Subj : Nice
To   : Aaron Thomas
From : Lee Lofaso
Date : Mon Apr 13 2020 07:48 pm

Hello Aaron,

>LL>He can declare martial law.
>But how can anyone enforce it?

He has federalized the national guard, activating one million of them
to serve in this crisis.

>I'm guessing that Trump looked at it that way.

Of course.  He's the prez who wishes to be a dictator.

>He can declare anything he wants, but if he tried to "declare martial law"
> then people, especially those with TDS, would rebel against the
> authorities.

How far did the Black Panthers get when they tried that approach?
The governor of Louisiana had his state troopers shoot them dead,
ask questions later.  Does the president have the balls to order
the national guard to shoot on sight?  Would the national guard
act on his orders?

>Nobody is listening to Trump more than they have to - am I right?

His daily campaign events (White House daily briefings) have become
more sporatic as of late.

>You & Dan Cross both have expressed your frustration with Trump's handling
> of the crisis, but you're both very vague about what Trump should have done
> different or what he should be doing differently now.

That should be enough to answer your questions as to why people are so
frustrated with Trump's response and what needs to be done.

Even today, the president still does not have a plan in regards to
the coronavirus pandemic.  His incompetence in this matter is truly

>I take it back - Dan did give some examples, such as increase government
>research on the virus - but research has begun, according to the media.
>They're saying that there are 2 vaccines being tested currently.

I seriously doubt any safe and effective vaccine will be found.
Not now, in the near future, or ever.  The Spanish Flu began in the
same way, had three waves, killed millions of people worldwide, and
no vaccine was ever found.  Jumped from bat to animal to man.  Same
as the coronavirus.  After the major waves made their rounds, the
Spanish Flu continued to circulate for another 38 years.

>Trump didn't take the warning seriously 3 months ago? What could he have
>done? 3 months ago, if Trump closed America to international travel "over a
>virus" then Nancy Pelosi would lay a golden egg! Democrats & the media would
>LOVE the opportunity to say "he's using some stupid virus as an excuse to
>close the border because he's racist!"

Read the article by Vox (cited above).  It explains all.

>He's not a psychic, not god, not a pandemiologist, just a guy who can lead
>the country toward economic prosperity. We face horrible issues in life -
>they can't all be pinned on the president. How about my middle school
>principal? Was it his fault that some kid slugged me? "What a terrible
>school! It's all that lousy principal's fault!"

Trump owns this mess.  All of it.


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