Subj : Re: Travel Ban?
To   : Dale Shipp
From : Gregory Deyss
Date : Wed Apr 22 2020 08:58 am

On 22 Apr 2020, Dale Shipp said the following...
 DS>  -=> On 04-21-20  08:24,  Gregory Deyss <=-
 DS>  -=> spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Tuesday Briefing <=-
 DS>  DS> Did it? He "closed the borders" and yet tens of thousands of people 
 DS>  DS> came from China to the USA since then.
 DS>  GD> You seem to lack the understanding of what a travel ban means. 
 DS> I understand -- it seems that you and Trump do not.
 DS>  GD> It should be obvious. As this is not a trick question.
 DS>  GD> Travel Ban means exactly that. No Travel in to the U.S. from China
 DS>  GD> So please do explain how "tens of thousands of people" came from Chin
 DS>  GD> to the USA since then.
 DS> Nearly 40,000 Americans and authorized travelers have come into the U.S.
 DS> from China since President Trump imposed travel restrictions more than
 DS> two months ago, the New York Times reports.

Then there is the problem you're taking much as FACT from the Failed NY Times.
If they are writing more fake news, and your putting it there as fact what
does that say about you?
They have been caught many times writing a story of they need to offer an
apology and or a retraction. You unaware of this, because why?