2020-07-20 // cobbled together thoughts, pt. 1
There's a WORD for being glued to the deluge of social media awfulness,
which I've found thanks to Hacker News [0]: "doomscrolling!" The
discussion about it is pretty lively, too; folks are largely reaching
the same sort of conclusions you'll find all over the Small Internet.

Life is pretty chill right now. My manager, who was pretty much the last
person to touch their nose [1] when they needed a manager, got to go
back to being a grunt with the rest of us. Work is busy, the firehose of
things to be done never lets up, but I'm of the "501 developer" [2] sort
so I'm not too bothered by it. The firehose will be there to drink from
tomorrow. :)

My friend J. and I are planning on going for another walk tomorrow!
Looking forward to exercise and chatting.

I started playing Baldur's Gate on the Nintendo Switch a few days ago.
I'm REALLY enjoying it. I've played through a good chunk of the game
before, but I think they did a bang-up job with the controls and it just
feels really good to play it handheld.

I've just started reading Ursula K. Le Guin's "The Dispossessed" [3].
Enjoying it so far. I'm really digging Le Guin's style of science
fiction. She's REALLY good at world-building and it's a real breath
of fresh air to be reading science fiction that isn't straight up
dystopian. With all the COVID-19 stuff going on in the world and our
Cheeto-in-Chief being, well, *waves generally*, I am not feeling up for
reading anything of the sort.

We ordered pizza tonight and it just got here, so off I go!

Until next time! Be safe and be well. :)


[0]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23893690
[1]: gopher://gopherpedia.com/0/Nose_goes
[2]: https://501manifesto.dev/
[3]: gopher://gopherpedia.com:70/0/The_Dispossessed