Subj : George Bush
To   : Evan Thacker
From : Finnigann
Date : Thu Dec 14 2000 09:39 pm

ET>Well, it's offical.  4 years of BS start NOW.  One Bush was bad enough.  On the
  >plus side, this means we'll be hearing some more rock songs with samples of a
  >Bush.  Remember how the Republicans made such a big deal about "I didn't
  >inhale?"  Well, we know have a guy in there with 3 arrests that was formerly
  >addicted to cocaine.  Suddenly, "I didn't inhale" doesn't sound so bad.

Where were you two months ago...

....still hoping for grid lock in congress. Suddenly the worst they can
do sounds pretty bad. Dad and Reagan ran the National debt up to 4
Trillion dollars... watch party boy have some fun to night.

"... No innocent man was executed while I was governor." -GWB

James King, Coldwater, Mi     And that's JIM to you guys! 
        Tip of the day: