Gopher as a rural retreat ------------------------- I'm not proud to admit that, as gopherspace has continued to expand, I've become a little bit insular. I keep a fairly close eye on what's happening in circumlunar space, of course, and my own personal moku-pona feed keeps me up to date with the people I've been following for years. But aside from that, if it doesn't show up on Bongusta I'm quite liable to miss it. Since the SDF exodus of a year or so back, I've not really checked out any of the new phlogs that have appeared there. Fortunately not everybody is as slack as I am, and Tomasino's wonderful phlog roll[1] has given me the opportunity to slowly get a bit more up to date. I'm especially happy to have discovered SDFer mmeta4's "Our Global Predicament" phlog[2], which is right up my alley. Shane at[3] has a lot of really interesting stuff online as well, including a response to my robot bathroom rant[4] which I've only just found. Thanks, shane! But in keeping with my apparently iron-clad inability to use Gopher to do anything other than talk about Gopher, this post is mostly being written to share with anybody else who missed it a really nice thought that I found at another SDF phlog, this one by fallingknife[5]. Prompted by a friends' question of Why are you wasting time on something that is 30 years old [Gopher], when you could be doing something meaningful?", fallingknife draws the analogy that Gopher is like a "rural respite from the world wide web"[6]. I think there's something in that idea. There's a cathartic quality to gopherspace and the phlogosphere in particular which is at least partially due to both the simpler, slower mode of operation in which we participate in it and its feeling of remoteness and disconectedness from the rest of the internet. The of a rural retreat seems to capture this value pretty nicely. [1] gopher:// [2] gopher:// [3] gopher:// [4] gopher:// [5] gopher:// [6] gopher://