Subj : Re: Pandemic
To   : Gregory Deyss
From : Dale Shipp
Date : Fri Apr 03 2020 01:41 am

 -=> On 04-02-20  07:50,  Gregory Deyss <=-
 -=> spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Pandemic <=-

 GD> Wrong. There parts of the U.S. where the COVID-19
 GD> is under control an
 GD> yet other places where a lot more caution is
 GD> deemed necessary such NY
 GD> and Washington State.

 DS> Really -- where is it under control?

 GD> There are counties within states that have no COVID-19. 

And what about the counties around them?  The fact that they do not yet
have verified infections of covid-19 does not mean that they will not
get them, or that they may not already have untested infections.  It
will not be under control anywhere until it is under control everywhere.

It cannot be said that it is under control until after the infection has
hit, and then beaten.

 GD> I remain that confident that we will get through this.

Of course we will get through this -- but at a high cost, both in human
life and economically.  The cost would have been less if we, as a
nation, had acted sooner -- but we did not and are now paying the price.

                               Dale Shipp
                  fido_261_1466 (at) verizon (dot) net

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