Subj : mia moderators? more interesting stats
To   : Richard Webb
From : Ross Cassell
Date : Sat Jul 12 2008 08:31 pm

Hello Richard!

12 Jul 08 22:28, you wrote to me:

 RC>> Some list echoes just to prevent ressurection.

 RW> Yah, I can bet so.  Hard to understand what they'd get out of it but
 RW> ...

I do the same thing with echoes I once had on the backbone..

What we have had happen recently is a guy listed expired echoes and then turns 
around ressurects them with imported content from the newsgroups, of the 21 
echoes that came out of BACKBONE.NO, most of them were of this variety and I 
saw no traffic in them that originated on Fidonet.

So when I decide to retire an echo, I want it to stay that way.

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