.けけけけ .moji ============================================
15-04-2022: melancholy on comms
14-05-2020: recovered
06-04-2020: COVID-19 updates
30-03-2020: COVID-19 in South London
07-03-2020: labyrinth
13-01-2020: agile vs. 'unix philosophy'
05-10-2019: dig no further (ROOPHLOCH)
30-09-2019: surface noise (ROOPHLOCH)
25-09-2019: ***new files DIR:[moji's files]
18-07-2019: internal combustion
01-07-2019: decaffeinated
10-06-2019: rain
02-06-2019: a link to the past
24-04-2019: re: Tomasino Q's
23-04-2019: re: digital minimalism
07-03-2019: the tree game
27-02-2019: eatin' peaches
30-01-2019: boundaries
17-01-2019: port70 (stickers!pt.II)
10-01-2019: port70 (stickers!)
06-01-2019: re:tfurrows, sketches & enterprise/fellowship
01-01-2019: sketches on computational culture
31-12-2018: #readingquestions
22-10-2018: red & amber
11-10-2018: technical culture
29-09-2018: unlearning
20-08-2018: swimming
18-08-2018: first post
[moji's files]