____     __   __                       __  _    
  / __/__  / /__/ /__ _______  __ _____  / /_( )___
 _\ \/ _ \/ / _  / -_) __/ _ \/ // / _ \/  '_//(_-<
/___/\___/_/\_,_/\__/_/ / .__/\_,_/_//_/_/\_\ /___/
  _______ ___ _/ /_ _  /_/            
 / __/ -_) _ `/ /  ' \                       
/_/  \__/\_,_/_/_/_/_/          Where nameless men
                            by nameless rivers wander 
   /\    /\    /\    /\       and in strange valleys
  /~~\  /~~\  /~~\  /~~\      die strange deaths alone
 /    \/    \/    \/    \       
  ~~~        ~~~        ~~~        ~~~       ~~~
    * Cameras * Camping * Chiptunes * Circuits *
        * Code * Coffee * Crypto * Cycles *
      and many things that don't begin with C
      ~~~        ~~~        ~~~        ~~~       ~~~

 -= Introduction ===============-

 I tinker with AVR circuits, Z80 computers and audio stuff.
 I listen to shortwave radio.  I shoot film and ride steel.
 I believe in the right to privacy and oppose mass surveillance.
 I try not to own too many things and to keep my life simple.
 I have a weekly chiptune show on aNONradio called "Half Hour of
 Power" that airs at 1800 UTC on Wednesdays
 I am the founder of circumlunar.space and the admin of the
 Mare Tranquilitatis People's Circumlunar Zaibatsu.

        o Email: solderpunk@posteo.net
        o XMPP: solderpunk@xmpp.circumlunar.space
        o Gemini: gemini://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/~solderpunk/
        o Web: https://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/~solderpunk/

 -= Verbose ramblings ==========-
 -= Hobbies / projects =========-
VF-1 Gopher client
Bicycle projects
Books I've read
Half Hour of Power playlists
Project Gemini - new net protocol
Shortwave DX logs
 -= Other gopher activity ======-
Lin Dze's Library (at Ryumin's Dome)
Shin-Salyut 6 (at Cosmic Voyage)
 -= Miscellaneous etc. =========-
Misc files
Gophernicus server uptime leaderboard