Subj : George Bush
To   : Spaceman Spiff
From : Quicksilver
Date : Wed Jan 09 2002 08:26 pm

RE: George Bush
BY: Spaceman Spiff to Finnigann on Fri Jan 05 2001 07:50 pm

 >  > Even though the national debt is our largest problem (fiscally, of
 >  > course)

What's really sad is how muc money this country has lent (or given) to other 
nations to help them "rebuild" or whatever.  Money we never have seen any 
return on financially.

I REALLY don't want to get into political discussions, especially with all 
the finger pointing, angst, bumper stickers, comercialization of etc. as a 
result of Sept. 11th.  No matter who is in office, no matter what else may 
change over time there will always be something that could be done 
differently or better.  And there will always be someone better off than you 
or me or whoever, and someone worse.

Personally, everytime I see the hypocrisy, greed, corruption, predjudice, 
etc. that makes up the world I really think the Universe would be better off 
if we just nuked the planet and let whatever powers that be start over.  But 
then I see little babies, and puppies, and horses and the range of life that 
isn't as motivated by some of the stupidity that moves the human race and I 
try to deal with another day.

Blowing off some steam on things always helps, but for those who think it's 
so bad here in the states, just remember, you could be in Afghanistan.

