[Updated 11/29/2018]
New phlog entries will begin with the date, and will be
sorted properly thanks to tomasino's gophernicus script.

Some old files will still be sorted the way I do it
elsewhere, which is:

Gophernicus sorts directory listings alphabetically. That
means that, barring the use of CGI, phlog entires will
not generally be sorted by when they were posted, but in
a "random" chronological order according to the filename.

One solution to this is a filenaming convention that
allows you to use alphabetical sorting to specifcy
chronology. User papa on grex came up with the following
sort order. I've only listed the bare minimum information
for sorting files from one year (his "spec" allows for
a reference year, a previous and next year.) For the
full details, check out papa's gopher hole on grex.

From the reader's perspective none of this really matters;
just know that at the top you'll find the more recent
phlog post, and ignore the filenames.

Prefix "A"

Jan(1): N     May(5): J     Sep(9):  F
Feb(2): M     Jun(6): I     Oct(10): E
Mar(3): L     Jul(7): H     Nov(11): D
Apr(4): K     Aug(8): G     Dec(12): C

   1:  Z     12: O     23: D
   2:  Y     13: N     24: C
   3:  X     14: M     25: B
   4:  W     15: L     26: A
   5:  V     16: K     27: 9
   6:  U     17: J     28: 8
   7:  T     18: I     29: 7
   8:  S     19: H     30: 6
   9:  R     20: G     31: 5
   10: Q     21: F
   11: P     22: E