Hello again fellow gophernauts.

It's been way too long, unfortunately between the exceptional year
both globally  and personally, I haven't  been able to do  as much
here as I wanted. Alas, here I am attempting a ROOPHLOC entry.

This is a simple entry building upon last year. I'm hoping for one
modification with  the opening of  a local Winlink station  that I
can remove the digipeater which  should up throughput. Sadly, with
the apocalyptic conditions here (heavy smoke, intense heat, etc) I
wasn't able to bicycle to compose and send this message, opting to
travel via car, about 3mi (5km) away.

I'm looking forward  to everyone's entries! I have  some ideas for
additional  entries if  I  have the  opportunity. Secretly  hoping
someone enters via mesh network,  or via a modified cordless phone
link (wacky just before sleep idea I had for a remote desert phone
booth homage to the Mojave).

Anyways, be seeing you fellow text travellers.