Oh yeah? Prove it! (zaibatsu), 05/09/2019
This post is proof that I'm just going to write where I want 
to; normally my SDF phlog is reserved for techincal and 
computery stuff, but today I'm writing a tiny bit of that 
here on circumlunar.space. You'll also note a z80 and 
TOPS-20 section here in my gopher hole. Take that OCD brain!

Today I moved my ROM BASIC z80 computer out of the way and 
put the CP/M z80 computer back in its place. I had taken the 
CP/M system offline because the CF had some corruption. I 
repaired the damage, but it bothers me that it happend in 
the first place. I'm worried that my solder joints on the CF 
slot (they're tiny!) are poor. I love the little thing, but 
I don't want to use it if corruption will be ongoing.

My solution is to implement an SD card daughterboard, as a 
drop-in replacement for the CF daughterboard. I found 
schematics online, and just need to order a few more 74xx 
series ICs to get it going. The solder points are huge, 
perfect for the inexperienced! I'm hoping that it will prove 
more reliable.

Even so, it was just the *one time* that the CF failed me, 
and I think I recall it was while I was fiddling with 
ZAP.COM editing an ALIENS.COM game to try to get it to send 
codes that my terminal could use. Is it possible that could 
have borked other files in that same disk?