# PalmIII, Privacy, Unix Anniversary // 19-9-2

With great delight I've finally noticed
[fallingknive's gopherhole][1],
reporting about another
[PalmIII resurrection][2]! ^-^
I do hope the sibling of the device I'm
typing right now will be put to more
use than just impress kids; and if not,
I'm happy to pay the postage! *hint*

I found fallingknive's phlog through
an ongoing discussion about privacy.
Go read it, it's full of gems, although
there are some blatant inaccuracies
to be found in [there][3]:
"nobody reads this" doesn't seem to
be correct, as [slugmax' post][4] suggests.
The "angry user's" [post][5] totally
resonates with me -- thanks for the
excellent write-up!


Although I read some announcement
on SDF's bboard already, I did not
really notice this year's anniversary
of Unix, which started its existence
50 years ago. I won't write more
about it than pointing you at
[katolaz'][6] excellent post, though.


[1]: gopher://gopher.club:70/1/users/fallingknife/
[2]: gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/fallingknife/phlog/20190322-palm_III.txt
[3]: gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/fallingknife/phlog/20190629-cryptocurrency.txt
[4]: gopher://republic.circumlunar.space:70/0/~slugmax/phlog/2019-08-22-privacy-replies
[5]: gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/fallingknife/phlog/20190823_angry-persons-guide-to-privacy.txt
[6]: gopher://republic.circumlunar.space:70/0/~katolaz/phlog/20190901_unix_50.txt

*written on PalmIII*
(except for links added on publication
server, the Palm being offline)