(c->conn);
+                free(c);
+                return nil;
+        }
+        if(strcmp(s, "STA") == 0){
+                long sn;
+                if(pass_stdin){
+                        if(PINSTA)
+                                strncpy(s+3, PINSTA, (sizeof s)-3);
+                        else
+                                exits("missing PIN+SecureID on standard input");
+                        free(PINSTA);
+                }else{
+                        pass = readcons("STA PIN+SecureID", nil, 1);
+                        if(pass == nil)
+                                pass = estrdup("");
+                        strncpy(s+3, pass, (sizeof s)-4);
+                        memset(pass, 0, strlen(pass));
+                        free(pass);
+                }
+                sn = strlen(s+3);
+                if(verbose)
+                        fprint(2, "%ld\n", sn);
+                c->conn->write(c->conn, (uchar*)s, sn+3);
+                readstr(c->conn, s);
+        }
+        if(strcmp(s, "OK") != 0){
+                fprint(2, "%s\n", s);
+                c->conn->free(c->conn);
+                free(c);
+                return nil;
+        }
+        return c;
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+        int chpass = 0, pass_stdin = 0, pass_nvram = 0, rc;
+        int ngfile = 0, npfile = 0, nrfile = 0, Gflag[MAXFILES+1];
+        char *gfile[MAXFILES], *pfile[MAXFILES], *rfile[MAXFILES];
+        char *serve, *tcpserve, *user;
+        AuthConn *c;
+        serve = "$auth";
+        user = getuser();
+        memset(Gflag, 0, sizeof Gflag);
+        fmtinstall('B', mpfmt);
+        fmtinstall('H', encodefmt);
+        ARGBEGIN{
+        case 'c':
+                chpass = 1;
+                break;
+        case 'G':
+                Gflag[ngfile]++;
+                /* fall through */
+        case 'g':
+                if(ngfile >= MAXFILES)
+                        exits("too many gfiles");
+                gfile[ngfile++] = ARGF();
+                if(gfile[ngfile-1] == nil)
+                        usage();
+                break;
+        case 'i':
+                pass_stdin = 1;
+                break;
+        case 'n':
+                pass_nvram = 1;
+                break;
+        case 'p':
+                if(npfile >= MAXFILES)
+                        exits("too many pfiles");
+                pfile[npfile++] = ARGF();
+                if(pfile[npfile-1] == nil)
+                        usage();
+                break;
+        case 'r':
+                if(nrfile >= MAXFILES)
+                        exits("too many rfiles");
+                rfile[nrfile++] = ARGF();
+                if(rfile[nrfile-1] == nil)
+                        usage();
+                break;
+        case 's':
+                serve = EARGF(usage());
+                break;
+        case 'u':
+                user = EARGF(usage());
+                break;
+        case 'v':
+                verbose++;
+                break;
+        default:
+                usage();
+                break;
+        }ARGEND;
+        gfile[ngfile] = nil;
+        pfile[npfile] = nil;
+        rfile[nrfile] = nil;
+        if(argc!=0 || user==nil)
+                usage();
+        if(chpass && (ngfile || npfile || nrfile)){
+                fprint(2, "Get, put, and remove invalid with password change.\n");
+                exits("usage");
+        }
+        rc = strlen(serve)+sizeof("tcp!!99990");
+        tcpserve = emalloc(rc);
+        if(strchr(serve,'!'))
+                strcpy(tcpserve, serve);
+        else
+                snprint(tcpserve, rc, "tcp!%s!5356", serve);
+        c = login(user, tcpserve, pass_stdin, pass_nvram);
+        free(tcpserve);
+        if(c == nil){
+                fprint(2, "secstore authentication failed\n");
+                exits("secstore authentication failed");
+        }
+        if(chpass)
+                rc = chpasswd(c, user);
+        else
+                rc = cmd(c, gfile, Gflag, pfile, rfile);
+        if(rc < 0){
+                fprint(2, "secstore cmd failed\n");
+                exits("secstore cmd failed");
+        }
+        exits("");
+        return 0;
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/secstore/secstore.h b/src/cmd/auth/secstore/secstore.h
t@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+enum{ MAXFILESIZE = 10*1024*1024 };
+enum{// PW status bits
+        Enabled         = (1<<0),
+        STA                 = (1<<1),        // extra SecurID step
+typedef struct PW {
+        char *id;                // user id
+        ulong expire;        // expiration time (epoch seconds)
+        ushort status;        // Enabled, STA, ...
+        ushort failed;        // number of failed login attempts
+        char *other;        // other information, e.g. sponsor
+        mpint *Hi;          // H(passphrase)^-1 mod p
+} PW;
+PW *getPW(char *, int);
+int putPW(PW *);
+void freePW(PW *);
+// *client: SConn, client name, passphrase
+// *server: SConn, (partial) 1st msg, PW entry
+// *setpass: Username, hashed passphrase, PW entry
+int PAKclient(SConn *, char *, char *, char **);
+int PAKserver(SConn *, char *, char *, PW **);
+char *PAK_Hi(char *, char *, mpint *, mpint *);
+#define LOG "secstore"
+extern        char        *SECSTORE_DIR;
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/secstore/secstored.c b/src/cmd/auth/secstore/secstored.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+#include "SConn.h"
+#include "secstore.h"
+char* secureidcheck(char *, char *);   // from /sys/src/cmd/auth/
+extern char* dirls(char *path);
+int verbose;
+Ndb *db;
+static void
+        fprint(2, "usage: secstored [-R] [-S servername] [-s tcp!*!5356] [-v] [-x netmtpt]\n");
+        exits("usage");
+static int
+getdir(SConn *conn, char *id)
+        char *ls, *s; 
+        uchar *msg;
+        int n, len;
+        s = emalloc(Maxmsg);
+        snprint(s, Maxmsg, "%s/store/%s", SECSTORE_DIR, id);
+        if((ls = dirls(s)) == nil)
+                len = 0;
+        else
+                len = strlen(ls);
+        /* send file size */
+        snprint(s, Maxmsg, "%d", len);
+        conn->write(conn, (uchar*)s, strlen(s));
+        /* send directory listing in Maxmsg chunks */
+        n = Maxmsg;
+        msg = (uchar*)ls;
+        while(len > 0){
+                if(len < Maxmsg)
+                        n = len;
+                conn->write(conn, msg, n);
+                msg += n;
+                len -= n;
+        }
+        free(s);
+        free(ls);
+        return 0;
+char *
+validatefile(char *f)
+        char *nl;
+        if(f==nil || *f==0)
+                return nil;
+        if(nl = strchr(f, '\n'))
+                *nl = 0;
+        if(strchr(f,'/') != nil || strcmp(f,"..")==0 || strlen(f) >= 300){
+                syslog(0, LOG, "no slashes allowed: %s\n", f);
+                return nil;
+        }
+        return f;
+static int
+getfile(SConn *conn, char *id, char *gf)
+        int n, gd, len;
+        ulong mode;
+        char *s;
+        Dir *st;
+        if(strcmp(gf,".")==0)
+                return getdir(conn, id);
+        /* send file size */
+        s = emalloc(Maxmsg);
+        snprint(s, Maxmsg, "%s/store/%s/%s", SECSTORE_DIR, id, gf);
+        gd = open(s, OREAD);
+        if(gd < 0){
+                syslog(0, LOG, "can't open %s: %r\n", s);
+                free(s);
+                conn->write(conn, (uchar*)"-1", 2);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        st = dirfstat(gd);
+        if(st == nil){
+                syslog(0, LOG, "can't stat %s: %r\n", s);
+                free(s);
+                conn->write(conn, (uchar*)"-1", 2);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        mode = st->mode;
+        len = st->length;
+        free(st);
+        if(mode & DMDIR) {
+                syslog(0, LOG, "%s should be a plain file, not a directory\n", s);
+                free(s);
+                conn->write(conn, (uchar*)"-1", 2);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        if(len < 0 || len > MAXFILESIZE){
+                syslog(0, LOG, "implausible filesize %d for %s\n", len, gf);
+                free(s);
+                conn->write(conn, (uchar*)"-3", 2);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        snprint(s, Maxmsg, "%d", len);
+        conn->write(conn, (uchar*)s, strlen(s));
+        /* send file in Maxmsg chunks */
+        while(len > 0){
+                n = read(gd, s, Maxmsg);
+                if(n <= 0){
+                        syslog(0, LOG, "read error on %s: %r\n", gf);
+                        free(s);
+                        return -1;
+                }
+                conn->write(conn, (uchar*)s, n);
+                len -= n;
+        }
+        close(gd);
+        free(s);
+        return 0;
+static int
+putfile(SConn *conn, char *id, char *pf)
+        int n, nw, pd;
+        long len;
+        char s[Maxmsg+1];
+        /* get file size */
+        n = readstr(conn, s);
+        if(n < 0){
+                syslog(0, LOG, "remote: %s: %r\n", s);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        len = atoi(s);
+        if(len == -1){
+                syslog(0, LOG, "remote file %s does not exist\n", pf);
+                return -1;
+        }else if(len < 0 || len > MAXFILESIZE){
+                syslog(0, LOG, "implausible filesize %ld for %s\n", len, pf);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        /* get file in Maxmsg chunks */
+        if(strchr(pf,'/') != nil || strcmp(pf,"..")==0){
+                syslog(0, LOG, "no slashes allowed: %s\n", pf);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        snprint(s, Maxmsg, "%s/store/%s/%s", SECSTORE_DIR, id, pf);
+        pd = create(s, OWRITE, 0660);
+        if(pd < 0){
+                syslog(0, LOG, "can't open %s: %r\n", s);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        while(len > 0){
+                n = conn->read(conn, (uchar*)s, Maxmsg);
+                if(n <= 0){
+                        syslog(0, LOG, "empty file chunk\n");
+                        return -1;
+                }
+                nw = write(pd, s, n);
+                if(nw != n){
+                        syslog(0, LOG, "write error on %s: %r", pf);
+                        return -1;
+                }
+                len -= n;
+        }
+        close(pd);
+        return 0;
+static int
+removefile(SConn *conn, char *id, char *f)
+        Dir *d;
+        char buf[Maxmsg];
+        snprint(buf, Maxmsg, "%s/store/%s/%s", SECSTORE_DIR, id, f);
+        if((d = dirstat(buf)) == nil){
+                snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "remove failed: %r");
+                writerr(conn, buf);
+                return -1;
+        }else if(d->mode & DMDIR){
+                snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "can't remove a directory");
+                writerr(conn, buf);
+                free(d);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        free(d);
+        if(remove(buf) < 0){
+                snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "remove failed: %r");
+                writerr(conn, buf);
+                return -1;
+        }
+        return 0;
+/* given line directory from accept, returns ipaddr!port */
+static char*
+remoteIP(char *ldir)
+        int fd, n;
+        char rp[100], ap[500];
+        snprint(rp, sizeof rp, "%s/remote", ldir);
+        fd = open(rp, OREAD);
+        if(fd < 0)
+                return strdup("?!?");
+        n = read(fd, ap, sizeof ap);
+        if(n <= 0 || n == sizeof ap){
+                fprint(2, "error %d reading %s: %r\n", n, rp);
+                return strdup("?!?");
+        }
+        close(fd);
+        ap[n--] = 0;
+        if(ap[n] == '\n')
+                ap[n] = 0;
+        return strdup(ap);
+static int
+dologin(int fd, char *S, int forceSTA)
+        int i, n, rv;
+        char *file, *mess;
+        char msg[Maxmsg+1];
+        PW *pw;
+        SConn *conn;
+        pw = nil;
+        rv = -1;
+        // collect the first message
+        if((conn = newSConn(fd)) == nil)
+                return -1;
+        if(readstr(conn, msg) < 0){
+                fprint(2, "remote: %s: %r\n", msg);
+                writerr(conn, "can't read your first message");
+                goto Out;
+        }
+        // authenticate
+        if(PAKserver(conn, S, msg, &pw) < 0){
+                if(pw != nil)
+                        syslog(0, LOG, "secstore denied for %s", pw->id);
+                goto Out;
+        }
+        if((forceSTA || pw->status&STA) != 0){
+                conn->write(conn, (uchar*)"STA", 3);
+                if(readstr(conn, msg) < 10 || strncmp(msg, "STA", 3) != 0){
+                        syslog(0, LOG, "no STA from %s", pw->id);
+                        goto Out;
+                }
+                mess = secureidcheck(pw->id, msg+3);
+                if(mess != nil){
+                        syslog(0, LOG, "secureidcheck denied %s because %s", pw->id, mess);
+                        goto Out;
+                }
+        }
+        conn->write(conn, (uchar*)"OK", 2);
+        syslog(0, LOG, "AUTH %s", pw->id);
+        // perform operations as asked
+        while((n = readstr(conn, msg)) > 0){
+                syslog(0, LOG, "[%s] %s", pw->id, msg);
+                if(strncmp(msg, "GET ", 4) == 0){
+                        file = validatefile(msg+4);
+                        if(file==nil || getfile(conn, pw->id, file) < 0)
+                                goto Err;
+                }else if(strncmp(msg, "PUT ", 4) == 0){
+                        file = validatefile(msg+4);
+                        if(file==nil || putfile(conn, pw->id, file) < 0){
+                                syslog(0, LOG, "failed PUT %s/%s", pw->id, file);
+                                goto Err;
+                        }
+                }else if(strncmp(msg, "RM ", 3) == 0){
+                        file = validatefile(msg+3);
+                        if(file==nil || removefile(conn, pw->id, file) < 0){
+                                syslog(0, LOG, "failed RM %s/%s", pw->id, file);
+                                goto Err;
+                        }
+                }else if(strncmp(msg, "CHPASS", 6) == 0){
+                        if(readstr(conn, msg) < 0){
+                                syslog(0, LOG, "protocol botch CHPASS for %s", pw->id);
+                                writerr(conn, "protocol botch while setting PAK");
+                                goto Out;
+                        }
+                        pw->Hi = strtomp(msg, nil, 64, pw->Hi);
+                        for(i=0; i < 4 && putPW(pw) < 0; i++)
+                                syslog(0, LOG, "password change failed for %s (%d): %r", pw->id, i);
+                        if(i==4)
+                                goto Out;
+                }else if(strncmp(msg, "BYE", 3) == 0){
+                        rv = 0;
+                        break;
+                }else{
+                        writerr(conn, "unrecognized operation");
+                        break;
+                }
+        }
+        if(n <= 0)
+                syslog(0, LOG, "%s closed connection without saying goodbye\n", pw->id);
+        freePW(pw);
+        conn->free(conn);
+        return rv;
+        writerr(conn, "operation failed");
+        goto Out;
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+        int afd, dfd, lcfd, forceSTA = 0;
+        char adir[40], ldir[40], *remote;
+        char *serve = "tcp!*!5356", *p, aserve[128];
+        char *S = "secstore";
+        char *dbpath;
+        Ndb *db2;
+        S = sysname();
+        SECSTORE_DIR = unsharp("#9/secstore");
+//        setnetmtpt(net, sizeof(net), nil);
+        ARGBEGIN{
+        case 'R':
+                forceSTA = 1;
+                break;
+        case 's':
+                serve = EARGF(usage());
+                break;
+        case 'S':
+                S = EARGF(usage());
+                break;
+        case 'x':
+                p = ARGF();
+                if(p == nil)
+                        usage();
+                USED(p);
+        //        setnetmtpt(net, sizeof(net), p);
+                break;
+        case 'v':
+                verbose++;
+                break;
+        default:
+                usage();
+        }ARGEND;
+        if(!verbose)
+                switch(rfork(RFNOTEG|RFPROC|RFFDG)) {
+                case -1:
+                        sysfatal("fork: %r");
+                case 0:
+                        break;
+                default:
+                        exits(0);
+                }
+        snprint(aserve, sizeof aserve, "%s", serve);
+        afd = announce(aserve, adir);
+        if(afd < 0)
+                sysfatal("%s: %r\n", aserve);
+        syslog(0, LOG, "ANNOUNCE %s", aserve);
+        for(;;){
+                if((lcfd = listen(adir, ldir)) < 0)
+                        exits("can't listen");
+                switch(fork()){
+                case -1:
+                        fprint(2, "secstore forking: %r\n");
+                        close(lcfd);
+                        break;
+                case 0:
+                        // "/lib/ndb/common.radius does not exist" if db set before fork
+                        db = ndbopen(dbpath=unsharp("#9/ndb/auth"));
+                        if(db == 0)
+                                syslog(0, LOG, "no ndb/auth");
+                        db2 = ndbopen(0);
+                        if(db2 == 0)
+                                syslog(0, LOG, "no ndb/local");
+                        db = ndbcat(db, db2);
+                        if((dfd = accept(lcfd, ldir)) < 0)
+                                exits("can't accept");
+                        alarm(30*60*1000);         // 30 min
+                        remote = remoteIP(ldir);
+                        syslog(0, LOG, "secstore from %s", remote);
+                        free(remote);
+                        dologin(dfd, S, forceSTA);
+                        exits(nil);
+                default:
+                        close(lcfd);
+                        break;
+                }
+        }
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/secstore/secureidcheck.c b/src/cmd/auth/secstore/secureidcheck.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+/* RFC2138 */
+#define AUTHLOG "auth"
+enum{        R_AccessRequest=1,        /* Packet code */
+        R_AccessAccept=2,
+        R_AccessReject=3,
+        R_AccessChallenge=11,
+        R_UserName=1,
+        R_UserPassword=2,
+        R_NASIPAddress=4,
+        R_ReplyMessage=18,
+        R_State=24,
+        R_NASIdentifier=32
+typedef struct Secret{
+        uchar *s;
+        int len;
+} Secret;
+typedef struct Attribute{
+        struct Attribute *next;
+        uchar type;
+        uchar len;        // number of bytes in value
+        uchar val[256];
+} Attribute;
+typedef struct Packet{
+        uchar code, ID;
+        uchar authenticator[16];
+        Attribute first;
+} Packet;
+// assumes pass is at most 16 chars
+hide(Secret *shared, uchar *auth, Secret *pass, uchar *x)
+        DigestState *M;
+        int i, n = pass->len;
+        M = md5(shared->s, shared->len, nil, nil);
+        md5(auth, 16, x, M);
+        if(n > 16)
+                n = 16;
+        for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+                x[i] ^= (pass->s)[i];
+authcmp(Secret *shared, uchar *buf, int m, uchar *auth)
+        DigestState *M;
+        uchar x[16];
+        M = md5(buf, 4, nil, nil); // Code+ID+Length
+        M = md5(auth, 16, nil, M); // RequestAuth
+        M = md5(buf+20, m-20, nil, M); // Attributes
+        md5(shared->s, shared->len, x, M);
+        return memcmp(x, buf+4, 16);
+newRequest(uchar *auth)
+        static uchar ID = 0;
+        Packet *p;
+        p = (Packet*)malloc(sizeof(*p));
+        if(p == nil)
+                return nil;
+        p->code = R_AccessRequest;
+        p->ID = ++ID;
+        memmove(p->authenticator, auth, 16);
+        p-> = nil;
+        p->first.type = 0;
+        return p;
+freePacket(Packet *p)
+        Attribute *a, *x;
+        if(!p)
+                return;
+        a = p->;
+        while(a){
+                x = a;
+                a = a->next;
+                free(x);
+        }
+        free(p);
+ding(void *v, char *msg)
+        USED(v);
+/*        syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "ding %s", msg); */
+        if(strstr(msg, "alarm"))
+                return 1;
+        return 0;
+Packet *
+rpc(char *dest, Secret *shared, Packet *req)
+        uchar buf[4096], buf2[4096], *b, *e;
+        Packet *resp;
+        Attribute *a;
+        int m, n, fd, try;
+        // marshal request
+        e = buf + sizeof buf;
+        buf[0] = req->code;
+        buf[1] = req->ID;
+        memmove(buf+4, req->authenticator, 16);
+        b = buf+20;
+        for(a = &req->first; a; a = a->next){
+                if(b + 2 + a->len > e)
+                        return nil;
+                *b++ = a->type;
+                *b++ = 2 + a->len;
+                memmove(b, a->val, a->len);
+                b += a->len;
+        }
+        n = b-buf;
+        buf[2] = n>>8;
+        buf[3] = n;
+        // send request, wait for reply
+        fd = dial(dest, 0, 0, 0);
+        if(fd < 0){
+                syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "%s: rpc can't get udp channel", dest);
+                return nil;
+        }
+        atnotify(ding, 1);
+        m = -1;
+        for(try = 0; try < 2; try++){
+                alarm(4000);
+                m = write(fd, buf, n);
+                if(m != n){
+                        syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "%s: rpc write err %d %d: %r", dest, m, n);
+                        m = -1;
+                        break;
+                }
+                m = read(fd, buf2, sizeof buf2);
+                alarm(0);
+                if(m < 0){
+                        syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "%s rpc read err %d: %r", dest, m);
+                        break; // failure
+                }
+                if(m == 0 || buf2[1] != buf[1]){  // need matching ID
+                        syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "%s unmatched reply %d", dest, m);
+                        continue;
+                }
+                if(authcmp(shared, buf2, m, buf+4) == 0)
+                        break;
+                syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "%s bad rpc chksum", dest);
+        }
+        close(fd);
+        if(m <= 0)
+                return nil;
+        // unmarshal reply
+        b = buf2;
+        e = buf2+m;
+        resp = (Packet*)malloc(sizeof(*resp));
+        if(resp == nil)
+                return nil;
+        resp->code = *b++;
+        resp->ID = *b++;
+        n = *b++;
+        n = (n<<8) | *b++;
+        if(m != n){
+                syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "rpc got %d bytes, length said %d", m, n);
+                if(m > n)
+                        e = buf2+n;
+        }
+        memmove(resp->authenticator, b, 16);
+        b += 16;
+        a = &resp->first;
+        a->type = 0;
+        while(1){
+                if(b >= e){
+                        a->next = nil;
+                        break;                        // exit loop
+                }
+                a->type = *b++;
+                a->len = (*b++) - 2;
+                if(b + a->len > e){ // corrupt packet
+                        a->next = nil;
+                        freePacket(resp);
+                        return nil;
+                }
+                memmove(a->val, b, a->len);
+                b += a->len;
+                if(b < e){  // any more attributes?
+                        a->next = (Attribute*)malloc(sizeof(*a));
+                        if(a->next == nil){
+                                free(req);
+                                return nil;
+                        }
+                        a = a->next;
+                }
+        }
+        return resp;
+setAttribute(Packet *p, uchar type, uchar *s, int n)
+        Attribute *a;
+        a = &p->first;
+        if(a->type != 0){
+                a = (Attribute*)malloc(sizeof(*a));
+                if(a == nil)
+                        return -1;
+                a->next = p->;
+                p-> = a;
+        }
+        a->type = type;
+        a->len = n;
+        if(a->len > 253 )  // RFC2138, section 5
+                a->len = 253;
+        memmove(a->val, s, a->len);
+        return 0;
+/* return a reply message attribute string */
+replymsg(Packet *p)
+        Attribute *a;
+        static char buf[255];
+        for(a = &p->first; a; a = a->next){
+                if(a->type == R_ReplyMessage){
+                        if(a->len >= sizeof buf)
+                                a->len = sizeof(buf)-1;
+                        memmove(buf, a->val, a->len);
+                        buf[a->len] = 0;
+                }
+        }
+        return buf;
+/* for convenience while debugging */
+char *replymess;
+Attribute *stateattr;
+logPacket(Packet *p)
+        Attribute *a;
+        char buf[255];
+        char pbuf[4*1024];
+        uchar *au = p->authenticator;
+        int i;
+        char *np, *e;
+        e = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf);
+        np = seprint(pbuf, e, "Packet ID=%d auth=%x %x %x... ", p->ID, au[0], au[1], au[2]);
+        switch(p->code){
+        case R_AccessRequest:
+                np = seprint(np, e, "request\n");
+                break;
+        case R_AccessAccept:
+                np = seprint(np, e, "accept\n");
+                break;
+        case R_AccessReject:
+                np = seprint(np, e, "reject\n");
+                break;
+        case R_AccessChallenge:
+                np = seprint(np, e, "challenge\n");
+                break;
+        default:
+                np = seprint(np, e, "code=%d\n", p->code);
+                break;
+        }
+        replymess = "0000000";
+        for(a = &p->first; a; a = a->next){
+                if(a->len > 253 )
+                        a->len = 253;
+                memmove(buf, a->val, a->len);
+                np = seprint(np, e, " [%d]", a->type);
+                for(i = 0; ilen; i++)
+                        if(isprint(a->val[i]))
+                                np = seprint(np, e, "%c", a->val[i]);
+                        else
+                                np = seprint(np, e, "\\%o", a->val[i]);
+                np = seprint(np, e, "\n");
+                buf[a->len] = 0;
+                if(a->type == R_ReplyMessage)
+                        replymess = strdup(buf);
+                else if(a->type == R_State)
+                        stateattr = a;
+        }
+        syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "%s", pbuf);
+static uchar*
+        Ipifc *nifc;
+        Iplifc *lifc;
+        static Ipifc *ifc;
+        ifc = readipifc("/net", ifc, -1);
+        for(nifc = ifc; nifc; nifc = nifc->next)
+                for(lifc = nifc->lifc; lifc; lifc = lifc->next)
+                        if(ipcmp(lifc->ip, IPnoaddr) != 0 && ipcmp(lifc->ip, v4prefix) != 0)
+                                return lifc->ip;
+        return nil;
+extern Ndb *db;
+/* returns 0 on success, error message on failure */
+secureidcheck(char *user, char *response)
+        Packet *req = nil, *resp = nil;
+        ulong u[4];
+        uchar x[16];
+        char *radiussecret;
+        char ruser[ 64];
+        char dest[3*IPaddrlen+20];
+        Secret shared, pass;
+        char *rv = "authentication failed";
+        Ndbs s;
+        Ndbtuple *t, *nt, *tt;
+        uchar *ip;
+        static Ndb *netdb;
+        if(netdb == nil)
+                netdb = ndbopen(0);
+        /* bad responses make them disable the fob, avoid silly checks */
+        if(strlen(response) < 4 || strpbrk(response,"abcdefABCDEF") != nil)
+                goto out;
+        /* get radius secret */
+        radiussecret = ndbgetvalue(db, &s, "radius", "lra-radius", "secret", &t);
+        if(radiussecret == nil){
+                syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "secureidcheck: nil radius secret: %r");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        /* translate user name if we have to */
+        strcpy(ruser, user);
+        for(nt = t; nt; nt = nt->entry){
+                if(strcmp(nt->attr, "uid") == 0 && strcmp(nt->val, user) == 0)
+                        for(tt = nt->line; tt != nt; tt = tt->line)
+                                if(strcmp(tt->attr, "rid") == 0){
+                                        strcpy(ruser, tt->val);
+                                        break;
+                                }
+        }
+        ndbfree(t);
+        u[0] = fastrand();
+        u[1] = fastrand();
+        u[2] = fastrand();
+        u[3] = fastrand();
+        req = newRequest((uchar*)u);
+        if(req == nil)
+                goto out;
+        shared.s = (uchar*)radiussecret;
+        shared.len = strlen(radiussecret);
+        ip = getipv4addr();
+        if(ip == nil){
+                syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "no interfaces: %r\n");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        if(setAttribute(req, R_NASIPAddress, ip + IPv4off, 4) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        if(setAttribute(req, R_UserName, (uchar*)ruser, strlen(ruser)) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        pass.s = (uchar*)response;
+        pass.len = strlen(response);
+        hide(&shared, req->authenticator, &pass, x);
+        if(setAttribute(req, R_UserPassword, x, 16) < 0)
+                goto out;
+        t = ndbsearch(netdb, &s, "sys", "lra-radius");
+        if(t == nil){
+                syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "secureidcheck: nil radius sys search: %r\n");
+                goto out;
+        }
+        for(nt = t; nt; nt = nt->entry){
+                if(strcmp(nt->attr, "ip") != 0)
+                        continue;
+                snprint(dest,sizeof dest,"udp!%s!oradius", nt->val);
+                resp = rpc(dest, &shared, req);
+                if(resp == nil){
+                        syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "%s nil response", dest);
+                        continue;
+                }
+                if(resp->ID != req->ID){
+                        syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "%s mismatched ID  req=%d resp=%d",
+                                dest, req->ID, resp->ID);
+                        freePacket(resp);
+                        resp = nil;
+                        continue;
+                }
+                switch(resp->code){
+                case R_AccessAccept:
+                        syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "%s accepted ruser=%s", dest, ruser);
+                        rv = nil;
+                        break;
+                case R_AccessReject:
+                        syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "%s rejected ruser=%s %s", dest, ruser, replymsg(resp));
+                        rv = "secureid failed";
+                        break;
+                case R_AccessChallenge:
+                        syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "%s challenge ruser=%s %s", dest, ruser, replymsg(resp));
+                        rv = "secureid out of sync";
+                        break;
+                default:
+                        syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "%s code=%d ruser=%s %s", dest, resp->code, ruser, replymsg(resp));
+                        break;
+                }
+                break; // we have a proper reply, no need to ask again
+        }
+        ndbfree(t);
+        free(radiussecret);
+        freePacket(req);
+        freePacket(resp);
+        return rv;
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/secstore/secuser.c b/src/cmd/auth/secstore/secuser.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+#include "SConn.h"
+#include "secstore.h"
+int verbose;
+static void userinput(char *, int);
+static void
+ensure_exists(char *f, ulong perm)
+        int fd;
+        if(access(f, AEXIST) >= 0)
+                return;
+        if(verbose)
+                fprint(2,"first time setup for secstore: create %s %lo\n", f, perm);
+        fd = create(f, OREAD, perm);
+        if(fd < 0){
+                fprint(2, "unable to create %s\n", f);
+                exits("secstored directories");
+        }
+        close(fd);
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+        int isnew;
+        char *id, buf[Maxmsg], home[Maxmsg], prompt[100], *hexHi;
+        char *pass, *passck;
+        long expsecs;
+        mpint *H = mpnew(0), *Hi = mpnew(0);
+        PW *pw;
+        Tm *tm;
+        SECSTORE_DIR = unsharp("#9/secstore");
+        ARGBEGIN{
+        case 'v':
+                verbose++;
+                break;
+        }ARGEND;
+        if(argc!=1){
+                print("usage: secuser [-v] \n");
+                exits("usage");
+        }
+        ensure_exists(SECSTORE_DIR, DMDIR|0755L);
+        snprint(home, sizeof(home), "%s/who", SECSTORE_DIR);
+        ensure_exists(home, DMDIR|0755L);
+        snprint(home, sizeof(home), "%s/store", SECSTORE_DIR);
+        ensure_exists(home, DMDIR|0700L);
+        id = argv[0];
+        if(verbose)
+                fprint(2,"secuser %s\n", id);
+        if((pw = getPW(id,1)) == nil){
+                isnew = 1;
+                print("new account (because %s/%s %r)\n", SECSTORE_DIR, id);
+                pw = emalloc(sizeof(*pw));
+                pw->id = estrdup(id);
+                snprint(home, sizeof(home), "%s/store/%s", SECSTORE_DIR, id);
+                if(access(home, AEXIST) == 0){
+                        print("new user, but directory %s already exists\n", home);
+                        exits(home);
+                }
+        }else{
+                isnew = 0;
+        }
+        /* get main password for id */
+        for(;;){
+                if(isnew)
+                        snprint(prompt, sizeof(prompt), "%s password", id);
+                else
+                        snprint(prompt, sizeof(prompt), "%s password [default = don't change]", id);
+                pass = readcons(prompt, nil, 1);
+                if(pass == nil){
+                        print("getpass failed\n");
+                        exits("getpass failed");
+                }
+                if(verbose)
+                        print("%ld characters\n", strlen(pass));
+                if(pass[0] == '\0' && isnew == 0)
+                        break;
+                if(strlen(pass) >= 7)
+                        break;
+                print("password must be at least 7 characters\n");
+        }
+        if(pass[0] != '\0'){
+                snprint(prompt, sizeof(prompt), "retype password");
+                if(verbose)
+                        print("confirming...\n");
+                passck = readcons(prompt, nil, 1);
+                if(passck == nil){
+                        print("getpass failed\n");
+                        exits("getpass failed");
+                }
+                if(strcmp(pass, passck) != 0){
+                        print("passwords didn't match\n");
+                        exits("no match");
+                }
+                memset(passck, 0, strlen(passck));
+                free(passck);
+                hexHi = PAK_Hi(id, pass, H, Hi);
+                memset(pass, 0, strlen(pass));
+                free(pass);
+                free(hexHi);
+                mpfree(H);
+                pw->Hi = Hi;
+        }
+        /* get expiration time (midnight of date specified) */
+        if(isnew)
+                expsecs = time(0) + 365*24*60*60;
+        else
+                expsecs = pw->expire;
+        for(;;){
+                tm = localtime(expsecs);
+                print("expires [DDMMYYYY, default = %2.2d%2.2d%4.4d]: ",
+                                tm->mday, tm->mon, tm->year+1900);
+                userinput(buf, sizeof(buf));
+                if(strlen(buf) == 0)
+                        break;
+                if(strlen(buf) != 8){
+                        print("!bad date format: %s\n", buf);
+                        continue;
+                }
+                tm->mday = (buf[0]-'0')*10 + (buf[1]-'0');
+                if(tm->mday > 31 || tm->mday < 1){
+                        print("!bad day of month: %d\n", tm->mday);
+                        continue;
+                }
+                tm->mon = (buf[2]-'0')*10 + (buf[3]-'0') - 1;
+                if(tm->mon > 11 || tm->mday < 0){
+                        print("!bad month: %d\n", tm->mon + 1);
+                        continue;
+                }
+                tm->year = atoi(buf+4) - 1900;
+                if(tm->year < 70){
+                        print("!bad year: %d\n", tm->year + 1900);
+                        continue;
+                }
+                tm->sec = 59;
+                tm->min = 59;
+                tm->hour = 23;
+                tm->yday = 0;
+                expsecs = tm2sec(tm);
+                break;
+        }
+        pw->expire = expsecs;
+        /* failed logins */
+        if(pw->failed != 0 )
+                print("clearing %d failed login attempts\n", pw->failed);
+        pw->failed = 0;
+        /* status bits */
+        if(isnew)
+                pw->status = Enabled;
+        for(;;){
+                print("Enabled or Disabled [default %s]: ",
+                        (pw->status & Enabled) ? "Enabled" : "Disabled" );
+                userinput(buf, sizeof(buf));
+                if(strlen(buf) == 0)
+                        break;
+                if(buf[0]=='E' || buf[0]=='e'){
+                        pw->status |= Enabled;
+                        break;
+                }
+                if(buf[0]=='D' || buf[0]=='d'){
+                        pw->status = pw->status & ~Enabled;
+                        break;
+                }
+        }
+        for(;;){
+                print("require STA? [default %s]: ",
+                        (pw->status & STA) ? "yes" : "no" );
+                userinput(buf, sizeof(buf));
+                if(strlen(buf) == 0)
+                        break;
+                if(buf[0]=='Y' || buf[0]=='y'){
+                        pw->status |= STA;
+                        break;
+                }
+                if(buf[0]=='N' || buf[0]=='n'){
+                        pw->status = pw->status & ~STA;
+                        break;
+                }
+        }
+        /* free form field */
+        if(isnew)
+                pw->other = nil;
+        print("comments [default = %s]: ", (pw->other == nil) ? "" : pw->other);
+        userinput(buf, 72);  /* 72 comes from password.h */
+        if(buf[0])
+                if((pw->other = strdup(buf)) == nil)
+                        sysfatal("strdup");
+        syslog(0, LOG, "CHANGELOGIN for '%s'", pw->id);
+        if(putPW(pw) < 0){
+                print("error writing entry: %r\n");
+                exits("can't write password file");
+        }else{
+                print("change written\n");
+                if(isnew && create(home, OREAD, DMDIR | 0775L) < 0){
+                        print("unable to create %s: %r\n", home);
+                        exits(home);
+                }
+        }
+        exits("");
+        return 1;  /* keep  other compilers happy */
+static void
+userinput(char *buf, int blen)
+        int n;
+        while(1){
+                n = read(0, buf, blen);
+                if(n<=0)
+                        exits("read error");
+                if(buf[n-1]=='\n'){
+                        buf[n-1] = '\0';
+                        return;
+                }
+                buf += n;  blen -= n;
+                if(blen<=0)
+                        exits("input too large");
+        }
diff --git a/src/cmd/auth/secstore/util.c b/src/cmd/auth/secstore/util.c
t@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+void *
+emalloc(ulong n)
+        void *p = malloc(n);
+        if(p == nil)
+                sysfatal("emalloc");
+        memset(p, 0, n);
+        return p;
+void *
+erealloc(void *p, ulong n)
+        if ((p = realloc(p, n)) == nil)
+                sysfatal("erealloc");
+        return p;
+char *
+estrdup(char *s)
+        if ((s = strdup(s)) == nil)
+                sysfatal("estrdup");
+        return s;