Subj : Re: Killer
To   : Dale Shipp
From : Aaron Thomas
Date : Tue Sep 22 2020 02:06 pm

DS> He has denigrated the wearing of masks on many occasions.  Did you not
DS> listen?

No, I don't take health advice from the Orange One. But if he has anything 
else to say, I'm all ears.

DS> What you are ignoring with that statement is that it is not just you
DS> taking a chance.  Such behavior puts all the people you come into
DS> contact with at risk, some of who are in more vulnerable categories.

Vulnerable people should stay home instead of going out to a Trump rally. Same
goes with all of Biden's protesters. Biden has more employees at these 
protests than Trump has attendees at his rallies.

DS>  AT> We have the freedom to take a chance with the coronavirus. The
DS> What you are ignoring with that statement is that it is not just you
DS> taking a chance.  Such behavior puts all the people you come into
DS> contact with at risk, some of who are in more vulnerable categories.

The only way to take away our "freedom to take a chance with coronavirus" 
would be to take people to jail for not wearing masks. But how can that be an 
effective deterrent for non-maskers when we're letting everyone out of jail?

DS> It is not the foreigners who are dangerous.  It is your neighbors who
DS> allow themselves to be exposed to the virus without adequate
DS> protections.

Anyone desperate enough to enter the USA, infected or not, can still get here.
There's nothing the president can do about it. The USA will never be one 
of the first countries to defeat coronavirus.

A vaccine sounds great, but just like the non-maskers, there's the 
anti-vaxers. If we make it a crime not to vaccinate, same deal; people go to 
jail with the coronavirus, they get out in 24 hours, and they're back on the 
street still without the vaccine.

--- Renegade vY2Ka2
 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)