We are experiencing a record-breaking 
heat wave here in the Southern 
interior of British Columbia. It is 
30C by 9 in the morning and reaches 
40C by afternoon. My wife and I have 
been waking up at 4:30 to get out for 
a walk before the heat. Sometimes I go 
for a bit of a bike ride afterward. It 
will be nice when the temperatures 
drop, but there's nothing below 32C in 
the forecast for the next two weeks.


Currently reading: Ezra Vogel, Deng 
Xiaoping and the Transformation of 
Modern China. It's a thoughtful and 
detailed account of Deng's life and 
mid-to-late twentieth-century Chinese 
history. His daughter's account of the 
Deng family's experience during the 
cultural revolution is also very 


Well worth a listen:

Sinobabble podcast at 
https://www.sinobabble.com/ or add it 
to your rss feeds: 


Jirka mentioned seeing in the Free 
Thinker's phlog[2] that you can use 
CTRL+Shift [ack! correction: Shift + 
Insert] to paste text in xterm[3]. 
That brings back memories of Word for 
DOS, which had the same paste 
shortcut. Maybe Edit did too. I use 
LXTerm and it allows you to use 
CTRL-Shift-X for cut, CTRL-Shift-C for 
copy, and CTRL-Shift-V for paste. It's 
nice to be able to add shift to the 
regular cut, copy and paste commands 
and just proceed as usual.


I've opted into Gemini mirroring here 
at the Zaibatsu, so you can read the 
phlog via Gemini too. That might make 
me reconsider my line-wrapping 
preferences, which were intended to 
facilitate mobile viewing. On the 
other hand, odd traditions are good 
things. :)


Congrats to cat on the birth of his 

[1] https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/422436.Deng_Xiaoping_And_The_Cultural_Revolution

[2] gopher://aussies.space:70/0/%7Efreet/phlog/2021-06-19Digital_Distancing.txt

[3] gopher://sdf.org/0/users/jirka/Phlog/2021_06_03.txt