Subj : Re: Golf
To   : Gregory Deyss
From : Dan Cross
Date : Thu Apr 09 2020 09:47 am

On 07 Apr 2020 at 06:21p, Gregory Deyss pondered and said...
 GD> On 08 Apr 2020, Dan Cross said the following...
 GD>  DC> Obama compared his poor bowling performance to the special
 GD>  DC> olympics.  It was a disgusting gaffe and he should have
 GD>  DC> known better; he apologized.  Trump did the a mocking imitation
 GD>  DC> when describing a physically disabled reporter.
 GD> Go on... 
 GD> There is more to the story, but of course you left that part out,
 GD> because it does not fit your narrative. 

Nah.  That's really all there was.

 GD> The reporter was caught not indicating the Truth. 

Nah.  That's the right-wing lie, but not true.

But even if it was, does that excuse Trump's imitation?

See, this is the thing with you guys.  You think you're
so smart: you think you're being slick by talking about
"the other part of the story" or whatever and that by
doing so you're detracting from the thing that Trump
_actually_ did.  But ... you're not.  Trump still did
that thing.

Do you think Trump's mocking of the guy's handicap is OK?

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