Subj : files.bbs to 00index.html?
To   : Eric Renfro
From : mark lewis
Date : Wed Oct 21 2015 10:47 am

20 Oct 15 16:44, you wrote to me:

 ER>>> Now that I have a dedicated binkd HUB system, I'm trying to come up
 ER>>> with sane ways to make the fileechos available via ftp and http,
 ER>>> since there's no actual BBS on the HUB itself, and I have no
 ER>>> intentions of running a second BBS. :)

 ML>> you don't have to run a BBS to have file areas available via FREQ...

 ER> True. Since I tried out mfreq and liked it, my HUB now fully supports SRIF
 ER> FREQ requests. So, that part works. My hub also runs http and ftp, so the
 ER> files are available both ways. But, the problem with both of those is they
 ER> lack displaying descriptions. In Firefox, at least, if a 00index.html file
 ER> exists in the ftp directory, it will display the description along-side 
 ER> file, which is why I wanted it. Primarily that reason alone. ;)

ahhh... that sounds like it is derived from the other 00index standard that 
some ftp servers or clients follow... i can't remember which... IIRC, though, 
if that file exists, it is read and the contents are sent to the client so they 
can show descriptions like BBSes have always done... i don't recall if it was 
the client that requested it and formatted the display or if it was the server 
and how it sent the data to the client...

this article (literally) seems to indicate that the 00index files come from 

there's not a lot of info available about 00index files, though... i do 
remember setting up a ftp client some time back and specifically listing 
files.bbs as the files for it to use in the same was as 00index files... it 
worked fairly well but it was long ago...

 ER>>> I'm curious if anyone happends to know of any Linux utils to convert
 ER>>> files.bbs files into 00index.html, off-hand. I know it's a bit of a
 ER>>> long shot, but hey, I want to try, else I could likely write my own
 ER>>> in bash or perl or python or ruby..

 ML>> i don't understand why such a utility would be needed?

 ER> Just to display filename, file description, etc.. They can look it up
 ER> obviously in the available files.bbs or allfiles archive, but still, 
 ER> it inline with the file listing is all that much more coherently
 ER> understandable.

if the basic format is the same, just copy files.bbs to 00index... it should 
just work since both are simply text files... i don't know if or how any clicky 
links are generated, though... i did actually write a program to export my 
remoteaccess bbses files databases to html files since RA doesn't use files.bbs 
files... that was kinda fun but the ftp side is a bit lacking as i've never 
followed up with files.bbs or 00index files for that side of the fence...


.... Sex IS dirty... If you're doing it right.
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