Subj : Biggest Crash Ever!
To   : ALL
Date : Fri Mar 20 2020 07:04 pm

On 03-14-20, LEE LOFASO said to TIM RICHARDSON:

LL>Hello Tim,

>GD>What the real punchline is, that you won't admit or give credit to Trump.
>DC>There's nothing to give that numbskull credit for.
>DC>He's flubbed everything he was handed so far, and
>DC>is failing miserably with the 2019-nCoV pandemic.
>DC>The guy's bankrupted everything he's ever touched.
>DC>He's a fool with no skills, no intellectual curiosity,
>DC>no empathy or care for anyone that isn't himself.
>I love the way Trump has a talent for setting lefties off on a raving fit!

LL>Fuck the election, put Biden in charge now.

Here's a question I saw asked recently about Bernie Sanders, but it also
applies to Joe Biden:

If Biden and Sanders think their socialist policies are so good....why didn't
they both move to socialist countries instead of becoming millionaires in

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