Subj : Re: Democrat Lies
To   : Lee Lofaso
From : Aaron Thomas
Date : Thu Aug 20 2020 09:28 am

LL> Free college tuition should be available for all. Nobody should

I'm with you on that, sorta, but if you ever want it to happen, I encourage 
you to stop calling it "free college tuition." The word "free" makes it
sounds reckless to conservatives.  It doesn't have to be that way.

I think gimpy Andrew Cuomo sorta did it right in NY. There are rules that 
could make the student have to pay the tuition back if they fail too many 
courses, or if they fail to register for a full-time schedule.

Stuff like that should be included in a national version of "government
subsidized college education."

LL> a living by flipping hamburgers at some fast food joint?

I'm confident that some people DO earn a living flipping burgers. Their 
payroll tax shouldn't be funding people who want to be journalists. I guess it
would be more justified if their payroll tax funded police academy students, 
or medical school students; let the burger flippers get some value out of 
their payroll tax. Let's not work ourselves to death just so Hunter Biden can
become a marine biologist.

--- Renegade vY2Ka2
 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)