| | | (_) ______ _| | ___ __| |_ __ _ ___ ___ _ __ ___ |_ / _` | |/ _ \/ _` | |/ _` | / __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / / (_| | | __/ (_| | | (_| | _ | (_| (_) | | | | | | /___\__,_|_|\___|\__,_|_|\__,_| (_) \___\___/|_| |_| |_| Welcome to Zaledia.com gopherhole Some tools | |
Current time | |
Gopher version of my https://jsansonnens.ch blog (in french) | |
Phlog | |
Gopher access to Zenalio.ch fediverse instance | |
Public timeline | |
Federated timeline | |
List of known gopher servers (worldwide gopherspace) | |
List of active servers | |
List of dead servers | |
My guestbook | |
Read the guestbook | |
-- 2019-2021 Zaledia.com -- | |
Contact: Julien Sansonnens |