Subj : packets
To   : Peter Knapper
From : Mvan Le
Date : Wed Dec 27 2006 03:15 pm

 PS> Tried that, doesn't compress the file, but it is 
 PS> in cut format not *.pkt
 PS> Tosser doesn't seem to like anything but *.pkt files.

 PK> .CUT files ARE .PKT files, but with a ROUTING file extension.

 PK> Squish packs mail into .PKT format files, and then the 
 PK> ROUTE.CFG section tells Squish what you wish to DO with 
 PK> those files. The .CUT extension is simply a .PKT format 
 PK> file that has been RENAMED into a format for sending to 
 PK> a node. If you want to use .PKT files "au natural" 
 PK> (natively) then use the LEAVE command in ROUTE.CFG to 
 PK> tell Squish to NOT touch the created .PKT file.

According to Squish.doc, the Leave command makes mail inaccessible to polling 
systems. Thus nothing gets sent because their file extensions change to *.N?T.

--- Maximus/2 3.01
 * Origin: Top Hat 2 BBS (1:343/41)