Subj : sqafix query, hope I'm not off topic
To   : Sean Dennis
From : Richard Webb
Date : Thu May 31 2007 05:32 am

Sean Dennis wrote in a message to Richard Webb:

SD> Richard Webb wrote in a message to Marty Blankenship:

 RW> Might take another look at seal if somebody with a pots mailer in
 RW> continental U.S. has it for freq.

SD> You already have it, Richard.  Look on the CD I sent you.  Should be
SD> SEAL250 or something like that.

SD> I quit using SEAL as it started chewing up my SQUISH.CFG for some
SD> reason-never could figure out why.  But I use NEF now for my
SD> filefix/TIC processing.  Works great and it's free.  I don't use an
SD> areafix as I've no need for one. 

Yah found it after I said that, looked at the files.bbs again.  FOund it, but 
got the bugs worked out of sqafix, and so far I'm happy. I'm watching it, it's 
supposed to do some neat things, such as:

A point requests an area, would be made passthrough.
THe echo has no traffic in x days.

IT automagically sends an unlink request to my uplink, notifies the point a 
couple days ahead of time that it's going to do this.

MIght be traveling for business, and need the bbs to be as automatic as 
possible, and plain ascii config files can be updated from remote with no 
hassle, unlike pulldown menu driven sw that has to be changed on site. YEs I 
have security in place so that just not everybody can send me config files <g>. 
My personal point can send config files to the system, but when it breaks open 
the archive it looks for a certain filename, and then searches for pwd in that 
file.  IF not found, no config files are changed. Think I'll stick with the 
devil I've come to know, now that I've discovered through some playing what I 
needed to do differently.

Gradually sneaker netting stuff from that cd to my maximus downloadable files. 
Put the cd in the wife's machine, have her open up a dos box and let me go to 
work filling floppies <g>.

.... Support bacteria. They're the only culture some people have.
--- timEd 1.10.y2k+
 * Origin: Radio REscue on fidonet       (1:116/901)