Subj : Crashmail II To : Lars Kellogg-Stedman From : Rj Clay Date : Mon Feb 11 2013 07:51 am Hi Lars!~ 10 Feb 13 11:48, you wrote to me: RC>> And since Debian is my primary dev platform, that means that RC>> using what you're currently useing for testing isn't particularly RC>> useful to me or to the packaging... LS> The "roundup" script is included in the package, and since it's just a LS> shell script I suspect you can use it without a problem. I will be looking at that, but my preference would be a least for something that is already available in Debian, if not also available on at least MS Windows. (I'm much more familiar with the testing facilities available to Perl modules and script than I am for the same kind of things for C programs...) LS> Calling it "not useful" seems...wrong? Please keep in mind that while I can understand why you went the linux only route with what you're doing, my intention with what I'm working on is to keep it cross platform; even if I can't support all of the platforms directly myself. (For instance; I usually maintain at least one MS Windows VM, but don't have a similar setup for OS/2...) So my preference would be for something usable (if not already available) on all of the platforms. OTOH; you're certainly correct that a test suite should be available and since 'roundup' is based on a shell script which can be included with the distribution (like you've already done), that means there is no concern about conflicting package names. (Not sure if that would be considered an embedded library, which is frowned upon in Debian, since it's only for testing...) And perhaps I could set a dependency for running the test suite for there being a bourne shell available (it has been ported all over, after all, even though it may not be available by default). LS> Having a test suite has already flushed out several bugs. Yes, I saw that (and I like to use similar kind of thing for Perl modules and scripts); which is why I also am interested in having the same kind of thing. LS> If you're aware of another Bourne shell test harness that's as easy LS> to use Not that I've been able to find, so far. Did find something called "cmdtest" ("blackbox testing of Unix command line programs") in Debian but that requires python. Jame --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20111217 * Origin: RJC eeePC (1:120/419)