Subj : please add, resubmittal
To   : Ross Cassell
From : Richard Webb
Date : Sun Mar 14 2010 03:26 am

HI Ross,

On Sat 2038-Mar-13 21:14, Ross Cassell (1:123/456) wrote to Richard Webb:

RC> the original incarnation was ml-baseball, is this a reincarnation of
RC> it or a new variant?

NEw, totally.  I saw the old one died for lack of interest,
including moderator.  DOn't know who old ml-baseball was,
but obviously he/she isn't that interested.  NO echolisting
for the ml-, so to make sure folks knew it wasn't anything
near the same used the underscore instead.

HOpe that helps.

--- timEd 1.10.y2k+
 * Origin: Radio REscue net operations BBS       (1:116/901)