Jynx, of RPoD fame, was kind enough to 
send me an email explaining that you 
can link to finger from gophermaps and 
moku-pona (is the plural moku-poni? 
moku ponii?). It turns out, lynx (as 
well as Castor and Kristall) 
understands finger too. A simple


in lynx brings up my finger-log.

In any case, I followed Jynx's 
instructions to add my flog to my 
gopherholes as follows:

0Flog (Microblog on finger)[TAB]visiblink[TAB]zaibatsu.circumlunar.space[TAB]79

This works at my Zaibatsu gopherhole 
served by Gophernicus, but it does not 
work on my home server, which runs the 
python3 version of pygopherd. It 
appears to be inserting a slash before 
the username. I haven't updated it 
since installing, so I'll check for 
updates on github and put in a bug 
report if I don't see anything 

Neat on the net:

Katolaz's phrollo[1] -- a very compact 
shell script to generate a phlogroll. 
When I have the time to format a list 
of phlogs, I will undoubtedly make use 
of it.

wiby.me -- a search engine for simple 
non-commercial HTML sites. A nice 
feature: you can submit your own sites 
and they get added quickly. If you 
surf gopher or gemini regularly, 
you've probably also seen reference to 
the marginalia search engine (with a 
focus on text-heavy sites) in the 
Boston Diaries[2]. I've added both 
search pages to my bookmarks.

m15o's smol.pub on gemini -- there's a 
lot of interesting writing going on 
over there.

[1] http://git.katolaz.net/phrollo/

[2] gopher://gopher.conman.org/0Phlog:2021/07/07.2