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Complex Compo 1999 (virtual). All Works :: Files
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..: Music Compo :..

1: Twister's Dance Machine - Andrew Fer / Phantom Family
2: For Majam - Andrew Fer / Phantom Family
3: Sad Tune - Yerzmyey / Hooy-group
4: Memories - Mast / Fatality
5: Nothing - Zhenya / Zer0
6: Peace - TDM / K3L
7: Startrash - TDM / K3L
8: Driver - Kriss / Illusion / Reaction
9: Eliminator - X-agon / Naughty Crew
10: Flowers in the Sky - Siril / 4D
11: I'm a Power Maker - Ravager / Computer Rats Group
12: Seeing - MmcM / Sage group
13: Satellite One - Black Lord / Light Future Group
14: Utopia - Cat-Man / Claw / Exodus
15: Seduction - Factor 6 / Excellent Spectrum Aces
16: Kettary's - Siril / 4D
17: Back to the Life - Black Groove / Bleafop Squadron 1999
18: Broken Joystick - Arcadiy Gobuzov
19: Concept! - Sector / SMG / CTL
20: I want to Enlight'97 - Black Lord / Light Future Group
21: Needle - McMaker / Fatality
22: Draw - Kriss / Illusion / Reaction
23: Shock - Phantom Lord / Accept

..: Graphics Compo :..

1: My Kingdom - Diver / 4D
2: Dark Army - RAYman / 4D
3: Fregata - Ally^Phantom Family
4: Child - HAzaRd / Phantasy
5: Robosabla - CVM / ZeroTeam
6: Demon - Werewolves / Fatality
7: Cyber Demon - G.D. / 4D
8: Complex - HAzaRd / Phantasy
9: X-Real - RAYman / 4D
10: Court - Werewolves / Fatality
11: Face - G.D. / 4D
12: Everest - Colorbok^Phantom Family