With posts to my phlog like yesterday's, I must make actual programmers giggle. I'm having fun though. :) In any case, this morning, I came across a comment on Stack Overflow[1] saying that you can just add the line "#!/usr/bin/env python3" to the top of a python script, make it executable with chmod +x, and away you go. So, with that, I have a release with a semi-proper .deb installer[2]. It has an appropriate alpha software warning... Other than that, it's a quiet end to the long weekend (it's BC Day here). We're just hanging out and half-watching movies. [1] Comment by user Craig McQueen at https://stackoverflow.com/ questions/2429511/why-do-people-write-usr-bin-env-python-on-the- first-line-of-a-python-script. [2] https://github.com/Visiblink/antenna/releases/tag/v0.1.1