\version "2.14.2"

songTitle = "A pickle song"
songPoet = "S.W. Black"
songCopyright = "2015 S.W.Black"

tuneArranger = \markup { tune of \italic{ Joy to the World! } }
tuneComposer = \markup { \smallCaps{Antioch} by Lowell Mason (1792–1872)}
tuneSource = \markup {from \italic {Hymns of the Kingdom of God}, 1910} % , via \italic{HymnsAndCarolsOfChristmas.com}}

albumProduct = "Other Carols from 2015"
albumCopyright = \markup {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License}
albumTagline = \markup {created for \italic {50/90 2015}}

% Fancier Copyright/Tagline messages
\include "../book/album.ily"

%% CONFIRM: Is the arrangement legit?
%% See: http://www.hymnsandcarolsofchristmas.com/Hymns_and_Carols/joy_to_the_world-1.htm

\header {
  title = \songTitle
  poet = \songPoet 
  composer = \tuneComposer 
  source = \tuneSource 

global = {
    \key d \major
    \time 2/4
    \tempo 4 = 70

sopMusic = \relative c'' {
  d4 cis8.\noBeam b16 |
  a4. g8 |
  fis4 e |
  d4. a'8 |
  b4. b8 | 
  cis4. cis8 |
  d4.\fermata d8 |
  d[ cis] b[ a] |
  a8.[ g16 fis8] d' |
  d[ cis] b[ a] | 
  a8.[ g16 fis8] fis |
  fis\noBeam fis\noBeam fis\noBeam fis16[ g] |
  a4. g16[ fis] |
  e8\noBeam e\noBeam e\noBeam e16[ fis] | 
  g4. fis16[ e] |
  d8( d'4) b8 |
  a8.[ g16 fis8] g |
  fis4 e |
  d2 \bar "|."

altoMusic = \relative c' {
  fis4 a8.\noBeam g16 |
  fis4. e8 |
  d4 cis |
  d4. a'8 |
  g4. g8 |
  g4. g8 |
  fis4. fis8 |
  fis8[ a] g[ fis] |
  fis8.[ e16 d8] fis |
  fis[ a] g[ fis] |
  fis8.[ e16 d8] d |
  d\noBeam d\noBeam d\noBeam d16[ e] |
  fis4. e16[ d] |
  cis8\noBeam cis\noBeam cis\noBeam cis16[ d] |
  e4. d16[ cis] |
  d8( fis4) g8 |
  fis8.[ e16 d8] e8 |
  d4 cis |

tenorMusic = \relative c' {
  a4 d8.\noBeam d16 |
  d4. b8 |
  a4. g8 |
  fis4. d'8 |
  d4. d8 |
  a4. a8 |
  a4. a8 |
  a4 d |
  d( a8)\noBeam a8 |
  a4 d |
  d( a8) d,\rest |
  d4\rest d8\rest a' |
  a\noBeam a\noBeam a\noBeam a\noBeam |
  a2~ |
  a4. a16[ g] |
  fis8( a4) d8 |
  d4( a8)\noBeam b |
  a4. g8 |

bassMusic = \relative c {
  d4 d8.\noBeam d16 |
  d4. g,8 |
  a4 a |
  d4. fis8 |
  g4. g8 |
  a4. a8 |
  d,4.\fermata d8 |
  d4 d |
  d4. d8 |
  d4 d |
  d4. r8 |
  r4. d8 |
  d\noBeam d\noBeam d\noBeam d\noBeam |
  a'4. a,8 |
  a8\noBeam a\noBeam a\noBeam a\noBeam |
  d4. d8 |
  d4. g,8 |
  a4 a |

origLyricsCommon = \lyricmode {
    \set stanza = #"1. "
    Joy to the world! the Lord is come;
    Let earth re -- ceive her King;
    Let ev -- ’ry __ heart __ pre -- pare __ Him 
    room, __

origLyricsalto = \lyricmode { 
    And heav’n and na -- ture sing,
    And heav’n and na -- ture sing, 
    And heav’n, and heav’n __ and na -- ture sing.

origLyricstenor = \lyricmode {
    And heav’n and na -- ture sing, __
    And heav’n, and heav’n __ and na -- ture sing.

origLyricsbass = \lyricmode {
    And heav’n and na -- ture sing,
    And heav’n and na -- ture sing,
    And heav’n and na -- ture sing.

lyricsA = \lyricmode {
    \set stanza = #"1. "

Pick -- les are good to eat for lunch.
They're packed with nu -- tri -- ents.
They're really yum -- my __
eat -- en __ dill~or sweet. __
Even bread'n but -- ter is good.
Even bread'n but -- ter is good.
Bread'n but -- ter pickles are real -- ly good.

lyricsB = \lyricmode {
    \set stanza = #"2. "

Pick -- les are good when on a ship.
They're packed with vita -- min C.
They prevent scur -- vy. __
They keep~you heal -- thy. __
Get pep -- pers if~you have~a choice.
Get pep -- pers if~you have~a choice.
Pep -- pers have more vit -- a -- min C.

lyricsC = \lyricmode {
    \set stanza = #"3. "

Pick -- les are good on sand -- wich -- es.
Sliced or spears on the side.
They really compli -- ment __
the sand -- wich -- es.
They're yum -- my and crunch -- y.
They're yum -- my and crunch -- y.
They~work with what -- ever __ you want to eat!

lyricsD = \lyricmode {
    \set stanza = #"4. "

Pick -- le fests are quite fun to see.
When there, it's fun to eat.
Drink pickle juice shots. __
Eat pickles on~a stick.
Maybe win a ribb -- on.
Maybe win a ribb -- on.
May -- be make prize pick -- les __ in your own home.

%# Pickles in a pouch
%# Deep-friend Pickles
%# Saurkraut?

    \tocItem \songTitle
    \header {
        title = \songTitle 
        poet = \songPoet 
        %dedication = \songDedication
        %translator = \songTranslator 
        composer = \tuneComposer 
        arranger = \tuneArranger 
        source = \tuneSource 
        copyright = \albumCopyright
        tagline = \albumTagline

    \score {
            \new ChoirStaff <<
                \new Staff <<
                    \new Voice = "sopranos" { \global \sopMusic }
                    %\new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \origLyricsalto
                    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsA
                    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsB
                    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsC
                    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopranos" \lyricsD
                %\new Staff <<
                    %\new Voice = "altos" { \global \altoMusic }
                    %\new Lyrics \lyricsto "altos" \origLyricsalto
                %\new Staff <<
                    %\clef bass
                    %\new Voice = "tenors" { \global \tenorMusic }
                    %\new Lyrics \lyricsto "tenors" \origLyricstenor
                %\new Staff <<
                    %\clef bass
                    %\new Voice = "basses" { \global \bassMusic }
                    %\new Lyrics \lyricsto "basses" \origLyricsbass


        \layout { }
        \midi {
            \set Staff.midiInstrument = "flute" 
            \context {
                \Staff \remove "Staff_performer"
            \context {
                \Voice \consists "Staff_performer"