I'm sure I'm irritating poor solderpunk with all my questions (I'm kidding!). His blog suggesting that we all consider hosting some free service has me thinking. I'm sure that I will do it. The question is what. So I'm going to think out loud here and consider the alternatives. Solderpunk's list included "webspace, gopherspace, email, XMPP, Mastodon." I can think of a few other options, including hosting an AIM server (I recently learned that someone is hosting a reverse-engineered one that works with all the old clients), a webOS Preware repository, an RSS feed service, a forum of some kind, a reddit replacement that's not VOAT, a listserv host, or a usenet server. One of the things that concerns me is what users might do with a free service and what I would be responsible for.... Speaking of usenet, I've been trying to get back into it for the last few months (via eternal-september.org), but it's difficult to get past some of the very combative personalities. Some of the posters seem to thrive on insults and contention. The guy at ymodem.org wrote a phlog post about closing comments on websites and his views on the low barriers to commenting seem reasonable (i.e., that if it's easy to comment, the comments are not as thoughtful). Perhaps that's why I'm really enjoying phlogs, but have not enjoyed my return to usenet. I think the ymodem.org guy is onto something. Gopher seems to attract the kind of people who put thoughtful effort into things. Anyways, if you have any other suggestions on what I might do with my server, send them to me at visiblink (at) gmx (dot) com. No guarantees that I'll accept your suggestions though! Whatever I do, I'll have to be interested in maintaining it. More another day. My wife made pizza dough (it had to sit in the fridge for two days... talk about slow food) and I'm being summoned to grate cheese and cut toppings.